EXOTAN TRINITI Outdoor living season 2016 | 2017 p4 p21 Let’s Lounge! Our new app! All weather NEW DESIGNS SUITABLE IN EVERY GARDEN NOW AVAILABLE IN THE APP-STORE DISCOVER OUR GREAT COLLECTION ALL WEATHER GARDEN FURNITURE 10 Samos 11 York Sevilla 23 12 Ibiza Index Rhodos lounge stone grey 4 Rhodos lounge taupe 6 Sicilië lounge stone grey 8 Sicilië lounge set taupe 8 Samos dining 10 York dining 11 Ibiza lounge black 12 Ibiza lounge taupe 13 Ibiza lounge mixed grey 14 Ibiza dining 15 Casablanca lounge taupe 16 Casablanca lounge mix grey 18 Casablanca lounge blue jeans 19 Marrakech lounge 20 Index of brands 20 Tuinmeubel app - Design your garden 21 Puro tables 22 Sevilla dining 23 Sevilla lounge 24 Milan26 Vino lounge Silvertex®28 Vino lounge Sunbrella®30 Field32 Stef lounge 32 Maxx lounge 34 Cushions and overlays 35 Tom lounge 36 Bello dining 39 Triniti Chairs 40 Triniti Tables 41 Metz42 Caldo black & taupe 43 Comfort44 Pinisi lounge 45 Bali benches 46 Bali tables 46 Kawang XL lounge 47 Rimini dark grey 48 Rimini dark grey all weather 49 Sienna dining 50 Sienna lounge 50 Mallorca dining 51 Stella tables 52 Reggae lounge/high dining 53 Venice54 ©2015-2016 Whilst the information contained in this catalogue is accurate at the time of publication, changes in the course of the season of Persoon Outdoor Living’s policy of improvement through development and design might not be indicated. We point out this fact to avoid any infringements of the Trade Description Act and also to advice that Persoon Outdoor Living b.v. reserves the right to change specifications and materials without prior notice. In our additional Persoon Outdoor Livings pricelist we mention all sizes and materials and prices. All prices in this pricelist are including VAT and subject to change. This catalogue is worth € 9,95 Figo black 56 Boston picnic 56 Beach chair 57 Various teak 58 Various balau 59 Decoration & various 60 Care products 62 EXOTAN Rhodos lounge stone grey Nanotex® & fast dry foam Enjoy outdoor living at home with your best friends and experience the pure comfort. Exotan presents the Rhodos lounge, a high quality lounge set fabricated from the most unique, durable and UV resitant materials. The newest outdoor fabric Nanotex is extremely strong and based on Nano technology. It feels like your indoor sofa. During the winter time we advise to bring the all weather cushions inside, of course the upholstered and aluminium frame stays outside. 4 Outdoor living 1 Lounge stone grey corner Lounge stein grau Ecke 90x90x40/70cm CH1220CCG 2 Lounge stone grey centre sofa Lounge stein grau Mittelteil 90x90x40/70cm CH1221CG 3 Lounge stone grey hocker Lounge stein grau Hocker 90x90x42cm CH1223G Read more on page 20 1 2 3 5 6 Outdoor living EXOTAN Rhodos lounge taupe Nanotex® & fast dry foam 2 3 1 Lounge taupe centre sofa Lounge taupe Mittelteil 90x90x40/70cm CH1221CT 1 2 Lounge taupe corner Lounge taupe Ecke 90x90x40/70cm CH1220CCT 3 Lounge taupe hocker Lounge taupe Hocker 90x90x42cm CH1223T Celebrate the summer! Read more on page 20 7 EXOTAN Sicilië lounge stone grey Nanotex® 1 Lounge set stone grey complete left Lounge set stein grau, komplett links 262x246x60cm CH5800LSG 2 Lounge set stone grey complete right Lounge set stein grau, komplett rechts 262x246x60cm CH5800RSG 1 EXOTAN Sicilië lounge taupe Nanotex® 2 8 Outdoor living 1 2 Read more on page 20 1 Lounge set taupe complete right Lounge set taupe, komplett rechts 262x246x60cm CH5800RT 2 Lounge set taupe complete left Lounge set taupe, komplett links 262x246x60cm CH5800LT 9 EXOTAN Samos dining Nanotex® & fast dry foam & teak FSC® 1 Dining armchair taupe Armlehnstuhl taupe 1 CH403CTFSC 62x5x62x87cm 2 Dining armchair sand Armlehnstuhl sand CH403CSFSC 62x5x62x87cm 3 Dining armchair stone grey Armlehnstuhl stein grau CH403CGFSC 62x5x62x87cm 2 3 Read more on page 20 10 Outdoor living EXOTAN York dining Texfabric & teak FSC® 1 Dining chair mixed grey Armlehnstuhl grau 57x64x89 cm CH3886CG 2 Dining chair taupe Armlehnstuhl taupe 57x64x89cm CH3886CT 3 Dining chair blue jeans Armlehnstuhl blue jeans 57x64x89 cm CH3886CBJ Read more on page 20 1 2 3 11 EXOTAN Ibiza lounge black Texfabric & fast dry foam Since the earliest