Publikationen 2015

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Boettcher B, Palige K, Jacobs en ID, Hube B, Brunke S (2015) Cs r1/Zap1 Maintains Zinc Homeos tas is and
Influences Virulence in Candida dubliniens is but Is Not Coupled to Morphogenes is . Eukaryot Cell 14: 661-670
Brandes S, Mokhtari Z, Es s ig F, Hunniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2015) Automated s egmentation and tracking
of non-rigid objects in time-laps e micros copy videos of polymorphonuclear neutrophils . Med Image Anal
Brunke S, Quintin J, Kas per L, Jacobs en ID, Richter ME, Hiller E, Schwarzmuller T, d'Enfert C, Kuchler K, Rupp S,
Hube B, Ferrandon D (2015) Of mice, flies - and men? Comparing fungal infection models for large-s cale
s creening efforts . Disease Models & Mechanisms 10.1242/dmm.019901
Bruns T, Lutz P, Stallmach A, Nis chalke HD (2015) Low as citic fluid protein does not indicate an increas ed ris k
for s pontaneous bacterial peritonitis in current cohorts . J Hepatol 10.1016/j.jhep.2015.03.040
Bruns T, Zimmermann HW, Pachnio A, Li KK, Trivedi PJ, Reynolds G, Hubs cher S, Stamataki Z, Badenhors PW,
Wes ton CJ, Mos s PA, Adams DH (2015) CMV Infection of Human Sinus oidal Endothelium Regulates Hepatic T
Cell Recruitment and Activation. J Hepatol 10.1016/j.jhep.2015.02.046
Cambau E, Bauer M (2015) Multi-pathogen real-time PCR s ys tem adds benefit for my patients : yes . Intensive
Care Med 41: 528-530
Duggan S, Leonhardt I, Huenniger K, Kurzai O (2015) Hos t res pons e to Candida albicans bloods tream
infection and s eps is . Virulence 6: 316-326
Ekaney ML, Bockmeyer CL, Sos s dorf M, Reuken PA, Conradi F, Schuerholz T, Blaes s MF, Friedman SL, Los che
W, Bauer M, Claus RA (2015) Pres erved expres s ion of mRNA coding von Willebrand factor-cleaving proteas e,
ADAMTS13 by s elenite and activated protein C. Molecular medicine 10.2119/molmed.2014.00202
Gabrielli E, Pericolini E, Luciano E, Sabbatini S, Ros elletti E, Perito S, Kas per L, Hube B, Vecchiarelli A (2015)
Induction of Cas pas e-11 by As partyl Proteinas es of Candida albicans and Implication in Promoting
Inflammatory Res pons e. Infection and immunity 83: 1940-1948
Geis C, Ritter C, Rus chil C, Weis haupt A, Grunewald B, Stoll G, Holmoy T, Mis u T, Fujihara K, Hemmer B,
Stadelmann C, Bennett JL, Sommer C, Toyka KV (2015) The intrins ic pathogenic role of autoantibodies to
aquaporin 4 mediating s pinal cord dis eas e in a rat pas s ive-trans fer model. Exp Neurol 265: 8-21
Goeb E, Reymann S, Langhaus er F, Schuhmann MK, Kraft P, Thielmann I, Goebel K, Brede M, Homola G,
Solymos i L, Stoll G, Geis C, Meuth SG, Nies wandt B, Kleins chnitz C (2015) Blocking of Plas ma Kallikrein
Ameliorates Stroke by Reducing Thromboinflammation. Ann Neurol 77: 784-803
Götz T, Milde T, Curio G, Debener S, Lehmann T, Leis tritz L, Witte OW, Witte H, Haueis en J (2015) Primary
s omatos ens ory contextual modulation is encoded by os cillation frequency change. Clinical Neurophysiology
Gros s e C, Bergner N, Dellith J, Heller R, Bauer M, Mellmann A, Popp J, Neugebauer U (2015) Label-free imaging
and s pectros copic analys is of intracellular bacterial infections . Analytical Chemistry 87: 2137-2142
