Bibliotheksliste Autor Titel ISBN "Batchelder, A. "Beaney, J. "Beaney, J. "Berk, Max "Chiles, Lynette "Denton, S. "Greig, D. "Gulliksen Moe, G. "Halferty, S. "Hall, J. "Hopkins, J. "Hopkins, J. "Kranz, M. E. "Liddell, J. "Manwaring, L. "McClun, D. "Milligan, L. "Mills, Chrystal "Pippen, K. "Porter, L. "Schaffeld, B. "Schwarz Smith, L. "Seely, A. "Stauffer, J. "Wheller, B. "Wickell, J. "Young, B. "Zieman, N. Fiberarts Design Book 5 Grids To Stitch Bonding And Beyond Quilt-Triennale Quick Tech Quiltmaking Give & Take Skandinavisch Blau Patchwork Picnic Fresh Pineapple Possibilities Rotary Riot - 40 Fast And Fabulous Quilts Rotary Roundup Blending Photos With Fabric Japanes Quilts Holiday Wrappings Quilts Galore! Quilts and More Fun with folded fabric boxes Asian Elegance Scrap Quilts Log Cabin in The Round Design Secrets of Digital Quilting - From Camera to Quilt Color Magic For Quilters Weekend Scrap Quilting Altered Photo Artistry Quick Little Quilts The Irish Chain Quilt The Art Of Landscape Quilts 9780-9372-7486-6 Elke Seite 1 9780-9531-7502-4 Englisch 1987 9780-6709-0126-5 9781-6046-0005-6 9783-4266-4671-7 9781-5647-7342-5 9781-6070-5742-0 97809435-7486-8 9781-5647-7028-8 9780-5254-8386-1 9781-5647-7862-8 9780-9133-2721-0 9781-8809-7230-4 E 9781-5647-7483-5 E E 9781-5712-0659-6 9780-8759-6755-4 9781-5921-7064-7 9781-5712-0440-0 9780-8442-2659-0 9780-9148-8114-8 9780-8968-9314-6 BibliotheksNummer 14001740 14001597 14001598 14001244 14001242 14001708 14001618 14001735 14001661 14001642 14001573 14001681 14001636 14001702 14001640 14001709 14001639 14000999 14001654 14001705 14001659 14001602 14001690 14001633 14001608 14001584 14001695 14001585 07.12.2015 "Zieman, N. Landscape Quilts A Leisure Arts Pubblication quick-method Quilts A Sunset Book Quilting Patchwork & Appliqu‚ ABC Quilts Kids making Quilts for Kids Abrelat, Barbara H. Best Selling Bazaar Patchwork Adams, Pauline Quiltmaking Made Easy Addison, Kirsten Kolstad Play Quilts Aho, Patricia A. Lighthouse Designs for Quilters Aimone, Katherine D. The Fiberarts Book of Wearable Art Albin, Patty Creative Beginnings in Machine Embroidery Amano, Yoshihiro Patchwork Quilt Tsushin, Nr. 65 Amaru, Lily Marie Let's Make Waves American Quilter's Society Quilt Groups Today American Quilter's Society Quilts: the permanent collektion MAQS American Quilter's Society Gallery of American Quilts, 3 American Quilter's Society Log Cabin Quilts Amsden, Deirdre Colourwash Quilts Amundson, Marta Quilted Animals Andersen, C. W. Faces & Places imagined in applique Anderson, Alex Rotary Cutting Anderson, Alex Start quilting Anderson, Alex Fabric shopping Anderson, Alex Start quilting Anderson, Alex Sterne Anderson, Alex Shadow Redwork Anderson, Alex Fabric Shopping Anderson, Charlotte W. Focus on features, lifelike portrayals in applique Anderson, Lynette Stitch It For Spring Andreani, Claudia, Donath, Bastelwerkstatt Stempeln und Drucken Aneloski, Liz Simole Fabric Folding for Halloween Anette Anita Elke Seite 2 9780-8487-2483-2 9780-9422-3754-2 0-8487-1092-4 9781863150101 1-56477-368-X 9788-7790-5573-5 1-57990-515-3 ISBN 1-57120-3271007595040960 9780-9744-3150-5 0-89145-999-5 9780891459750 9780891458012 9780-8914-5857-9 9781-5647-7051-6 1-57432-797-6 1-57120-000-2 9781571200662 9781571200297 9781571200891 1-57120-167-X ISBN 3-87870-688ISBN 1-57120-156ISBN 1-57120-0899781571200532 9781-4463-0317-7 9783-3320-1918-6 14001607 14001441 14001145 14001169 14000617 14000142 14000420 14001711 14000450 14001355 14000184 14001648 14000009 14000056 14000235 14001675 14001686 14000292 14000002 14000090 14000116 14000228 14000272 14000821 14001277 14001336 14000133 14001757 14001466 14001432 07.12.2015 Ankenbauer, Britta