Publications Prof. Wolfram Kawohl I Peered reviewed articles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Viering, S., M. Jäger, and W. Kawohl, [Which Factors Influence the Success of Supported Employment?]. Psychiatr Prax, 2015. 42(6): p. 299-‐308. Holper, L., A. Aleksandrowicz, M. Müller, V. Ajdacic-‐Gross, H. Haker, A.J. Fallgatter, F. Hagenmuller, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, Brain correlates of verbal fluency in subthreshold psychosis assessed by functional near-‐infrared spectroscopy. Schizophr Res, 2015. Viering, S., M. Jäger, C. Nordt, F. Bühler, B. Bärtsch, H. Leimer, P. Sommerfeld, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, Does "Individual Placement and Support" Satisfy the Users' Needs? Front Public Health, 2015. 3: p. 160. Rössler, W., V. Ajdacic-‐Gross, M. Müller, S. Rodgers, W. Kawohl, H. Haker, and M.P. Hengartner, Association between processing speed and subclinical psychotic symptoms in the general population: Focusing on sex differences. Schizophr Res, 2015. 166(1-‐3): p. 316-‐21. Kawohl, W., J. Moock, S. Heuchert, and W. Rössler, Job Maintenance by Supported Employment: An Overview of the "Supported Employment Plus" Trial. Front Public Health, 2015. 3: p. 140. Kästner, D., D. Büchtemann, I. Warnke, J. Radisch, J. Baumgardt, S. Giersberg, K. Kopke, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Clinical and functional outcome of assertive outreach for patients with schizophrenic disorder: Results of a quasi-‐experimental controlled trial. Eur Psychiatry, 2015. Rodgers, S., V. Ajdacic-‐Gross, W. Kawohl, M. Müller, W. Rössler, M.P. Hengartner, E. Castelao, C. Vandeleur, J. Angst, and M. Preisig, Comparing two basic subtypes in OCD across three large community samples: a pure compulsive versus a mixed obsessive-‐compulsive subtype. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2015. Konrad, J., S. Loos, P. Neumann, N. Zentner, B. Mayer, M. Slade, H. Jordan, C. De Rosa, V. Del Vecchio, A. Egerhazi, M. Nagy, M.K. Bording, H.O. Sorensen, W. Kawohl, W. Rössler, and B. Puschner, Content and implementation of clinical decisions in the routine care of people with severe mental illness. J Ment Health, 2015. 24(1): p. 15-‐9. Nordt, C., I. Warnke, E. Seifritz, and W. Kawohl, Modelling suicide and unemployment: a longitudinal analysis covering 63 countries, 2000-‐11 The Lancet Psychiatry, 2015. 2(3): p. 239-‐ 245. Loos, S., K. Arnold, M. Slade, H. Jordan, V. Del Vecchio, G. Sampogna, A. Suveges, M. Nagy, M. Krogsgaard Bording, H. Ostermark Sorensen, W. Rössler, W. Kawohl, and B. Puschner, Erratum to: Courses of helping alliance in the treatment of people with severe mental illness in Europe: a latent class analytic approach. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2015. 50(4): p. 673. Baumgardt, J., J. Moock, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, Aspects of Sustainability: Cooperation, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout among Swiss Psychiatrists. Front Public Health, 2015. 3: p. 25. Puschner, B., T. Becker, B. Mayer, H. Jordan, M. Maj, A. Fiorillo, A. Egerhazi, T. Ivanka, P. Munk-‐ Jorgensen, M. Krogsgaard Bording, W. Rössler, W. Kawohl, and M. Slade, Clinical decision making and outcome in the routine care of people with severe mental illness across Europe (CEDAR). Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2015: p. 1-‐11. Clarke, E., B. Puschner, H. Jordan, P. Williams, J. Konrad, W. Kawohl, A. Bär, W. Rössler, V. Del Vecchio, G. Sampogna, M. Nagy, A. Suveges, M. Krogsgaard Bording, and M. Slade, Empowerment and satisfaction in a multinational study of routine clinical practice. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 2014. 131(5): p. 369-‐78. Baumgardt, J., J. Radisch, E. Touil, J. Moock, H.J. Plewig, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, [Aspects of sustainability in outpatient health care for demented individuals]. Psychiatr Prax, 2014. 41(8): p. 424-‐31. Theodoridou, A., K. Heekeren, D. Dvorsky, S. Metzler, M. Franscini, H. Haker, W. Kawohl, N. Rüsch, S. Walitza, and W. Rössler, Early Recognition of High Risk of Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis: An Overview of the ZInEP "Early Recognition" Study. Front Public Health, 2014. 2: p. 166. 1 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Rüsch, N., C. Nordt, W. Kawohl, E. Brantschen, B. Bärtsch, M. Müller, P.W. Corrigan, and W. Rössler, Work-‐Related Discrimination and Change in Self-‐Stigma Among People With Mental Illness During Supported Employment. Psychiatr Serv, 2014. Neuner, I., W. Kawohl, J. Arrubla, T. Warbrick, K. Hitz, C. Wyss, F. Boers, and N.J. Shah, Cortical response variation with different sound pressure levels: a combined event-‐related potentials and FMRI study. PLoS One, 2014. 9(10): p. e109216. Hagenmuller, F., K. Heekeren, A. Theodoridou, S. Walitza, H. Haker, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, Early somatosensory processing in individuals at risk for developing psychoses. Front Behav Neurosci, 2014. 8: p. 308. Fountoulakis, K.N., W. Kawohl, P.N. Theodorakis, A.J. Kerkhof, A. Navickas, C. Hoschl, D. Lecic-‐ Tosevski, E. Sorel, E. Rancans, E. Palova, G. Juckel, G. Isacsson, H. Korosec Jagodic, I. Botezat-‐ Antonescu, I. Warnke, J. Rybakowski, J.M. Azorin, J. Cookson, J. Waddington, P. Pregelj, K. Demyttenaere, L.G. Hranov, L. Injac Stevovic, L. Pezawas, M. Adida, M.L. Figuera, M. Pompili, M. Jakovljevic, M. Vichi, G. Perugi, O. Andrasen, O. Vukovic, P. Mavrogiorgou, P. Varnik, P. Bech, P. Dome, P. Winkler, R.K. Salokangas, T. From, V. Danileviciute, X. Gonda, Z. Rihmer, J. Forsman Benhalima, A. Grady, A.K. Kloster Leadholm, S. Soendergaard, C. Nordt, and J. Lopez-‐Ibor, Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-‐2011. Br J Psychiatry, 2014: p. 486-‐496. Loos, S., K. Arnold, M. Slade, H. Jordan, V.D. Vecchio, G. Sampogna, A. Suveges, M. Nagy, M. Krogsgaard Bording, H. Ostermark Sorensen, W. Rössler, W. Kawohl, and B. Puschner, Courses of helping alliance in the treatment of people with severe mental illness in Europe: a latent class analytic approach. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2014: p. 563-‐570. Wyss, C., F. Boers, W. Kawohl, J. Arrubla, K. Vahedipour, J. Dammers, I. Neuner, and N.J. Shah, Spatiotemporal properties of auditory intensity processing in multisensor MEG. Neuroimage, 2014. 102P2: p. 465-‐473. Theodoridou, A., M.P. Hengartner, S.K. Gairing, M. Jäger, D. Ketteler, W. Kawohl, C. Lauber, and W. Rössler, Evaluation of a New Person-‐Centered Integrated Care Model in Psychiatry. Psychiatr Q, 2014. Slade, M., H. Jordan, E. Clarke, P. Williams, H. Kaliniecka, K. Arnold, A. Fiorillo, D. Giacco, M. Luciano, A. Egerhazi, M. Nagy, M.K. Bording, H.O. Sorensen, W. Rössler, W. Kawohl, and B. Puschner, The development and evaluation of a five-‐language multi-‐perspective standardised measure: clinical decision-‐making involvement and satisfaction (CDIS). BMC Health Serv Res, 2014. 