Hagel S, Reis chke J, Kes s elmeier M, Winning J, Gas tmeier P, Brunkhors t FM, Scherag A, Pletz MW (2015)
Quantifying the Hawthorne Effect in Hand Hygiene Compliance Through Comparing Direct Obs ervation With
Automated Hand Hygiene Monitoring. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 10.1017/ice.2015.93: 1-6
Hartog CS, Benbenis hty J (2015) Unders tanding nurs e-phys ician conflicts in the ICU. Intensive Care Med
10.1007/s 00134-014-3517-z
Hartog CS, Schwarzkopf D, Riedemann NC, Pfeifer R, Guenther A, Egerland K, Sprung CL, Hoyer H, Gens ichen J,
Reinhart K (2015) End-of-life care in the intens ive care unit: A patient-bas ed ques tionnaire of intens ive care
unit s taff perception and relatives ' ps ychological res pons e. Palliat Med 29: 336-345
Has elmann H, Ropke L, Werner C, Kunze A, Geis C (2015) Interactions of Human Autoantibodies with
Hippocampal GABAergic Synaptic Trans mis s ion - Analyzing Antibody-Induced Effects ex vivo. Front Neurol 6:
Heinekamp T, Schmidt H, Lapp K, Pahtz V, Shopova I, Kos ter-Eis erfunke N, Kruger T, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage
AA (2015) Interference of As pergillus fumigatus with the immune res pons e. Seminars in Immunopathology
37: 141-152
Hube B, Hay R, Bras ch J, Veraldi S, Schaller M (2015) Dermatomycos es and inflammation: The adaptive
balance between growth, damage, and s urvival. J Myc Med 25: E44-E58
Huenniger K, Bieber K, Martin R, Lehnert T, Figge MT, Loeffler J, Guo R-F, Riedemann NC, Kurzai O (2015) A
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Second Stimulus Required for Enhanced Antifungal Activity of Human Neutrophils in Blood Is Provided by
Anaphylatoxin C5a. J Immunol 194: 1199-1210
Joynt GM, Lipman J, Hartog C, Guidet B, Paruk F, Feldman C, Kis s oon N, Sprung CL (2015) The Durban World
Congres s Ethics Round Table IV: health care profes s ional end-of-life decis ion making. J Crit Care 30: 224230
Karch A, Cas tell S, Schwab F, Geffers C, Bongartz H, Brunkhors t FM, Gas tmeier P, Mikolajczyk RT (2015)
Propos ing an empirically jus tified reference thres hold for blood culture s ampling rates in intens ive care
units . Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53: 648-652
Klinger-Strobel M, Lautens chlager C, Fis cher D, Mainz JG, Bruns T, Tuchs cherr L, Pletz MW, Makarewicz O
(2015) As pects of pulmonary drug delivery s trategies for infections in cys tic fibros is - where do we s tand?
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 10.1517/17425247.2015.1007949: 1-24
Knippenberg S, Ueberberg B, Maus R, Bohling J, Ding N, Tarres MT, Hoymann H-G, Jonigk D, Izykows ki N, Paton
JC, Ogunniyi AD, Lindig S, Bauer M, Welte T, Seeger W, Guenther A, Sis s on TH, Gauldie J, Kolb M, Maus UA
(2015) Streptococcus pneumoniae triggers progres s ion of pulmonary fibros is through pneumolys in. Thorax
70: 636-646
Kramer M, Quickert S, Sponholz C, Menzel U, Hus e K, Platzer M, Bauer M, Claus RA (2015) Alternative Splicing of
SMPD1 in Human Seps is . PloS one 10
Kunze A, Achilles A, Keiner S, Witte OW, Redecker C (2015) Two dis tinct populations of doublecortin-pos itive
cells in the periles ional zone of cortical infarcts . BMC Neuroscience 16