Ankie Vytopil-Diemer Anleitungen Anne-Pia Anne-Pia Anne-Pia Godske Anushka Arkansas Quilters Guild Armand-Delille, Diane / Armstrong, Carol Armstrong, Carol Arndt, Erika Aspekte Galerie Aug, Bobbie A.; Newman, aus Lena Spezial Avera, Virginia Avery, Virginia Avery, Virginia Avis Aylsworth Murwin, S. u. Aylsworth Murwin, Susan B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina B• hler, Regina Baba, Mieko Bach, D”rte Bach, D”rte Elke Drunter & Dr• ber Patchwork-quilts Blue and White ISBN 0-902130589- Alles im Griff 14001010 14001159 14000729 14000954 Arkansas Quilts Patchwork Wild birds Quilting with C. Armstrong Handbuch Weben Textilkunst Charm Quilts With Style Patchwork & Quilten Quilts To Wear Wonderful Wearables Nifty Neckwear 9780-8194-5932-4 3-548-04101-9 9781571200877 9781571201706 978-3-258-60102-1 Giant Dahlia Quilt quick and Easy Patchwork on the Sewing Machine Patchwork und Quilten Log Cabin Blumen Applikationen Crazy Style Blumen & Bl• ten Taschen Patchwork leicht gemacht - Taschen My favorite Felt Sweets Superidee Patchwork-Quilting Spaá am Quilten ISBN 0-486-24501ISBN 0-486-23770- 9781-5743-2751-9 9780-4862-6336-6 ISBN 0-89145-980ISBN 0-914881-84- Seite 3 9783-8985-8883-6 ISBN 3-8043-0625- 14001704 14001581 14000215 14000295 14001787 14000265 14001762 14001094 14001444 14000766 14000768 14001255 14001398 14000720 14000945 14000955 14001065 14001089 14001090 14001092 14001657 14001190 14000857 14000926 07.12.2015 Bach, Dörte Bach, Dörte Bachem, Francoise Bachem, Francoise & Bacon, Lenice Ingram Bailey, Eleanor Peace Bailey, Elinor Peace Baker, Marci L. Baker, Marci L. Baker, Marci L. Baker, Sharon K. Bakker, Ellen Bakker, Maaike Bakker, Maaike Balitas, Margaret Lydic Bannister, Barbara and Bannister, Barbara, and Barbe, Josephine Barker, Brett Barkle, Peggy J. Barnes, C. June Barnes, Christine Barron, Maudine J. Barron, Maudine J. Bartos, Ilene Bates Willing, Bates Dock Baumschläger-Dü• nser Baunach, Ute ua. Bawden, Juliet Bawden, Juliet Beal, Margaret Beaney, J. Elke Patchwork-Quilting Patchwork-Quilting leicht und schnell blockSTUDIO - Band 2 (Farbgestaltung) blockSTUDIO - Band 3 American Patchwork Quilts Mother plays with dolls Mother plays with dolls Not your Grandmother's Flower Garden, too Not Your Grandmotherïs Tumbling Blocks Not Your Grandmotherïs Flower Garden, Too Fabulous Flowers Textile Art Around The World Kü• che und Kinderkram Cups and Saucers The classic quilt collection: Log Cabin State Capitals Quilt Blocks The United States Patchwork Pattern Book Hut und Putz blendable curves Quilten in der dritten Dimension color the quilter's guide Simple Sampler Four Favorite Quilts Spectacular Rectangles Quilten - damals & heute 9783804304642 3-8043-0282-3 3-941241-00-1 0-939009-39-0 0-939009-39-0 ISBN 0-9651439-1ISBN 0-9651439-41-56477-610-7 9789-0818-4767-4 3-9806815-1-3 1-56477-333-7 9780875966298 0-486-23243-3 3-258-06431-8 9780-9641-8201-7 14001410 14001736 14001292 14001524 14001569 14001083 14001576 0-85533-921-7 9783-8410-6180-5 0-7134-8956-1 9780-7134-8887-6 14000333 14000606 14001476 14000548 14001586 9783-2586-0101-4 ISBN 1-56477-164- Textil 21 The art and craft of appliqué Es war einmal ein Hemd Fusing fabric Stitches: New Approaches Seite 4 14000043 14000675 14000996 14000997 14000656 14000490 14000035 14001081 14001328 14001329 14000562 14001776 14000325 14000326 14000097 14001484 14000392 14000519 07.12.2015 Beaney, Jan The art of the needle Beaney, Jan u. Littlejohn, Jean New Dimensions Beaney, Jan u. Littlejohn. Jean Trees as a Theme Bearley, D.D. Antique Ohio Amish Quilts Beaves, Debbie Victoriaïs Scatter Garden Bechtermünz Verlag Neue Farben für Zuhause Becker, Kristina Come Listen