14: p. 323. Landolt, K., A. Wittwer, T. Wyss, L. Unterassner, W. Fach, P. Krummenacher, P. Brugger, H. Haker, W. Kawohl, P.A. Schubiger, G. Folkers, and W. Rössler, Help-‐seeking in people with exceptional experiences: results from a general population sample. Front Public Health, 2014. 2: p. 51. Giacco, D., M. Luciano, V. Del Vecchio, G. Sampogna, M. Slade, E. Clarke, M. Nagy, A. Egerhazi, P. Munk-‐Jorgensen, M.F. Bording, W. Kawohl, W. Rössler, N. Zentner, B. Puschner, and A. Fiorillo, Desire for information of people with severe mental illness. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2014. 49(12): p. 1883-‐91. Ajdacic-‐Gross, V., M. Müller, S. Rodgers, I. Warnke, M.P. Hengartner, K. Landolt, F. Hagenmuller, M. Meier, L.T. Tse, A. Aleksandrowicz, M. Passardi, D. Knopfli, H. Schonfelder, J. Eisele, N. Rüsch, H. Haker, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, The ZInEP Epidemiology Survey: background, design and methods. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, 2014. 23(4): p. 451-‐68. Warnke, I., C. Nordt, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rossler, Antidepressants: relationship to the time to psychiatric readmission and probability of being in hospital in depressive patients. Front Public Health, 2014. 2: p. 40. Rüsch, N., E. Abbruzzese, E. Hagedorn, D. Hartenhauer, I. Kaufmann, J. Curschellas, S. Ventling, G. Zuaboni, R. Bridler, M. Olschewski, W. Kawohl, W. Rössler, B. Kleim, and P.W. Corrigan, Efficacy of Coming Out Proud to reduce stigma's impact among people with mental illness: pilot randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry, 2014. 204: p. 391-‐7. 2 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Rodgers, S., M. Müller, W. Kawohl, D. Knopfli, W. Rössler, E. Castelao, M. Preisig, and V. Ajdacic-‐ Gross, Sex-‐related and non-‐sex-‐related comorbidity subtypes of tic disorders: a latent class approach. Eur J Neurol, 2014. 21(5): p. 700-‐7, e44-‐5. Jäger, M., I. Ospelt, W. Kawohl, A. Theodoridou, W. Rössler, and P. Hoff, [Quality of involuntary hospital administration in Switzerland]. Praxis, 2014. 103(11): p. 631-‐39. Neuner, I., J. Arrubla, C.J. Werner, K. Hitz, F. Boers, W. Kawohl, and N.J. Shah, The default mode network and EEG regional spectral power: a simultaneous fMRI-‐EEG study. PLoS One, 2014. 9(2): p. e88214. Jäger, M., F. Hierlemann, W. Kawohl, S. Kaiser, E. Seifritz, and P. Hoff, [Psychiatric services in sheltered and supported housing]. Neuropsychiatrie, 2014. 28(1): p. 12-‐18. Brantschen, E., W. Kawohl, W. Rössler, B. Bärtsch, and C. Nordt, Supported employment – improving competitive employment for people with mental illness: The role of motivation and social network. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2014. 40(1): p. 41-‐47. Metzler, S., A. Theodoridou, A. Aleksandrowicz, M. Müller, C. Obermann, W. Kawohl, and K. Heekeren, Evaluation of trait adjectives and ego pathology in schizophrenia: an N400 study. Psychiatry Res, 2014. 215(3): p. 533-‐9. Kleine-‐Budde, K., E. Touil, J. Moock, A. Bramesfeld, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Cost of illness for bipolar disorder: a systematic review of the economic burden. Bipolar Disord, 2014. 16(4): p. 337-‐ 53. Jäger, M., S. Paras, C. Nordt, I. Warnke, B. Bärtsch, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, [How sustainable is supported employment? A follow-‐up investigation]. Neuropsychiatr, 2013. 