schöpferischer Sprung Krisen-Management und Integration Kurzinhalt Buch-Cover Stimmen zum Buch � Buchrezensionen Funk und Fernsehen Buchrezensionen zu "Krisen-Management und Integration" (chronologisch) Bestseller der Reihe: Theorie und Praxis der Erwachsenenbildung (gegr. 1967) Buch-Prospekt M Warum gerade ich ...? > Dr. Michael Roehl, Redaktionsleiter 'Bildung und Wissenschaft'. Deutschlandfunk (DLF). Köln, 2004 Why me? > Prof.Dr. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, Direktor des Deutschen Instituts für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE). Bonn. 2003 Brückenbau -Afrika > Ministerialdirigent Dr.Axel Vul11ius, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (BMBW). Bonn im gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, Direktor des Deutschen Instituts für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE). Bonn gegebenen Tschernobyl . 1�- q lnterview. Bonn. 2003 :j > Prof.Dr. Wiltrud Gieseke, Lehrstuhl Erwachsenenbildung. Humbold-Universität Berlin, 2003 > Prof.Dr. Hans Tietgens, Direktor der Pädagogischen Arbeitsstelle des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (PAS/DW), des heutigen Deutschen Instituts für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE), Bonn. 1988 > Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (BMBW), Bonn, 1988 > Dr. KarlAlfred Odin, Feuilleton-Leiter der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (FAZ). Frankfurt, 1986 > Dr. KarlAlfred Odin, Feuilleton-Leiter der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (FAZ). Frankfurt, 1986 > Prof.Dr. Horst-Georg Pöhlmann, Lehrstuhl Ev. Theologie. Universität Osnabrück, 1984 > Dr. Elmar Schaar, Regierungsdirektor, Staatsministerium für Kultus, München. 1984 > Prof.Dr. Herbert Susteck, Lehrstuhl Sonderpädagogik, Universität Bochum, 1983 > Prof.Dr.Derbolowsky:, Leiter des Berufsbildungszentrums Hamburg, 1983 > Prof.Dr. Karl E. Dienst, Leiter der Abt. Bildung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Ev. Kirche Hessen-Nassau (EKHN), 1982 > Prof.Dr. Herbert Susteck, Lehrstuhl Sonderpädagogik, Universität Bochum, 1982 > Prof.Dr. Christo11h Bäumler, Lehrstuhl Praktische Theologie. Universität München, 1981 > Prof.Dr. Franz Pöggeler, Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Pädagogik, Universität Aachen. 1981 > Prof.Dr. Hans-C. Pi11er, Direktor des Zentrums "Clinical Pastoral Training"(CPT), Med. Hochschule Hannover (MHH), 1981 >Prof.Dr. M. Maneke, Direktor des Gesundheitsamtes Hannover und des Sozialpädiatrischen Zentrums der MHH, 1981 > Prof.Dr.Andreas Möckel, Lehrstuhl Sonderpädagogik, Universität Würzburg, 1981 >Prof.Dr. Gerhard Greza, Abteilungsleiter. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung. Bonn, 1980 > Prof.Dr. Jürgen Henningfilm, Lehrstuhl Erziehungswissenschaften, Universität Essen, 1980 > Prof.Dr. Paul S11orken, Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Ethik. Universität Maastricht, NL, 1979 > Prof.Dr. Horst Ru11recht, Lehrstuhl Bildungsforschung und Erwachsenenbildung, Universität Hannover, 1979 > Prof.Dr. Wilhelm Mader, Lehrstuhl Erwachsenenbildung und Psychotherapie. Universität Bremen, 1979 >_�_Zusammenstellung aller Stimmen und Rezensionen zu "Krisen-Management und Integration" (1.8 MB) ersity professor Tokyo/Berlin, � [!] this book national 1988 in Tokyo book which for me has been a revelation of the crisis spiral. How , possibly empathise with me so closely? And how can that person 3S a 'quest' or the attempled kflling of my own child as a 'dealh ndencies of other parents affected by crisis? 