Publications FLI Rabies

Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies
as of July 2015
Publications in international, peer-reviewed journals
Freuling, C.M., T. Binger, M. Beer, Y. Adu-Sarkodie, J. Schatz, M. Fischer, D. Hanke,
B. Hoffmann, D. Höper, T.C. Mettenleiter, S.K. Oppong, C. Drosten, and T. Müller.
2015. Lagos bat virus transmission in an Eidolon helvum bat colony, Ghana. Virus Res
Eckardt, M., C. Freuling, T. Müller, and T. Selhorst. 2015. Spatio-temporal analysis of
fox rabies cases in Germany 2005-2006. Geospat Health 10:313.
Fereidouni, S., L. Kwasnitschka, A. Balkema Buschmann, T. Müller, C. Freuling, J.
Schatz, J. Pikula, H. Bandouchova, R. Hoffmann, B. Ohlendorf, G. Kerth, S. Tong, R.
Donis, M. Beer, and T. Harder. 2015. No Virological Evidence for an Influenza A – like
Virus in European Bats. Zoonoses Publ Health 62:187-189.
Hampson, K., L. Coudeville, T. Lembo, M. Sambo, A. Kieffer, M. Attlan, J. Barrat, J.D.
Blanton, D.J. Briggs, S. Cleaveland, P. Costa, C.M. Freuling, E. Hiby, L. Knopf, F.
Leanes, F.-X. Meslin, A. Metlin, M.E. Miranda, T. Müller, L.H. Nel, S. Recuenco, C.E.
Rupprecht, C. Schumacher, L. Taylor, M.A. Natal Vigilato, J. Zinsstag, J. Dushoff, on
behalf of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control Partners for Rabies Prevention. 2015.
Estimating the Global Burden of Endemic Canine Rabies. PLoS Negl Trop Dis
Horton, D.L., L.M. McElhinney, C.M. Freuling, D.A. Marston, A.C. Banyard, H.
Goharriz, E. Wise, A.C. Breed, G. Saturday, J. Kolodziejek, E. Zilahi, M.F. Al-Kobaisi,
N. Nowotny, T. Mueller, and A.R. Fooks. 2015. Complex Epidemiology of a Zoonotic
Disease in a Culturally Diverse Region: Phylogeography of Rabies Virus in the Middle
East. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9:e0003569.
Fischer, M., C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, J. Schatz, T.B. Rasmussen, M. Chriel, A.
Balkema-Buschmann, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann. 2014. Identification of rhabdoviral
sequences in oropharyngeal swabs from German and Danish bats. Virology J 11:196.
Müller, T., C.M. Freuling, P. Wysocki, M. Roumiantzeff, J. Freney, T.C. Mettenleiter,
and A. Vos. 2015. Terrestrial rabies control in the European Union: Historical
achievements and challenges ahead. Vet J 203:10-17.
Malerczyk, C., C. Freuling, D. Gniel, A. Giesen, T. Selhorst, and T. Müller. 2014.
Cross-neutralization of antibodies induced by vaccination with Purified Chick Embryo
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Cell Vaccine (PCECV) against different Lyssavirus species. Hum Vaccine Immunother
Yakobson, B., I. Goga, C.M. Freuling, A.R. Fooks, V. Gjinovci, B. Hulaj, D. Horton, N.
Johnson, J. Muhaxhiri, I. Recica, D. David, R. O’Flaherty, N. Taylor, T. Wilsmore, and
T. Müller. 2014. Implementation and monitoring of oral rabies vaccination of foxes in
Kosovo between 2010 and 2013 – An international and intersectorial effort. Int J Med
Microbiol [Epub ahead of print; doi:10.1016/j.ijmm.2014.07.009]
Vos, A., H. Ün, K. Hampson, K. de Balogh, O. Aylan, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, A.R.
Fooks, and N. Johnson. 2014. Bovine rabies in Turkey: patterns of infection and
implications for costs and control. Epidemiol Infect 142:1925-1933.
Nolden, T., A.C. Banyard, S. Finke, A.R. Fooks, D. Hanke, D. Höper, D. Horton, T.C.