27(4): p. 196-‐201. Wyss, C., K. Hitz, M.P. Hengartner, A. Theodoridou, C. Obermann, I. Uhl, P. Roser, E. Grunblatt, E. Seifritz, G. Juckel, and W. Kawohl, The loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP) as an indicator of serotonergic dysfunction in patients with predominant schizophrenic negative symptoms. PLoS One, 2013. 8(7): p. e68650. Viering, S., B. Bärtsch, C. Obermann, N. Rüsch, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, The effectiveness of individual placement and support for people with mental illness new on social benefits: a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 2013. 13: p. 195. Roser, P., F.X. Vollenweider, and W. Kawohl, Potential antipsychotic properties of central cannabinoid (CB1) receptor antagonists. World J Biol Psychiatry, 2010. 11(2 Pt 2): p. 208-‐19. Roser, P. and W. Kawohl, Turner syndrome and schizophrenia: a further hint for the role of the X-‐ chromosome in the pathogenesis of schizophrenic disorders. World J Biol Psychiatry, 2010. 11(2 Pt 2): p. 239-‐42. Puschner, B., P. Neumann, H. Jordan, M. Slade, A. Fiorillo, D. Giacco, A. Egerhazi, T. Ivanka, M.K. Bording, H.O. Sorensen, A. Bär, W. Kawohl, and S. Loos, Development and psychometric properties of a five-‐language multiperspective instrument to assess clinical decision making style in the treatment of people with severe mental illness (CDMS). BMC Psychiatry, 2013. 13: p. 48. Loos, S., P. Neumann, K. Arnold, M. Slade, A. Fiorillo, M. Krogsgaard Bording, T. Ivanka, W. Kawohl, and B. Puschner, [Shared decision-‐making in the treatment of people with severe mental illness: a focus group study]. Psychiatr Prax, 2013. 40(1): p. 23-‐9. Kleine-‐Budde, K., R. Müller, W. Kawohl, A. Bramesfeld, J. Moock, and W. Rössler, The cost of depression -‐ a cost analysis from a large database. J Affect Disord, 2013. 147(1-‐3): p. 137-‐43. Nordt, C., E. Brantschen, W. Kawohl, B. Bärtsch, H. Haker, N. Rüsch, and W. Rössler, 'Placement budgets' for supported employment – improving competitive employment for people with mental illness: study protocol of a multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 2012. 12: p. 165. Neuner, I., J. Arrubla, C. Ehlen, H. Janouschek, C. Nordt, B. Fimm, F. Schneider, N.J. Shah, and W. Kawohl, Fine motor skills in adult Tourette patients are task-‐dependent. BMC Neurol, 2012. 12: p. 120. Haker, H., W. Kawohl, U. Herwig, and W. Rössler, Mirror neuron activity during contagious yawning – an fMRI study. Brain Imaging Behav, 2013. 7(1): p. 28-‐34. Neuner, I., C. Nordt, F. Schneider, and W. Kawohl, Effectiveness of aripiprazole in the treatment of adult Tourette patients up to 56 months. Hum Psychopharmacol, 2012. 27(4): p. 364-‐9. 3 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Juckel, G., S. Karch, W. Kawohl, V. Kirsch, L. Jager, G. Leicht, J. Lutz, A. Stammel, O. Pogarell, M. Ertl, M. Reiser, U. Hegerl, H.J. Moller, and C. Mulert, Age effects on the P300 potential and the corresponding fMRI BOLD-‐signal. Neuroimage, 2012. 60(4): p. 2027-‐34. Krowatschek, G., S. Kromer, F. Stahl, W. Rössler, and W. Kawohl, [Inpatient and outpatient treatment in a crisis service: who uses what?]. Psychiatr Prax, 2012. 39(1): p. 21-‐5. Hitz, K., K. Heekeren, C. Obermann, T. Huber, G. Juckel, and W. Kawohl, Examination of the effect of acute levodopa administration on the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP) in humans. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2012. 