Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications Publications Prof. Gisela Michel, PhD Peer-reviewed Publications * Corresponding author # nominated for the ISOQOL (International Society for Quality of Life Research) Outstanding Article of the Year Award 2015 Impact factor Journal ranking 1. Mulder R, van der Pal HJ, Levitt G, Skinner R, Kremer LC, Brown MC, Bardi E, Windsor R, Michel G, Frey E (accepted for publication 8.10.2015). Transition guidelines: An important step in the future care for childhood cancer survivors. A comprehensive definition as groundwork. European Journal of Cancer 2. Schindler M, Mitter V, Bergstraesser E, Gumy-Pause F, Michel G, Kuehni CE (accepted for publication 8.9.2015). Death certificate notification in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: assessing completeness and registration procedures. Swiss Medical Weekly. 3. Mader L, Post MWM, Ballert CS, Michel G, Stucki G, Brinkhof MWG (accepted for publication 2015). Metric properties of the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation-Participation (USER-Participation) in persons with spinal cord injury living in Switzerland. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2010 4. *Lupatsch J, Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Teuffel MO, Gumy-Pause F, Kuehni CE & Michel G (2015). Follow-Up Care of Adolescent Cancer Survivors: The Role of Health-Beliefs. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. DOI: 10.1002/pbc.25755 5. *Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Vetsch J, Lueer S, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2015). Cancer’s positive flip side: Posttraumatic growth after childhood cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. Doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-2746-1 6. *Michel G, Vetsch J (2015). Screening for psychological late effects in childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a systematic review. Current Opinion in Oncology. 7(4), 297-305. 7. Hjorth L, Haupt R, Skinner R, Grabow D, Byrne J, Karner S, Levitt G, Michel G, van der Pal H, Bárdi E, Beck J, de Vathaire F, Essig S, Frey E, Garwicz S, Hawkins M, Jakab Z, Jankovic M, Kazanowska B, Kepak T, Kremer L, Lackner H, Sugden E, Terenziani M, Zadravec Zaletel L, Kaatsch P on behalf of the PanCare Network (2015). Survivorship after childhood cancer: PanCare: A European network to promote optimal long‐term care. European Journal of Cancer. 51(19), 1203–1211. 8. *Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Zimmermann K, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2015). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of a medical record abstraction study on transition of care after childhood cancer. PlosOne 10(5), e0124290. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124290 9. *Wengenroth L, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Lüer S, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G. G (2015). Health-related quality of life in young survivors of childhood cancer. Quality of Life Research. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-0961-3 4.82 0.80 1.88 0.68 10. *Vetsch J, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, Michel G (2015). Information provision and information needs in parents of long-term childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 62(5), 859– October 2015 Oncology Medicine general & internal 1.90 0.74 2.56 0.82 2.49 0.97 3.76 0.71 4.82 0.80 3.73 0.88 2.86 0.80 2.56 0.82 Rehabilitation Pediatrics Rehabilitation Oncology Oncology Multidisc Sciences Health Care Science & Services Pediatrics 1/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD 866. 11. Fekete C, Weyers S, Siegrist J, Michel G, Gemperli A (2015). Poor nutrition and substance use in a Swiss cohort of adults with spinal cord injury. Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1007/s10389-015-0653-z. 12. Brown MC, Levitt GA, Frey E, Bardi E, Haupt R, Hjorth L, Kremer LC, Kuehni C, Lettner C, Mulder RL, Michel G, Skinner R on behalf of PanCareSurFup (2015) The views of European clinicians on guidelines for long-term follow-up of childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 62(2), 322-328. 13. Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Essig S, von der Weid NX, Grotzer M, Kuehni CE (2015). Concentration, working speed and memory: cognitive problems in young childhood cancer survivors and their siblings. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. Doi: 10.1002/pbc.25396 Publications 2.06 2.56 0.82 2.56 0.82 2.56 0.82 2.49 0.97 2.56 0.82 2.56 0.82 2.56 0.82 2.56 0.82 3.29 0.63 4.04 0.97 22. *Essig S, von der Weid NX, Skinner R, Kuehni CE & Michel G (2012). Follow-up 3.73 programs for childhood cancer survivors in Europe: a questionnaire survey. PLoS ONE. 7(12):e53201. 23. Rueegg CS, Michel G, Wengenroth L, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E, 3.73 Kuehni CE (2012). Physical performance limitations in adolescent and adult 0.88 Pediatrics Pediatrics 2014 14. Terenziani M, Spinelli M, Jankovic D, Bardi E, Hjorth L, Haupt R, Michel G and Byrne J, on behalf of the PanCare Network (2014). Practices of pediatric oncology and hematology providers regarding fertility issues: A European Survey. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 61(11), 2054–2058. 15. *Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, von der Weid NX, Niggli FK, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2014). Mental healthcare utilization in survivors of childhood cancer and siblings: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Supportive Care in Cancer. 22(2), 339-349. 16. *Gianinazzi ME, Essig S, Rueegg CS, von der Weid NX, Brazzola P, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2014). Information Provision and Information Needs in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 61(2), 312–318. 17. Wengeroth L, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Essig S, Amman RA, Bergsträsser E, & Kuehni CE (2014). Life partnerships in childhood cancer survivors, their siblings and the general population. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 61(3), 538–545. Pediatrics Rehabilitation Pediatrics Pediatrics 2013 18. *Singer S, Kuehni CE, Hohn A, Gianinazzi ME & Michel G (2013).GP-led followup after childhood cancer – a systematic review. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 60(10), 1565–1573. 19. Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE (2013). Do childhood cancer survivors with physical performance limitations reach healthy activity levels?. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 60(10), Pediatrics Pediatrics 1714–1720. 20. Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Wengenroth L, Michel G, Kuehni CE (2013). Quality of life in childhood cancer survivors: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 7(4), 511-522. 21. *Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Wengenroth L, Rischewski J, Ammann RA, Kuehni CE & Michel G (2013). Adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: Are they vulnerable for psychological distress? Psycho-Oncology. 22(9), 2051–2058. Oncology Social Sciences, Biomedical 2012 October 2015 Multidisc Sciences 0.88 Multidisc 2/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings. PLoS ONE. 7(10):e47944. Rebholz CE, Spycher BD, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Amman R, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE for the Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) (2012). Clustering of health behaviours in adult survivors of childhood cancer and the general population. British Journal of Cancer. 107(2), 234-242. Essig S, von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Rueegg CS, Niggli FK & Kuehni CE (2012). Health-related quality of life in long-term survivors of relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38015 Rueegg CS, von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Zwahlen M, Grotzer M & Kuehni CE (2012). Daily physical activities and sports in adult survivors of childhood cancer and healthy controls: A population-based questionnaire survey. PLoS ONE 7(4), e34930. Rebholz CE, Kuehni CE , Strippoli MPF, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Hengartner H., Bergstraesser E, & von der Weid NX (2012).Alcohol consumption and binge drinking in young adult childhood cancer survivors. Paediatric Blood & Cancer. 58(2), 256-264 *Kuehni CE, Strippoli MPF, Rueegg CS, Rebholz CE, Bergstraesser E, Grotzer M, von der Weid NX & Michel G for the Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) (2012). Educational attainment in Swiss childhood cancer survivors compared with the general population. Cancer. 118(5), 1439-1449. Kuehni CE, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Rebholz CE, Strippoli MPF, Niggli FK, Egger M & von der Weid NX (2012). Cohort profile: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 41(6),1553-1564. Publications Sciences 5.04 0.84 3.73 0.88 3.73 0.88 2.35 0.78 5.20 0.84 6.98 0.98 30. *Michel G, Kuehni CE, Rebholz CE, Zimmermann K, Eiser C, Rueegg CS, & von der Weid NX (2011). Can health beliefs help in explaining attendance to follow-up care? The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Psycho-Oncology. 20(10), 1034-1043. 31. *Michel G, Greenfield D, Absolom K & Eiser C (2011). Satisfaction with followup consultations among younger adults treated for cancer: the role of quality of life and psychological variables. Psycho-Oncology. 20(8), 813-822. 3.34 0.95 3.34 0.95 32. Rebholz C, von der Weid NX, Michel G, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (2011). Follow-up care amongst long-term childhood cancer survivors: a report from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. European Journal of Cancer. 47(1), 221-229. 5.54 0.87 18.97 0.98 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Oncology Multidisc Sciences Multidisc Sciences Pediatrics Oncology Public,Envir onm & occup health 2011 Social Sciences, Biomedical Social Sciences, Biomedical Oncology 2010 33. *Michel G, Rebholz C, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (2010). Psychological distress in adult childhood cancer survivors: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28(10), 1740-1747. 34. *Michel G, Taylor NC, Absolom K & Eiser C (2010). Benefit finding in survivors of childhood cancer and their parents: Further empirical support for the Benefit Finding Scale for Children. Child: Care, Health and Development. 36(1), 123-129. 35. Taylor NC, Absolom K, Michel G, Urquhart T, Gerrard M, Jenkins A, Lee V, Vora A & Eiser C (2010). Comparison of self-reported late effects with medical records among survivors of childhood cancer. European Journal of Cancer. 46(6), 1069-1078. October 2015 (2011: 18.37) Oncology 1.31 0.50 2011: 1.20) 0.39 5.54 Pediatrics 0.87 Oncology 3/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD 36. Adam M, von der Weid NX, Michel G, Zwahlen M, Lutz JM, Probst-Hensch NM, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (2010). Access to specialized pediatric cancer care in Switzerland. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 54(5), 721-727. Publications 2.39 0.78 (2011: 1.89) 0.68 Pediatrics 2009 37. *# Michel G, Bisegger C, Fuhr DC, Abel Th and the Kidscreen Group (2009). Age and gender differences in health related quality of life of children and adolescents across Europe: a multilevel analysis. Quality of life research. 18 (9), 1147-1157. 38. *Michel G, Greenfield D, Absolom K, Ross RJ, Davies H & Eiser C (2009). Follow-up care after childhood cancer: Survivors’ expectations and preferences for care. European Journal of Cancer. 45(9), 1616-1623. 39. Absolom K, Eiser C, Michel G, Walters SJ, Hancock BW, Coleman RE, Snowden JA & Greenfield DM (2009). Follow-up care for cancer survivors: views of the younger adults. British Journal of Cancer. 101(4):561-567. 40. Greenfield DM., Absolom K, Eiser C, Walters SJ, Michel G, Hancock BW, Snowden JA & Coleman RE (2009). Follow-up care for cancer survivors: the views of clinicians. British Journal of Cancer. 101(4):568-574. 2.3 0.71 5.54 0.87 5.04 0.84 5.04 0.84 2.39 0.78 (2011: 1.89) 0.68 Health Care Sciences & Services. Oncology Oncology Oncology 2008 41. Michel G, von der Weid NX, Zwahlen M, Redmond S, Strippoli MPF, & Kuehni CE (2008). Incidence of childhood cancer in Switzerland: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 50(1), 46-51. 42. Perrez M, Reicherts M, Hänggi Y, Horn AB, Michel G, Schoebi D & Wilhelm P (2008). Assessment of health related issues in individuals’, couples’, and families‘ daily life. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie. 16(3), 146–149. Pediatrics 0.323 0.05 43. Michel G, von der Weid NX, Zwahlen M, Adam M, Rebholz CE & Kuehni, CE. (2007). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: rationale, organisation and results for the years 2001-2005. Swiss Medical Weekly. 137(35-36), 502-509. 1.90 0.68 44. *Michel G (2007). Daily patterns of symptom reporting in families with adolescent children. British Journal of Health Psychology. 12(2), 245-260. 2.70 0.80 45. Röösli M, Michel G, Kuehni CE & Spoerry A (2007) Cellular telephone use and time trends in brain tumour mortality in Switzerland from 1969 to 2002. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16(1), 77-82. 46. Strippoli MPF, Silverman M, Michel G, Kuehni CE (2007). A parent completed respiratory questionnaire for 1-year old children: repeatability. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 92(10), 861-865. 2.54 0.52 (2011: 2.13) 0.39 Clinical Psychology 2007 Medicine general & internal Clinical Psychology Oncology 2.88 0.87 5.92 0.93 2011: 5.90) 0.96 Pediatrics 2006 47. Michel G, Silverman M, Strippoli MP, Zwahlen M, Brooke AM, Grigg J & Kuehni CE (2006). Parental understanding of wheeze and its impact on asthma prevalence estimates. European Respiratory Journal. 28 (6), 1124-1130. 48. *Michel G (2006). The influence of neuroticism on concurrent symptom reporting: A multilevel modelling approach. Personality and Individual Differences. 41(3), 549-560. 49. *Michel G (2006). A multilevel decomposition of variance in somatic symptom reporting in families with adolescent children. British Journal of Health October 2015 Respiratory 1.88 0.75 2.70 0.80 Social Psychology Clinical 4/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Psychology. 11(2), 345-355. Publications Psychology Book-chapters 50. Perrez M, Watzek D, Michel G, Schoebi D, Wilhelm P & Hänggi Y (2005). Facets of emotion regulation in families with adolescents: A new research approach, In Kriesi H, Farago P, Kohli M, & Zarin-Nejadan M (Eds.). Contemporary Switzerland: Revisiting the Special Case. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p.61-80. 51. Perrez M & Michel G (2005). Verarbeitung somatischer Krankheiten, In: Schwarzer R (Ed.). Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Gesundheitspsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. p. 283-301. Other publications 52. *Michel G, von der Weid NX (2014). Nachsorge nach Krebs im Kindesalter - Pläne für die Schweiz. Schweizer Krebsbulletin. 4, 296-298. 53. Mitter V, Michel G (2014). Krebs bei Kindern. Ein Überblick aus dem Schweizer Kinderkrebsregister. Onkologiepflege. 1, 5-8. 54. Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G (2013). Psychosoziale Spätfolgen nach Kinderkrebs – Eine Langzeitstudie des Schweizer Kinderkrebsregisters. Newsletter Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychookologie. 21, 5-8. 55. *Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G (2013). Psychosoziale Spätfolgen nach Kinderkrebs – Eine Langzeitstudie des Schweizer Kinderkrebsregisters. Schweizer Krebsbulletin. 3,212-213. 56. Kuehni CE, Michel G, Egger M, Zwahlen M, Beck-Popovic M, Niggli F, von der Weid N (2013). Das Schweizer Kinderkrebsregister: Erfahrungen als nationales Krebsregister. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung. 94(9), 327-330. 57. *Michel G (2012). Nachsorge nach Krebs im Kindesalter. Schweizer Krebsbulletin. 3,212-213. 58. *Michel G (2011). Nachsorge nach Krebs im Kindesalter – Ein neues Feld für die Pflege? Onkologiepflege. 3, 20-23. 59. Kuehni CE, Michel G, Strippoli MP, Zwahlen M, Brooke AM, Grigg J & Silverman M (2007). Parental understanding of wheeze and its impact on asthma prevalence estimates; letter to the editor. European Respiratory Journal. 29(5), 1070. Lay publications 60. Vescht J & Michel G (2014). Vom Krebs geheilt – und dann die Spätfolgen. Unilu AKTUELL; 49: 13. 61. Michel G (2012). Nachsorge nach Krebs im Kindesalter- ein neues Feld für die Pflege. Mitenand, Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz; 1: 10-11 62. Michel G (2010). Schweizer Kinderkrebsregister, Nachkontrollen von ehemaligen Kinderkrebspatientinnen und –patienten. Sonnenschein; Juli:9 63. Michel G (2010). Die Nachbetreuung von ehemaligen Kinderkrebspatienten. Mitenand, Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz; 2: 10-11 Reports October 2015 5/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications 64. Schindler M, Mitter V, Pfeiffer V, Redmond S, Wölfli P, Kuonen R, Sommer G, Spring M, Singh P, Michel G, Kuehni CE (2015). Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry - Annual Report 2013-2014. Bern: University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine. 65. Mitter V, Michel G, Wölfli P, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Sommer G, Hau E, Kuehni CE (2013). Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry - Annual Report 2011/2012. Bern: University of Bern, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine. 66. Mitter V, Michel G, Strippoli MP, Rüegg CS, Rebholz CE, Feller M, Hau E, Reck M, Kuehni CE, Niggli F, Hengartner H, Beck-Popovic M & von der Weid N (2011). Annual Report of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry 2009/2010, University of Bern. 67. Kuehni CE, Michel G, Pyrlik M, Strippoli MP, Adam M, Rebholz CE, Rüegg CS, Viehmann G, Reck M, Niggli F, Hengartner H & von der Weid N (2009). Annual Report of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry 2007/2008, University of Bern. 68. Michel G & Kuehni CE (2007). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry – Database Quality Report, University of Bern. 69. Michel G, von der Weid N, Adam M, Rebholz CE, Zwahlen M & Kuehni CE (2007). Annual Report of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry 2005/2006, University of Bern. 70. Michel G, Sturdy M, Zwahlen M, Strippoli MP, von der Weid N, & Kuehni CE (2006). Validating date and cause of death information in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry against death certificate information from the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics. Report of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, University of Bern. 71. Kuehni CE, Michel G, Sturdy M, Redmond S, Zwahlen M & von der Weid N (2005). Annual Report of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry 2004, University of Bern. 72. Michel G, Perrez M & Kronenberg K (2001). Präventives Eltern Programm - Familienstress (PEP Familienstress) [Preventive Parental Program – Family-stress]. unpublished manuscript, University of Fribourg. Thesis • Michel G (2006). Symptom reporting – Exploration of situational and individual predictors. Doctoral Thesis, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. • Michel G (1999). Regulation von Emotionen in der Psychotherapie; Einfluss verschiedener Therapiebedingungen [Regulation of emotions in psychotherapy: The influence of different therapy conditions]. unpublished Master Thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland. Invited presentations • Michel G (24 September 2015). Psychosocial issues as benchmarks for successful transition from paediatric to adult health care service. 