Mettenleiter, T. Müller, J.P. Teifke, and C.M. Freuling. 2014. Comparative studies on
the genetic, antigenic and pathogenic characteristics of Bokeloh bat lyssavirus. J Gen
Virol 95:1647-1653.
Schatz, J., C.M. Freuling, E. Auer, H. Goharriz, C. Harbusch, N. Johnson, I, Kaipf, T.C.
Mettenleiter, K. Mühldorfer, R.-U. Mühle, B. Ohlendorf, B. Pott-Dörfer, J. Prüger, H.
Sheikh Ali, D. Stiefel, J. Teubner, R.G. Ulrich, G. Wibbelt, and T. Müller. 2014.
Enhanced Passive Bat Rabies Surveillance in Indigenous Bat Species from Germany – A
Retrospective Study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8:e2835.
Schatz, J., B. Ohlendorf, P. Busse, G. Pelz, D. Dolch, J. Teubner, J.A. Encarnação, R.U. Mühle, M. Fischer, B. Hoffmann, L. Kwasnitschka, A. Balkema-Buschmann, T.C.
Mettenleiter, T. Müller, and C.M. Freuling. 2014. Twenty years of active bat rabies
surveillance in Germany: a detailed analysis and future pespectives. Epidemiol Infect
Schatz, J., J.P. Teifke, T.C. Mettenleiter, A. Aue, D. Stiefel, T. Müller, and C.
Freuling. 2014. Lyssavirus distribution in naturally infected bats from Germany. Vet
Microbiol 169:33-41.
Fischer, M., C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, A. Wegelt, E.A. Kooi, T.B. Rasmussen, K. Voller,
D.A. Marston, A.R. Fooks, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann. 2014. Molecular double-check
strategy for the identification and characterization of European Lyssaviruses. J Virol
Meth 203:23-32.
He, X., T. Korytář, J. Schatz, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, and B. Köllner. 2014. Antilyssaviral activity of interferon к and ω from the Serotine bat, Eptesicus serotinus. J
Virol 88:5444-5454.
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Reta, T., S. Teshale, A. Deresa, A. Ali, G. Getahun, M.P.O. Baumann, T. Müller, and
C.M. Freuling. 2013. Evaluation of Rapid Immunodiagnostic Test for Rabies Diagnosis
Using Clinical Brain Samples in Ethiopia. J Vet Sci Med Diagn 2:3.
Kgaladi, J., N. Wright, J. Coertse, W. Markotter, D. Marston, A.R. Fooks, C.M.
Freuling, T.F. Müller, C.T. Sabeta, and L.H. Nel. 2013. Diversity and Epidemiology of
Mokola Virus. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 7:e2511.
Vos, A., A. Kretzschmar, S. Ortmann, I. Lojkic, C. Habla, T. Müller, C. Kaiser, B.
Hundt, and P. Schuster. 2013. Oral Vaccination of Captive Small Indian Mongoose
(Herpestes auropunctatus) against Rabies. J Wildlife Dis 49:1033-1036.
Vos, A., T. Nolden, C. Habla, S. Finke, C.M. Freuling, J. Teifke, and T. Müller. 2013.
Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany as potential reservoir species for Lyssaviruses.
Eur J Wildl Res 59:637-643.
Freuling, C.M., B. Abendroth, M. Beer, M. Fischer, D. Hanke, B. Hoffmann, D. Höper,
F. Just, T.C. Mettenleiter, J. Schatz, and T. Müller. 2013. Molecular diagnostics for
the detection of Bokeloh bat lyssavirus in a bat from Bavaria, Germany. Virus Res
Freuling, C.M., K. Hampson, T. Selhorst, R. Schröder, F.X. Meslin, T.C. Mettenleiter,
and T. Müller. 2013. The elimination of fox rabies from Europe: determinants of
success and lessons for the future. Phil Trans R Soc B 368:20120142.
McElhinney, L.M., D.A. Marston, S. Leech, C.M. Freuling, W.H.M. van der Poel, J.
