BILINGUALER SACHFACHUNTERRICHT Literaturempfehlungen und Ressourcen für die Unterrichtspraxis im Fach Geographie (Stand Dezember 2015) Williams, A. F., Montgomerie, F. (2010): Oxford Content and Language Support: Geography Paperback. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hoffmann, R. (2010): Diercke Geography Bilinguale Module. Developing Countries (German) Pamphlet. Braunschweig: Westermann Schulbuchverlag. Fresse, P. (2010): Viewfinder Topics. New York. Students' Book: The Big Apple. Berlin, u.a.: Langenscheidt. Mita, B.; Staedler, S. (2010): Viewfinder Topics. India. Students' Book. Berlin, u.a.: Langenscheidt. Grimm, N. (2011): Viewfinder. Utopia and Dystopia - Students' Book: Bright Future or Impending Doom?. Berlin, u.a.: Langenscheidt Cleary, M. (2008): World Around Student's Book. Audio CD Paperback. Osimo: Helbling Languages. Cleary, M. (2006): Talking Culture Student's Book and CD-ROM Multimedia CD. Osimo: Helbling Languages. Clemen, G.D.B (2011): American Cities. Canterbury: Black Cat Publishing. Clemen, G.D.B (2010): Exploring Places. Canterbury: Black Cat Publishing. Burgees, J. (2009): Natural Environments. Canterbury: Black Cat Publishing. Penn, J. (2014): Free Time Around the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Martin, J. (2014): Wild Weather. Level 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Westermann Schulbuchverlage (Hrsg.) (2011): Bilinguale Module für die Sekundarstufe I. Braunschweig: Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg. Kelly, K. (2009): Geography, Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series (with key). Oxford: Macmillan Education. Gallagher, R.; Parish, R. (2014): Geog.1 Student Book (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gallagher, R.; Parish, R. (2014): Geog.2 Student Book (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gallagher, R.; Parish, R. (2014): Geog.3 Student Book (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. German Geographical Society (Hrsg.) (2014): Educational Standards in Geography for the Intermediate School Certificate with sample assignments. 3rd edition. (22.11.2015).
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