Philipp Niklot Hacker, LL.M. (Yale) Curriculum Vitae CONTACT INFORMATION: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Lehrstuhl für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht Unter den Linden 9 10117 Berlin email: [email protected] phone: +49 30 2093 3498 DATE OF BIRTH: 15.01.1985 Born in Würzburg, Germany CURRENT POSITIONS: PhD student and research fellow at the chair for European and International Private and Business Law of Professor Stefan Grundmann at Humboldt University of Berlin Member of the Graduate School “Unity and Difference in the European Legal Sphere” at Humboldt University of Berlin Founder and organizer, Humboldt Private Law Workshop Founder and organizer of the Humboldt Comparative and European Law Lectures (HUCELL) EDUCATION: 1995-2004 Wirsberg High School in Würzburg, Germany March to July 2000 Attendance of the German School of Paris August to December 2001 Attendance of the private Casady High School, Oklahoma City, USA Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae June 2004 Final exams at Wirsberg High School, Germany, with advanced level classes in mathematics and French; Grade: 1.0 (on a scale ranging from maximum of 1.0 to a minimum of 4.0), 833 out of 840 points Winter Term 2004/05 – Summer Term 2009 Legal studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Main courses and seminars: Antitrust Law, European Economic Law, Media Law, Unfair Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law Summer Term 2005 and Winter Term 2005/06 Secondary studies in philosophy at the University of Philosophy, Munich February – August 2007 Exchange semester at the law school of the University of Salamanca, Spain Main courses: Contract Law and Private International Law April 2009 – April 2010 Secondary studies in German literature and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich July 2009 First State Exam in law Top 0.5 % of class in Bavaria May 2010 – May 2012 Compulsory legal trainee program (Rechtsreferendariat) in Berlin May 2012 Second State Exam Top 1 % of class in Berlin and Brandenburg Since July 2012 Ph.D. with Professor Dr. Dr. Stefan Grundmann, LL.M. (Berkeley) at Humboldt University of Berlin on alternatives to the information model in private law and the normative implications of behavioral economics October 2013 – May 2014 LL.M. program at Yale University Main classes: securities regulation and corporate law; contracts; behavioral law and economics; political and legal philosophy Grades: straight “Honors” for all graded classes; a final grade for the entire LL.M. does not exist at Yale PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: June 2007 Internship with the law firm of Professor Llamas Pombo in Salamanca, Spain Focus of activities: Spanish Private, Corporate and Insolvency law 2 Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae December 2007 – May 2010 Scientific assistant to Professor Wolfgang Fikentscher, at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Chair for European and International Competition Law, and at the Max-PlanckInstitute for Competition, Intellectual Property and Tax Law in Munich Main topics: Legal Anthropology, Antitrust Law, Law of the Capital Markets January – April 2010 Scientific assistant to the Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Competition, Intellectual Property and Tax Law, Professor Josef Drexl Main topic: Study project in the Law of the Capital Markets July 2012 – July 2013 Scientific assistant at Noerr LLP in the corporate law department October 2012 – April 2013 Teaching assistant at Humboldt University of Berlin in commercial and company law January – July 2013 Foundation and organization of the PhD seminar at Professor Grundmann’s chair January – May 2014 Foundation and organization of the reading group “The Debates on Rationality in Social and Legal Analyses” at Yale Law School, jointly with Professor David Singh Grewal January – May 2014 Editor, Yale Journal on Regulation Since October 2014 Scientific assistant at Professor Grundmann’s chair at Humboldt University of Berlin Since December 2014 Foundation and organization of the Humboldt Private Law Workshop Since May 2015 Foundation and organization of the Humboldt Comparative and European Law Lectures (HUCELL) AWARDS AND MEMBERSHIPS: 1999/ 2000 Second prize in the final round of the Bavarian State Mathematics Competition 2003 Second prize in the first round of the German National Mathematics Competition First Prize with the languages English and French in the final round of the German National Foreign Language Competition, the largest and most competitive language competition in the country, sponsored by the German Government; 2 – 4 individuals receive the First Prize every year after four rounds of selection out of roughly 800 initial candidates 3 Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae Subsequent admission to the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) (membership until October 2009), the most prestigious national scholarship foundation in the country capitalized by the German Government 2004 Apollinaire-Award of the Robert Bosch Foundation for special merits in the French Advanced Level Class Passing of the Bavarian Special Exam for Highly Gifted Students and subsequent admission to the Bavarian Scholarship Association Prize of the Corporations of Würzburg for the best performance at the Bavarian Special Exam for Highly Gifted Students in Lower Franconia Admission to the Stiftung Maximilianeum in Munich, an scholarship institution awarding the most selective student scholarship in Germany; it includes free board and lodging during the time of studies for students from all disciplines within the House of the Bavarian Parliament; the scholarship is limited to 4 – 8 students admitted each year out of approximately 400 passing the final high school exams in Bavaria with the top grade of 1.0 Second prize with the languages of French and English in the final round of the German National Foreign Language Competition 2009 Agnes Ament Scholarship for the studies of German Literature and Philosophy, awarded by the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich 2013 ERP Scholarship (European Recovery Program) of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) to support the completion of the LL.M. program Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to support the completion of the LL.M. program Arthur T. Vanderbilt Scholarship of NYU (declined) Yale Law School Scholarship (declined due to funding from Germany) Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship of the State of Berlin to support the completion of the PhD thesis in law PUBLICATIONS: Monograph: FAIRECONOMY – CRISES, CULTURE, COMPETITION AND THE ROLE OF LAW, 19 MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Springer, Heidelberg et al., 2013, 150 pages (with Wolfgang Fikentscher and Rupprecht Podszun). 