To My Quilts Bellerophon Books A Medieval Alphabet to illuminate Benberry, Cuesta Always There: Bender, Sue So einfach wie das Leben Benner / Pellman Favorite Applique Patterns I Benner / Pellman Favorite Applique Patterns II Benner / Pellman Favorite Applique Patterns III Benner, C. + Pellmann, R. Country Quilts for Children Benner, Cheryl + Pellman, Rachel The Country Love Quilt Bennett Berg, Alice; Johnson,Sylvia;Patriotic little quilts Bergene, Lise Skandinavische Quilts & Taschen Bergene, Lise & Eikenes, Annie Frittgaende Lappeideer Bergene, Lise / Eikenes, Annie O'Jul Med Din Lappeglede Bergtor Verlag Patchwork Party Berk, Max Textilsammlung 5. Europ„ische Quilt-Triennale Berlyn, Ineke Landscape in Contemporary Quilts Berlyn, Ineke The Quilted Object Berlyn, Ineke Sketchbooks and Journal Quilts Bernecker, Bianka-Maria Patchwork, 24 Ideen zum Nachmachen Besley, Angela Rose Windows for Quilters Better Homes and Gardens Great Patchwork: Working with Squares and Rectangl Better Homes and Gardens Great Patchwork: Working with Triangles Better Homes and Gardens Quilt-Lovers' Favorites Better Homes and Gardens Patchwork & Quilting Better Homes and Gardens Appliqu‚ Elke Seite 5 0-7126-1942-9 ISBN 0-9531750-80-9531750-6-5 ISBN 0-9741175-19783-8604-7442-6 9781-5712-0129-4 1-880-584-02-6 9783-4041-2938-6 ISBN 1-56148-073ISBN 1-56148-074ISBN 1-56148-0759781561480630 1-56477-456-2 9788277740249 9788244501521 9783-9377-0300-4 0-7134-8974-X ISBN 0-696-01395- 14000672 14001269 14001268 14000542 14001378 14001772 14001765 14001420 14000259 14001532 14000936 14000937 14000938 14000126 14001161 14000431 14000891 14000347 14000646 14001668 14001462 14000551 14001039 14001266 14001099 14001409 14000879 14000880 14000882 14000914 14001160 07.12.2015 Better Homes and Gardens Special Patchwork Betts, Elizabeth Quilten lernen Bevan, Laurie Lickerty-Split Quilts Beyer, Jinny Soft-edge piecing Beyer, Jinny The scraplook Beyer, Jinny Quiltmaking by Hand Beyer, Jinny Patchwork Portfolio Beyer, Jinny Jinny Beyer's Color Confidence for Quilters Beyer, Jinny Patchwork Patterns Beyer, Jinny The Quilter's Album of Blocks & Borders Beyer, Jinny Tessellation - Quilts entwerfen Beyer, Jinny Designing Tessellations Beyer, Jinny / Oberberg, Jinny Beyer's Farblehre für Patchwork Beyermann-Bernecker, G. Patchwork im Landhausstil Biddick, J. Blended Quilt Backgrounds Binney, Edwin Homage to Amanda, 200 Years of American Quilts Birk, Bente Mehr Patchwork Spielereien Birk, Bente Patchwork Spielereien Birk, Bente, Jollmann DortheCoutry Patchwork Birk, Birk & Jollmann, Mere Country Patchwork Bishop, Robert Hands all around Bishop, Robert A gallery of Amish quilts Bishop, Robert Quilts Bishop, Robert The Romance of Double Wedding Ring Quilts Blackhurst, Michelle Floral Quilts Blalock, Joan Quilted landscapes Blattel, Barbara Blattl, Barbara + Bachem, blockSTUDIO - Band 1 Blattl, Barbara u. a. QuinTEXsenz Blattl, Dehrberg u. a QuinTEXsenz Nahaufnahme Bobbi Bogen, C. & Leutwiler, A. Patchwork Sandwich-Technik Elke Seite 6 ISBN 0-696-018519783-7724-6367-9 1-56477-551-8 9780914881940 0-914440-86-1 0-9721218-2-X 0-939009-17-x 0-913327-39-5 0-7135-1346-2 0-914440-92-6 ISBN 3-88746-417ISBN 0-8092-28663-88746-409-5 9783778735329 9781-5743-2929-2 9788764100228 9788-7772-1734-9 9788777218637 0-525-48280 0-525-47444-7 0-39471271-4 0-525-48477-9 ISBN 1-57486-3421-56477-144-X 14001209 14001780 14000556 14000038 14000218 14000461 14000620 14000628 14000638 14000642 14000853 14001363 14000874 14000073 14001600 14000743 14000520 14001088 14001469 14000423 14000113 14000197 14000233 14000696 14001276 14000525 3-00-023070-X 14000995 14001044 14001000 9783824107896 14000030 07.12.2015 