rays of sun in springtime until the last beautiful late summer day you can enjoy the ibiza set. All cushions are all weather and provided with dry-foam fillings. This menas they dry quickly and they are mould free. Read more on page 20 1 2 3 1 Lounge black corner Lounge Schwarz Ecke 90x90x70cm CH1880CCBL 2 Lounge black centre sofa Lounge Schwarz Mittelteil 90x90x70cm CH1881CBL 3 Lounge black armchair Lounge Schwarz Armlehnstuhl 100x88x70cm CH1884CBL 4 Lounge black table/footstool Lounge Schwarz Kaffee Tisch/Hocker 90x90x42cm CH1883TPBL 5 Sunlounger black Sonnenliege Schwarz 209x75x36cm CH2887CBL 6 Coverset complete Schutzhüllenset Komplett CH188CSET 5 4 12 Outdoor living 6 EXOTAN Ibiza lounge taupe Texfabric & fast dry foam 1 2 3 4 5 1 Lounge taupe centre sofa Lounge Taupe Mittelteil 4 Lounge taupe table/footstool Lounge Taupe Kaffee Tisch/Hocker 90x90x70cm 90x90x42cm CH1881CT CH1883TPT 2 Lounge taupe corner Lounge Taupe Ecke 5 Sun lounger taupe Sonnenliege Taupe 90x90x70cm 209x75x36cm CH1880CCT CH2887CT 3 Lounge taupe armchair Lounge Taupe Armlehnstuhl 6 Coverset complete Schutzhüllenset komplett 100x88x70cm CH188CSET Read more on page 20 6 CH1884CT 13 EXOTAN Ibiza lounge mixed grey Texfabric & fast dry foam Read more on page 20 1 Design your garden Ibiza-style! 1 Lounge mixed grey armchair Lounge mix Grau Armlehnstuhl 4 Lounge mixed grey table/footstool Lounge mix Grau Kaffee Tisch/Hocker 100x88x70cm 90x90x42cm CH1884CG CH1883TPG 2 Lounge mixed grey corner Lounge mix Grau Ecke 5 Sunlounger mixed grey Sonnenliege mix Grau 90x90x70cm 209x75x36cm CH1880CCG CH2887CG 3 Lounge mixed grey centre sofa Lounge mix Grau Mittelteil 6 Coverset complete Schutzhüllenset Komplett 90x90x70cm CH188CSET CH1881CG 2 3 4 6 5 14 Outdoor living EXOTAN Ibiza dining Texfabric 1 2 3 4 1 Dining black armchair Armlehnstuhl Schwarz 61x57x92cm CH2886CBL 2 Dining grey armchair Armlehnstuhl Grau Read more on page 20 61x57x92cm CH2886CG 3 Dining taupe armchair Armlehnstuhl Taupe 61x57x92cm CH2886CT 4 Dining blue jeans armchair Armlehnstuhl Blue Jeans 61x57x92cm CH2886CBL 15 EXOTAN Casablanca lounge taupe Texfabric 3 16 Outdoor living 4 5 1 2 Read more on page 20 1 Lounge set taupe, complete right Lounge set Taupe, Komplett rechts 4 Lounge coffeetable/footrest taupe Lounge Kaffee Tisch/ Hocker Taupe 262x246x60cm 76x92x40cm CH2800RT CH2883TT 2 Lounge set taupe, complete left Lounge set Taupe, Komplett links 5 Lounge armchair taupe Lounge Armlehnstuhl Taupe 262x246x60cm 100x88x60cm CH2800LT CH2884CT 3 Lounge taupe corner Lounge Taupe Eckteil 6 Lounge coverset complete Schutzhüllenset Komplett 92x92x40/60cm CH288C SET CH2880CCT 6 17 EXOTAN Casablanca lounge mix grey Texfabric 1 2 3 4 5 1 Lounge coffeetable/footrest mix grey Lounge Kaffee Tisch/ Hocker mix Grau 76x92x40cm CH2883TG 6 Lounge set mix grey, complete right Lounge set mix grau, Komplett rechts 2 Lounge armchair mix grey Lounge Armlehnstuhl mix Grau 262x246x60cm 100x88x60cm CH2800RG CH2884CG 6 3 Lounge mix grey corner Lounge Eckteil mix Grau 92x92x40/60cm CH2880CCG 4 Magazine rack Zeitschrifthalter 64x30x13cm CH223RACK 5 Lounge coverset complete Schutzhüllenset Komplett CH288CSET 7 7 Lounge set mix grey, complete left Lounge set mix grau, Komplett links 262x246x60cm CH2800LG Read more on page 20 18 Outdoor living EXOTAN Casablanca lounge blue jeans Texfabric Read more on page 20 1 Lounge set blue jeans, complete right Lounge set Blue Jeans, Komplett rechts 262x246x60cm CH2800RBJ 1 2 2 Lounge set blue jeans, complete left Lounge set Blue Jeans, Komplett links 262x246x60cm CH2800LBJ 19 EXOTAN Marrakech lounge Texfabric 1 Lounge set taupe complete Lounge set taupe komplett 250x90x92 cm 72x72x42cm (hocker) CH2900CT 2 Cover set for Marrakech lounge set Schutzhüllenset für Marrakech lounge Set CH290CSET Read more on page 20 1 2 Index of brands 20 For more than 20 years a well-know brand for garden furniture in more than 12 European countries. Quality outdoor products in a strong, wide and modern collection. Always innovating and looking for new materials, styles and trends. Outdoor living Affordable design for every garden. Triniti brings a unique and modern collection in outdoor living. Durable and high