16th PanCare Meeting, Vienna, Austria. • Michel G (26 March 2015). Pancare - Ein europäisches Netzwerk zur Verbesserung der Nachsorge für ehemalige KinderkrebspatientInnen. 17. Schweizer Onkologiepflegekongress, Bern, Switzerland. • Michel G (21 March 2015). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. 2h-Workshop at the PsyKo, Jaun, Switzerland. • Michel G (26 August 2011). I am a survivor! Wie geht es Menschen, die als Kinder oder Jugendlich Krebs überlebten? [I am a survivor! How are survivors of child and adolescent cancer?]. 14. International Seminar Onkologische Pflege – Fortgeschrittende Praxis, St. Gallen, Switzerland. • Michel G (10 Mai 2011). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: Development and Results. Forschungsseminar, Forschungsabteilung Schweizerisches Paraplegikerzentrum Nottwil, Switzerland. October 2015 6/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Michel G (24 March 2011). Nachsorge nach einer Krebserkrankung im Kindesalter: Ein neues Feld für die Pflege [Follow-up after childhood cancer: A new field for nurses?]. 13. Schweizer Onkologiepflegekongress, Bern, Switzerland. • Michel G (June, 2002). Datenerhebung mittels Tagebuchmethode [Data collection using diary methods]. Invited presentation at the Dept of Social and Preventive Medicine in Basel, Switzerland. Published abstracts • Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE (2014). Preferences for the organization of long-term follow-up in childhood cancer survivors. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144(Suppl 203),p. 44 S. • Gianinazzi ME, Essig S, Rueegg CS, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2014). Lost in transition? What happens when childhood cancer survivors become adults. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144(Suppl 203),p. 7 S. • Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Vetsch J, von der Weid NX, Michel G (2014). Involvement of Swiss physicians in follow-up care of childhood and adolescent cancer survivors. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144(Suppl 203),p. 44 S. • Vetsch J, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, von der Weid NX, Michel G (2014). Information provision and information needs in parents of long-term childhood cancer survivors. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144(Suppl 203),p. 45 S. • Michel G, Heg Z, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid N, Tinner EM, Kuehni CE (2013). Long-term changes in psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors. Psychology & Health, 28 (Suppl 1), p. 126-127. • Michel G, Essig S, Gianinazzi ME, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE (2012). Information needs in childhood cancer survivors: What they got and what they want. Pediatric Blood & Cancer; DOI 10.1002/pbc.24295 (p.38). • Lupatsch J, Rueegg CS, Wengenroth L, Teuffel MO, Kuehni CE, Michel G (2012). Follow-up care of adolescent cancer survivors: the role of health-beliefs. Pediatric Blood & Cancer; DOI 10.1002/pbc.24295 (p.38). • Singer S, Hohn A, Kuehni CE & Michel G (2012). Die Rolle des Grundversorgers in der Nachsorge von Kinderkrebsüberlebenden. Primary Care, 12(14), p. 272. • Michel G, Taylor NC & Eiser C (2009). Post-traumatic stress in young childhood cancer survivors: Associations with survivor characteristics. Psychology & Health, 24 (S1), p. 272. • Michel G, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (2008). Psychological distress in long-term survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, DOI 10.1002/ pbc(p.33). • Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Michel G, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (2008). Follow-up care in long-term childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland: who is missed out? Pediatric Blood & Cancer, DOI 10.1002/ pbc (p.208). • Kuehni CE, Rebholz CE, Michel,G., Adam M, Niggli F, & von der Weid NX (2008). Educational level and employment of Swiss childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2008; DOI 10.1002/ pbc; 200. • Von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (2008). Smoking behaviour among Swiss childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2008; DOI 10.1002/ pbc (p.201). • Michel G, Rebholz CE, von der Weid N, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (2008). Psychological distress in long-term survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland. Psychology and Health, 23 (S1), p.184. • Kuehni CE, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Adam M, Niggli F & von der Weid (2008). Educational level and employment of Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivors. Swiss Medical Weekly, 138 (164), 36S-37S. October 2015 7/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Adam M, von der Weid NX, Michel G, Zwahlen M & Kuehni CE (2008). Which childhood cancer patients fail to access specialised paediatric oncology care? Swiss Medical Weekly, 138 (164), 39S39S. • Rebholz CE, Von der Weid NX, Michel G, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (2008).Follow-Up care of long-term childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland: who is missed out? Swiss Medical Weekly, 138 (164), 4S4S. • Rebholz CE, Kuehni CE, Adam M, Michel G & von der Weid NX (2007). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study: Aims, methods and preliminary results. Swiss Medical Weekly, 137(158), 6S-6S. • Michel G, von der Weid NX, Zwahlen M & Kuehni CE (2006). Childhood cancer in Switzerland— methods and results of the Swiss childhood cancer registry. European Journal of Public Health, 16 (Supp 1), 115. • Michel G, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (2006). Incidence of childhood cancer in Switzerland (19952004). Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 47 (4),456. • Michel G, Silverman M, Brooke AM, Pierse N & Kuehni CE (2004). Understanding of the word "wheeze" by parents of schoolchildren completing a respiratory questionnaire. European Respiratory Journal, 24 (Suppl 48): 167s. • Michel G (2004). Symptom Reporting: Personality and Situational Predictors. Psychology & Health, 19, (Suppl 1), 113. • Michel G (2002). Daily rhythms of physical symptoms. In: I Leal, T Botelho & JP Ribeiro (Ed.), Health through the life cycle: A life span perspective. Proceedings of the 16th conference of the European Health Psychology Society (p. 185-191), Lisbon: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada. Oral presentations * Prize for best presentation • Rizwan M; Michel G, Khan S, Mursaleen M, Qurashi S (23.-24.7.2015), Asian Adolescents Depression Scale (AADS): Urdu translation and analysis of psychometric properties. 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switzerland. • Rizwan M; Michel G, Naz M, Shahab R (23.-24.7.2015), Development and preliminary psychometric analysis of a measure to screen premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Pakistan. 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switzerland. • Rueegg CS, Michel G, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE, for the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG)(11-13.3.2015). Physical performance limitations in adult and adolescent survivors of childhood cancer. 8th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, Oslo, • Schindler M, Rueegg CS, Spycher BD, Grotzer M, Ammann RA, Michel G, Kuehni CE ( Cause-specific late mortatlity among survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland: A population based study. European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) in Ispra, Italy. • Wengenroth L, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Lüer S, Bergsträsser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G ( Health-related quality of life in young survivors of childhood cancer - A report from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Swiss Public Health Conference, Olten, CH. • Vetsch J, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G (31.1.-1.2.2014). Information provision and information needs in parents of long-term childhood cancer survivors. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) Lugano, CH. • Michel G, Heg-Bachar Z, Gianinazzi M, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE (4.-8.11.2013). Post-traumatic growth in parents of childhood cancer survivors. 15th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. • Gianinazzi M, RueeggCS, Bergstraesser E, Michel G (4.-8.11.2013). Cancer’s positive flip side: Posttraumatic growth in Swiss childhood cancer survivors. 15th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. October 2015 8/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Gianinazzi M, Essig S, RueeggCS, Von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G ( Lost in transition. Becoming an adult with a chronic disease: an example from pediatric oncology. Swiss Public Health Conference, Zurich, CH. • Caccia J, S. Rueegg CS, Hau E, von der Weid NX, Michel G, Kuehni CE (15.-16.8.2013). Cardiovascular problems in survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings. Swiss Public Health Conference, Zurich, CH. • Michel G, Heg Z, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid N, Tinner EM, Kuehni CE (16.-20.7.2013). Long-term changes in psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors. Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, F. • Michel G, Heg Z, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid N, Tinner EM, Kuehni CE (6.-7.6.2012). Psychische Belastung im Verlaufe der Zeit bei ehemaligen Kinderkrebspatienten [Longterm changes in psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors]. Schweizer Fachtagung Psychookonologie, St. Gallen, CH. • *Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Rischewski J, Beck Popovic M, von der Weid N, Michel G, Kuehni CE ( Lebensqualität von ehemaligen Kinderkrebspatienten – Die Rolle von chronischen Beschwerden [Quality of life in childhood cancer survivors – the role of chronic diseases]. Schweizer Fachtagung Psychookonologie, St. Gallen, CH. • Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Niggli F, Kuehni CE Michel G, (6.-7.6.2012). Psychologische Nachsorge von ehemaligen Kinderkrebs-Patienten [Psychological follow-up in childhood cancer survivors]. Schweizer Fachtagung Psychookonologie, St. Gallen, CH. • Michel G, Essig S, Gianinazzi ME, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (5.-8.10.2012). Information needs in childhood cancer survivors: what they got and what they want. 44th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), London, UK. • Lupatsch J, Rueegg CS, Wengenroth L, Teuffel MO, Kuehni CE & Michel G (5.-8.10.2012). Follow-up care of adolescent cancer survivors: the role of health beliefs. 44th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), London, UK. • Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Kuehni CE & Michel G (30.-31.8.2012) Psychological care in adult survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings. Swiss Public Health Conference, Lausanne, CH. • Essig S, Skinner R, Kuehni CE, von der Weid NX & Michel G (27-28.1.2012). Follow-up programs for adult survivor of childhood cancer in Europe. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) Lugano, CH. • Michel G (February 2011). Follow-up care after childhood cancer in Europe. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Lugano, CH. • Michel G, Rueegg CS, Strippoli MPF, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (September, 2010). Educational achievement in Swiss childhood cancer survivors compared to the general population. Swiss Public Health Conference, Nottwil, Switzerland. • Michel G, Kuehni CE, Zimmermann K, Eiser C, Rebholz CE, Rueegg CS & von der Weid NX for the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (January 2010). Can health beliefs help explaining attendance to follow-up care? The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) Lugano, CH. • Michel G, Taylor NC & Eiser C (September, 2009). Post-traumatic stress in young childhood cancer survivors: Associations with survivor characteristics. Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Pisa, Italy. • Eiser C, Taylor NC, Absolom K & Michel G (September, 2009).Under-diagnosis of morbidity in survivors of childhood cancer: Implications for follow-up care. Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Pisa, Italy. • Michel G, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (October, 2008). Psychological distress in long-term survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland. Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), Berlin, Germany. October 2015 9/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Michel G, Greenfield D, Absolom K & Eiser C (October, 2008). Follow-up care after childhood cancer: survivors’ views of current and alternative models of care. Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), Paediatric Psycho-oncology Meeting, Berlin, Germany. • Michel G, Greenfield D, Absolom K & Eiser C (January, 2008). Follow-up care after childhood and young adult cancer: perspectives of survivors, oncologists and GPs. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Adam M, Michel G, von der Weid NX, Zwahlen M & Kuehni CE (January, 2008). Which childhood cancer patients miss specialist care?.Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH. • Kuehni CE, Rebholz C, Michel G, Adam M, Niggli F & von der Weid NX (January, 2008). Educational level and employment of Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivors - preliminary results. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH. • Rebholz C, Michel G, Adam M, Niggli F, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (January, 2008). Follow-Up care of long-term childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland: who is missed out? Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH. • Michel G, Rebholz C, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (November 2007). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study: Aims, methods and preliminary results. Presentation at the UK Childhood Cancer Survivors Study, Birmingham, UK. • Michel G, Adam M, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (January, 2007). Comparing SCCR with Cantonal cancer registries: Is our database complete? Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Rebholz CE, Michel G, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (January, 2007). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study : an update. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Michel G, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (February, 2006). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: Projects and Results. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Zurbriggen F, von der Weid NX, Michel G & Kuehni CE (February, 2006). Late effects in childhood cancer survivors: Aims and methods of the new study. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH. • Michel G, Kuehni CE, Zwahlen M & von der Weid NX (June, 2005). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR): Aims, Methods and Descriptive Statistics. Presentation at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Bern, CH. • Michel G, Kuehni CE, Zwahlen M & von der Weid NX (June, 2005). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR): Aims, Methods and Descriptive Statistics. Presentation at the Swiss Paediatric Society Conference, Montreux, CH. • Michel G, Kuehni CE, Laubscher U, Kiraly E & von der Weid NX (January, 2005). The SCCR dataset: descriptive statistics, data quality and proposed improvements. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Kuehni CE, Michel G, Sturdy M, Kiraly E, Rajower I & von der Weid NX (January, 2005). The Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: What has been achieved and where are we heading to? Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Sturdy M, Kuehni CE, Michel G & von der Weid NX (January, 2005). Concept for the new database of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry: discussion on content, structure and desired output. Annual meeting of the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Locarno, CH • Michel G & Perrez M (April, 2002). Intergenerational Transmission of Coping? Presentation at the Conference of the International Academy of Family Psychology (IAFP), Heidelberg, Deutschland. • Michel G (October, 2001). Präventives Eltern Programm - Familienstress (PEP - Familienstress) [Preventive Parental Program – Family-stress]. Presentation at the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychology, Bern, Switzerland. October 2015 10/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Perrez M, Michel G & Schoebi D (Mai, 2001). Neuer Zugang zur Familiendiagnostik - Computerunterstütztes Self-Monitoring [New approaches for family diagnostics – computer-assisted selfmonitoring]. Workshop at the 2nd Workshop-Conference for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Bern, Switzerland. • Michel G (April, 2001). Präventives Eltern Programm - Familienstress (PEP - Familienstress) [Preventive Parental Program – Family-stress]. Invited presentation in teachers’ education, Fribourg. Switzerland. Poster presentations * Prize for best poster • Schindler M, Mitter V, Bergstraesser E, Gumy-Pause F, Michel G, Kuehni CE (12.-14.11.2014). Death certificate notifications in the Swiss Chilhood Cancer Registry: Validation of registration procedures and completeness, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the „European Network of Cancer Registries“ (ENCR), Ispra, Italy. • Schindler M, Grotzer M, Von der Weid NX, Michel G, Kuehni CE (12.-14.11.2014). Time trends and predictors of childhood cancer survival in Switzerland. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the „European Network of Cancer Registries“ (ENCR), Ispra, Italy. • Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Eiser C, Bergsträsser E, Vetsch J, von der Weid NX, Kuehni CE ( Preferences for the organization of long-term follow-up in childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Vetsch J, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G (15.-16.9.2014). Parents’ involvement in follow-up care of long-term childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Vetsch J, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, von der Weid NX, Michel G (15.