Bolesta, Karen It's A Stitch Bollenhagen, Britta Geschickt eingef„delt 1 Grundschule Bollenhagen, Britta Geschickt eingef„delt 2 Grundschule Bollenhagen, Britta Fischer,Kreative Projekte zum textilen Gestalten mit CD Bolton, Janet Patchwork-Bilder Bolton, Janet Textile Pictures / Tableaux textiles Bolton, Janet / Safran, SheriDie / Geschichte von Grossmutters Patchwork-Decke Bolton, P. The Quilting Arts Book Bonesteel, Georgia Lap Quilting Lives! Bonesteel, Georgia Bright Ideas for Lap Quilting Bong, Gayle Save the Scraps Bonner, Natalia Beginner`s Guide To Free-Motion Quilting Professio Bono, Pam Quilt it for kids Bono, Pam More Quick Rotary Cutter Quilts Bonsib, Sandy Americana quilts Bonsib, Sandy Flannel Quilts Bonsib, Sandy Tried and True Bonsib, Sandy Quilting more Memories Borck,G. + Earnshaw, P. Wanda Th• mmel Spitzenentw• rfe Bosbach, Silke Textile Schmuckgestaltung Bosbach, Silke Modernes Shibori Boschert, Congdon,Conwaytwelve by twelve BostenUniversrity Contemporary quilts USA Bostwick, Marie Die F„den des Schicksals Bostwick, Marie Das Band, das uns zusammen h„lt Botsford, Shirley Daddy's Ties Bourellis, Marie-Caroline Bowser, Tammie Simply Amazing Quilted Photograhy Braatz, Hildegard Quilts und andere sch”ne Sachen Brackman, Barbara Quilts from the Civil War Brackman, Barbara Women of Design : Quilts in the Newspaper Bradkin, Cheryl Greider Basic Seminole Patchwork Elke Seite 7 9781-5795-4914-4 9783-4030-4694-3 9783-4030-6210-3 9783-8344-3199-8 3-258-05354-5 9783726004132 9781-5966-8099-9 1-56477-259-4 0-8487-1003-7 1-56477-599-2 9781571200907 9780-8487-1514-4 1-56477-465-1 1-56477-360-4 1-56477-602-6 3-258-60011-2 0-87270-069-0 9780-8019-8521-8 ISBN 1-887467-609781571200334 9780-9746-0129-8 1-57120-010-X 14001664 14001504 14001505 14001508 14000019 14001002 14000018 14001592 14000377 14000605 14000585 14001483 14000209 14001652 14000337 14000375 14000559 14001050 14001062 14001045 14001074 14001455 14000246 14001120 14001121 14001666 14001350 14001249 14000074 14001463 14000398 07.12.2015 Brandt, Janet Carija Folk Art Animals Brauner, Ulla Der etwas andere Round Robin 2003 Bray, Karen Machine Appliqué Brayfield, Brenda u. Stained Glass Applique Breckenridge, Muriel Lap Quilting Bree, Almut Sticken mit der N„hmaschine Brenan Daniel, Nancy Learn to do Hand Quilting in just one day Brenda Brendel, Chrisiane Quilts Brendel, Christiane Bilder Bresenhan, K. P. Lone stars Bresenhan, Karey 500 Art Quilts Breuer, Gabriele 1000 Farben auf Wolle und Seide Brick, Cindy Hanky-Panky Crazy Quilts Briscoe, Susan Patchwork & Sashiko Briscoe, Susan Patchwork Taschen Briscoe, Susan Patchwork Taschen 2 Briscoe, Susan Patchwork Japanische Bl”cke Briscoe, Susan Patchwork & Quilten Briscoe, Susan Sashiko Japanese Inspirations Briscoe, Susan Japanese Style Quilt Essentials Briscoe, Susan Fabulous Fat Quarter Bags Briscoe, Susan 21 Terrific Patchwork Bags Britische Gilde Quilt treasures Brocket Jane Quiltinspirationen Browning, Bonnie K. Borders & Finishing Touches Bryk, Nancy Villa Susan McCord`s quilts Buechel, Jennifer Miniature Baltimore album quilts Buffington, Adriene Hand-Dyed Fabric made Easy Bühler, Regina / Klar, Susanne Patchwork-Ideen Bühler, Regina + Klar, Susanne Patchwork-Ideen / Bula, Melinda Cutting Garden Quilts Elke Seite 8 9781564772220 ISBN 1-57432-868ISBN 0-8069-7522ISBN 3-473-424390-88195-783-6 9780292746718 9781-5901-2050-7 3-86630-916-3 ISBN 3-87870-592- 3-87870-594-8 ISBN 0-71532641-9781-4463-0350-4 9780-7153-2978-8 9780-7153-1443-2 1-89804-09-8 ISBN 3-25860033-ISBN 0-89145-8999781564771766 1-56477-148-2 9783933813527 3-933813-52-2 14000087 14000590 14000362 14001337 14000911 14000801 14001547 14000213 14000212 14000029 14001040 