TABELLARISCHER LEBENSLAUF STUDIENABSCHLÜSSE & ZERTIFIKATIONEN 2003 Diplom-Designer Kommunikationsdesign Hochschule Darmstadt 2004 Certification for New Media, ICPNM ZGDV Darmstadt and iMedia, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 2006 Certification for Pro Tools Applied Audio Engineering ProMedia, New York City 2 007 Certification for Public Access TV Production Cox Public Access Studio, Providence 2 010 Master of Arts in Media Studies Rhode Island College, Providence BERUFLICHE ERFAHRUNG & AKADEMISCHER WERDEGANG 1999-2003 2004-2006 2005 Seit 2004 Assistant Researcher & Graphic Designer Art Director, ZGDV Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD Abteilung Digital Storytelling Darmstadt, Deutschland Freelance Graphic and Web Designer Verschiedene Design Studios Providence Metro Area, Rhode Island, USA Senior Graphic & Web Designer, Art Director Red Sled Communications Foxboro/Boston, Massachusetts, USA Accounts: Atomic Ski USA, KingWhale Senior Art Director, Graphic & Digital Media Designer and Consultant, bsg design Providence, Rhode Island, USA Accounts: Brown University, Seven Arrows Farm, QPS, MonkeyFist Media, Daniel Read Glass Art, Ki(10)z and The Next (bands), RI Small Business Development Center ULRIKE GENCARELLE Associate Professor Design & Digital Media School of Engineering & Design Johnson & Wales University Providence, RI USA PERSÖNLICHE DATEN Adressen: 116 Clifford St Pawtucket, RI 20860 USA Graf-Siegfried-Strasse 66 54439 Saarburg Deutschland TELEFON USA: + 01 401/475-3230 privat + 01 401/743-7015 handy EMAIL: [email protected] PORTFOLIO: GEBOREN am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg, Deutschland Verheiratet, drei Kinder am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg/Deutschland STAATSANGEH ÖRIGKEIT Verheiratet, drei Kinder deutsch/US-amerikanisch 2 2006 Instructor, Graphic Design & Digital Media School of Engineering and Design Johnson & Wales University, Providence 2010 Assistant Professor, Graphic Design & Digital Media,School of Engineering and Design Johnson & Wales University, Providence 2015 Associate Professor, Graphic Design & Digital Media, School of Engineering and Design Johnson & Wales University, Providence ULRIKE GENCARELLE Associate Professor Design & Digital Media MITGLIEDSCHAFTEN AIGA, the Professional Association for Design College Art Association, USA AUSZEICHNUNGEN 2 003 ICPNM New Media Fellowship ZGDV Darmstadt and iMedia, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 2 012 Community Service Learning Faculty Fellowship Feinstein Community Service Center Johnson & Wales University, Providence WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ARBEIT, VORTRÄGE & VERÖFFENTLICHUNGEN 2000 “Visuelle Gestaltungskriterien für Multimedia An- wendungen” Ulrike Lohde (Gencarelle) Vortrag, Universität Mainz, Institut für Informatik 2000 “Scenario-Based Design: Geschichten als Hilfsmittel beim Erstellen von Software” Norbert Braun, Ulrike Spierling, Ulrike Lohde Veröffentlichung: Tagungsband Digital Storytelling, Computer Graphik Edition Band 2, Fraunhofer IRB 2003 “Storytelling Based Edutainment Applications” Dr. Stefan Goebel, Oliver Schneider, Reiner Wichert, Ulrike Lohde et al. Veröffentlichung: CG Topics 6 2004 “Combining VR and Digital Story-Telling for Security-Related Training” Carsten Hellmich, Dr. Stefan Goebel, Ulrike Lohde Veröffentlichung: Version 2 CHE am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg/Deutschland Verheiratet, drei Kinder 3 2010 “Teaching Design and Communication through Proj- ect-Based Service Learning: Past, Present and Future” Ulrike Gencarelle & Dr. Laura Gabiger Poster presentation for New England Regional Campus Compact Conference, University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont. Veröffentlichung: ScholarsArchive ULRIKE GENCARELLE Associate Professor Design & Digital