quality outdoor furniture produced in Vietnam and Europe. A wide range of maintenance products to keep your garden furniture in the best condition. For all kind of ourdoor materials you will find a high quality care product in the Exotan Care range. Water runs straight through the special foam. This dry-foam ensures that the cusions will dry fast and will keep them in their original shape. Thanks to the Sunbrella® or Texfabric or Olefin fabric covers the cushions will stay in a good condition. Advice to bring the cushions inside in Winter time for a long-term use. By Texfabric: Water drains from the cushion. The foam is protected with a waterproof lining filling inside the Texfabric cushion. Advice to bring the cushions inside in Winter time for a long-term use. By Silvertex®: Water drains from the Silvertex® and will not get through the fabric. The Silvertex® is treated with the most advance ion technology, Silvergard®, a natural environmentally friendly bacteria-fighting defense to inhibit odour and stain causing bacteria. All Silvertex® items stay outside during the whole year. Let's design your garden! TUINMEUBEL APP Design your garden Designing your garden has never been so easy! Take a picture of your garden with your mobile device and choose the furniture from the catalogue. Place the furniture virtually into your garden. This way you can easily decorate your garden without the struggle of measuring and fitting the furniture in your garden. Prevent the risk of making a wrong purchase and watch how your garden comes back to life with this amazing app, which turns garden fanatics into designers. A world class vinyl-coated fabric distribution organization enhanced via a 50+ year alliance with Proquinal S.A., the leading coated fabrics manufacturer in the Western Hemisphere. The combination of Spradling’s market experience, and award winning design expertise and Proquinal’s unique production capabilities, extensive cutting-edge coating technology, along with their ISO certifications, ensure that ever-changing market trends are always recognized. The world’s leading outdoor fabric Sunbrella® solutiondyed acrylic fibres stand up to tough weather conditions and years of sun exposure. The colour pigments are locked right into the very heart of the fibres during the initial stage of the manufacturing process, before the yarn is even made. Twitchel Leading manufacturer of weather resistant materials for sunscreens and sun foil and plastics for garden furniture. In the products with the Twichell logo of Persoon Outdoor Living we use Twitchell high quality textilene. Texfabric and Nanotex are the best quality and durable outdoor fabrics. Nanotex gives a more indoor feeling. Both fabrics are strong, for all weather use, colour fasting and breathable. Most important feature feature are UV-resistant, free of maintenance and easy to clean. Forest Stewardship Council® The FSC® label identifies forests which have been certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council. Look for FSC-certified products in this brochure. All Exotan Care products are water-based and do not contain hazardous VOCs, helping to provide better outdoor air quality. Our upgraded formulas provide the quality performance and commitment to more environmentally responsible products that Exotan customers have come to expect. Since they are water-based, our products do not irritate the skin and are safe for human beings. They are also designed to break down quickly and naturally in the environment. 21 TRINITI Puro tables HPCL top 1 2 1 Table silvergrey Tisch Silbergrau 180x100x75 cm NL012TSG 2 Table silvergrey Tisch Silbergrau 240x100x75 cm NL014TSG 3 Table anthracite grey Tisch Anthrazit Grau 180x100x75 cm NL012TAG 4 Table anthracite grey Tisch Anthrazit Grau 240x100x75 cm NL014TAG 5 Table white grey Tisch Weiss Grau 180x100x75 cm NL012TWG 6 Table white grey Tisch Weiss Grau 240x100x75 cm NL014TWG 22 Outdoor living 3 4 5 6 EXOTAN Sevilla dining Aluminum with taupe fabric with fast dry foam 1 Table rectangular with HPL top Tisch Rechteckig mit HPL top 240x100x77 cm TV519TWW 1 2 2Armchair Armlehnstuhl 63x57x80 cm TV501CWT A seat in the sun for everyone Read