3. BIOMED Workshop „TOXOPLASMA GONDII RESEARCH IN EUROPE“ 1. page Participants: 1) Gustàv´ Catár; Prof. Dr.; Komensky Univ.; Dept. Biology & Parasitol.; Sasinkova 4; SZ-81108; Bratislava; 2) SLOVAKIA Adriana Ammassari; Dr.; Institution di Clinica delle Malattie Infettive ; Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Roma; 3) Ulrike Apfelthaler; Mag.; Seidengasse 39; A-1070; Wien; 4) Christine Armbruster; OA Dr.; Pulmologisches Zentrum; 2. Int. Lungenabteilung; Sanatoriumstr. 2; A-1145; Wien; 5) SCOTLAND AUSTRIA Alan Balfour; Dr.; PHLS Toxo Ref U; Pub Health Lab; Bridle Path, York road; LS15 7TR; Leeds; 8) AUSTRIA Horst Aspöck; Prof. Dr.; Clinical Institute of Hygiene; Univ. Wien; Kinderspitalgasse 15; A-1095; Wien; 7) AUSTRIA Myra Arnott; Dr.; Dept. Med. Microbiol.; Univ. Edinburgh; Tevlot Place; EH8 9AG; Edinburgh; 6) ITALY ENGLAND Reinhold Bauer; Dr.; Bund. Bakt. Serol. UA; Derfflingerstr. 2; A-4020; Linz; AUSTRIA 9) Anna Maria Benedetto; Dr.; Inst. Microbiol.; Fac. Med. Naples; Larghetto S. Aniello a Caponapoli 2; 1-80138; Napoli; 10) ITALY Nunzia Benedetto; Dr.; Inst. Microbiol.; Fac. Med. Naples; Larghetto S. Aniello a Caponapoli 2;1-80138; Napoli; 11) ITALY Maria Bichler; Ing.; Biomedica GesmbH; Divischgasse 4; A-1210; Wien; AUSTRIA 12) W. Bommer; Prof. Dr.; Allgem. Hygiene & Umwelthyg.; Windausweg 2; D37073; Göttingen; 13) GERMANY Gregoire Cozon; Dr.; Hopital E. Herriot INSERM U80 P; F-69437; Lyon; FRANCE 14) M.L. Darde; Prof. Dr.; Service de Parasitologie-Mycologie ; C.H.U. Dupuytren; 2 Avenue A. Carrel; F-87042; Limoges ; 15) FRANCE Dedner; Dr.; Behringwerke AG/Z26; SGE Diagnostica/MBD; Postfach 1140; 35001; Marburg; GERMANY 3. BIOMED Workshop „TOXOPLASMA GONDII RESEARCH IN EUROPE“ 2. page 16) Olgica Djurkovic-Djakovic; Ass.-Prof. Dr.; Inst. Med. Res.; Toxopl. Res. Lab.; PO Box 721; YU-11001; Belgrade; 17) Jean F. Dubremetz; Dr.; INSERM U. 42369; rue Jules Guesde B.P. 39; F59651; Villeneuve d'Ascq; 18) YUGOSLAVIA FRANCE Renate Edelhofer; Dr.; Inst. Parasitology; Linke Bahngasse 11; A-1030; Wien; AUSTRIA 19) David Ferguson; Dr.; Nuffield Dept. of Pathology & Bacteriol.; John Radcliffe Hosp.; OX3 9DU; Oxford; 20) H.G. Fischer; Dr.; Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Virologie; Moorenstr. 5; D-40225; Düsseldorf; 21) GERMANY John Hay; Dr.; Tennent Inst. Ophthalmology; Univ. Glasgow; 38 Church street; G11 6NTF; Glasgow; 30) AUSTRIA Hans-Peter Hauser; Dr.; Behringwerke AG/Z26; SGE Diagnostica/MBD; Postfach 1140; D-35001; Marburg; 29) AUSTRIA Andreas Hassl; Univ.