_ Semesterticketbüro Nibelungenplatz 1 Gebäude 9 | Raum 18 069 / 1533 -‐ 23 98 semtic@asta-‐fra-‐uas.de Information about the reimbursement of the Semesterticket contribution ____________________________ Possible types of application • Individual case application. Required evidences: Studychip with the updated semester imprint and the RMV logo,detailed statement of justification and other evidences. • Reimbursement application because of a severe disability. Required evidences: Studychip with the updated semester imprint and the RMV logo,Copy of the severely disabled pass (front and backside) and token. • Reimbursement application because of an internship (longer than 3 months and outside the RMV catchment area). Required evidences: Studychip with the updated semester imprint and the RMV logo,Copy of the severely disabled pass (front and backside) and token. • Reimbursement application because of a semester abroad or a vacation semester. Required evidences: Studychip with the updated semester imprint and the RMV logo, confirmation of a vacation semester or semester abroad. • Reimbursement application because of a double degree in the RMV catchment area. Required evidences: Studychip with the updated semester imprint and the RMV logo, study chip copy. Notice: The application has to be submitted within 4 weeks after the re-‐registration period of the semester. Applications made at a later date will not be considered. In case of a reimbursement of the Semesterticket contribution, the claim of the driving authorization becomes invalid! The Reimbursement of the semesterticket normally takes several weeks (in some cases until the end of the semester!) It is the responsibility of the stuff of the semesterticket office. We ask you kindly for your patience. Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts Der Vorstand | Fritz Fischer, Melanie Breuer, Marian Pisarzowski, Alie Sesay Kleiststraße 5, 60318 Frankfurt am Main | Tel: 069 / 1533 32 63 | Fax: 069 / 1533 22 79 | finanzen@asta-‐fra-‐uas.de Bankverbindung | Postbank Frankfurt, BIC: PBNKDEFF, IBAN: DE88 5001 0060 0107 8656 04
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