Publikationen PD Dr. med. dent. habil. C.J. Mehl 1. Mehl C, Scheibner S, Ludwig K, Kern M. Wear of composite resin veneering materials and enamel in a chewing simulator. Dent Mater 2007;23:13829. 2. Mehl C, T. S, Kern M. Einflügelige vollkeramische Adhäsivbrücken – minimalinvasive Ästhetik. Ästhetische Zahnmedizin 2007;4:207. 3. Mehl C, Harder S, Wolfart M, Kern M, Wolfart S. Retrievability of implantretained crowns following cementation. Clin Oral Implants Res 2008;19:130411. 4. Mehl C, Wolfart S, Kern M. Orthodontic extrusion with magnets: a case report. Quintessence Int 2008;39:3719. 5. Mehl C, Wolfart S, Kern M. Kieferorthopädische Extrusion von Zähnen durch Magneten. Quintessenz Deutschland 2008;59:595604. 6. Harder S, Wolfart S, Mehl C, Kern M. Performance of ultrasonic devices for bone surgery and associated intraosseous temperature development. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009;24:48490. 7. Mehl C, Kern M, FreitagWolf S, Wolfart M, Brunzel S, Wolfart S. Does the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire measure dental appearance? Int J Prosthodont 2009;22:8793. 8. Harder S, Kern M, Mehl C. Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei tief frakturierten Pfeilerzähnen. Quintessence Deutschland 2010;12:1485 94. 9. Lin J, Mehl C, Yang B, Kern M. Durability of four composite resin cements bonded to dentin under simulated pulpal pressure. Dent Mater 2010;26:10019. 10. Mehl C, Ludwig K, Steiner M, Kern M. Fracture strength of prefabricated allceramic posterior inlayretained fixed dental prostheses. Dent Mater 2010;26:6775. 11. Lin J, Fan YJ, Mehl C, Zhu JJ, Chen H, Jin LY et al. Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. antagonizes H2O2induced rat osteoblastic MC3T3E1 apoptosis by inhibiting expressions of caspases 3, 6, 7, and 9. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2011;12:4754. 12. Lin J, Zhu J, Gu X, Wen W, Li Q, FischerBrandies H et al. Effects of incorporation of nanofluorapatite or nanofluorohydroxyapatite on a resinmodified glass ionomer cement. Acta Biomater 2011;7:134653. 13. Mehl C, Heblich F, Lenz R, Ludwig K, Kern M. The influence of a hyperbaric environment and increased oxygen partial pressure on the corrosion of dental alloys. Diving Hyperb Med 2011;41:1515. 14. Mehl C, Lang B, Kappert H, Kern M. Microstructure analysis of dental castings used in fixed dental prosthesesa simple method for quality control. Clin Oral Investig 2011;15:38391. 15. Mehl C, Wang H, Lin J, Han S, Zhu J, Wang X et al. Influence of ph and fluoride on orthodontic wires. . Indian J Dent Res 2011;23:5915. 16. Mehl CJ, Harder S, Kern M, Wolfart S. Patients' and dentists' perception of dental appearance. Clin Oral Investig 2011;15:1939. 17. Harder S, Quabius ES, Ossenkop L, Mehl C, Kern M. Surface contamination of dental implants assessed by gene expression analysis in a wholeblood in vitro assay: a preliminary study. J Clin Periodontol 2012;39:98794. 18. Lin J, Han S, Zhu J, Wang X, Chen Y, Vollrath O et al. Influence of fluoridecontaining acidic artificial saliva on the mechanical properties of NickelTitanium orthodontics wires. Indian J Dent Res 2012;23:5915. 19. Mehl C, Harder S, Schwarz D, Steiner M, Vollrath O, Kern M. In vitro influence of ultrasonic stress, removal force preload and thermocycling on the retrievability of implantretained crowns. Clin Oral Implants Res 2012;23:9307. 20. Mehl C, Harder S, Shahriari A, Steiner M, Kern M. Influence of abutment height and thermocycling on retrievability of cemented implantsupported crowns. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:110615. 21. Harder S, Podschun R, Grancicova L, Mehl C, Kern M. Analysis of the intraimplant microflora of twopiece dental implants. Clin Oral Investig 2013;17:113542. 22. Lin J, Kern M, Ge J, Zhu J, Wang H, Vollrath O et al. Influence of peripheral enamel bonding and chlorhexidine pretreatment on resin bonding to dentin. J Adhes Dent 2013;15:3519. 23. Mehl C, Becker ST, Acil Y, Harder S, Wiltfang J, DabbaghAfrouz AA et al. Impact of vertical loading on the implantbone interface. Clin Oral Implants Res 2013;24:94956. 24. Mehl C, Harder S, Byrne A, Kern M. Prosthodontics in digital times: a case report. Quintessence Int 2013;44:2936. 25. Harder S, Kern M, Mehl C. Prothetik konventionell und digital – Ein Vergleich. Digital Dental Magazin 2014;4:613. 26. Harder S, Mehl C. Konventionelle und digitale Verfahren vergleichend kombiniert. Digital Dental News 2014;11:6673. 27. Lin J, Zheng WY, Liu PR, Zhang N, Lin HP, Fan YJ et al. Influence of casein phosphopeptideamorphous calcium phosphate application, smear layer removal, and storage time on resindentin bonding. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2014;15:64960. 28. Mehl C. Prothetik im digitalen Zeitalter. Special Tribune 2014;9:1822. 29. Mehl C. Digitalisierung in der Zahnmedizin. ZMonline 2014:Online Artikel. 30. Mehl C, Wolfart S, Vollrath O, Wenz HJ, Kern M. Perception of dental esthetics in different cultures. Int J Prosthodont 2014;27:5239. 31. BeckBroichsitter BE, Garling A, Koehne T, Barvencik F, Smeets R, Mehl C et al. 3Dtracking the regenerative potential of the mandible with microCTs. Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015;19:2935. 32. Mehl C, Ali S, El Bahra S, Harder S, Vollrath O, Kern M. Is there a correlation between tensile strength and retrievability of cemented implantretained crowns using artificial ageing? Int J Prosthodont 2015; in press. 33. Mehl C, Harder S, Lin J, Vollrath O, Kern M. Perception of dental esthetics in different cultures. Int J Prosthodont 2015;28:604. 34. Mehl C, Harder S, Lin J, Vollrath O, Kern M. Perception of dental esthetics: Influence of restoration type, symmetry and color in four different countries. J Esth Dent 2015;in press. 35. Mehl C, Okano N, Ludwig K, Kern M. Retention and weld stability of titanium copings fixed to implant abutments. J Prosthet Dent 2015:accepted for publication. 36. Mehl C, Steiner M, Ludwig K, Kern M. Wear, microleakage and plastic deformation of an implantsupported chairside bar system. J Adv Prosthodontics 2015. 37. Harder S, Mehl C. Feste dritte Zähne an einem Tag – ein Fallbericht ZMK 2015 in press. 38. Mehl C. Was Zahnärzte über Angstpatienten denken. Huffington Post 2015 in press.
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