-Doz. Dr.; Clinical Institute of Hygiene; Univ. Wien; Kinderspitalgasse 15; A-1095; Wien; 28) AUSTRIA Martina Hasenhündl; Dr.; Universitätshautklinik; Univ. Wien; Währingergürtel 18 - 22; A-1090; Wien; 27) GERMANY Christian Harmer; cand. rer. nat.; Clinical Institute of Hygiene; Univ. Wien; Kinderspitalgasse 15; A-1095; Wien; 26) GERMANY Antje Handschack; Dipl.-Biochem.; Inst. Med. Mikrobiologie; Otto v. Guericke Univ.; Leipziger Str. 44; D-39120; Magdeburg; 25) GERMANY H.-J. Hagedorn; Prof. Dr.; Medizinal Untersuchungsstelle; Postfach 2127; Lübbertorwall 18; D-32011; Herford; 24) ENGLAND Uwe Gross; Dr.; Institute of Hygiene & Microbiology ; Universität Würzburg; Josef-Schneider-Str. 2; D-97080; Würzburg; 23) GERMANY Ruth Gilbert; Dr.; Inst. Child Health; Dept. Epidemiol.; 30, Guilford street; WCIN IEH; London; 22) ENGLAND SCOTLAND M. Hayde; Dr.; Universitätskinderklinik; Währingergürtel; A-1090; Wien; AUSTRIA 3. BIOMED Workshop „TOXOPLASMA GONDII RESEARCH IN EUROPE“ 3. page 31) Klaus Hedman; Prof. Dr.; University of Helsinki; Department of Virology; Haartmaninkatu 3; SF-00290; Helsinki; FINLAND 32) Heidrun Hübner; Dr.; Clausiusstraße 6; D-53113; Bonn; 33) Elisabeth A. Innes; Dr.; Moredun Res Institute; 408 Gilmerton Rd; EH17 7JH; Edinburgh; 34) SCOTLAND Alan M. Johnson; Prof. Dr.; Dept. Microbiol.; School Biolog. & Biomed. Sciences; Westboume street; AUS-2065; Gore Hill NSW; 35) GERMANY AUSTRALIA Monika Kaindl; Dr.; Bund. Bakt. Serol. UA; Derfflingerstr. 2; A-4020; Linz; AUSTRIA 36) Gustav Kichler; DI.; bioMèrieux Austria ; Lamezanstrasse 17; A-1232; Wien; AUSTRIA 37) Bernd-Michael Klapper; Hr.; Katharinenstraße 47; D-08056; Zwickau; GERMANY 38) Maria Kleindel; Dr.; Medac; Lerchenfelderstr. 44/1; A-1080; Wien; AUSTRIA 39) Petr Kodym; Dr.; National Inst. Public Health; Toxoplasma Ref. Lab.; Srobärova 48; CZ-10042; Praha 10; 40) Peter Lind; Prof. Dr.; Statens Vet. Serumlab.; Nat. Veterinary Laboratory; Bülowsug 27; DK-1790; Copenhagen V; 41) AUSTRIA Alexander Möschl; D.I.; Behring Inst.; Diagnostika; Altmannsdorfer Straße 104; A-1121; Wien; 45) SWEDEN Silvia Mayerhofer; Dr.; Universitätshautklinik; Univ. Wien; Währingergürtel 18 22; A-1090; Wien; 44) CZECH REPUBLIC Anna Lundèn; Dr.; S. Univ. Agricult. Sciences; Dept. Parasitology; P.O.Box 7073; S-75007; Uppsala; 43) DENMARK Ivan Literak; Dr.; University of Veterinary ; Dept. lnf Dis; Palackeho 1-3; CZ61242; Bmo; 42) CZECH REPUBLIC AUSTRIA Guido Müller; Hr.; bioMèrieux Austria ; Lamezanstrasse 17; A-1232; Wien; AUSTRIA 46) Aleksandra Nikolic; Dr.; Inst. Med. Res.; Toxopl. Res. Lab.; PO Box 721; YU11001; Belgrade; YUGOSLAVIA 