3ses, bul innumerable times; at every phase of life since the aisis 1 Matter" (Suhrkamp, paperback 1972, Tokyo 1964). Now I feel ved from getting to know the process for dealing with crisls. From i now feel challenged to become the companion and supporter of Prof. Dr. Juerqen Moltmann Faculty of Protestant Theoloqy Univers ProtestantStudv Community FEST Heidelberg 198' � She succeeds in the proof: Theology has to retum to the suffering ... Erika Schuchardt succeeded in a wondertul way to state her 'questions has to relum to suffering ... This book is full of experience and insight. lt IE W. Rupprecht mother of a affected child Goettingen 1984 � Rarely have I feit so grateful to an author and so well understood ... Rarely have I feit so grateful to an author, and so weil understood (by tl development undergone by many parents described in such a way ... Karin Dzlonara Chief Journalist Feuilleton Hannoversche Allqemefflt Challenge of new Understanding- Literature Award for Erika Schuct nselves, as a present: Every page of this book is a precious pearl, 1ing and for life in general „ WCCI and 1n (LWFJ St.Paul!Minneapolis USA 1987 �-� l Lutheran World Federation sight and guidance. This we feel ls done in a remarkably helpful nglish, '"Why is this happening to me ... ?" - a kind of ·narrative ... The scientific emphasis of the investigation and research regarding the so-called disabled persons in an educational and religious context ... Bishop Prof. Dr. Eduard Lohse Chairman of the Council of the Evan, Christians and the Mvstery of Suffering ... even Christians cannot really decode the mystery of suffering ... , but tt: Literary Council of the German AssociaUon of Protestant Libraries o. theology Leipzig 198S � ves' but seldom as empathic partners' capped persons in her research (subject) deserves highly respect. )t the problem, rather the not yet affected ones become a problem ntensified not only within the society at large but also within the 1stltute of Educatlon ge for medicine, theology and education, for counselling, diaronal 1sses. - The book is a personal help both for the affected volume for which one has lo be grateful... heVBielefeld 1994 � �fulness and pralse his book and journeys its way which brings together healthy and iter experiences which give plenty reason to be thankful and to 1fferinq as a chance for learnlng rn person - has been understood. But I am even more touched that he cry of the affected and that you persisted and that the German 1rge and the 2,500 Protestant bookstores of living together and lar hour by the very question �hy mer Would it not be much 1 order to concretise this at least to some extent, 1 would like to e. 1 would like to donate lhe remuneration to "The Training A rich source for Bibliotherapy ...(The book is) a rich source, for example the classified annot.ated bibliog1 book meets all demands, i. e. literary quality ... good legibilily and multiple Dr. Carl Figura Asslstant Director in the Mlnfstry of Cultural Affalrs I. Fascinating guide into a new dimension of human life ... A book with demands a highly pedagogic level .. The value or this reflec bibliography of the auto-biographies - classified and annolated - to a kinc was reminded of a saying of one of his teachers, namely, when he was re book does have just one weak point, namely, that he himself is not the au· dedicated to this volume .. Meinhardt Schmidt�Degenhardt Chief Journalist 'Gesellschaft und I<. Mainz 1981 God ls not In charqe of hls ' •. .' ground statt people llke you and me ... Erika Schuchardl's book contains experiences which force me to think 1 make it obvious ....that to live with an handicap is a ongoing process of le. live differently from the guidelines/prescriptions of the present society . Pastor Wolfgang Finger. Chairman of the Westfalian Diaconic lnstitu Birthday Present in Bethel Pace maker for all kind of traininq furth ... A rich source of 'case studies' ... l'd like to emphasise this 'pedagogic � education Erika Relsch/e-Schedle Pastor and Cantor- blind by blrth • Kßnlgst Faith setting free for Aggression: This was a kind of revelationl The scientific findings of lhe present book touched me like a revelation: G, The book became a foundation for our further training programme . Prof. Dr. Paul Sporken First Chair of Medical Ethics Maastricht UnitJ A pioneering scientific book a social ethical challenge ... Here, too, Erika Schuchardt has broken new ground. She does not onli nP.nnlA hut thA l'luthnr hAr.c.P.1f in hAr livinn niVA"- vMri AviriAnr:A nf l'I hl'lrmn
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