221(3): p. 389-‐96. Theodoridou, A., M. Jaeger, D. Ketteler, W. Kawohl, C. Lauber, P. Hoff, and W. Rössler, The concurrent validity and sensitivity of change of the German version of the health of the nation outcome scales in a psychiatric inpatient setting. Psychopathology, 2011. 44(6): p. 391-‐7. Kroemer, S. and W. Kawohl, Gustatory and olfactory hallucinations under therapeutic dosing of bupropion. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2011. 23(2): p. E53. Roser, P., I.S. Haussleiter, H.J. Chong, C. Maier, W. Kawohl, C. Norra, and G. Juckel, Inhibition of cerebral type 1 cannabinoid receptors is associated with impaired auditory mismatch negativity generation in the ketamine model of schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2011. 218(4): p. 611-‐20. Kieser, C. and W. Kawohl, [We should go without team meetings]. Psychiatr Prax, 2011. 38(3): p. 111-‐3. Hagenmuller, F., K. Hitz, F. Darvas, and W. Kawohl, Determination of the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials: single-‐electrode estimation versus dipole source analysis. Hum Psychopharmacol, 2011. 26(2): p. 147-‐54. Rössler, W., S. Vetter, M. Müller, W.T. Gallo, H. Haker, W. Kawohl, G. Lupi, and V. Ajdacic-‐Gross, Risk factors at the low end of the psychosis continuum: much the same as at the upper end? Psychiatry Res, 2011. 189(1): p. 77-‐81. Mutschler, J., M. Grosshans, U. Herwig, K. Heekeren, W. Kawohl, and A. Bruhl, Pregabalin-‐ induced suicidal ideations. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2011. 44(3): p. 119. Kawohl, W., C. Winzer, S. Stadtmann, A. Theodoridou, and A. Maercker, [Assessment of overinclusion in schizophrenia by a computer-‐assisted version of the Concept Overinclusion test]. Neuropsychiatr, 2010. 24(4): p. 259-‐66. Puschner, B., S. Steffen, M. Slade, H. Kaliniecka, M. Maj, A. Fiorillo, P. Munk-‐Jorgensen, J.I. Larsen, A. Egerhazi, Z. Nemes, W. Rössler, W. Kawohl, and T. Becker, Clinical decision making and outcome in routine care for people with severe mental illness (CEDAR): study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 2010. 10: p. 90. Kawohl, W., [Gilles de la Tourette-‐syndrome: treatment of a neuropsychiatric disorder]. Praxis (Bern 1994), 2010. 99(22): p. 1353-‐60. Rauchensteiner, S., W. Kawohl, S. Ozgurdal, E. Littmann, Y. Gudlowski, H. Witthaus, A. Heinz, and G. Juckel, Test-‐performance after cognitive training in persons at risk mental state of schizophrenia and patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res, 2011. 185(3): p. 334-‐9. Kawohl, W., C. Nordt, I. Warnke, C. Kistler, V. Ajdacic-‐Gross, and W. Rössler, [Usage of inpatient treatments after reduction of inpatient capacities: Supply influences demand]. Neuropsychiatr, 2010. 24(1): p. 27-‐32. Kawohl, W., S. Bunse, K. Willmes, A. Hoffrogge, H. Buchner, and W. Huber, Semantic event-‐ related potential components reflect severity of comprehension deficits in aphasia. Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 2010. 24(3): p. 282-‐9. Ajdacic-‐Gross, V., S. Vetter, M. Müller, W. Kawohl, F. Frey, G. Lupi, A. Blechschmidt, C. Born, B. Latal, and W. Rössler, Risk factors for stuttering: a secondary analysis of a large data base. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2010. 260(4): p. 279-‐86. Kawohl, W., F. Schneider, I. Vernaleken, and I. Neuner, Chronic motor tic disorder and aripiprazole. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2009. 21(2): p. 224. Kawohl, W., F. Schneider, I. Vernaleken, and I. Neuner, Aripiprazole in the pharmacotherapy of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in adult patients. World J Biol Psychiatry, 2009. 