A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields Joint work with E. Spodarev Jürgen Kampf | Institute of Stochastics | October 2, 2015 WAGP 2015, Ulm Seite 2 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf Random field = Set of random variables indexed by Rd = Stochastic processes with index set Rd Aim: Examine asymptotic behavior of random variable Z f (X (t)) dt, Wn where (X (t))t∈Rd is a random field and f : R → R is a deterministic function as Wn approaches the whole space. | 2.10.2015 Seite 3 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Theorem 1 (Bulinskii & Zhurbenko, 1976) Let (X (t))t∈Rd be a stationary, measurable random field fulfilling some α-mixing assumptions. Let f : R → R be some measurable map such that (f (X (t)))t∈R fulfills integrability assumptions. Let (Wn )n∈N be a VH-growing sequence of compact sets of Rd , e.g. Wn = Bn (0) = {t ∈ Rd | ktk ≤ n}. Then R Wn f (X (t)) dt − λd (Wn ) · E[f (X (0))] d p → N (0, σ 2 ), λd (Wn ) as n → ∞, where σ2 = Z Rd Cov f (X (0)), f (X (t)) dt. Seite 4 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Theorem 2 (Meschenmoser & Shashkin, 2011) Let (X (t))t∈Rd be a stationary, measurable, associated random field fulfilling some integrability and regularity assumptions. Let (Wn )n∈N be a VH-growing sequence of compact sets of Rd . Then the sequence of stochastic processes defined by R 1[u,∞) (X (t)) dt − λd (Wn ) · E[1[u,∞) (X (0))] p Yn (u) := Wn λd (Wn ) converges in distribution to a centered Gaussian process Y with covariance function Seite 5 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Cov(Y (u1 ), Y (u2 )) = Z P(X (0) > u1 , X (t) > u2 ) − P(X (0) > u1 ) · P(X (t) > u2 ) dt Rd as n → ∞ in the Skorokhod topology. Seite 6 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Replace indicator functions by more general functions? Consider the space V of Lipschitz continuous functions with norm kf k := Lip f + |f (0)|. Theorem 3 Let (X (t))t∈Rd be a stationary and measurable random field. Assume there n ∈ N, δ > 4 and C , l > 0 with n/d > max{l + δ/(δ − 2), δ/(δ − 4)} such that αγ (r ) ≤ Cr −n γ l for all γ ≥ 2κd , r > 0, and EX (0)δ < ∞. Seite 7 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Let (Wn )n∈N be a VH-growing sequence of compact sets of Rd . Then the sequence of stochastic processes defined by R f (X (t)) dt − λd (Wn ) · E[f (X (0))] p , f ∈ V, Φn (f ) := Wn λd (Wn ) converges in distribution to a centered Gaussian process Φ with covariance function Z Cov f (X (0)), g (X (t)) dt Cov(Φ(f ), Φ(g )) = Rd as n → ∞ in the weak topology. Seite 8 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf Sketch of the proof: According to Oppel (1973) it suffices to show: 1. The finite-dimensional distributions converge appropriately. 2. The processes Φn have linear and continuous paths. 3. The process Φ exists and has a version with linear and continuous paths. For 1.: Employ Cramér-Wold-technique 2.: Trivial | 2.10.2015 Seite 9 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 For 3. (Continuity of limiting process): Employ theory of GB- and GC-sets What is this theory about? For a Hilbert space H with scalar product h·, ·i the isonormal process is the centered Gaussian process Φ with Cov(Φ(f ), Φ(g )) = hf , g i. Sets, on which a version of the isonormal process has bounded / continuous paths, are called GB / GC -sets. Seite 10 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 How to apply this theory to our problem? Define scalar product such that Φ becomes the isonormal process: hf , g i = Cov(Φ(f ), Φ(g )) Z = Cov f (X (0)), g (X (t)) dt Rd This is a symmetric, non-negative definite, bilinear form. Passing to equivalence classes and completion we obtain a Hilbert space. We have to show that (the projection of) B := {f ∈ V | kf kLip ≤ 1} is a GB-set. Seite 11 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Let N() be the minimal number of elements of an -net on B. An -net on B are elements f1 , . . . , fn ∈ B such that ∀g ∈B : ∃i∈{1,...,n} : kfi − g kh·,·i < . It is well known (see e.g. Dudley, 1999, Chapter 2) that it suffices to show Z 0 1 (log N())1/2 d < ∞. (1) Seite 12 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 For m ∈ N and c > 0 consider the Lipschitz functions f with I f (0) = 0 I On each interval [(k − 1)c, kc], k = −m + 1, . . . , m, the function f is either increasing with constant slope 1 or decreasing with constant slope −1. I On (−∞, −mc] and [mc, ∞), the function f is constant. Under appropriate inequalities on , c and m, these functions form an -net with (1). Seite 13 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf Does the asymptotic variance Var(Φ(f )), f ∈ V , vanish? For Gaussian random fields with non-negative covariance function: Var(Φ(f )) = 0 ⇐⇒ Var(X (0)) = 0 or f is constant | 2.10.2015 Seite 14 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Construction of a field X (t)t∈Rd that fulfills all assumptions of Theorem 4, but Var(Φ(f )) = 0 for all f ∈ V : Consider a Poisson-Voronoi-mosaic, i.e. a random partition of Rd into convex polytopes. X (t) := λd ({v ∈ C (t) | kv − ξt k ≤ kt − ξt k})/λd (C (t)), where C (t) is the cell in which t lies and ξt is its nucleus. t ξt t ∈ Rd , Seite 15 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields Z Z | Jürgen Kampf 1 f (x) dx · λd (C ) f (X (t)) dt = C 0 for each (random) cell C . Z Z f (X (t)) dt ≈ W 1 f (x) dx · λd (W ) 0 for each (large, deterministic) compact set W ⊆ Rd , strengthened by mixing properties of Poisson-Voronoi-mosaic. ⇒ The variance vanishes asymptotically. | 2.10.2015 Seite 16 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf Further issue: Orthogonality in (V , h·, ·i) For a certain class of random fields constructed with help of Lévy-Meixner-systems we obtained explicit ONBs. Open questions Can Theorem 3 be derived I for a space larger than V ? I under association instead of mixing assumptions? | 2.10.2015 Seite 17 A functional central limit theorem for Lebesgue integrals of mixing random fields | Jürgen Kampf | 2.10.2015 Literature: [1] A.V. Bulinskii, I.G. Zurbenko: A central limit theorem for additive random functions, Theory of Probability and its Applications 21, 1976, 707–717. [2] D. Meschenmoser, A. Shashkin: Functional central limit theorem for the volume of excursion sets generated by associated random fields, Statist. Probab. Lett. 81(6), 2011, 642-646. [3] U. Oppel: Schwache Konvergenz kanonischer zufälliger Funktionale, Manuscripta Math. 8, 1973, 323 – 334. [4] R. Dudley: Uniform Central Limit Theorems, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
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