-16.9.2014). Information needs in parents of long-term childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Wengenroth L, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Lüer S, Bergsträsser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G ( Health-related quality of life in young survivors of childhood cancer. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Schindler M, Rueegg CS, Spycher B, Ammann RA, Ansari M, Michel G, Kuehni CE (15.-16.9.2014). Cause-specific late mortality among survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Vetsch Jvon der Weid NX, Michel G (15.-16.9.2014). Involvement of Swiss physicians in follow-up care of childhood and adolescent cancer survivors. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Mader L, Michel G, Post MWM, Ballert C, Brinkhof MWG (2.-4.9.2014).Psychometric validation of the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation-Participation (USER-Participation) in persons with spinal cord injury in Switzerland. International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS), Maastircht, The Netherlands. • *Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Kuehni CE, Michel G (6.11.2013). The role of primary care physicians in the follow-up of childhood cancer survivors. Symposium Versorgungsforschung in der Hausarztmedizin, Bern, Schweiz. • Gianinazzi ME, Essig S, Rueegg CS, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE, Michel G ( Transition from pediatric to adult care in childhood cancer: a chart review. Poster presented at the presented at the 13th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Memphis TN, USA. October 2015 11/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi MG, Michel G, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, Kuehni, CE (14.-15.6.2013). School-related Quality of Life in Childhood Cancer Survivors and their Siblings. Poster presented at the presented at the 13th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Memphis TN, USA. • Schindler M, Michel G, Rueegg CS, Amman R, Spycher B, Kuehni CE (14.-15.6.2013). Late Mortality in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Cohort. Poster presented at the presented at the 13th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Memphis TN, USA. • Kuehni CE, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Wengenroth L, Schindler M, Gianinazzi ME, Spycher BD, Niggli FK, von der Weid NX (14.-15.6.2013). Combining Routine Data, Patient Records and Questionnaires: The multidimensional Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Cohort. Poster presented at the presented at the 13th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Memphis TN, USA. • Michel G, Heg Z, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid N, Tinner EM, Kuehni CE (6.-7.6.2013). Long-term changes in psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the Schweizer Fachtagung Psychookonologie, St. Gallen, CH. • Singer S, Hohn A, Kuehni CE & Michel G (30.-31.8.2012).Die Rolle des Grundversorgers in der Nachsorge von Kinderkrebsüberlebenden. Poster presented at the SwissFamilyDocs Conference 2012, Lausanne, CH. • Michel G, Heg Z, Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE (8.-9.6.2012). Long-term changes in psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Essig S, Skinner R, Kuehni CE, von der Weid NX & Michel G (8.-9.6.2012). Follow-up programs for adult survivors of childhood cancer in Europe. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS,Grotzer MA, Kuehni CE & Michel G (8.-9.6.2012). Self-reported memory impairment in childhood cancer survivors and siblings. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Rueegg CS, Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Wengenroth L, von der Weid NX, Bergstaesser E & Kuehni CE (8.-9.6.2012). Physical Performance Limitations in adolescent and adult survivors of chidhood cancer and siblings. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, & Kuehni CE (8.-9.6.2012). Educational problems in school-aged childhood cancer survivors and siblings. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Michel G, Essig S, von der Weid NX, & Kuehni CE (31.5.-1.6.2012). Follow-up for paediatric survivors of childhood cancer: A survey of paediatric oncology/haematology institutions across Europe. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie, Luzern, CH. • Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Wengenroth L, Rischewski J, Ammann RA, Kuehni CE & Michel G ( Adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: Are they vulnerable for psychological distress? Poster presented at the annual conference of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie, Luzern, CH. • Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX, & Kuehni CE (31.5.-1.6.2012). Educational problems in school-aged childhood cancer survivors and siblings. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie, Luzern, CH. October 2015 12/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Essig S, Gianinazzi ME, Michel G & Kuehni CE (29.2.-2.3.2012). Therapy induced late toxicity in children with rare diseases: Long-term follow-up is needed but gets disrupted in adolescence - A study in pediatric oncology from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Poster presented at the International Congress of Research on Rare and Orphan Diseases, Basel, CH. • Michel G, Essig S, von der Weid NX, Skinner R & Kuehni CE (29 – 30 Sept, 2011). Follow-up for paediatric survivors of childhood cancer: A survey of paediatric oncology/haematology institutions across Europe. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Amsterdam, NL. • Gianinazzi ME, Rueegg CS, Wengenroth L, Bergstraesser E, Kuehni CE & Michel G (29 – 30 Sept, 2011). Psychological distress in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Amsterdam, NL. • Rueegg CS, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Bergstraesser E, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (29 – 30 Sept, 2011). Physical Performance Limitations in Adult and Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Amsterdam, NL. • Wengenroth L, Rueegg CS, Michel G, Gianinazzi ME, Amman R, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (29 – 30 Sept, 2011). Cancer during childhood – Marriage in adulthood? Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Amsterdam, NL. • Mitter V, Michel G, von der Weid NX & Kuehni CE (29 – 30 Sept, 2011). Clinical trial participation in Swiss children diagnosed with cancer. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Amsterdam, NL. • Rueegg CS, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Paulussen M, Brazzola P, Strippoli MPF, Michel G & Kuehni CE (September, 2010). Body mass index in adult survivors of childhood cancer compared to the general population: the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Poster presented Swiss Public Health Conference, Nottwil, Switzerland. • Michel G, von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Rueegg CS, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (June, 2010). Association between body mass index in survivors of childhood cancer and psychological distress. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Rueegg CS, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Paulussen M, Brazzola P Strippoli MPF, Michel G & Kuehni CE (June, 2010). Overweight and health-related quality of life among adult survivors of childhood cancer – A report from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Rueegg, CS, Michel G, von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Paulussen M, Brazzola P, Strippoli MPF & Kuehni CE (June, 2010). Body mass index in adult survivors of childhood cancer compared to the general population – a report from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Bardi E, Michel G, von der Weid NX, Byrne J, Grabow D, Kremer L, Frey E, Kuehni CE, Skinner R & Hjorth L for the PANCARE network (June, 2010). What do childhood cancer parent groups and survivor groups expect from health care providers? A survey of pediatric oncology health care providers within PanCare. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Williamsburg VA, USA. • Michel G, von der Weid NX, Byrne J, Debling D, Essig S, Skinner R, Hjorth L, Kremer L, Frey E, Bardi E, Kuehni CE, for the PanCare network (October, 2009). Follow-up care after childhood cancer in Europe: A pilot study. Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Essig S, Strippoli MPF, Michel G, Kuehni CE, for the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group. (October, 2009). Long-term survivors of childhood ALL: Is health-related quality of life reduced in those with a October 2015 13/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications relapse? Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • Rueegg CS, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Niggli FK, Strippoli MPF, Michel G & Kuehni CE for the Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (October, 2009). Physical activity levels among Swiss childhood cancer survivors: A report from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS). Poster presented at the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, UK. • *Michel G, Absolom K, Greenfield DM & Eiser C (October, 2008). Follow-up care after childhood cancer: Survivors’ expectations and preferences for care. Poster presented at the IPHOUM Conference, Edinburgh, UK. • Michel G, Rebholz CE, von der Weid NX, Bergstraesser E & Kuehni CE (June, 2008). Psychological distress in long-term survivors of childhood cancer in Switzerland. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada • Von der Weid NX, Rebholz CE, Michel G, Niggli F & Kuehni CE (June, 2008). Smoking behavior among Swiss childhood cancer survivors. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on LongTerm Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada • Michel G, Wilhelm P & Perrez M (June, 2007). Physical complaints, causal attributions and psychological distress in daily lives of parents and their adolescent children. Poster presented at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Olten, CH. • Adam M, Michel G, Zwahlen M, von der Weid NX, Pury P, Essig, S & Kuehni CE (June, 2007). Completeness of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Poster presented at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Olten, CH. • Michel G, Silverman M, Strippoli MP, Chauliac E, Brooke AM, & Kuehni CE (June, 2005). What do parents mean, when they report that their child has wheezed? - Interpretation of the word "wheeze" in a population-based questionnaire survey. Poster presented at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Bern, CH. • Michel G, Silverman M, Strippoli MP, Chauliac E, Brooke AM, & Kuehni CE (June, 2005). What do parents mean, when they report that their child has wheezed? - Interpretation of the word "wheeze" in a population-based questionnaire survey. Poster presented at the Swiss Paediatric Society Conference, Montreux, CH. • Michel G, Silverman M, Brooke AM, Pierse N, & Kuehni CE (September, 2004). The Meaning of Wheeze - Understanding of the word "wheeze" by parents of schoolchildren completing a respiratory questionnaire. Poster presented at the ERS (European Respiratory Society) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. • Michel G (March 2003). How causal attributions are associated with different somatic complaints. Poster presented at the Conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), Salt Lake City, UT, USA. • Perrez M, Hänggi Y, Michel G, Schoebi D, Watzek D & Wilhelm P (2002). Individuelle und soziale Regulation von Emotionen in Familien mit Jugendlichen. Poster presented at the Nationalen Tag SPP Zukunft Schweiz, Bern, Switzerland. • Michel G & Perrez M (September, 2001). Attributions on physical complaints and pains and their association with personality characteristics. Poster presented at the European Congress of Health Psychology, St. Andrews, Scotland • Michel G, Candrian G & Perrez M (April, 2001). Equality in decision making, satisfaction, and clinical symptomatology in families with adolescents. Poster presented at the VIIIe Congrès International de l'Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Éducation Familiale (AIFREF), SaintSauveur-des-Monts, Québec, Canada. October 2015 14/15 Prof. Gisela Michel - PhD Publications • Michel G &Perrez M (February, 2001). Belastung von Eltern in Abhängigkeit des Pubertätsstandes ihrer Kinder [Stress in parents depending on the puberty status of the children]. Poster presented at the Conference of Family Psychology, München, Germany. October 2015 15/15
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