more on page 20 23 EXOTAN Sevilla lounge Aluminum with taupe fabric with fast dry foam Feel the comfort, feel Sevilla! The Sevilla line is unique and modern by using light and durable materials in contemporary colours. Leave your cushions outside easily, because the high quality Olefin fabric and the filling are UV protected and fast drying. After the summer we advise to bring all cushions inside for a long service life. Read more on page 20 2 1 24 Outdoor living 3 5 5 Coffee table Kaffee Tisch 80x80x36 cm TV516TWW 6 Coffee table Kaffee Tisch 120x80x36 cm TV514TWW 6 1 Lounge armchair Lounge Armlehnstuhl 70x85x78 cm TV504CWT 2 Lounge 2-seat bench Lounge 2-Sitz Bank 135x85x78 cm TV505CWT 3 Lounge 3-seat bench Lounge 3-Sitz Bank 200x85x78 cm TV506CWT 4 Lounge footrest Lounge Hocker 66x55x52 cm TV509WT 4 25 EXOTAN Milan Aluminium with teak FSC® and textilene® 1 1 Stackable armchair with teak armrests Stapelstuhl mit Teak Armlehne 57x66,5x88,5 cm CR887CWTFSC 26 Outdoor living 2 3 5 4 2 Table rectangular Tisch rechteckig 150x90x74cm CR931TWFSC 3 Table rectangular Tisch rechteckig 200x100x74 cm CR932TWTFSC 4 Table extendable rectangular Rechteckige Ausziehtisch 200/260 x100x74 cm CR933TEWFSC 5 Table square Quadrat Tisch 90x90x74cm CR930TWTFSC 6 Table square aluminium white Quadrat Tisch 6 90x90x74cm CR830TW 7Sunlounger Sonnenliege 8Sidetable Beistelltisch 220x70x34 cm CR888SWT 7 45x45x42 cm CR929TWTFSC 8 27 TRINITI Vino lounge Silvertex® 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Lounge centre sofa carbon Lounge Mittelteil Carbon 4 Lounge centre corner Carbon Lounge Mitte Eckteil Carbon 93x93x70 cm P73C 2 Lounge corner left carbon Lounge Ecke links Carbon 5 Lounge hocker carbon Lounge Hocker Carbon 118x93x70cm P71C P74C 3 Lounge corner right carbon Lounge Ecke rechts Carbon 6 Lounge Armchair carbon Lounge Armlehnstuhl Carbon 118x93x70 cm P72C 28 93x93x70 cm P70C Outdoor living 93x93x39 cm 93x93x70 cm P75C All Silvertex items are 100% watertight and UV-resistant. The fabric is extremely strong and is used in the yacht industry for many years. The vinyl topcoating and the sealed stitchings are one of the many unique features of the Silvertex fabric. In winter time you can leave the Silvertex items outside because the fabric can handle outside temperatures of -23°C. 7 10 8 11 9 12 7 Lounge centre sofa plata silver Lounge Mittelteil Plata Silber 9 Lounge corner right plata silver Lounge Eckteil rechts Plata Silber 11 Lounge hocker plata silver Lounge Hocker Plata Silber 93x93x70cm 118x93x70cm P70P P72P P74P 8 Lounge corner left plata silver Lounge Ecke links Plata Silber 10Lounge centre corner plata silver Lounge Mitte Ecke Plata Silber 12 Lounge Armchair plata silver Lounge Armlehnstuhl Plata Silber 118x93x70 cm P71P 93x93x70 cm P73P 93x93x93 cm 93x93x70 cm P75P Read more on page 20 29 TRINITI Vino lounge Sunbrella® A sofa in fabric for outdoor? This is only possible by using high quality materials and European manufacturing. By using Sunbrella® we guarantee a 100% acrylic, water repellent, stain proof and colour fastness UV fabric. The styropor filling has a water drainage and is covered with fast dry foam for the best comfort and ergonomic. Easy tot clean even with strong maintenance products. 1 Lounge centre sofa antracite Lounge Mittelteil Anthrazit 93x93x70 cm P60A 2 Lounge corner left antracite Lounge Ecke links Anthrazit 4 5 118x93x70cm P61A 3 Lounge corner right antracite Lounge Ecke rechts Anthrazit 118x93x70 cm P62A 4 Lounge centre corner antracite Lounge Mitte Eckteil Anthrazit 7 8 93x93x70 cm P63A 5 Lounge hocker antracite Lounge Hocker Anthrazit 93x93x39 cm P64A 6 Lounge Armchair antracite Lounge Armlehnstuhl Anthrazit 93x93x70 cm P65A 30 Outdoor living 12 13 14 15 16 18 Read more on page 20 7 Lounge centre sofa grey Lounge Mittelteil Grau 13 Lounge corner right light grey Lounge Eckteil rechts Hellgrau 15 Lounge centre corner light grey Lounge Mitte Ecke Hellgrau 17 Lounge Armchair light grey Lounge Armlehnstuhl Hellgrau 93x93x70cm 118x93x70cm P60G P62LG P63LG P65LG 8 Lounge corner right grey Lounge Eckteil rechts Grau 14 Lounge corner left light grey Lounge Ecke links Hellgrau 16 Lounge hocker light grey Lounge