3. BIOMED Workshop „TOXOPLASMA GONDII RESEARCH IN EUROPE“ 4. page 47) Prosper Overdulve; Dr.; State University Utrecht; Dept. Parasitology & Trop. Vet. Med.; Yalelaan 1 PB 80.165; NL-3508 TD; Utrecht; 48) NIEDERLANDE Eskild Peterson; Prof. Dr.; Statens Seruminstitut; Artillerivej 5.; DK-2300; Copenhagen S; DENMARK 49) Nathalie Philippe; Mrs.; bioMérieux; F-69280; Marcy-l`Ètoile; FRANCE 50) Ingrid Reiter-Owona; Dr.; Inst. Med. Parasitol.; Uni. Bonn; Siegmund Freud Str. 25; D-53008; Bonn 1; 51) GERMANY Hans Richter; Dr.; Lab. f. med. Untersuchungen; Imbergstrasse 23; A-5020; Salzburg; 52) AUSTRIA Michel Rommel; Prof. Dr.; Institute of Parasitology ; University of Hannover; Bünteweg 17; D-30173; Hannover 17; 53) GERMANY Felix Röthler; Dr.; Laevosan GesmbH; Estermannstraße 17; A-4020; Linz; AUSTRIA 54) Manfred Rotter; Prof. Dr.; Clinical Institute of Hygiene; Univ. Wien; Kinderspitalgasse 15; A-1095; Wien; 55) AUSTRIA Birgit Schwarz; Dr.; Roche Diagn. Systems; Bau 205/306; CH-4002; Basel; SWITZERLAND 56) Ralph T. Schwarz; Dr.; Philipps-Univ. Marburg; Z. Hygiene & Mikrobiol.; Robert-Koch-Str. 17; D-35037; Marburg; 57) Kirsten Simon; Dr.; Tierärztl. Hochschule; Inst. Parasitol.; Bünteweg 17; D30559; Hannover; 58) GERMANY Andrew Skinner; Mr.; EM Unit Histopath Dep; John Redcliffe Hospital; OX3 9DU; Oxford; 59) GERMANY ENGLAND Hanne Spenter; Dr.; Statens Seruminstitut; Artillerivej 5.; DK-2300; Copenhagen S; DENMARK 60) Emi Spranzi; Dr.; Sorin Biomedica; l`-13040; Saluggia; 61) Zsuzsanna Szénási; Ass.-Prof. Dr.; Albert Szent-Györgyi Med. Univ.; Dept. Clin. Microbiol.; Somogyi Bela ter 1; H-6701; Szeged; 62) ITALY HUNGARY Astrid Tenter; Dr.; Tierärztl. Hochschule; Inst. Parasitol.; Bünteweg 17; D50559; Hannover; GERMANY 3. BIOMED Workshop „TOXOPLASMA GONDII RESEARCH IN EUROPE“ 5. page 63) Wolfgang Tuma; Dr.; Gem.Praxis f. Lab.Medizin; Berghäuserstr. 295; D-45659; Recklinghausen; 64) P. Wevers; Dr.; Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur; PM Mikrobiologie; Sasbacher Strasse 5; D-79111; Freiburg; 65) FRANCE Jade Zufferey; Dr.; Institute de Microbiology; CHUV; 44 rue Bugnon; CH-1011; Lausanne; 68) CROATIA L. Zenner; Dr.; Institut Pasteur; INSERM U. 167-CNRS 6241; rue due prof. A. Calmette B.P. 245; F-59019; Lille; 67) GERMANY Teodor Wikerhauser; Prof. Dr.; Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Zrinjski Trg 11; 41000; Zagreb; 66) GERMANY SWITZERLAND Stepan Lukes; Dr.; Inst. Parasitology; Branisovska 31; CZ-37005; Ceske Budejovice CZECH REPUBLIC
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