14000844 14001733 14000591 14000838 14000839 14000840 14000985 14001347 14001500 14001646 14001653 14000127 14001196 14001393 14000251 14000160 14000322 14000296 14000324 14001005 07.12.2015 Bullard Lacy Folmar Quilts Bunkers, Traci Stempel, Walzen & Schablonen Burbank, Doreen Cronkite Fantasy Flowers Burch, Laurel Quilten f• r Weihnachten Burch, Laurel Kindred Creatures Burda Verlag Patchwork einfach sch”n Burda Verlag Patchwork Quilting Burdick, Nancilu Butler Family Ties Burns, Eleanor Country Christmas Burns, Eleanor Quilt Block Party Burns, Eleanor Schoolhouse Wallhanging Burns, Eleanor make a Quilt in a Day, log cabin pattern Burns, Eleanor Sunbonnet Sue Burns, Eleanor TRIO of Treasured Quilts Busse, Veronika Quilten - (M)eine Leidenschaft Busse, Veronika Patchwork - Quilting, Log Cabin Butler Berns, W. Photo Album Quilts Caffrey, Debbie Open a Can of Worms Callori, Christina / Esposito,Patchwork Cameron-Dick, Dawn Invisible Machine Applique Campbell, Eileen U is for Unicorn Campbell-Harding Edges & Finishes In Machine Embroidery Campbell-Harding, Valerie Strip Patchwork Campbell-Haring, Valerie Machine Embroidery Stiched Patterns Caplinger, Mary Ann Weave it! Quilt it! Wear it! Carlson, Elizabeth H. Traditions in Miniature Carlson, Elizabeth Hamby Small Wonders Carlson, Elizabeth Hamby Burgoyne Surrounded Carlson, Susan Free-style quilts Carl-Wolfgang Hg. Caron, Barbara Ann Tessellation & Variations Carrefour Europ‚en du Catalogue Prestige 2010 Elke Seite 9 042799002995 3-258-60027-9 1-56477-002-8 ISBN 3-87870-5829781-5712-0160-7 9783-7724-6564-2 9783-8043-0516-8 735272010074 0-922725-30-5 ISBN 0-922705-02ISBN 0-922705-98- ISBN 3-8043-05239781-6005-9189-1 9780-9645-7774-9 3-505-01100-0 1-86351-271-3 9780-7134-8867-8 0-486-25729-0 9780-7134-8908-8 9781564771421 1-56477-250-0 1-56477-523-2 8727570201027 0-89145-844-1 14000242 14001133 14000618 14000823 14001616 14001555 14001685 14001053 14000607 14000652 14000904 14000905 14000973 14001172 14000458 14000927 14001588 14001568 14000454 14001431 14000410 14001622 14000446 14001514 14000317 14001104 14000352 14000430 14000203 14000442 14001078 07.12.2015 Carter, Erika Personal Imagery in Art Quilts Carter, Roxanne Easy Star Sampler Carter, Roxanne Star-Studded Quilts Carthew, Lorraine Mosaic Appliqu‚ Castle Museum Causee, Linda 365 Patchwork Bl”cke Causee, Linda Learn to make a crazy Quilt Causee, Linda 48-Hour Applique Quilts Causee, Linda Memory Quilts Causse, Linda Twenty-four Blocks for Christmas Chainey, Barbara Die Kunst des Quiltens Chainey, Barbara Quilt It! Chaisson, Lesly "Charmed, I`m Sure Quilts and more from 5""Squares" Chalfant Payne, S. Chamber, Sharon Learn to machine quilt Chambers, Anne Marmoriertes Papier Chapman, Suzanne E Early American Design Motifs Chevalier, Tracy die englische Freundin, Roman Chiaverine, Jennifer Der Weihnachtsquilt Chiaverine, Jennifer The Lost Quilter Chiaverini, Jennifer An Elm Creek Quilts Album (II) Chiaverini, Jennifer An Elm Creek Quilts Sampler (I) Chiaverini, Jennifer The Union Quilters Chiaverini, Jennifer The Winding Ways Quilt Chiaverini, Jennifer The Sugar Camp Quilt Chiaverini, Jennifer A Quilterïs Holiday Chiaverini, Jennifer The Aloha Quilt Chiaverini, Jennifer Der Neujahrs Quilt Chiaverini, Jennifer / Odom,Elm Creek Quilts Christiansen Bass, CharlotteAppliqu‚ Quiltmaking Clabo, Margo The ultimate book of quilt labels Clark, Mary Clare Japanese Folded Patchwork Elke Seite 10 9781-5647-7147-6 9781564772084 1-56477-538-0 ISBN 1-57432-915- ISBN 0-88195-8739781-4647-1238-8 3-258-05051-1 9780-7153-0799-1 9781-5647-7901-4 ISBN 1-58011-239ISBN 3-258-039610-486-23084-8 9783-8135-0595-5 9783-8680-0625-4 9781-4165-3317-7 0-7432-9656-7 