10(4 Pt 3): p. 827-‐ 31. 4 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Kawohl, W., A. Bruhl, G. Krowatschek, D. Ketteler, and U. Herwig, Functional magnetic resonance imaging of tics and tic suppression in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. World J Biol Psychiatry, 2009. 10(4 Pt 2): p. 567-‐70. Kawohl, W. and W. Rössler, [Cannabis and Schizophrenia: new findings in an old debate]. Neuropsychiatr, 2008. 22(4): p. 223-‐9. Özgürdal, S., Y. Gudlowski, H. Witthaus, W. Kawohl, I. Uhl, M. Hauser, I. Gorynia, J. Gallinat, M. Heinze, A. Heinz, and G. Juckel, Reduction of auditory event-‐related P300 amplitude in subjects with at-‐risk mental state for schizophrenia. Schizophr Res, 2008. 105(1-‐3): p. 272-‐8. Gobbelé, R., D. Thyerlei, W. Kawohl, H. Buchner, and T.D. Waberski, Evaluation of thalamocortical impulse propagation in the akinetic Rigd type of Parkinson's disease using high-‐ frequency (600 Hz) SEP oscillations. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 25(5): p. 274-‐80. Juckel, G., F. Clotz, T. Frodl, W. Kawohl, H. Hampel, O. Pogarell, and U. Hegerl, Diagnostic usefulness of cognitive auditory event-‐related p300 subcomponents in patients with Alzheimers disease? J Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 25(3): p. 147-‐52. Heekeren, K., J. Daumann, A. Neukirch, C. Stock, W. Kawohl, C. Norra, T.D. Waberski, and E. Gouzoulis-‐Mayfrank, Mismatch negativity generation in the human 5HT2A agonist and NMDA antagonist model of psychosis. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2008. 199(1): p. 77-‐88. Kawohl, W., U. Hegerl, B. Müller-‐Oerlinghausen, and G. Juckel, [Insights in the central serotonergic function in patients with affective disorders]. Neuropsychiatr, 2008. 22(1): p. 23-‐7. Kawohl, W. and K. Podoll, Contour copying or echoplasia – a new echo phenomenon in a person with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Psychopathology, 2008. 41(3): p. 201-‐2. Kawohl, W., I. Giegling, P. Mavrogiorgou, O. Pogarell, C. Mulert, H.J. Moller, U. Hegerl, D. Rujescu, and G. Juckel, Association of functional polymorphisms in NOS1 and NOS3 with loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 2008. 11(4): p. 477-‐83. Norra, C., S. Becker, A. Brocheler, W. Kawohl, H.J. Kunert, and H. Buchner, Loudness dependence of evoked dipole source activity during acute serotonin challenge in females. Hum Psychopharmacol, 2008. 23(1): p. 31-‐42. Juckel, G., W. Kawohl, I. Giegling, P. Mavrogiorgou, C. Winter, O. Pogarell, C. Mulert, U. Hegerl, and D. Rujescu, Association of catechol-‐O-‐methyltransferase variants with loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials. Hum Psychopharmacol, 2008. 23(2): p. 115-‐20. Habermeyer, B., M. Hess, P. Kozomara-‐Hocke, R. Mager, and W. Kawohl, [Lithium intoxications at normal serum levels]. Psychiatr Prax, 2008. 35(4): p. 198-‐200. Kawohl, W., T.D. Waberski, F. Darvas, C. Norra, R. Gobbele, and H. Buchner, Comparative source localization of electrically and pressure-‐stimulated multichannel somatosensory evoked potentials. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 24(3): p. 257-‐62. Schuepbach, D., S. Weber, W. Kawohl, and D. Hell, Impaired rapid modulation of cerebral hemodynamics during a planning task in schizophrenia. Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 118(7): p. 1449-‐ 59. Kawohl, W. and E. Habermeyer, Free will: reconciling German civil law with Libet's neurophysiological studies on the readiness potential. Behav Sci Law, 2007. 