Media 2012 “Flash-based Animations of Intra-Cellular Growth Factors” Ulrike Gencarelle Vortrag, Department of Media Studies, Rhode Island College, Providence, Rhode Island 2012 “Design & Communication: The Future of Service-Learning” Ulrike Gencarelle & Dr. Laura Gabiger Poster presentation at the Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference, Dartmouth, New Hampshire Veröffentlichung: ScholarsArchive 2013 National Student Organization New England Regional Conference Johnson & Wales University Design Wettbewerbsjury 2013 “Design and Communication: The Future of Service Learning” Ulrike Gencarelle & Dr. Laura Gabiger Poster Presentation at North East Conference of the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Johnson & Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island 2015 “The Professional Design Process” Ulrike Gencarelle, WordCamp Connecticut, WordPress Conference, Stamford CT Presentation, recording for WordCamp TV SOFTWARE/CODING & BESONDERE KENNTNISSE Design: Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator Motion Graphics: AfterEffects and Flash Grundkenntnisse in 3D Animation Video: FinalCut and Premiere Web: HTML5/CSS5, Dreamweaver, TextWrangler, Sublime, Codepen Frameworks: Bootstrap und Foundation JavaScript, WordPress und PHP Kenntnisse am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg/Deutschland Verheiratet, drei Kinder 4 AKADEMISCHE VERWALTUNGSAUFGABEN Academic Advising Internship Advisor Curriculum Development Support for University Admissions Events ULRIKE GENCARELLE Associate Professor Design & Digital Media International BRIDGE Center Presentations Guest Speaker Event Organization Liaison to design community, DESIGNxRI Coordination and facilitation of international collaborations with Hochschule Trier, Germany Interdisciplinary project work with Arts & Science faculty (course development) Faculty Council, By-Laws Committee Active participation in yearly Faculty Symposium KURSE AN DER JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY DME1000 Foundation Drawing & Digital Tools DME1020 Digital Media Perspectives DME1040 Introduction to Client-Side Development DME1050 Imaging for Digital Media DME1060 Advanced Client-Side Development DME 2020 Introduction to Motion Graphics DME 2050 Interactive Architecture and Content DME3020 Digital Media Solutions Team DME3110 Multimedia Programming DME3130 Computer Animation DME3140 Integrated Motion Graphics DME3300 Introduction to Digital Video DME 4050 Senior Portfolio Assessment am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg/Deutschland Verheiratet, drei Kinder 5 FUNKTIONEN IN FACHVERBÄNDEN, BERATUNGSGREMIEN U.Ä. ULRIKE GENCARELLE Associate Professor Design & Digital Media 2006-2008 Board member and Education Co-Chair AIGA, Rhode Island Chapter, USA Seit 2007 Member of the Johnson & Wales University Faculty Council Seit 2007 Wettbewerbsjury für Design Wettbewerbe National Student Organization, USA Seit 2012 Founding member of DESIGNxRI, an advocacy group for design professions in Rhode Island, USA 2012 Member of the Community-Service Learning Faculty Fellows Advisory Committee 2007-2013 Chair of the JWU Faculty Development Fund Committee KOLLABORATIONEN 2013 Internationale Projekt Kollaboration, mit Prof. Marcus Haberkorn und Media Studenten der Hochschule Trier 2013 “Pretty Bend Machine” cover songs von NIN’s Pretty Hate Machine Kollaboration mit Musikern und Ingenieuren Vocals, Bass and Korg Electribe Programmierung Seit 2014 Buch Projekt mit Dr. Laura Gabiger Arbeitstitel: “The Design Process Guide: Meetings, Comps and Client Communication” SPRACHEN Deutsch, sehr gut im Wort & Schrift Englisch, sehr gut in Wort & Schrift Franzoesisch, Grundkenntnisse Latein, Grundkenntnisse am 17. Mai 1976 in Dieburg/Deutschland Verheiratet, drei Kinder
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