4 Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae Reviews: Adi Ayal, 45 International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 734736 (2014). Marco Saverio Spolidoro, Rivista delle Società 2014, 940-941. Book Chapters: Rethinking Autonomy, in: CONSUMER RESEARCH HANDBOOK (Hans-W. Micklitz, Kai Purnhagen & Anne-Lise Sibony eds., Edward Elgar, forthcoming). Versicherung und Verbriefung – Der Irrweg der Kommission auf der Suche nach einer Regulierung von derivativen Finanzprodukten [Insurance and Securitization – How the Commission has been led astray in Its Search for a Regulation of Derivative Financial Products] in: VERSICHERUNGSMECHANISMEN IM RECHT [Insurance Mechanisms in Law] (Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming). Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals: The Behavioral Divide. A Critique of the Differential Implementation of Behavioral Law and Economics in the US and the EU (forthcoming, European Review of Contract Law). Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals: „Korruptionsamnestie“: Eine neue Vokabel im nachhaltigen Kampf gegen Korruption [„Amnesty for Corruption“: A New Term in the Fight against Corruption], Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 2009, 4-6 (with Alexander Schemmel). Rechtsgeschäfte mit Unbekannten? Zu dogmatischen und praktischen Tücken im Umgang mit kartellrechtswidrigen Joint Ventures [Transactions with Unknown Parties? On Doctrinary and Practical Difficulties in Dealing with Joint Ventures Violating Antitrust Law], Rheinische Notar-Zeitschrift 2014, 349-365 (with Christoph Spiering). Leere Hülse, volle Haftung? Plädoyer für eine Insolvenzausnahme bei Unternehmensfortsetzung und wirtschaftlicher Neugründung [Empty Shell, Full Liability? Advancing a Liability Exemption for the Continuation of Companies after Insolvency], ZIP 2015, 761-770 (with Andrea Petsch). Working Papers: Overcoming the Knowledge Problem - Behavioral Economics, Uncertainty, and Legal Concepts of Human Agency. More Behavioral vs. More Economic Approach: Explaining the Behavioral Divide between the US and the EU 5 Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae Nudging and Autonomy. A Philosophical and Legal Critique. Debiasing as Disenchantment? Moral and Political Limits of Debiasing Learning and the Law. Individual, Institutional, and Interrelated Processes (with Georgios Dimitropoulos) VERHALTENSÖKONOMIK UND NORMATIVITÄT. ALTERNATIVEN ZUM INFORMATIONSMODELL IM PRIVATRECHT [BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND NORMATIVITY. ALTERNATIVES TO THE DISCLOSURE PARADIGM IN PRIVATE LAW] (Dissertation, in German). TALKS AND LECTURES: January 2013 “Zwischen Gemeinwohlutopie und illiberaler Dystopie – Gedanken zum debiasing im Privatrecht“, Lecture at the PhD Seminar, Humboldt University of Berlin July 2013 “Bounded Rationality and Legal Concepts of Human Agency - Towards a Transparent System of Trade-Offs in Unfair Competition and Tort Law”, Lecture at the PhD Seminar, Humboldt University of Berlin November 2013 “Debias Them!? Towards a Critical Theory of Reducing Biases and Uncertainty in Private Law”, Lecture at the 3rd Yale Doctoral Scholarship Conference, Yale Law School, New Haven January 2015 “The Knowledge Problem in Behavioral Law and Economics – A Decision Theoretic Perspective”, Lecture at the Humboldt Private Law Workshop, Humboldt University of Berlin February 2015 “Bounded Rationality, Uncertainty, and the Disclosure Paradigm in Private Law Overcoming the Knowledge Problem in Behavioral Law and Economics”, Lecture at the Private Law Forum for Doctoral Researchers, European University Institute, Florence May 2015 “Versicherung und Verbriefung – Der Irrweg der Kommission auf der Suche nach einer Regulierung von derivativen Finanzprodukten” [Insurance and Securitization – How the Commission has been led astray in Its Search for a Regulation of Derivative Financial Products], Lecture at the conference “Versicherungsmechanismen im Recht”, LMU Munich. June 2015 “Learning and the Law. Individual, Institutional, and Interrelated Processes”, Lecture at the Humboldt Private Law Workshop, Humboldt University of Berlin (with Georgios Dimitropoulos) 6 Hacker, Philipp – Curriculum Vitae July 2015 “The Promises and Perils of Behavioral Law and Economics”, Class taught at the Global Law and Governance Summer School, Cap Sounion, Greece (with Ioannis Lianos) Panelist on the panel concerning “The New Frontiers of the Regulatory Enterprise: Behavioral economics and psychology, RCT, socio-metrics”, EPLO and IMEDIPA Conference “The Future of Regulation”, Athens, Greece COMMUNITY SERVICE AND COMMITMENT: 2002-2004 Representative of the native village of Gerbrunn in the Youth Council of City Partnerships in Lower Franconia 2002-2006 Part of the organizing team of the Africa Festival in Würzburg, responsible for translation and interpretation, event management and support of musicians Since 2015 Voluntary work for the Zionskirche, Berlin-Mitte LANGUAGES: German: mother tongue English: fluent in oral and written expression French: fluent in oral and written expression Spanish: fluent in oral and written expression Portuguese: medium knowledge Latin: advanced knowledge Medieval German: medium knowledge 7
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