25(2): p. 309-‐20. Kawohl, W. and E. Habermeyer, Plant poisonings -‐ a problem extending the scope of ethnopharmacology. J Ethnopharmacol, 2005. 100(1-‐2): p. 138-‐9. Kawohl, W., J. Eckert, G. Gerber-‐Zupan, and E. Habermeyer, [Psychiatric aspects of plant poisonings]. Nervenarzt, 2005. 76(7): p. 875-‐6, 877-‐8. Waberski, T.D., C. Norra, W. Kawohl, D. Thyerlei, D. Hock, F. Klostermann, G. Curio, H. Buchner, P. Hoff, and R. Gobbele, Electrophysiological evidence for altered early cerebral somatosensory signal processing in schizophrenia. Psychophysiology, 2004. 41(3): p. 361-‐6. Norra, C., T.D. Waberski, W. Kawohl, H.J. Kunert, D. Hock, R. Gobbele, H. Buchner, and P. Hoff, High-‐frequency somatosensory thalamocortical oscillations and psychopathology in schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology, 2004. 49(2): p. 71-‐80. Pruter, C., W. Kawohl, and P. Hoff, [A case of schizophrenia simplex?]. Nervenarzt, 2004. 75(1): p. 63-‐6. 5 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. Gobbelé, R., T.D. Waberski, A. Dieckhofer, W. Kawohl, F. Klostermann, G. Curio, and H. Buchner, Patterns of disturbed impulse propagation in multiple sclerosis identified by low and high frequency somatosensory evoked potential components. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2003. 20(4): p. 283-‐ 90. Waberski, T.D., R. Gobbele, W. Kawohl, C. Cordes, and H. Buchner, Immediate cortical reorganization after local anesthetic block of the thumb: source localization of somatosensory evoked potentials in human subjects. Neurosci Lett, 2003. 347(3): p. 151-‐4. Habermeyer, E., I. Kamps, and W. Kawohl, A case of bipolar psychosis and transsexualism. Psychopathology, 2003. 36(3): p. 168-‐70. Zuchner, S., W. Kawohl, B. Sellhaus, M. Mull, L. Mayfrank, and C.M. Kosinski, A case of gliosarcoma appearing as ischaemic stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2003. 74(3): p. 364-‐6. Waberski, T.D., I. Kreitschmann-‐Andermahr, W. Kawohl, F. Darvas, Y. Ryang, M. Rodewald, R. Gobbele, and H. Buchner, Spatio-‐temporal source imaging reveals subcomponents of the human auditory mismatch negativity in the cingulum and right inferior temporal gyrus. Neurosci Lett, 2001. 308(2): p. 107-‐10. II Edited Books and Book Chapters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Radisch, J., J. Baumgardt, E. Touil, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Demenz. Behandlungspfade für die ambulante Integrierte Versorgung von psychisch erkrankten Menschen, ed. W. Rössler and J. Moock. 2015, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Radisch, J., J. Baumgardt, E. Touil, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Schizophrenie. Behandlungspfade für die ambulante Integrierte Versorgung von psychisch erkrankten Menschen, ed. W. Rössler and J. Moock. 2015, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Kästner, D., D. Büchtemann, S. Giersberg, C. Koch, A. Bramesfeld, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Bipolare Störungen. Behandlungspfade für die ambulante Integrierte Versorgung von psychisch erkrankten Menschen, ed. W. Rössler and J. Moock. 2015, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Giersberg, S., E. Touil, D. Kästner, D. Büchtemann, J. Moock, W. Kawohl, and W. Rössler, Alkoholabhängigkeit. Behandlungspfade für die ambulante Integrierte Versorgung von psychisch erkrankten Menschen, ed. W. Rössler and J. Moock. 