Echevarria, S. Vázquez-Moron, D.L. Horton, T. Müller, A.R. Fooks. 2013. Molecular
Epidemiology of Bat Lyssaviruses in Europe. Zoon Publ Health 60:35-45.
Schatz, J., A.R. Fooks, L. McElhinney, D. Horton, J. Echevarria, S. Vázquez-Moron,
E.A. Kooi, T.B. Rasmussen, T. Müller, and C.M. Freuling. 2013. Bat Rabies Surveillance
in Europe. Zoon Publ Health 60:22-34.
Scott, T.P., M. Fischer, S. Khaiseb, C. Freuling, D. Höper, B. Hoffmann, W. Markotter,
T. Müller, and L.H. Nel. 2013. Complete Genome and Molecular Epidemiological Data
Infer the Maintenance of Rabies among Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in Namibia.
PLoS one 8:e58739.
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Fischer, M., K. Wernike, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, O. Aylan, B. Brochier, F. Cliquet, S.
Vázquez-Morón, P. Hostnik, A. Huovilainen, M. Isaksson, E.A. Kooi, J. Mooney, M.
Turcitu, T.B. Rasmussen, S. Revilla-Fernández, M. Smreczak, A.R. Fooks, D.A.
Marston, M. Beer, and B. Hoffmann. 2013. A Step Forward in Molecular Diagnostics of
Lyssaviruses – Results of a Ring Trial among European Laboratories. PLoS one
Robardet, E., S. Andrieu, T. Bruun Rasmussen, M. Dobrostana, D.L. Horton, P.
Hostnik, I. Jaceviciene, T. Juhasz, T. Müller, F. Mutinelli, A. Servat, M. Smreczak, E.
Vanek, S. Vázquez-Morón, and F. Cliquet. 2013. Comparative assay of fluorescent
antibody test results among twelve European National Reference Laboratories using
various anti-rabies conjugates. J Virol Meth 191:88-94.
Vos, A., T. Nolden, C. Habla, S. Finke, C.M. Freuling, J. Teifke, and T. Müller. 2013.
Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany as potential reservoir species for Lyssaviruses.
Eur J Wildl Res 59:637-643.
Banyard, A.C., D.L. Horton, C. Freuling, T. Müller, and A.R. Fooks. 2013. Control and
prevention of canine rabies: The need for building laboratory-based surveillance
capacity. Antiviral Res 98:357-364.
Freuling, C.M., B. Hoffmann, T. Selhorst, F.J. Conraths, J. Kliemt, J. Schatz, and T.
Müller. 2012. New insights into the genetics of EBLV-1 from Germany. Berl Münch
Tierärztl Wschr 125:259-263.
Finke, S., A. Karger, C. Freuling, and T. Müller. 2012. Assessment of inactivated
human rabies vaccines: Biochemical characterization and genetic identification of
virus strains. Vaccine 30:3603-3609.
Fischer, M., B. Hoffmann, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, and M. Beer. 2012. Perspectives on
molecular detection methods of lyssaviruses. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr 125:264-271.
Freuling, C.M., J. Kliemt, S. Schares, D. Heidecke, R. Driechciarz, J. Schatz, and T.
Müller. 2012. Detection of European bat lyssavirus 2 (EBLV-2) in a Daubenton’s bat
(Myotis daubentonii) from Magdeburg, Germany. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr 125:255258.
Goddard, A.D., N.M. Donaldson, D.L. Horton, R. Kosmider, L.A. Kelly, A.R. Sayers,
A.C. Breed, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, S.E. Shaw, G. Hallgren, A.R. Fooks, and E.L.
Snary. 2012. A Quantitative Release Assessment for the Noncommercial Movement of
Companion Animals: Risk of Rabies Reintroduction to the United Kingdom. Risk Anal
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Höper, D., S. Finke, C.M. Freuling, B. Hoffmann, and M. Beer. 2012. What can we
learn about lyssavirus genomes using 454 sequencing? Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr
Lembo, T., on behalf of the Partners for Rabies Prevention. 2012. The Blueprint for
Rabies Prevention and Control: A Novel Operational Toolkit for Rabies Elimination.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6:e1388.