0-7432-6018-X 9780-4522-9760-9 9781-4165-3315-3 9780-7432-6019-0 9781-4516-5821-7 9781-4165-3319-1 9783-8989-7788-3 1-57120-177-7 9781564771469 14001701 14000014 14000586 14001396 14001095 14001252 14001424 14001507 14001545 14000080 14001667 14001478 14001309 14000812 14000391 14001549 14001534 14001537 14000544 14000545 14001535 14001536 14001538 14001539 14001540 14001758 14000546 14001179 14000022 14000715 07.12.2015 Claudia Claxton, Annette Quick quilts Claxton, Annette Kreatives Patchwork Claxton, Annette Quilts, 24 Decken Clayton, Marie Handbuch N„hen Cleland, Lee Feathers that fly Cleland, Lee Quilting Quilt Cleland, Lee Quilting makes the Quilt Cleveland, Susan Ramey u.Great American Quilts Book Six Clover, Jette Hg. European Art Quilts (Nederlands Textielmuseum) Club de Patchwork du Le patchwork contemporain de Suisse Coats & Clark Quilting for beginners Colby, Avril Patchwork Cole, Drusilla Textiles Now Cole, Shari Pacific Patchwork Coleman-Hale, Rashida Zakka Style Collection von Vanessa-AnnVictorian Quilting Collins, Sally Small Scale Quiltmaking Collins, Sally Borders,Bindings&Edges Colvin, Joan The Nature of Design Connie Conny Corcoran, Adele & Hart, Carol Cosy Country Decorating Cory, Pepper / McKelvey, The Signature Quilt Costello Soltys, Karen Bits And Pieces Costello, Karen Fast & Fun Machine Qulting Covey, Mary M. Celebrations! Cowen, Painton / Schmid, Die Rosenfenster der gotischen Kathedralen Cox, Ann Silk Ribbon Embroidery I Cox, Ann Silk Ribbon Embroidery II Craftworld Books Charming Country Quilts Craig, Sharyn Squier Designing New Traditions In Quilts Elke Seite 11 9781858335506 ISBN 3-86070-6211-56477-455-4 ISBN 1-56477-0751-56477-075-3 ISBN 0-8487-169590-70962-31-4 ISBN 0-86573327-0-7134-0392-6 9781-8566-9572-5 ISBN 1-60705-416ISBN 0-345-364041-57120-009-6 ISBN 1-57120-233744527102471 1-881588-14-9 9781-5647-7738-6 ISBN 0-87596-7619781564774453 3-451-21876-3 0-85532-835-5 0-85532-948-3 14000171 14000889 14000933 14000947 14000330 14001399 14001813 14001322 14000702 14000361 14001153 14000128 14001703 14001115 14001314 14001234 14000653 14001307 14000307 14001178 14000440 14001641 14001348 14000303 14000662 14000463 14000464 14001026 14000746 07.12.2015 Crews, Patricia Cox / Naugle, Nebraska quilts & quiltmakers 0-8032-6346-5 Crone, L. Fabric Landscapes By Machine 9780-8734-1836-2 Crow, Jayme / Segna Joan Stitch and Split Appliqué 1-56477-528-3 Crow, Nancy Improvisational quilt 9781571200044 Crow, Nancy Quilt-Improvisationen 9781571200044 Crow, Nancy Quilts and Influences ISBN 0-89145-944Crust, Melody A fine line 0-8092-9884-8 Cummings, Sandi Thinking outside the Block 9781-5712-0238-3 Curtze, Ginie Ginies Patchwork Fibel ISBN 3-00-002272Curtze, Ginie Ginies Patchwork Fibel II 3-9806815-9-9 Curtze, Ginie Patchwork Schablonentechnik D&C, David & Charles TULA PINKïS City Sampler Dahlke, Rüdiger Mandalas der Welt 3880342652 Dahlstrom, Carol Field 505 Quilt Blocks 0-696-21653-1 Dains, Judy Bold And Beautiful 9781-5647-7892-5 Dales, Judy B. Curves in Motion 1-57120-052-5 Dallas, Sandra Der Club der Patchworkfrauen 9783-4531-1505-7 Dasberg, Luise Stofflexikon Davis, Jodie Paper-pieced bed quilts 1-56477-395-7 Dawe, Joyce Patchworkduett ISBN 3-9377-0309de De Cordova, Isabel Transfer-Bilder ISBN 3-258-06425de Smalen, Maurille Life, New Patchwork Ideas 9789-0780-0802-6 de Wit-Messerli, Beatrice Hiermee begon het Dean, Jenny The craft of Natural Dyeing 9780855327446 Dease, Anne Bits& Pieces Quilt Deighan, Helen Dyeing in Plastic Bags ISBN 0-9540333-0Demetrion, James T. An Introducion to thr Hirdhhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Denissowa, L. F. Flickenmosaik 5-89164-014-7 Denne, Lynette de