5 7 DALMATIANS – CLUB SHOW 2015 – MILAN, IT Judge Spoljaric Boris (Kroatia) Owner BOB CAC bitch (498) Jezebel The Astonishing Sophtspot Jw Christie Jacquie (Great Britain) BOS CAC dog (478) Dalmino Voodoo Vision Halper Drazic Zeljka (Croatia) BOB puppy (460) Dalmino Karmic Lover Albiero Deborah (Denmark) BOS puppy (463) Dalmino Killing Kiss Vrbinc Tomaz (Slovenia) BOB minor puppy (461) Sophtspot Glitterati Christie Jacquie (Great Britain) BOS minor puppy (459) Sophtspot Gold Dust Christie Jacquie (Great Britain) BOB brace (10012) Farfalla Tsvetok Lotosa Devic Nenad (Serbia) Dogs MINOR PUPPY PUPPY JUNIOR INTERMEDIAINTERMEDIATE OPEN Sophtspot Gold Dust 1° BOS-MP Very promising Dalmino Karmic Lover 1° BOB-P Very promising Gwynmor Hitch Hiker 1° Excellent Aprilapril Aragorn 2° Excellent Skvå Matchmaker 3° Excellent Curias Gambling Gregory 4° Excellent Aristotele Del Parnaso Excellent Herberiensis James Joyce Excellent Nice Boy Per Makuli Excellent Dalmino Big Bang 1° Excellent Dalmino Words Of Wisdom 2° Excellent Dalmino Voodoo Vision 1° BOS, CAC Excellent Original De La Llibra Casanova 2° reserve CAC Excellent Christi Ormond Intelligent Solution 3° Excellent Kratskoven Enzo 4° Excellent Caprilli's Justin Time Excellent Dalmino No Limit Excellent Farfalla Tsvetok Lotosa Excellent Idro Della Belcora Very Good O'zone Orion Excellent Skvå Luxury Item Excellent Tobacco In Un Sorriso Delle Crose CHAMPIONS Excellent Daumont Standing Ovation 1° Excellent Anmadeke's All Over The World 2° Excellent Caprilli's I Have A Dream 3° Excellent Dalmino Ozone Layer 4° Excellent Dalmino Handsome Hijacker VETERANS (not present) Lovinda's Fridtjof 1° Sophtspot Glitterati 1° Excellent Bitches MINOR PUPPY BOB-MP United Spots Vegas PUPPY JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE OPEN Very promising (not present) BOS-P Very promising Dalmino Killing Kiss 1° Curias Get It Going 1° Excellent Daumont X-Factor 2° Excellent Artemide Del Parnaso 3° Excellent Aurora Del Parnaso 4° Very Good Jezebel The Astonishing Sophtspot Jw 1° Dalmino Body Language 2° Excellent Kalokairie's Vera Wang 3° Excellent Zeta Del Parnaso 4° Excellent BOB, CAC Excellent Dalmino Beautiful Legend Excellent Dalmino Wishing Well Excellent Melissa Iz Terletskoy Dubravy 1° reserve CAC Excellent Herberiensis Gala Gown 2° Excellent Solbo's Lalicia 3° Excellent Passioflora De La Llibra Casanova 4° Excellent C3-Yo De Dalmaran Excellent Checkpoint Bravo's Noelani Excellent Curias Flair For Fashion Excellent Dalmino November Nine Excellent Flinkvild Udachnaya Kombinatsia (not present) Hope Of Dalmawords Very Good Bitches Milla CHAMPIONS VETERANS Excellent United Spots Queen 1° Excellent Sunflower From Sacred Garden 2° Excellent Asia 3° Excellent Fanny Von Den Ginkgo Bäumen 4° Excellent Arita's Arrival At Caprilli 1° Excellent Quelle/Origin: http://results.wds2015.com/en/Raduni/RaduniGroupDetails/WDS/6
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