Hocker Hellgrau 18 Cube light grey Kubus Hellgrau 118x93x70cm P62G P61LG 118x93x70 cm 93x93x70 cm 93x93x93 cm P64LG 93x93x70 cm 50x50x50 cm P57LG 9 Lounge corner left grey Lounge Ecke links Grau 118x93x70 cm P61G 10Lounge centre corner grey Lounge Mitte Ecke Grau 93x93x70 cm P63G 11 Lounge hocker grey Lounge Hocker Grau 93x93x93 cm P64G 12 Lounge centre sofa light grey Lounge Mittelteil Hellgrau 93x93x70cm P60LG 31 TRINITI TRINITI Field Stef lounge Silvertex® & Sunbrella® Silvertex® 1 1 Lounge chaise longue set white Lounge Chaise Longue weiss 230x180x43/73 cm P41LW 1 Field 3-seatbench sunbrella graphite Field 3-Sitzbank Sunbrella Graphite 216x80x82cm P86G 1 2 Read more on page 20 2 Hocker white Hocker weiss 83x60x43cm P87W Read more on page 20 32 Outdoor living Food, friends and long summer weekends 1 2 1 Lounge corner carbon anthracite Lounge Ecke Carbon Anthrazit 3 Lounge centre corner carbon anthracite Lounge Mitte Ecke Carbon Anthrazit 90x90x68cm 90x90x68cm P37C P38C 2 Lounge centre sofa carbon anthracite Lounge Mitte Teil Carbon Anthrazit 4 Lounge footstool carbon anthracite Lounge Hocker Carbon Anthrazit 90x80x68cm 90x80x42cm P36C P40C 34 Outdoor living 3 4 TRINITI TRINITI Maxx lounge Cushions and overlays Silvertex® Sunbrella® 5 6 5 Lounge chaise longue carbon antracite left Lounge Chaise Longue Carbon Anthrazit Links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 163x97x68cm P39CL 6 Lounge chaise longue carbon antracite right Lounge Chaise Longue Carbon Anthrazit rechts 163x97x68cm P39CR 7 Read more on page 20 7 Lounge armchair carbon anthracite Lounge Armstuhl Carbon Anthrazit 1 Cushion dark stripes porto nero Kissen streifen Porto Nero 5 Cushion dark grey stripe Kissen dunkelgrau streifen 60x60cm 60x60 cm P2P1SPN P2P1DGS 2 Cushion grey Kissen grau 6 Cushion light grey Kissen Hellgrau 60x60cm 60x60 cm P2P1G P2P1LG 3 Cushion anthracite Kissen Anthrazit 7 Overlay cushion anthracite Overlay Kissen Anthrazit 60x60cm 75x50x17cm P2P1A P2P3A 4 Cushion white Kissen weiss 8 Overlay cushion grey Overlay Kissen grau 60x60cm 75x50x17cm P2P1W P2P3G 109x90x68cm P47C 35 TRINITI Tom lounge Silvertex® Read more on page 20 36 Outdoor living 1 2 3 1 Lounge armchair meteor Lounge Armlehnstuhl Meteor 101x83x72cm P21M 2 Lounge 2-seater bench meteor Lounge 2-Sitzbank Meteor 166x83x72cm P22M 3 Lounge 3-seater bench meteor Lounge 3-Sitzbank Meteor 215x83x72cm P33M 4 Lounge chaise longue set meteor Lounge Chaise Longue set Meteor 234x136x72cm P23M 5 Lounge hocker meteor Lounge hocker Meteor 64x64x42cm P48M 6 Lounge cornerset Meteor Lounge Set Meteor 235x235x72cm P80M 4 5 6 37 Time for a moment in the afternoon sun 38 Outdoor living TRINITI Bello dining Silvertex® 1 2 Read more on page 20 3 Like all Silvertex® products from the Triniti collection, the Bello garden furniture are also made of the best quality. Humid- and stain resistant, anti-bacterial, UV resistant, fireproof and longwearing. What more could you want from an outdoor fabric? 4 1 Dining armchair carbon anthracite Armlehnstuhl Carbon Anthrazit 3 Dining armchair plata silver Armlehnstuhl Plata Silber 64x64x82cm 64x64x82cm P32C P32P 2 Dining armchair sapphire blue Armlehnstuhl Saphir Blau 4 Dining armchair white Armlehnstuhl Weiss 64x64x82cm 64x64x82cm P32S P32W 39 TRINITI Chairs Aluminium, textilene® & teak FSC® 1 2 3 4 1 Aquila black stacking chair Aquila Schwarz Stapelstuhl 5 Drago black adjustable chair Drago Schwarz Hochlehner 62,5x48x111cm 57,5x44x86 cm TATX-1011B TATX-3001B 2 Pegasus black dining armchair Pegasus Schwarz Armlehnstuhl 6 Drago grey adjustable chair Drago Grau Hochlehner 58x46x82 cm TATX-3001G 3 Pegasus grey dining armchair Pegasus Grau Armlehnstuhl 7 Ursa Minot black folding armchair Ursa Minot Schwarz Armlehnklappstuhl 58x46x82 cm TATX-2011B 4 Pegasus white dining chair Pegasus Weiss Armlehnstuhl 8 Ursa Minot grey folding armchair Ursa Minot Grau Klappstuhl 58x46x82 cm 5 Outdoor living 55,5x38x90,5 cm TATX-1012G TATX-1012W 40 62,5x48x111 cm TATX-1012B 55,5x38x90,5 cm TATX-2011G 6 TRINITI Tables Aluminium & teak FSC® 7 8 9 10 1 9 Drago black footrest Drago Schwarz footrest 51x51x42.5cm TATX-3011B 2 10Drago grey footrest Drago Grau footrest 1 Alcor rectangular