Lojkić, I., Ž. Čač, T. Bedeković, N. Lemo, M. Brstilo, T. Müller, C.M. Freuling. 2012.
Diversity of currently circulating rabies virus strains in Croatia. Berl Münch Tierärztl
Wschr 125:249-254.
Müller, T., C.M. Freuling, P. Gschwendner, E. Holzhofer, H. Mürke, H. Rüdiger, P.
Schuster, D. Klöß, C. Staubach, K. Teske, and A. Vos. 2012. SURVIS: a fully-automated
aerial baiting system for the distribution of vaccine baits for wildlife. Berl Münch
Tierärztl Wschr 125:197-202.
Ross, R.S., C.M. Freuling, Y. Deleré, and T. Müller. 2012. Assessment of the human
medical significance of the rabies zoonosis in Germany – analysis of available data and
desiderata. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr 125:272-277.
Selhorst, T., C.M. Freuling, J. Blicke, A. Vos, G. Larres, K. Zimmer, T. Fröhlich, H.J.
Bätza, and T.F. Müller. 2012. Short-term interval baiting to combat the re-emergence
of fox rabies in Rhineland Palatinate (Germany) in 2005. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr
Ün, H., S. Eskiizmirliler, N. Ünal, C.M. Freuling, N. Johnson, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, A.
Vos, and O. Aylan. 2012. Oral vaccination of foxes against rabies in Turkey between
2008 and 2010. Berl Münch Tierärztl Wschr 125:203-208.
Mulatti, P., T. Müller, L. Bonfanti, and S. Marangon. 2012. 2009-2010 emergency oral
rabies vaccination of foxes in Italy: identification of residual rabies foci at higher
altitudes in the Alps. Epidemiol Infect 140:591-591.
Mühldorfer, K., S. Speck, A. Kurth, R. Lesnik, C. Freuling, T. Müller, S. KramerSchadt, and G. Wibbelt. 2011. Diseases and Causes of Death in European Bats:
Dynamics in Disease Susceptibility and Infection Rates. PLoS one 6:e29773.
Vos, A., K.K. Conzelmann, S. Finke, T. Müller, A.R. Fooks, A. Neubert. 2011.
Immunogenicity of a rabies virus construct with a site-directed deletion in the
phosphoprotein in red foxes and skunks. Special issue: recent advances in prevention
and control of rabies. Adv Prev Med, Art ID:898171.
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Freuling, C., P. Wohlsein, B. Keller, E. Mühlbach, F.J. Conraths, J.P. Teifke, B.
Hoffmann, D. Höper, C. Korthase, M. Beer, S. Finke, T.C. Mettenleiter, and T. Müller.
2011. Novel Lyssavirus Isolated from a Natterer’s bat, Germany. Emerg Infect Dis
Vos, A., C. Nunan, D. Bolles, T. Müller, A.R. Fooks, N. Tordo, and G.M. Baer. 2011.
The occurrence of rabies in pre-Columbian Central America: A Historical Search.
Epidemiol Infect 139:1445-1452.
McElhinney, L.M., D.A. Marston, C.M. Freuling, W. Cragg, S. Stankov, D. Lalosevic, T.
Müller, and A.R. Fooks. 2011. Molecular diversity and evolutionary history of rabies
virus strains circulating in the Balkans. J Gen Virol 92:2171-2180.
Höner, O., B. Wachter, K. Goller, H. Hofer, V. Runyoro, D. Thierer, R.D. Fyumagwa,
T. Müller, and M.L. East. 2011. Impact of a pathogenic bacterium on a social carnivore
population. J Anim Ecol 81:36-46.
Lembo, T., M. Attlan, H. Bourhy, S. Cleaveland, P. Costa, K. DeBalogh, B. Dodet, A.
Fooks, E. Hiby, F. Leanes, F.X. Meslin, M.E. Miranda, T. Müller, L. Nel, C.E.