Lappchen CH, Ringer T, Bles s in J, Schulz K, Seidel G, Lange R, Hamzei F (2015) Daily iTBS wors ens hand motor
training - A combined TMS, fMRI and mirror training s tudy. NeuroImage 107: 257-265
Leonhardt I, Spielberg S, Weber M, Albrecht-Eckardt D, Blaes s M, Claus R, Barz D, Scherlach K, Hertweck C,
Loeffler J, Huenniger K, Kurzai O (2015) The Fungal Quorum-Sens ing Molecule Farnes ol Activates Innate
Immune Cells but Suppres s es Cellular Adaptive Immunity. mBio 6
Liu A, Weis s S, Fang H, Claus RA, Roedel J, Dirs ch O, Dahmen U (2015) Lipopolys accharide-binding protein
(LBP) blockade augments the protective effect of granulocyte colony-s timulating factor (G-CSF) in a rat
s eps is model. Shock 43: 497-503
Liu X, Hinney A, Scholz M, Scherag A, Tonjes A, Stumvoll M, Stadler PF, Hebebrand J, Bottcher Y (2015)
Indications for Potential Parent-of-Origin Effects within the FTO Gene. PloS one 10: e0119206
Locke AE, Kahali B, Berndt SI, et al. (2015) Genetic s tudies of body mas s index yield new ins ights for obes ity
biology. Nature 518: 197-206 (contributing CSCC member: Scherag A)
Matthaeus -Kraemer CT, Thomas -Rueddel DO, Schwarzkopf D, Rueddel H, Poidinger B, Reinhart K, Bloos F
(2015) Barriers and s upportive conditions to improve quality of care for critically ill patients : A team
approach to quality improvement. J Crit Care 10.1016/j.jcrc.2015.03.022
Mayer K, Hahn-As t C, Muckter S, Schmitz A, Kraus e S, Felder L, Bekeredjian-Ding I, Molitor E, Bros s art P, von
Lilienfeld-Toal M (2015) Comparis on of antibiotic prophylaxis with cotrimoxazole/colis tin (COT/COL) vers us
ciprofloxacin (CIP) in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Supportive Care in Cancer 23: 1321-1329
Murahovs chi V, Pivovarova O, Ilkavets I, Dmitrieva RM, Docke S, Keyhani-Nejad F, Gogebakan O, Os terhoff M,
Kemper M, Hornemann S, Markova M, Kloting N, Stockmann M, Weickert MO, Lamounier-Zepter V, Neuhaus P,
Konradi A, Dooley S, von Loeffelholz C, Bluher M, Pfeiffer AF, Rudovich N (2015) WISP1 is a novel adipokine
linked to inflammation in obes ity. Diabetes 10.2337/db14-0444
Nead KT, Li A, Wehner MR, Neupane B, Gus tafs s on S, Butterworth A, Engert JC, Davis AD, Hegele RA, Miller R,
den Hoed M, Khaw KT, Kilpelainen TO, Wareham N, Edwards TL, Hallmans G, Varga TV, Kardia SL, Smith JA,
Zhao W, Faul JD, Weir D, Mi J, Xi B, Quinteros SC, Cooper C, Sayer AA, James on K, Grontved A, Fornage M,
Sidney S, Hanis CL, Highland HM, Haring HU, Heni M, Las ky-Su J, Weis s ST, Gerhard GS, Still C, Melka MM,
Paus ova Z, Paus T, Grant SF, Hakonars on H, Price RA, Wang K, Scherag A, Hebebrand J, Hinney A, BioBank
Japan A-BMIGC, Franks PW, Frayling TM, McCarthy MI, Hirs chhorn JN, Loos RJ, Ingels s on E, Gers tein HC, Yus uf
S, Beyene J, Anand SS, Meyre D (2015) Contribution of common non-s ynonymous variants in PCSK1 to body
mas s index variation and ris k of obes ity: a s ys tematic review and meta-analys is with evidence from up to
331 175 individuals . Human molecular genetics 10.1093/hmg/ddv097
Nus s baum C, Bannenberg S, Keul P, Graler MH, Goncalves -de-Albuquerque CF, Korhonen H, von Wnuck