table Alcor rechteckige Tisch 51x51x42.5cm TATX-3011G TAT-5215 11 Serpens Black deckchair with footrest Serpens Schwarz Liegestuhl 2 Alcor rectangular table Alcor rechteckige Tisch TAT-5065 63,5x51x98 cm 210x100x77 cm 160x90x77 cm TATX-4001B 3 Alcor square side table Alcor Quadrat Beistelltisch 12 Serpens Grey deckchair with footrest Serpens Grau Liegestuhl 50x50x40 cm TAT-5059 63,5x51x98 cm 4 Alcor square table Alcor Quadrat Tisch TATX-4001G 70x70x77 cm TAT-5075 11 12 3 4 41 EXOTAN Metz Stainless steel frame & Textilene ® & teak 1 2 3 1 Armchair taupe Armlehnstuhl Taupe 63x56x91 cm AA3000T 2 Armchair grey Armlehnstuhl Grau 63x56x91 cm AA3000G 3 Armchair black Armlehnstuhl Schwarz 63x56x91 cm AA3000B 5 6 7 42 Outdoor living 5 Table square Quadrat Tisch 6 Table rectangular Rechteckige Tisch 7 Table extendable rectangular Rechteckige Ausziehtisch 100x100x75cm 200x100x75cm AA3030 AA3050 AA7001TT 200/280 x100x75 cm EXOTAN Caldo Teak FSC® & Textilene® 1 Armchair black Armlehnstuhl Schwarz 1 2 5 3 4 6 57x60x87cm R417CTBFSC 2 Adjustable chair black Hochlehner Schwarz 58x60x113cm R350CTBFSC 3 Folding armchair black Klappstuhl mit Armlehnen Schwarz 6 Adjustable chair taupe Hochlehner Taupe 62x56x99cm R350CTTFSC 58x60x113cm R754CTBFSC 4 Sunlounger black Sonnenliege Schwarz 7 Folding armchair taupe Klappstuhl mit Armlehnen Taupe 186x61x36cm 62x56x99cm R405CTBFSC R754CTTFSC 5 Armchair taupe Armlehnstuhl Taupe 8 Sunlounger taupe Sonnenliege Taupe 57x60x87cm 186x61x36cm R417CTTFSC R405CTTFSC 7 8 The quality and warmth of teak 43 EXOTAN Comfort Teak FSC® For people who prefer gardens with an authentic charisma. Enjoy these timeless and exceedingly strong Comfort garden furniture. Fully made of FSC teak and still ergonomic and comfortable. 1 12-seatbench 2-Sitzbank 2 123x66x94cm 52434AFSC 23-seatbench 3-Sitzbank 152x66x94cm 52435AFSC 34-seatbench 4-Sitzbank 180x66x94cm 52430AFSC 4 Adjustable chair Hochlehner 60x66x115cm 52436FSC 5Armchair Armlehnstuhl 66x60x94cm 52433AFSC 44 Outdoor living 4 5 3 EXOTAN Pinisi lounge Recycled teak 1 1 Lounge bed including cushion Sunproof Olefin Stinson (150x192x5cm) Lounge Bett inklusive Kissen Sunproof Olefin Stinson (150x192x5cm) 230x160x88 cm ZA90123CT 45 EXOTAN Bali benches Teak FSC® 1 Bali 2-seatbench Bali 2-Sitzbank 123x63x42/86,5cm LV2023CTFSC 2 Bali 3-seatbench Bali 3-Sitzbank 150x63x42/86,5cm 1 2 LV2015CTFSC EXOTAN Bali tables Recycled teak 1 Bali table rectangular Bali Tisch rechteckig 2 Bali table rectangular Bali Tisch rechteckig 180x100x77cm 220x100x77cm ZA55327RTT ZA55324RTT 1 2 46 Outdoor living EXOTAN Kawang XL lounge Recycled teak 1 Kawang XL colonial lounge chair Kawang XL Bahnhof Armstuhl 90x90x80cm ZA40169CT 2 Kawang XL colonial lounge bench Kawang XL Bahnhofbank 190x115x80cm ZA20169CT 3 Kawang XL coffee table rectangulair Kawang XL Kaffee rechteckige Tisch 125x70x30 cm ZA51166TT 4 Kawang XL coffee table square Kawang XL Kaffee Quadrat Tisch 90x90x30cm ZA51169TT 5 Cushion for Kawang coffeetable Kissen für Kawang Kaffee Quadrat Tisch 88x88x10cm ZA51169-CU 1 2 3 4 5 47 EXOTAN Rimini dark grey Wicker Rimini loungesets are produced in Vietnam, just outside Saigon. Half round wicker threads are braided with the highest care by locals, on strong aluminium frames. Handmade. Resulting in loungesets in beautiful natural shades. 1 2 1 Lounge set complete dark grey (3x corner, 2x centre and 1x table) 5 Lounge centre sofa dark grey Lounge Mittelteil dunkel Grau Lounge-Set Komplett dunkel Grau 84x72x68cm (3x Eckteil, 2x Mittelteil und 1x Tisch) BH0920DG 3 4 5 6 245x245x68cm BH0911 SET 2 Dining armchair dark grey Dining Armlehnstuhl dunkel Grau 6 Lounge corner sofa dark grey Lounge Ecke dunkel Grau 84x84x68cm BH0940DG 65x66x91cm BH2225CDG 3 Lounge 3-seatbench/ sunlounger dark grey Lounge 3-Sitzbank/ Sonnenliege dunkel Grau 7 Lounge coffeetable / footrest dark grey Lounge Kaffee Tisch / Hocker dunkel Grau 7 72x72x43cm BH0950DG 228x85x68cm BH0916CDG 4 Lounge armchair dark grey Lounge Armlehnstuhl dunkelgrau 84x86x68cm BH0930DG 48 Outdoor living 8 Tray for lounge armrests Tableau für lounge Armlehnen Edelstahl 20x13.5 x 7 cm BH01TRAY 8 EXOTAN Rimini dark grey all weather Wicker Read more on page 20 1 