Kreatives Handarbeiten 3-405-12809-9 Derksen, Cori / Harder, MyraFour Seasons of Quilts 1-56477-481-3 Deutscher VHS-Verband Batiken aus Indonesien Elke Seite 12 14000669 14001587 14000569 14000033 14000181 14001248 14000510 14001439 14000849 14000850 14001604 14001502 14000630 14000622 14001692 14000698 14001533 14000108 14000408 14000847 14001193 14001759 14001304 14000310 14001406 14001357 14000284 14000571 14000541 14000561 14000806 07.12.2015 Dietrich, Katharina Perlenzauber Dietrich, Mimi Handmade quilts Dietrich, Mimi Quilts Dietrich, Mimi Happy Endings Dietrich, Mimi Easy Appliqué Samplers Dietrich, Mimi Baltimore Bouquets Dietrich, Mimi Hand Appliqu‚ Dietrich, Mimi & Eppler, RoxiThe Easy Art of Appliqu‚ Dietrich, Mimi und andere The quilter`s companion Dijkers, Marieke Kinderquilts Dillon, M. E. Contemporary southwesternquilts Dillow, Sara Rhodes Repiecunf the Past Dirkje Dissmore, Susan Clever Quarters Dissmore, Susan Clever Quilts Encore Doak, Carol Easy Reversible Vests Doak, Carol Easy Machine Paper Piecing Doar, Carol Easy Paper-Pieced Miniatures Dobson, Jenni Patchwork, Quilting and Appliqu‚ Doheny, Marilyn Op-Art Quilts Donahue, Nancy Little Patchwork Things Donaldson, Christine Patchwork Baby Donna Wilder ed. Superstar a Decade of Design Donner/Schnebel Illustrierte historische Handarbeitstechniken Doris E. Marston Patchwork Today Dorothea Dorothy Brightbill Quilting-as a hobby Dörries, Maike Dorthe Dorwart, Marilyn Tropical Punch Doughty Kathy, Fielke Sarahmaterial obsession Doughty Kathy, Fielke Sarahmaterial obsession two Elke Seite 13 ISBN 3-8043-05249780943574677 9781564771674 1-56477-562-3 1-56477-010-9 ISBN 1-56477-2209781564770400 9789021320786 9780801979774 1-56477-129-6 1-56477-511-9 1-56477-510-0 ISBN 1-56477-092ISBN 1-56477-0389781-5647-7209-1 0-9-45169-18-3 9780-9331-6500-5 3-88746-378-1 ISBN 3-82620413 ISBN 1-82315040-- 14000816 14000047 14000162 14000363 14000568 14000691 14000958 14000976 14000062 14000701 14000028 14001811 14000499 14000558 14000767 14001239 14001712 14001163 14001207 14001579 14000155 14000293 14000895 14001156 14001155 14000970 14001013 14001014 07.12.2015 Drexler, Fred & Joyce Dudo, Kumiko Dunn, Sarah Sacks Dunn, Sarah Sacks Durst, Ingrid Echols, Margit Eckley, Ginny Eddy, Celia Eddy, Celia Eddy, Celia Eddy, Celia Eddy, E. A. Edie, Marge Ehmann, Brigitte Eileen Gonin, Jill Newton Eines, Donna Hanson Eklow, R. J. Elizabeth V. Warren, Elizabeth, Laura Elliot, Marion Elsa Brown Elsie Svennas Elwin, Janet B Emerson, Jayne Emerson, Jayne Engelhardt, Bruni Erica Ericson, Lois Ericson, Lois u. Diane Erner, J. & Rolf, Ch. Erner, Jutta Erner, Jutta Elke Embellishing concepts in Sulky© Folded Flowers Drafting & Design Simplified Innovative Piecing Bilder einer ungew”hnlichen Reise A Patchwork Christmas Quiltes Sea Tapestries Patchwork Illusionen Die Welt der Quilts Folt H t n Folt Enzyklop„die Patchworken Thread Magic Friendship blocks Quilten mit der Nähmaschine Quiltmaking for your home Coxcomb Quilts Free Expressions Red and White Quilts Folded Fabric Fun Painting fabric Creative Quilting Advanced Quilting Hexagon Magic Einfach Patchworken Einfach Maschinensticken N„hen f• r die Seele 727072900983 ISBN 0-9721-2180ISBN 0-87596-760ISBN 1-57954-330- Pleats Design & sew it yourself Textile B• cher Textile Schatzkisten Textile Bilder 0-911985-05-0 0-911985-00-x 9781-56477083-7 ISBN 3-87870-9973-258-07037-7 9783-8971-7446-7 9780-9766-9281-2 1-56477-385-X ISBN 0-7064-03499780-9766-9280-5 0-8478-4652-0 0-943574-69-2 1-85238-418-2 ISBN 0-8230-1105ISBN 0-684-166120-914440-950 ISBN 3-258-07071ISBN 3-258-07110ISBN 8-300032246- Seite 14 14000414 14001389 14001326 14001327 14000987 14001016 14001700 