Master thesis in Animal Nutrition Group leader: Prof. M. Kreuzer Field: Sustainable Feeding, Alpine Farming Systems and Quality of Food (Head: Joel Berard: [email protected]) Topic ALPBEEF 2012: Effect of lowland and highland diet on growth performance and meat quality in beef cattle ALPBEEF 2014: Effect of different weaning time and pasture diet on muscle characteristics and meat quality of beef calves ID 1 2 SUBALP 2015: Extensive Grazing on subalpine pastures: Integrating Biodiversity and the production of Meat with special quality Place Analyses of volatile compounds in meat and fat ETH labs Analyses of muscle proteins and protein degradation related with meat quality Muscle fiber Typing Agroscope Posieux (CH) 3 4 ALPDAIRY 2014: Effect of pasture environment on animal well-being, adaptation and milk quality of primiparous and multiparous Aosta Red Pied cows ω-3 ω-6 2014: Effect of ω-3 ω-6 supplement diet on fatty acid composition of different muscle and fat tissues in Angus beef IODINE 2015: Defining sources, variability and bioavailability of iodine in milk and dairy products to ensure adequate iodine nutrition in the Swiss population Method 5 6 Time Collaboration with/ in the context of the dissertation of Diss. Isabelle Beginning : Gangnat Autumn 2014 Agroscope Posieux (CH)/ Diss. Isabelle Gangnat Agroscope Posieux (CH) Analyses of fatty acids ETH labs and vitamin E in meat and fat Analyses of milk ETH labs composition (esp. fatty acids) Prof. Susanne Ulbrich/ Institute Agricole (IAR) Aosta (Italy)/ Diss. Steve Pervier Prof. Susanne Ulbrich/ Dr. Giller Katrin Beginning : Winter 2014 Beginning : Winter 2014 Beginning : Winter 2014 Beginning : Autumn 2014 Determination of cortisol and its metabolites in blood, milk and saliva Analyses of fatty acids in meat and fat ETH labs Iodine dose-response study in dairy cows Identify relevant iodine sources in dairy farming Identify relevant iodine sources and causes for iodine losses in dairy food processing Determination of different aspect related with animal behavior and well-being Analyses of meat quality and fatty acid composition Agroscope Posieux (CH)/ ETH labs Agroscope (CH)/ IFNH (ETH) Diss. Olivia Van der Reijden Beginning : Spring 2015 ETH/ alp Weissenstein Agroscope (CH)/ Diss. Tobias Zehnder Beginning : Summer 2015 ETH labs Beginning : winter 2014 Beginning : Winter 2014 7 8 9 10 1/ 2 ETH labs Beginning : Autumn 2015 Master thesis in Animal Nutrition Group leader: Prof. M. Kreuzer Field: Tropische Tierernährung (Head: Svenja Marquardt; [email protected]) Thema Methode Ort Rindfleischqualität in Abhängigkeit vom Genotyp Verhaltensstudie mit Yaks in der Schweiz Tropische Tierernährung Fleischproben am Schlachthof; Analysen Bolivien Praxisversuch Schweiz in Absprache mit den Partnerländern Einfluss verschiedener Pflanzen auf die Vorgänge im Pansen HFT u/o Pansensimulationssystem RUSITEC Laos, Brasilien, Äthiopien, China ETH In Kooperation mit/ im Rahmen der Dissertation von Partnerinstitut, Camilo Pardo, ETH Schweizer Yakbauern Partnern in diesen Ländern Möglichkeit endet Angela Schwarm, ETH frei wählbar frei wählbar Januar 2014 – September 2014 Sommer 2014 frei wählbar, wenn verfügbar Field: Digestion, Metabolism and Environment (Head: Angela Schwarm, [email protected]) Topic Method Location Effect of energy status on methane emission and heat production Energy metabolism of lymphocytes Experiment with dairy cows in respiration chambers Laboratory-scale: Cell culture Experiment with dairy cows in respiration chambers Laboratory-scale: slurry storage Laboratory-scale: Rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC) Laboratory-scale: RUSITEC Strickhof Lindau Methane mitigation in ruminants by nutritional interventions Effect of solute passage time on methane emission In cooperation with / in the frame of the dissertation of Susanne Meese, ETH ETH Possibility ends by July 2015 March 2016 Strickhof Lindau/ Wülflingen ETH Jernej Poteko, ETH with WBF and Empa June 2016 ETH Shaopu Wang, ETH December 2017 ETH Marcus Clauss, UZH open Field: Nichtwiederkäuer (Head: Ruth Messikommer; [email protected]) Thema Methode Ort Zollikofen In Kooperation mit/ im Rahmen der Dissertation von Verbraucherverhalten ETH Aviforum Suche nach dem idealen Genotyp Diverse Fütterungsfragen beim Geflügel Diverse Fütterungsfragen beim Schwein Fischfütterung Mast-/Legehennenversuche Mast-/Legehennenversuche Mast-/Zucht ETH Aquakulturanlage Juni 2014 – 2016 frei wählbar Posieux Agroscope frei wählbar Frick FiBL jederzeit 2/ 2 Möglichkeit endet
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