2 3 4 1 Lounge armchair dark grey Lounge Armlehnstuhl dunkelgrau 84x86x68cm BHF930DG 2 Lounge centre sofa dark grey Lounge Mittelteil dunkel Grau 84x72x68cm BHF920DG 3 Lounge corner sofa dark grey Lounge Ecke dunkel Grau 84x84x68cm BHF940DG 4 Lounge coffeetable / footrest dark grey Lounge Kaffee Tisch / Hocker dunkel Grau 72x72x43cm BHF950DG 5 Lounge 3-seatbench/ sunlounger dark grey Lounge 3-Sitzbank/ Sonnenliege dunkel Grau 228x85x68cm BHF916CDG 6 Lounge set complete dark grey (3x corner, 2x centre and 1x table) 5 6 7 Lounge-Set Komplett dunkel Grau (3x Eckteil, 2x Mitte Teil und 1x Tisch) 245x245x68cm BHF911 SET 7 Olefin cushion set complete light grey Olefin kissen komplett Hellgrau ZZBHF0908-OLE3 8 8 Tray for lounge armrests Stainless Steel Tableau für lounge Armlehnen Edelstahl 20x13,5x7cm BH01TRAY 49 EXOTAN Sienna dining Wicker 1 1 Dining chair sand grey Armlehnstuhl sand grau 60x65x87cm BH530CSGT EXOTAN 1 Sienna lounge Wicker 1 Lounge set complete sand grey (3x corner, 2x centre and 1x hocker) Lounge set komplett sand grau (3x Eckteil, 2x Mittelteil und 1x Hocker) 245x245x68cm BH289SET 2 Lounge armchair sand grey Lounge Armlehnstuhl sand grau 84x86x43/68cm BH290CSG 50 Outdoor living 2 EXOTAN Mallorca dining Wicker 1 Classic style 1 Dining chair sand grey Armlehnstuhl sand grau 64x69x90h BH538SGT 3 4 3 Chaise longue lounge set right sand grey Chaise lounge lounge set rechts sand grau 4 Chaise longue lounge set left sand grey Chaise lounge lounge set links sand grau 225x161x68cm 225x161x68cm BH362CSGA BH361CSGA 51 EXOTAN Stella tables Teak FSC® 1 2 3 4 1 Rectangular table Rechteckige Tisch 175x90x77cm BH1117TTFSC 2 Rectangular table Rechteckige Tisch 220x100x77cm BH1118TTFSC 5 3 Rectangular table big slats Rechteckige Tisch breite Planken 180x90x77cm LV2180TTFSC 4 Rectangular table big slats Rechteckige Tisch breite Planken 220x100x77cm LV2220TTFSC 5 Rectangular table big slats Rechteckige Tisch breite Planken 6 240x100x77cm LV2240TTFSC 6 Rectangular table big slats Rechteckige Tisch breite Planken 300x100x77cm LV2300TTFSC 52 Outdoor living EXOTAN Reggae lounge/high dining Wicker 1 2 3 1 Lounge/high dining table teak FSC Tisch teak FSC 4 Lounge/high dining set sand grey Lounge/high dining set sand grau 100x100x65cm 240x240x90cm BH627TTFSC BH390SGSET 2 Lounge/high dining set dark grey Lounge/high dining set dunkel grau 5 Lounge/high dining hocker sand grey Lounge/high dining hocker sand grau 240x240x90cm 80x64x39cm BH390DGSET BH3933SG 4 5 3 Lounge/high dining hocker dark grey Lounge/high dining hocker dunkel grau 80x64x39cm BH3933DG 53 1 2 3 4 5 1 Table square cream white Quadrat Tisch cream weiss Quadrat Tisch cream weiss 90x90x74cm CR885TC 70x70x75cm CR830TC 2 Table square taupe Quadrat Tisch taupe 90x90x74cm 5 Table square taupe Quadrat Tisch taupe 70x70x75cm CR885TT CR830TT 3 Table square dark grey Quadrat Tisch dunkel grau 90x90x74cm CR830TDG 4 Table square cream white 54 Outdoor living 6 Table square dark grey Quadrat Tisch dunkel grau 70x70x75cm CR885TDG 6 EXOTAN Venice Aluminium 8 9 10 7 Table rectangular cream white Rechteckige Tisch cream weiss 160x90x75cm CR886TC 8 Armchair cream white Armlehnstuhl cream weiss 46x55,5x80cm CR884CC 9 Armchair taupe Armlehnstuhl taupe 46x55,5x80cm CR884CT 10Armchair dark grey Armlehnstuhl dunkel grau 46x55,5x80cm CR884CDG 7 Ton sur ton stylish aluminium 55 EXOTAN EXOTAN Figo black Boston picnic Aluminium and Textilene® Aluminium and acacia FSC 1 Table rectangular with teak top Rechteckige Tisch mit Teak Platte 3 Adjustable armchair with teak armrests Hochlehner mit Teak Armlehne 160x90x75 cm LA2002TB 63x69x108 cm LA1003CB 2 Table rectangular with teak top Rechteckige Tisch mit Teak Platte 210x100x75 cm LA2005TB 1 3 2 1 1 Boston picnic set 150x35x44cm (bench) 170x80x74cm (table) 50x35x44cm (chair) (1x table, 3x benches) Boston Picknick Set (1x Tisch, 3x Bank) R150AFSC 56 Outdoor living EXOTAN Beach chair Aluminium with sling seat 1 2 3 1 Beach chair white Strand Sessel Weiss 63,5x107x75,5 cm CH333CW 2 Beach chair orange Strand Sessel Orange 63,5x107x75,5 cm CH333CO 3 Beach chair light blue Strand Sessel Blau 63,5x107x75,5 cm CH333CLB 57 EXOTAN Various teak Teak FSC® 