Lipins ki K, Heus ch G, de Cas tro Faria Neto HC, Rohwedder I, Gothert JR, Pras ad VP, Haufe G, Lange-Sperandio
B, Offermanns S, Sperandio M, Levkau B (2015) Sphingos ine-1-phos phate receptor 3 promotes leukocyte
rolling by mobilizing endothelial P-s electin. Nature Communications 6: 6416
Otto GP, Grunwald B, Geis C, Kothe S, Hurtado-Oliveros J, Chung HY, Ekaney M, Bockmeyer CL, Sos s dorf M,
Bus ch M, Claus RA (2015) Impact of antibiotic treatment intens ity on long-term s eps is -as s ociated kidney
injury in a polymicrobial peritoneal contamination and infection model. Nephron 129: 137-142
Ausgabe: 23 Apr 2016
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Otto GP, Hurtado-Oliveros J, Chung H-Y, Knoll K, Neumann T, Mueller HJ, Herbs leb M, Kohl M, Bus ch M,
Sos s dorf M, Claus RA (2015) Plas ma Neutrophil Gelatinas e-As s ociated Lipocalin Is Primarily Related to
Inflammation during Seps is : A Trans lational Approach. PloS one 10
Pers TH, Karjalainen JM, Chan Y, Wes tra HJ, Wood AR, Yang J, Lui JC, Vedantam S, Gus tafs s on S, Es ko T,
Frayling T, Speliotes EK, Genetic Inves tigation of ATC, Boehnke M, Raychaudhuri S, Fehrmann RS, Hirs chhorn
JN, Franke L (2015) Biological interpretation of genome-wide as s ociation s tudies us ing predicted gene
functions . Nature Communications 6: 5890
Pivovarova O, von Loeffelholz C, Ilkavets I, Sticht C, Zhuk S, Murahovs chi V, Lukows ki S, Docke S, Kriebel J, de
Las Heras Gala T, Malas hicheva A, Kos tareva A, Lock JF, Stockmann M, Grallert H, Gretz N, Dooley S, Pfeiffer
AF, Rudovich N (2015) Modulation of ins ulin degrading enzyme activity and liver cell proliferation. Cell Cycle
10.1080/15384101.2015.1046647: 1-8
Raas ch M, Rennert K, Jahn T, Peters S, Henkel T, Huber O, Schulz I, Becker H, Lorkows ki S, Funke H, Mos ig A
(2015) Microfluidically s upported biochip des ign for culture of endothelial cell layers with improved perfus ion
conditions . Biofabrication 7
Rautanen A, Mills TC, Gordon AC, Hutton P, Steffens M, Nuamah R, Chiche JD, Parks T, Chapman SJ, Davenport
EE, Elliott KS, Bion J, Lichtner P, Meitinger T, Wienker TF, Caulfield MJ, Mein C, Bloos F, Bobek I, Cotogni P,
Sramek V, Sarapuu S, Kobilay M, Ranieri VM, Rello J, Sirgo G, Weis s YG, Rus s wurm S, Schneider EM, Reinhart K,
Holloway PA, Knight JC, Garrard CS, Rus s ell JA, Walley KR, Stuber F, Hill AV, Hinds CJ, Inves tigators EEG (2015)
Genome-wide as s ociation s tudy of s urvival from s eps is due to pneumonia: an obs ervational cohort s tudy.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 3: 53-60
Reis H, Putter C, Megger DA, Bracht T, Weber F, Hoffmann AC, Bertram S, Wohls chlager J, Hagemann S,
Eis enacher M, Scherag A, Schlaak JF, Canbay A, Meyer HE, Sitek B, Baba HA (2015) A s tructured proteomic
approach identifies 14-3-3Sigma as a novel and reliable protein biomarker in panel bas ed differential
diagnos tics of liver tumors . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 10.1016/j.bbapap.2014.10.024
Schoeneweck F, Kuhnt E, Scholz M, Brunkhors t FM, Scherag A (2015) Common genomic variation in the FER
gene: us eful to s tratify patients with s eps is due to pneumonia? Intensive Care Med 41: 1379-1381