Rupprecht, N. Tordo, A. Tumpey, A. Wandeler, D.J. Briggs. 2011. Renewed Global
Partnership and Re-designed Roadmaps for Rabies Prevention and Control. Vet Med
Int, ID:923149.
Johnson, N., C. Freuling, D. Horton, T. Müller, and A.R. Fooks. 2011. Imported Rabies,
European Union and Switzerland, 2001-2010. Emerg Infect Dis 17:753-754.
Vetter, J.M., L. Frisch, C. Drosten, R.S. Ross, M. Roggendorf, B. Wolters, T. Müller,
H.B. Dick, and N. Pfeiffer. 2010. Survival After Transplantation of Corneas From a
Rabies-Infected Donor. Cornea 30:241-244.
Publications in non-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, conference
Freuling, C.M., L.M. McElhinney, A.R. Fooks, and T.F. Müller. 2015. Gel-Based Reverse
Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. In: Rupprecht, C. and T. Nagarajan (eds.),
Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Prevention, Vol. 2,
Elsevier Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-801919-1, S. 119-128.
Müller, T., C.M. Freuling, C.E. Rupprecht, L. Both, A.R. Fooks, T. Lembo, L. Knopf,
D.J. Briggs, and L.H. Taylor. 2015. Elimination of Rabies – A Missed Opportunity. In:
Sting, A. (Hrsg.) Zoonoses – Infections Affecting Humans and Animals, Vol. III, Springer
Netherlands, ISBN: 978-94-017-9457-2_21, S. 527-571.
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Freuling, C.M., L.M. McElhinney, A.R. Fooks, and T.F. Müller. 2014. Gel-based reverse
transcription polymerase chain reaction. In: Rupprecht,C.E. (ed.), Current Laboratory
Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Prevention, and Research, Elsevier (in press).
Freuling, C.M., B. Hoffmann, M. Fischer, L.M. McElhinney, D.A. Marston, A.R. Fooks,
and T.F. Müller. 2014. Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for the
Demonstration of Lyssavirus Nucleic Acid. In: Rupprecht, C.E., T. Nagarjan (eds.),
Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Prevention, and Research, Vol. 1,
Elsevier, San Diego, USA/London, UK, ISBN: 978-01-280-0014-4, 350 S., S. 75-84.
Marston, D.A., L.M. McElhinney, E. Wise, R. Ellis, C.M. Freuling, T.F. Müller, and A.R.
Fooks. 2014. Next Generation Sequencing of Lyssaviruses. In: Rupprecht, C.E., T.
Nagarjan (eds.), Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Prevention, and
Research, Elsevier Vol. 1, Elsevier, San Diego, USA/London, UK, ISBN: 978-01-2800014-4, 350 S., S. 171-184.
McElhinney, M.L., D.A. Marston, R. Ellis, C.M. Freuling, T.F. Müller, and A.R. Fooks.
2014. Sanger Sequencing of Lyssaviruses. In: Rupprecht, C.E., T. Nagarjan (eds.),
Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Prevention, and Research, Elsevier
Vol. 1, Elsevier, San Diego, USA/London, UK, ISBN: 978-01-280-0014-4, 350 S., S. 159170.
Müller, T., C.E. Rupprecht, A.R. Fooks, L. Both, L. Taylor, T. Lembo, D. Briggs, L.
Knopf, and C. Freuling. 2014. Elimination of Rabies – a missed opportunity. In: Sing, A.
(ed.), Zoonoses: Infections affecting humans and animals – A focus on public health
aspects, Springer (in press).
Müller, T., J. Schatz, and C.M. Freuling. 2014. Die Tollwut und die Fledermäuse. In:
Leipziger Blaue Hefte: 7. Leipziger Tierärztekongress – Tagungsband 1, Leipziger
Universitätsverlag GmbH, S. 554-558.
Castro, P.D.J., N. Johnson and C.M. Freuling. 2014. Rabies in Europe: distribution,
risk, diagnosis and prevention. Companion animal 19:2-5.
