Elena Karagjosova B [email protected] Í www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/mitarbeiter/karagjosova/ Ph.D. Personal data Date of birth 05.04.1970 Place of birth Sofia, Bulgaria Civil status Married, 3 children Education 2004 Dr.Phil., Saarland University, Germany; Doctoral dissertation: The Meaning and Function of German Modal Particles; Supervisors: Manfred Pinkal and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova (Saarland University), Henk Zeevat (University of Amsterdam); Grade: magna cum laude 1998-2003 Postgraduate studies, Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University 1996-1997 DAAD-scholarship for postgraduate studies at the Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University 1995-1996 Postgraduate studies in applied linguistics, Sofia University, Bulgaria 1994 Dipl. Germ., Sofia University; Grade: 6.0 (excellent) on a scale from 6 (highest) til 2 (lowest) 1993 M.A., University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada; Grade: A+ (excellent) 1993 Graduate studies in German language and literature and German as a second language, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada 1987-1992 Studies in German language and literature, English, German as a second language and translation studies, Sofia University 1987 Petko Napetov highschool, Sofia; Grade: 6.0 (excellent) on a scale from 6 til 2 Professional background 04/2015- Lecturer, Department of German Language and Linguistics, Humboldt University, Berlin 02/2015- Interpreter and translator (German, Bulgarian, English), Gemeindedolmetschdienst Berlin 01/2014- Researcher, Project NoT (Norwegian Tags), Department of Language and Literature, NTNU, Trond05/2014 heim, Norway 11/2012- Lecturer, Department of Modern Languages and Department of Language and Communication 06/2013 Studies, NTNU 10/2012- Interpreter and translator (Norwegian, Bulgarian, German), Noricom AS, Trondheim, Norway 06/2014 04/2011- Maternal leave 04/2014 04/2009- Member of staff, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart 04/2014 11/2010- Visiting researcher at CAS (Center for Advanced Studies), The Norwegian Academy of Science, 03/2011 Oslo 12/2007- Maternal leave 04/2009 11/2005- Postdoctor, the SPRIK project (Languages in Contrast, NFR-158447), University of Oslo 11/2008 03/2007- Visiting researcher at Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (IMS), University of Stuttgart 06/2007 03/2004- Maternal leave 11/2005 2003 Researcher, the projects DIALOG and MiLCA, Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University 2002 Researcher, the SIRIDUS project (Specification, Interaction and Reconfiguration in Dialogue Understanding Systems, EC IST-1999-10516), Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University 1997-1999 Research assistant, the VERBMOBIL project, Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University 06-07/1998 Research assistant, the PLATFORM project, The German Institute of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken 1994-1996 Translator (English, German, Russian), Bulgarian National Television 1993-1994 Editor, Balkan Information Pool news agency, Sofia 1990-1996 Translator and interpreter (German, English) Teaching summer 2015 Introductory course Discourse relations, Department of German Language and Linguistics, Humboldt University, Berlin summer 2013 summer 2013 11/2012 summer 2010 summer 2010 TYSK3401 Specialisation, Department of Modern Languages, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway LING1113 Formal semantics, Department of Language and Communication Studies, NTNU TYSK1101 German Grammar I, Department of Modern Languages, NTNU Semantics I, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart Pragmatics II, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart winter Pragmatics I, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart 2009/2010 summer 1996 Translation, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Sofia winter Supervised instructional practice: German, Department of German and Russian, University of New 1993/1994 Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada summer 1992 Supervised instructional practice: German, The German College in Sofia and High school Nr. 76 in Sofia, Bulgaria Publications Doctoral dissertation 2004 The Meaning and Function of German Modal Particles. Saarabrücken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. Master Thesis 1994 Zwei linguistische Textmodelle und ihre Anwendung. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada. Articles in journals and collective volumes to appear Predicate Clefts in Bulgarian. Peter Lang [with Katja Jasinskaja]. 2012 Conjunct adverb ’doch’ and the notion of contrast. Linguistics 50(1), 27–64. 2012 On the discourse function of particles in post-initial position. Lingua 122, 1819-1842. 2011 Discourse particles, discourse relations and information structure. The case of ’nämlich’. International Review of Pragmatics 3(1), 33–58. 2009 Towards a DRT-based account of adversative connectors. In: A. Riester and E. Onea (eds.), Working papers of the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart, 35–52. 2009 Adverbial ’doch’ and the notion of contrast. In: B. Behrens and C. Fabricius-Hansen (eds.), Structuring Information in Discourse: The Explicit/Implicit Dimension (= Oslo Studies in Language 1), 131–148. 2009 A unified DRT-based account of accented and unaccented middle field ’doch’. Sprache & Datenverarbeitung 33(1-2), 77–93. 2009 The history and grammaticalization of ’doch’/’toch’. In: ZAS Papers in Linguistics Nr. 51 [with Henk Zeevat] 2004 German ’doch’ as a marker of given information. Sprache & Datenverarbeitung 28(1), 71–78. 2003 Modal particles and the common ground: Meaning and functions of German ’ja’, ’doch’, ’eben’/’halt’ and ’auch’. In: P. Kühnlein, H. Rieser and H. Zeevat (eds.), Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millenium, John Benjamins, 335–349. Selected articles in conference proceedings (∗=peer reviewed) *2011 Elaboration and Explanation. In: Proceedings of Constraints in Discourse IV, Agay-Roches Rouges, Var, France. [with Katja Jasinskaja] *2009 A monotonic model of denials in dialogue. In: Proceedings of DiaHolmia, the 13th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Stockholm. *2007 Contrast and underspecification. In: Groenn, A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Sinn und Bedeutung Conference, Oslo. *2006 The German response particle ’doch’ as a case of contrastive focus. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Logic and Language, Besenyötelek, Hungary. *2006 Correction and acceptance by contrastive focus. In: Proceedings of BranDial, the 10th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, University of Potsdam, Germany. *2004 A view on dialogue move taxonomies for tutorial dialogues. In: Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Boston, USA. [with D. Tsovaltzi] *2003 Marked informationally redundant utterances in tutorial dialogue. In: Proceedings of DiaBruck, the 7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Saarbrücken, Germany. *2002 Conditional responses in information seeking dialogues. In: Proceedings of the 3rd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. [with I. Kruijff-Korbayova] *2002 Enhancing collaboration with conditional responses in information-seeking dialogues. In: Proceedings of EDILOG, the 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Edinburgh, UK. [with I. Kruijff-Korbayova and S. Larsson] 2001 Interpreting utterances with modal particles. In: Proceedings of IWCS-4, the 4th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, Tilburg, Holland. Technical reports(∗=peer reviewed) *2005 Dialogue moves for DIALOG. Project DIALOG, Saarland Universtity. [with D. Tzovaltsi] *2002 Flexible Dialogue. SIRIDUS deliverable D1.4. [with S. Larsson, G. Amores and D. Tzovaltsi] *2002 Improving System Output Using the Information State. SIRIDUS deliverable D5.1. [with I. KruijffKorbayova, S. Ericsson, C. Garcia, R. Jonson, P. Manchon, K. Rodriguez and J. Quesada] Unpublished manuscripts Borthen, K. and E. Karagjosova (under preparation) Etterhengte småord i norske dialekter. Borthen, K. and E. Karagjosova (under preparation) The meaning and function of Norwegian da. Karagjosova, E. (under preparation) The interaction between prosody, syntax, lexical semantics and pragmatics: Accented and unaccented discourse particles across languages. Karagjosova, E. (under preparation) The semantics of Bulgarian c̆e- and da-clauses. Karagjosova, E. Modal particles as speech act shaping devices. Karagjosova, E. Nonfinite co-eventive adjuncts in Bulgarian. A survey of Bulgarian converbs and participles for adverbial modification. Karagjosova, E. (under preparation) A unified account of specificational and causal ’nämlich’. Book reviews 2007 Elena Yakovleva. Deutsche und russische Gespräche. Ein Beitrag zur interkulturellen Pragmatik. Languages in Contrast 7(2). Organisation of conferences and courses 2009 Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwsten 2009, conference organised with Prof. Klaus von Heusinger, Department of Linguistics, University of Stuttgart 2006 Intonation and information structure. Course by Dr. Stefan Baumann, University of Köln, performed at ILOS, University of Oslo Peer reviewing and editorial work Conferences ESSLLI 2000 Student Session, DiaBruck 2003, Workshop on Formal and Computational Approaches and to Discourse and Other Particles 2005, Sinn und Bedeutung 12 2007, Sinn und Bedeutung 13 workshops 2008, DGfS 2011 Workshop on Implicatures and Discourse Relations, Workshop on Discourse Expectations 2013 Books Reinhard Blutner & Henk Zeevat (utg.) 2004. Optimality Theory and Pragmatics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave/Macmillan. Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen & Wiebke Ramm (utg.) 2008. Subordination versus Coordination in Sentence and Text. A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. Journals Oslo Studies in Language, Languages in Contrast, Linguistics in the Netherlands, Lingua 2009-2011 Editorial assistant for Semantics. An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, C. Maienborn, K. von Heusinger and P. Portner (eds.) 2011-2013, Berlin: de Gruyter. Invited talks 04/2014 The interaction between prosody, lexical semantics and pragmatics: Accented and unaccented discourse particles across languages. Speech, Cognition and Language Research Group (SCaLa), Institute for Psychology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway 12/2011 The focus particle ’auch’ in post-initial position. Institut für Sprach- und Kommunikationsstudien, NTNU 12/2011 The focus particle ’auch’ in post-initial position. Department of Language and Communication Studies, NTNU 04/2008 Towards a DRT-based account of adversative connectors. Workshop on Focus at the SyntaxSemantics Interface, University of Stuttgart 06/2007 Satzarten und Sprechakte. Department of Linguistics, Universität Frankfurt/Main 10/2007 Kontrast und Unterspezifikation. Die Semantik der adversativen Konnektoren ’aber’ und ’doch’. Instituttseminar, Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (IMS), University of Stuttgart 09/2006 Correction and acceptance by contrastive focus. Seminar for theoretical linguistics, University of Oslo 11/2001 The role of modal particles in utterance illocution and context update. The DIP Colloquium, ILLC, Amsterdam University Scholarships 2007 1998-2001 1996-1997 1994-1996 1992-1993 1990-1992 Research grant from HF, University of Oslo, for a research visit at IMS, University of Stuttgart Ph.D.-scholarship from ”Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft”, the Saarland University Research grant fra DAAD at the Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University Ph.D.-scholarship from the University of Sofia Master scholarship from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada Monthly grant for excellence from the Bulgarian Ministry of Education 1990, 1991 DAAD-Scholarship for the International Summer Schools for graduate students in German in Magdeburg and Berlin Computer skills Plattforms: Unix, Linux, Macintosh, Windows Systems for acoustic analysis and speech syntheis: Praat, EMU, Festival, MARY Programming and markup languages: Prolog, HTML, XML, Perl Languages Bulgarian German English Norwegian Russian French native near native fluent fluent good basic skills
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