2015, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Büchtemann, D., D. Kästner, C. Koch, K. Kopke, J. Radisch, W. Kawohl, J. Moock, and W. Rössler, Mittelschwere und schwere unipolare Depression. Behandlungspfade für die ambulante Integrierte Versorgung von psychisch erkrankten Menschen, ed. W. Rössler and J. Moock. 2015, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Huber, M. and W. Kawohl, Massnahmen und Konzepte am Beispiel des Supported Employment der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich., in Berufliche Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung. Best Practices aus dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt., S. Böhm, M. Baumgärtner, and D. Dwertmann, Editors. 2013, Springer: Berlin. Heekeren, K., R. Kowalewski, and W. Kawohl, Ausgewählte Aspekte der sozialpsychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie, in Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis, W. Rössler and W. Kawohl, Editors. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. Rössler, W. and W. Kawohl, eds. Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis. Vol. 1. Grundlagen. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. Rössler, W. and W. Kawohl, eds. Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis. Vol. 2. Anwendung. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. Lauber, C. and W. Kawohl, Supported Employment, in Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis, W. Rössler and W. Kawohl, Editors. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. Kawohl, W. and C. Lauber, Arbeit, Beruf und psychische Gesundheit, in Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis, W. Rössler and W. Kawohl, Editors. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. Kawohl, W. and B. Krämer, Kriseninterventionszentren, in Soziale Psychiatrie. Das Handbuch für die psychosoziale Praxis, W. Rössler and W. Kawohl, Editors. 2013, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart. 6 13. 14. Müller-‐Vahl K, Münchau A, Rothenberg A, Roessner V, Poewe W, Kawohl W, and K. G, S1-‐ Leitlinie Tics, ed. Diener, et al. Vol. 5, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. 2012, Stuttgart: Thieme. Kawohl, W. and P. Hoff, Neuropsychiatry, Psychopathology, and Nosology -‐ Symptoms, Syndromes, and Endophenotypes, in Systems Biology in Psychiatric Research: From High-‐ Throughput Data to Mathematical Modeling, F. Tretter, et al., Editors. 2010, Wiley-‐Blackwell: Weinheim. p. 113-‐127. III Guidelines and Educational Papers 1. Kawohl, W., B. Bärtsch, and M. Huber, ZHEPP – Pilotprojekt nach Art. 68quater IVG. . Soziale Sicherheit CHSS 2014. 1/2014: p. 41-‐43. 2. Kawohl, W., Schizophrenie: Möglichkeiten der pharmakologischen Langzeitbehandlung. CME-‐ Fortbildungsartikel. Info Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 2014. 11(1): p. 8-‐10. 3. Keck ME, Ropohl A, Bondolfi G, Constantin Brenni C, Hättenschwiler J, Hatzinger M, Hemmeter UM, Holsboer-‐Trachsler E, Kawohl W, Poppe C, Preisig M, Rennhard S, Seifritz E, Weidt S, Walitza S, and R. M, Die Behandlung der Angsterkrankungen, Teil 2: Zwangsstörungen und posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. Schweizerisches Medizin-‐Forum, 2013. 13(17): p. 337-‐344. 4. Kawohl W, Rufer M, Tagwerker F, and W. S, Tics und das Gilles de la Tourette Syndrom und weitere Tic-‐Störungen: Von der Diagnostik zur erfolgreichen Therapie. Info Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 2012. 10(6): p. 31-‐34. 7
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