Schroder UC, Beleites C, As s mann C, Glas er U, Hubner U, Pfis ter W, Fritzs che W, Popp J, Neugebauer U (2015)
Detection of vancomycin res is tances in enterococci within 3 (1/2) hours . Scientific Reports 5: 8217
Schwarzkopf D, Wes termann I, Skupin H, Riedemann NC, Reinhart K, Pfeifer R, Fritzenwanger M, Guenther A,
Witte OW, Hartog CS (2015) A novel ques tionnaire to meas ure s taff perception of end-of-life decis ion making
in the intens ive care unit-Development and ps ychometric tes ting. J Crit Care 30: 187-195
Seidel RA, Kahnes M, Bauer M, Pohnert G (2015) Simultaneous determination of the bilirubin oxidation end
products Z-BOX A and Z-BOX B in human s erum us ing liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mas s
s pectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 974: 83-89
Shungin D, Winkler TW, Croteau-Chonka DC, et al. (2015) New genetic loci link adipos e and ins ulin biology to
body fat dis tribution. Nature 518: 187-196 (contributing CSCC member: Scherag A)
Silge A, Abdou E, Schneider K, Meis el S, Bocklitz T, Lu-Walther H-W, Heintzmann R, Roes ch P, Popp J (2015)
Shedding light on hos t niches : label-free in s itu detection of Mycobacterium gordonae via carotenoids in
macrophages by Raman micros pectros copy. Cellular microbiology 17: 832-842
Stein C, Makarewicz O, Bohnert JA, Pfeifer Y, Kes s elmeier M, Hagel S, Pletz MW (2015) Three Dimens ional
Checkerboard Synergy Analys is of Colis tin, Meropenem, Tigecycline agains t Multidrug-Res is tant Clinical
Klebs iella pneumonia Is olates . PloS one 10
Szafrans ki K, Kramer M (2015) It's a bit over, is that ok? The s ubtle s urplus from tandem alternative s plicing.
RNA Biology 12: 115-122
Thiele M, Rabe S, Hes s enkemper W, Roell D, Barts ch S, Kraft F, Abraham TE, Houts muller AB, van Royen ME,
Giannis A, Baniahmad A (2015) Novel Nor-Homo- and Spiro-Oxetan- Steroids Target the Human Androgen
Receptor and Act as Antiandrogens . Current Medicinal Chemistry 22: 1156-1167
Thomas -Rueddel DO, Poidinger B, Weis s M, Bach F, Dey K, Haberle H, Kais ers U, Ruddel H, Schadler D, Scheer
C, Schreiber T, Schurholz T, Simon P, Sommerer A, Schwarzkopf D, Weyland A, Wobker G, Reinhart K, Bloos F,
for the Medical Education for Seps is Source C, Antibiotics s tudy g (2015) Hyperlactatemia is an independent
predictor of mortality and denotes dis tinct s ubtypes of s evere s eps is and s eptic s hock. J Crit Care
Ullrich N, Heinemann A, Nilews ki E, Scheffrahn I, Klode J, Scherag A, Schadendorf D, Singer BB, Helfrich I
(2015) CEACAM1-3S Drives Melanoma Cells into NK Cell-Mediated Cytolys is and Enhances Patient Survival.
Canc Res 75: 1897-1907
Urbach A, Brueckner J, Witte OW (2015) Cortical s preading depolarization s timulates gliogenes is in the rat
entorhinal cortex. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 35: 576-582
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Vettorazzi S, Bode C, Dejager L, Frappart L, Sheles t E, Klas s en C, Tas dogan A, Reichardt HM, Libert C,
Schneider M, Weih F, Henriette Uhlenhaut N, David JP, Graler M, Kleiman A, Tuckermann JP (2015)
Glucocorticoids limit acute lung inflammation in concert with inflammatory s timuli by induction of SphK1.