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 1 Umbrellafoot round teak and steel 30 kg Schirmständer rund Teak mit Stahlplatte 30 kg 3 Umbrellafoot round teak and steel 40 kg Schirmständer rund Teak mit Stahlplatte 40 kg Ø44x 30 cm 5 Folding table round Klapptisch rund 8 Folding table rectangular Rechteckige Tisch ø 65x75 cm 120x70x75 cm SA7565TTFSC SA7512TTFSC Ø53 x32 cm R136TFSC R140TFSC 6 Folding table round Klapptisch rund 9 Folding side table square Beistell quadrat Klapptisch 2 Umbrellafoot square teak and steel 30 kg Schirmständer quadrat Teak mit Stahlplatte 30 kg 4 Umbrellafoot square teak and steel 40 kg Schirmständer quadrat Teak mit Stahlplatte 40 kg 40x40x32 cm R138TFSC 47x47x32 cm R142TFSC Ø80 x 75 cm SA7545TSFSC 7 Folding table square Quadratklapptisch 10Folding side table round Beistell Klapptisch rund 70x70x75 cm SA7570TTFSC 58 Outdoor living 45x45x45 cm SA7580TTFSC Ø 45x45 cm SA7545TRFSC EXOTAN Various balau Balau 5 1 2 10 3 4 12 14 5 15 11 Monte dining table round Monte Tisch rund 14 Endtable square 45cm FSC Beistellquadratisch 45cm FSC 1 Sun 2-seatbench balau Sun 2-Sitzbank Balau 4 Gentle stackable armchair balau Gentle stapel Armlehnstuhl Balau Ø130x75cm 57x79x101cm LV06TTFSC 52326FSC 52172B R156CBNW 12 Balcony table, iron frame Balkon Tisch, Eisern Gestell 15 Lion coffeetable teak Lion Kaffee Tisch 2 Inez 2-seatbench acacia FSC Inez 2-Sitzbank Akazie FSC 5 Luna rectangular table balau Luna rechteckige Tisch Balau 50x50x45cm 210x100x77cm TRW-0302 BH6099AFSC 80x50x41 cm BH901TTFSC 13 Serving tray teak 64 cm Servier Blatt Teak 64cm 64x38x3 cm EA80165TST 45x45x45 cm 120x59x96 cm 120x58x90 cm DT1105 3 Balcony table, iron frame eucalyptus FSC Balkon Tisch, eisern Gestell Eucalyptus FSC 80x50x41 cm BH901TEFSC 59 EXOTAN Decoration & various 1 3 2 4 5 6 1 Fisherman chair navy green oxford fabric with steel frame Fischerman Sessel navy grun Oxford Stoff mit Eisern Gestell 3 Jungle room divider black mahogany Jungle room divider Schwarz Mahagoni 5 Jungle room divider white wash mahogany Jungle room divider Weiss mahagoni 90x65x87cm CH515CSG GC1012DBL GC1004DW 2 Gogo room divider natural / grey kubu Gogo room divider Naturel / Grau Kubu 4 Jungle room divider black mahogany Jungle room divider Schwarz Mahagoni 6 Jungle room divider white wash mahogany Jungle room divider Weiss mahagoni 100x18x180 cm GC1002DN 60 Outdoor living 87x20x110 cm 87x20x206 cm GC1002DBL 87x20x206 cm 87x20x110 cm GC1014DW 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 Room divider acacia FSC Room divider Akazie FSC 10Serving tray white Servier Blatt Weiss 13 Coffeetable Kubba white Kaffee tisch Kubba Weiss 58x28x46cm 150x40x185 cm 80x80x3 cm BH070AFSC CH222Tray CH3404TW 8 Tray for lounge armrests Stainless Steel Tableau für lounge Armlehnen Edelstahl 11 Serving tray white Servier Blatt Weiss 14 Serving tray acacia whitewash Servier Blatt Akazie Weiss 54x38x7cm 50x50x3 cm CH219Tray R669AW 20x13.5x7cm BH01Tray 12 Serving tray white Servier Blatt Weiss 9 Magazine rack white Zeitschrifthalter Weiss 50x40x3 cm CH220Tray 64x30x13cm CH223RACK 61 EXOTAN Care products 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1Handbrush ECP410 6 Teak cleaner & colour restorer / 1000 ml 11 Wicker & Textilene cleaner 750 ml 16 Textilene & Wicker protector 750 ml 2 Aluminum brush ECP250 ECP500 ECP700 ECP420 7 Teak sealer / 500 ml 12 Stone cleaner / 500ml 17 Fabric Protector / 750 ml 3 2 Scrubbing pads for cleaning non-wood outdoor furniture ECP300 ECP510 ECP730 8 Teak sealer / 1000 ml 13 Fabric cleaner / 750 ml. 18 Polywood protector / 750 ml EC450-P ECP310 ECP530 ECP740 4 3 Application cloths for applying Oils, Sealers and Protectors 9 Teak protec Transparant 500 ml 14 Polywood cleaner / 750 ml 19 Hardwood oil / 500 ml ECP540 ECP900 ECP456 ECP320 20Hardwood oil / 1000 ml 5 Microfiber Blue glove 10Teak protec Transparant 1000 ml 15 Aluminium & Stainless Steel cleaner & protector / 500 ml ECP460 ECP330 62 Outdoor living ECP650 ECP910 postbus 52 2676 ZH maasdijk nederland t +31 (0) 174 245 280 f +31 (0) 174 240 115 [email protected] iwww.persoon.nl persoon outdoor living @persoonoutdoor persoon outdoor living
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