Freuling, C., A. Vos, N. Johnson, R.-U. Mühle, and T. Müller. 2014. Rabies – Animal
Reservoirs of an Ancient Disease. In: Johnson, N. (ed.), The Role of Animals in
Emerging Viral Diseases, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-01-240-5191-1, 364 S., S. 63-87.
Banyard, A.C., D.T.S. Hayman, C.M. Freuling, T. Müller, A.R. Fooks, and N. Johnson.
2013. Bat Rabies. In: Jackson, A.C. (ed.), Rabies - Scientific Basis of the Disease and
Its Management, 3rd Edition, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-012396547-9, 704 p., p. 215267.
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Publication list OIE and NRL Rabies, updated July 2015
Driechciarz, R., E. Driechciarz, J. Schatz, C.M. Freuling, and T. Müller. 2013. Drei
Fälle von Fledermaustollwut in Magdeburg. Beitr Jagd- u Wildforsch 38:355-360.
Johnson, N., A.R. Fooks, C. Freuling, T. Müller, H. Ün, O. Aylan, N. Ünal, S.
Eskiizmirliler, N. Akkoca, and A. Vos. 2013. The Role of Phylogeography in the Control
of Wildlife Rabies in Turkey. In: Introduction to Sequence and Genome Analysis III,
iConcept Press Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-922227-09-6, 279 p. URL:
Artois, M., H. Bourhy, T. Müller, T. Selhorst, and G.C. Smith. 2012. Rabies and
European bat Lyssavirus infections. In: Gavier-Widén, D., J.P. Duff, and A. Meredith
(eds.), Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals and Birds in Europe, Blackwell Publishing
Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-40519-905-6, p. 86-98.
Müller, T., P. Demetriou, J. Moynagh, F. Cliquet, A.R. Fooks, F.J. Conraths, T.C.
Mettenleiter, and C.M. Freuling. 2012. Rabies elimination in Europe – A success story.
In: Fooks, A.R. and T. Müller (eds.), Rabies Control - Towards Sustainable Prevention
at the Source, Compendium of the OIE Global Conference on Rabies Control, IncheonSeoul, 7-9 September 2011, Republic of Korea. OIE, Paris.
Albayrak, I., H. Ün, N. Asan, N. Ünal, T. Müller, C. Freuling, O. Aylan. 2011.
Phylogenetic relationships of three bat species from Turkey. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg
Müller, T., B. Ohlendorf, B. Pott-Dörfer, A. Vos, L. Neubert, J. Kliemt, C.M. Freuling.
2011. Experimentelle Studien von EBLVs in verschiedenen Wirten – ein Überblick unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fledermäuse. Nyctalus (N.F.) 16:207-211.
Müller, T., J. Schatz, and C.M. Freuling. 2011. Fledermaustollwut – ein globaler
Überblick. Nyctalus (N.F.) 16:197-203.
Freuling, C.M., J. Schatz, B. Pott-Dörfer, D. Heidecke, G. Wibbelt, K. Mühldorfer, J.
Kliemt, and T. Müller. 2011. Untersuchungen an Fledermaustodfunden zum
Vorkommen der Fledermaustollwut in Deutschland. Nyctalus (N.F.) 16:212-216.
Freuling, C.M., J. Kliemt, E. Mühlbach, and T. Müller. 2011. Neues
Fledermaustollwutvirus aus einer Fransenfledermaus (Myotis nattereri) isoliert.
Nyctalus (N.F.) 16:204-206.
Benninger, G., C. Drosten, R. Goethe, R. Köck, L. Kreienbrock, S. Ludwig, R. Merle, T.
Müller, H. Neubauer, K. Sachse, D. Schlüter, E.G. Strauss, and L.H. Wieler. 2011.
Zoonosen: Bekannte und neue Infektionskrankheiten – eine Herausforderung für die
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Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Human- und Veterinärmedizin. Dt Zeitschr Klin
Forsch 5/6:42-47.
Deleré, Y., O. Wichmann, T. Müller, C. Freuling, M. Roggendorf, and S. Ross. 2011.
Tollwut in Deutschland: Gelöstes Problem oder versteckte Gefahr? Epidemiol Bull
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