Nature Communications 6: 7796
Vry MS, Trits chler LC, Hamzei F, Rijntjes M, Kaller CP, Hoeren M, Umarova R, Glauche V, Herms doerfer J,
Goldenberg G, Hennig J, Weiller C (2015) The ventral fiber pathway for pantomime of object us e. NeuroImage
106: 252-263
Weis S, Bielow T, Sommerer I, Iovanna J, Malicet C, Moes s ner J, Hoffmeis ter A (2015) P8 deficiency increas es
cellular ROS and induces HO-1. Arch Biochem Biophys 565: 89-94
Weis S, Franke A, Berg T, Moes s ner J, Fleig WE, Schoppmeyer K (2015) Percutaneous ethanol injection or
percutaneous acetic acid injection for early hepatocellular carcinoma. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 10.1002/14651858.CD006745.pub3
Wintermann GB, Brunkhors t FM, Petrows ki K, Straus s B, Oehmichen F, Pohl M, Ros endahl J (2015) Stres s
Dis orders Following Prolonged Critical Illnes s in Survivors of Severe Seps is . Crit Care Med
Augs ten M, Bottcher A, Spanbroek R, Rubio I, Friedrich K (2014) Graded inhibition of oncogenic Ras -s ignaling
by multivalent Ras -binding domains . Cell Communication and Signaling 12: 1
Axer H, Ros endahl J, Brunkhors t FM (2014) [Neurological and ps ychological long-term effects of s eps is ].
Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 109: 596-603
Bacher P, Kniemeyer O, Teuts chbein J, Thon M, Vodis ch M, Wartenberg D, Scharf DH, Koes ter-Eis erfunke N,
Schutte M, Dubel S, As s enmacher M, Brakhage AA, Scheffold A (2014) Identification of immunogenic antigens
from As pergillus fumigatus by direct multiparameter characterization of s pecific conventional and
regulatory CD4+ T cells . J Immunol 193: 3332-3343
Bauer M, Kiehntopf M (2014) Shades of yellow - monitoring nutritional needs and hepatobiliary function in the
critically ill. Hepatology 10.1002/hep.27076
Bayry J, Beaus s art A, Dufrene YF, Sharma M, Bans al K, Kniemeyer O, Aimanianda V, Brakhage AA, Kaveri SV,
Kwon-Chung KJ, Latge JP, Beauvais A (2014) Surface s tructure characterization of As pergillus fumigatus
conidia mutated in the melanin s ynthes is pathway and their human cellular immune res pons e. Infection and
Immunity 82: 3141-3153
Bis kup C, Rubio I (2014) Real-time vis ualization and quantification of native Ras activation in s ingle living
cells . Methods Mol Biol 1120: 285-305
Bles s in J, Hamzei F (2014) A New Approach in Neurorehabilitation – The Role of the Mirror Neuron Sys tem. Eur
Neurol Rev 9: 60-63
Bloos F, Senderrek M, Bauer M (2014) Sens itivity of Blood Culture vs Polymeras e Chain Reaction for Skin
Contaminants in Specimen Retrieved via the Dis tal Lumen of Seldinger-Guided Central Venous Catheters .
Chest 145: 430-431
Bloos F, Thomas -Ruddel D, Ruddel H, Engel C, Schwarzkopf D, Mars hall JC, Harbarth S, Simon P, Ries s en R,
Keh D, Dey K, Weis s M, Tous s aint S, Schadler D, Weyland A, Ragaller M, Schwarzkopf K, Eiche J, Kuhnle G,
Hoyer H, Hartog C, Kais ers U, Reinhart K (2014) Impact of compliance with infection management guidelines
on outcome in patients with s evere s eps is : a pros pective obs ervational multi-center s tudy. Crit Care 18: R42
Blume KR, Dietrich C, Huonker R, Gotz T, Sens E, Friedel R, Hofmann GO, Miltner WH, Weis s T (2014) Cortical
reorganization after macroreplantation at the upper extremity: a magnetoencephalographic s tudy. Brain : a
journal of neurology 137: 757-769
Bode C, Berlin M, Rös tel F, Teichmann B, Gräler MH (2014) Evaluating Sphingos ine and its Analogues as
Potential Alternatives for Aggres s ive Lymphoma Treatment. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 34: 16861700
Bohlender C, Glas er S, Klein M, Weis s er J, Thein S, Neugebauer U, Popp J, Wyrwa R, Schiller A (2014) Lighttriggered CO releas e from nanoporous non-wovens . J Materials Chem B 2: 1454-1463
Brämer D, Hoyer D (2014) Herzfrequenzvariabilität als Marker Schlaganfall-as s oziierter Infektionen.
