AJA Open Access www.ajaonline.org Supplementary Content: Appendix Appendix to accompany the American Journal of Archaeology publication: The Fate of Temples in Noricum and Pannonia David Walsh Link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.3764/aja.120.2.0221 Published online 21 March 2016 American Journal of Archaeology Volume 120, Number 2 DOI: 10.3764/ajaonline1202.Walsh.suppl This online-only published content is freely available electronically immediately upon publication and can be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC). This license allows anyone to reuse, remix, and build upon the content, as long as it is for legal noncommercial purposes; the new work must credit the author, the AJA, and the Archaeological Institute of America. TABLE 1. The Size of Temples in Noricum and Pannonia. Location Temple Approx. Surface Area (m²) Referencea Period Poetovio Fortuna 17 Mócsy 1974, 25, fig. 41 ClaudianNervan Poetovio Venus-Volcanus 17 Mócsy 1974, 257, fig. 41 ClaudianNervan Frauenberg Isis Noreia 32 Alfödy 1974, 137, fig. 19 ClaudianNervan Hohenstein Isis Noreia 91 Petrikovits 1933, fig. 53 ClaudianNervan Celeia Capitoline Triad (?) 443 Scherrer 2011, 17 ClaudianNervan Virunum Capitoline Triad (?) 876 Scherrer 2011, 15, fig. 2 ClaudianNervan St. Margarethen Temple II (Timber Structure) 11 Groh and Sedlmayer 2011, 267 TrajanicHadrianic Temple I Pfaffenberg 18 Piso 2003, plan 1 TrajanicHadrianic Nemesis 27 Piccottini 2002, 127 TrajanicHadrianic Dolichenum 33 Hörig and Schwertheim 1987, 216 TrajanicHadrianic Mautern ? 40 Thaller 1948, fig. 53 TrajanicHadrianic St. Michael on Zollfeld ? 161 Dolenz 2011, 94 TrajanicHadrianic Hercules (?) 145 Dolenz 2011, 94 TrajanicHadrianic Gorsium temple in imperial cult complex (Building XLII) 220 Fitz 1998, 27b TrajanicHadrianic Sárkeszi Mithraeum 230 Fitz 1998, 102 TrajanicHadrianic Carnuntum Virunum Carnuntum Celeia 2 Savaria Mercury (second phase) 305 Fitz 1998, 67 TrajanicHadrianic Scarbantia Capitoline Triad 350 Fitz 1998, 64 TrajanicHadrianic Epona 361 Karntisch 1956, plan 1 TrajanicHadrianic Carnuntum Silvanus and Quadruviae 11 Stiglitz et al. 1977, 608 Antonine (?) Poetovio Mithraeum I 18 Vermaseren 1960, 1487 Antonine Nemesis 19 Fitz 1998, 72 Antonine Gorsium Temple of Marcus Aurelius 20 Fitz 1998, 27 Antonine Sirmium Jupiter 21 Jeremić 2006, 171 Antonine (?) Ferörákos Mithraeum 24 Vermaseren 1960, 1636 Antonine Vetus Salina Dolichenum 24 Hörig and Schwertheim 1987, 186 Antonine Frauenberg Temple II (Stone Structure) 29 Groh and Sedlmayer 2011, 267 Antonine Brigetio Dolichenum 35 Mócsy 1974, 257, fig. 41 Antonine Aquincum Mithraeum V 48 Póczy 2005, 215, fig. 79 Antonine Carnuntum Libera and Libera 63 Kandler 2004, 57 Antonine (?) Immurium Mithraeum 95 Fleischer and MouckaWeitzel 1998, 287 Antonine Poetovio Mithraeum III 77 Vermaseren 1960, 1578 Antonine Ad Enum Mithraeum 106 Garbsch 1985, fig. 4 Antonine Aquincum Fortuna Augusta 192 Zsidi 2011, 162 Antonine (?) Dolichenum 205 Hörig and Schwertheim 1987, 329 Antonine Epona 210 Jobst and Weber 1989, 352 Antonine Mithraeum 336 Vermaseren 1960, 1481 Antonine Lentia Aquincum Virunum Carnuntum Rožanec 3 Mars 654 Alfödy 1974, 211, fig. 35 Antonine Mars Latobius 685 Alfödy 1974, 138, fig. 20 Antonine Savaria Iseum 2,940 Fitz 1998, 95 Antonine Brigetio Mithraeum 32 Vermaseren 1960, 1723 Severan Carnuntum Heliopolitan Triad (Temple A) 46 Eschbaumer et al. 2003, 133, fig. 10 Severan Carnuntum Temple II Pfaffenberg 89 Piso 2003, plan 1 Severan Poetovio Mithraeum II 93 Vermaseren 1960, 1509 Severan Aquincum Mithraeum II 106 Vermaseren 1960, 1750 Severan Aquincum Mithraeum IV 153 Tóth 1988, no. 46 Severan (?) Aquincum Asclepius and Hygieia 175 Fitz 1998, 71 Severan Aquincum Round Temple 248 Mócsy 1974, 257, fig. 41 Severan (?) Carnuntum Mithraeum III 646 Vermaseren 1960, 1682 Severan Iuvavum Asklepios 1,344 Kovacsovics 2002, 188 Severan Zgornja Pohanca Mithraeum 18 Vermaseren 1960, 1457 235–284 C.E. St. Urban Mithraeum 47 Vermaseren 1960, 1442 235–284 C.E. Heliopolitan Triad (Temple B) 49 Eschbaumer et al. 2003, 137, fig. 11 235–284 C.E. Lentia Mithraeum 59.4 Karntisch 1956, plan 1 235–284 C.E. Lentia Dea Roma 112 Karntisch 1956, plan 1 235–284 C.E. Diana 39 Fitz 1998, 66 Tetrarchic Lendorf St. Margarethen Carnuntum Carnuntum a The references refer to the volume from which the dimensions were obtained, which is not necessarily the original plan or report. b In regard to this volume, unless the reference to a temple’s dimensions comes from a written chapter rather than the finds catalogue, it is listed here with the name of the editor of the volume as opposed to the individual author of that entry. 4 Works Cited Alfödy, G. 1974. Noricum. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Dolenz, H. 2011. “Recent Studies in Italic Temple Districts of Noricum.” In Religion in Public and Private Sphere: Acta of the 4th International Colloquium “The Autonomous Towns of Noricum and Pannonia,” 22.–25. 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