Neurophysiol Lab 36: 23-32
Bramer D, Hoyer H, Gunther A, Nowack S, Brunkhors t FM, Witte OW, Hoyer D (2014) Study protocol: prediction
of s troke as s ociated infections by markers of autonomic control. BMC neurology 14: 9
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Braun SD, Monecke S, Thurmer A, Ruppelt A, Makarewicz O, Pletz M, Reibetaig A, Slickers P, Ehricht R (2014)
Rapid identification of carbapenemas e genes in gram-negative bacteria with an oligonucleotide microarraybas ed as s ay. PloS one 9: e102232
Brunke S, Hube B (2014) Adaptive prediction as a s trategy in microbial infections . PLoS Pathog 10: e1004356
Brunke S, Seider K, Fis cher D, Jacobs en ID, Kas per L, Jablonows ki N, Wartenberg A, Bader O, EnacheAngoulvant A, Schaller M, d'Enfert C, Hube B (2014) One Small Step for a Yeas t - Microevolution within
Macrophages Renders Candida glabrata Hypervirulent Due to a Single Point Mutation. PLoS Pathog 10:
Brunke S, Seider K, Richter ME, Bremer-Streck S, Ramachandra S, Kiehntopf M, Brock M, Hube B (2014)
His tidine degradation via an aminotrans feras e increas es the nutritional flexibility of Candida glabrata.
Eukaryot Cell EC.00072-14 [pii] 10.1128/EC.00072-14
Brunkhors t FM (2014) Antibiotikatherapie bei Seps is --immer maximal "breit" behandeln? Drug Res 64: 9-10
Brunkhors t FM, Patchev V (2014) [Seps is -as s ociated Purpura Fulminans International Regis try-Europe
(SAPFIRE).]. Medizinische Klinik, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 10.1007/s 00063-014-0402-z
Bruns T, Zimmermann HW, Stallmach A (2014) Ris k factors and outcome of bacterial infections in cirrhos is .
World journal of gastroenterology : WJG 20: 2542-2554
Donat CK, Fis cher F, Walter B, Deuther-Conrad W, Brodhun M, Bauer R, Brus t P (2014) Early increas e of
cannabinoid receptor dens ity after experimental traumatic brain injury in the newborn piglet. Acta
neurobiologiae experimentalis 74: 197-210
Donat CK, Fis cher F, Walter B, Kays er T, Deuther-Conrad W, Brodhun M, Bauer R, Brus t P (2014) Early
increas e of cannbinoid receptor dens ity after experimental traumatic brain injury in the newborn piglet. Acta
neurobiologiae experimentalis 74: 1-15
Dorner L, Schwarzkopf D, Skupin H, Philipp S, Gugel K, Meis s ner W, Schuler S, Hartog CS (2014) Teaching
medical s tudents to talk about death and dying in the ICU: feas ibility of a peer-tutored works hop. Intensive
Care Med 10.1007/s 00134-014-3541-z
Ekaney M, Otto GP, Sos s dorf M, Sponholz C, Boehringer M, Loes che W, Rittirs ch D, Wilharm A, Kurzai O, Bauer
M, Claus RA (2014) Impact of plas ma his tones in human s eps is and their contribution to cellular injury and
inflammation. Crit Care 18: 543
Ene IV, Brunke S, Brown AJ, Hube B (2014) Metabolis m in Fungal Pathogenes is . Cold Spring Harbor
perspectives in medicine 10.1101/cs hpers pect.a019695
Ewald C, Duenis ch P, Walter J, Gotz T, Witte OW, Kalff R, Gunther A (2014) Bone flap necros is after
decompres s ive hemicraniectomy for malignant middle cerebral artery infarction. Neurocritical care 20: 9197
Fis cher D, Hube B, Brunke S (2014) Fine-Scale Chromos omal Changes in Fungal Fitnes s . Current Fungal
Infection Reports 8: 171-178
Fris ter A, Schmidt C, Schneble N, Brodhun M, Gonnert FA, Bauer M, Hirs ch E, Muller JP, Wetzker R, Bauer R
(2014) Phos phoinos itide 3-Kinas e gamma Affects LPS-Induced Dis turbance of Blood-Brain Barrier Via Lipid
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