14000837 14000852 14001020 14001551 14001599 14000415 14000496 14001158 14000356 14001591 14001817 14000690 14000178 14001152 14001183 14000394 14000858 14000861 14001134 14000306 14000305 14000956 14001129 14001204 07.12.2015 Eskes, Irma Irma's Sampler Eskridge, Jen hexagons made easy machine techniques Etherington, Mary & Tesene,Country Threads Etherington, Mary & Tesene,Garden Club Quilts Fabian, Melanie Shadow Applique Fackler, Irene Kindersachen mit der Nähmaschine besticken Fackler, Irene Basteln mit Patchworkstoffen Fackler, Irene Stick-Zaubereien mit Avalon Fackler, irene Kreative Geschenkideen Fackler, Irene Stoff-Zaubereien Fairfield, Helen Patchwork from Mosaics Fairfield, Helen Patchwork Fall, Cheryl Seasonal Quilting Fallert, Caryl Bryer A Spectrum of Quilts 1983 - 1995 Fanning, Robbie & Tony The Complete Book of Machine Quilting Farris, Lynne Sewing Fun Stuff Farris, Lynne Fast fun easy & Needle Felting Farson, Laura Fast-Folder Flower Quilts and Bags Fasset, Kaffe Patchwork And Quilting, Book No. 4 Fasset, Kaffe Patchwork And Quilting, Book No. 3 Fassett, Kaffe Patchwork Fassett, Kaffe Patchwork and Quilting, book No. 2 Fassett, Kaffe Farbenfrohes Patchwork Fassett, Kaffe Kaffe Fasset`s Museum Quilts Fassett, Kaffe Glorious Patchwork Fassett, Kaffe Patchwork and Quilting, book No. 1 Fassett, Kaffe Stricken mit Kaffe Fassett Fassett, Kaffe Phantasievolle Strickvariationen Fassett, Kaffe Simple Shapes, Spectacular Quilts Fassett, Kaffe At The V & A Fassett, Kaffe Glorious Inspiration Fausel, Dieti G. Faszinierende Artischocken- und Patchwork-Optik Elke Seite 15 9780-4862-9468-1 9781-6046-8275-5 9781-5647-7406-4 9781-5748-6251-5 9783332006056 9783419558171 ISBN 3-473-424949783-4195-3201-6 0-7134-4458-x ISBN 0-8069-8658ISBN 0-8019-6803ISBN 1-57120-3970-87349-725-2 9780-9540-9496-6 9780-9672-9852-8 9783804306448 9780952537533 3-8043-0964-x 1-56158754-0 0-517-70853-1 9781-5847-9837-8 9780-7126-2236-3 9780-7126-4799-1 14001660 14001501 14001512 14001513 14001246 14000151 14000193 14000810 14001096 14001672 14000636 14001285 14001188 14000755 14000912 14001177 14001384 14000449 14001645 14001647 14000086 14000211 14000528 14000549 14000664 14000721 14000953 14001557 14001617 14001697 14001698 14001054 07.12.2015 Fehlig U., Brost H. Kost• mkunde Mode im Wandel der Zeit Fehr, Leah Quilting Your Style Ferrero, Hedges, Silber Hearts and Hands, Ferrier, Beth The Starlight Bouquet Sampler Ferrier, Beth Out of the cupboard and onto the bed Ferrier, Beth The Hidden Star Sampler Fieler, Gretel Farben aus der Natur Filson, Yolande 7 Przybylski,The Heirloom Quilt Finch, Jake fast, fun & easy - Book Cover Art Finley, Victoria Das Geheimnis der Farben, Finnanger, Tone Tildas Winterwelt Finnanger, Tone Tldas Fr• hlingswelt Finnanger, Tone Tildas Sommerwelt Finnanger, Tone Tildas neue Sommerwelt Finnanger, Tone Mit Tilda durch das Jahr Finnanger, Tone Tildas m„rchenhafte Welt Finnanger, Tone / Arnstad, Tildas Haus Finnegan, Dianne Piece by piece Fisher, Laura Quilts of illusion Fisher, Laura Quilts of illusion Fitzpatrick, Dawn Folk Art Applique Quilts Flatcher, Hillary Morrow Fiber Expressions Fleischmann, Sabrina; Nixdorf, 100 Applikationen Fleming, Dale Pieced Curves So Simple Flynn, John Braided Border Foltvarr¢ C‚h, Magyar Hungarian Patchwork Guild Fons, Marianne u. Porter, Liz Americaïs Best Quilting Projects Fons, Marianne, Liz, Porter Quilter's complete guide Foose, Sandra Lounsbury Scrap Saver's Gift Stitchery Ford, Edna Paris Ford, Edna Paris Forum Art-Quilt e.V. Art-Quilt ABC, das Handbuch des Art-Quilts Elke Seite 16 0-913327-14-X 9780-9714-6543-5 9780-1663-0614-5 9783-7944-0099-2 1-56477-072-9 ISBN 1-57120-3933-548-60496-X 9783-4266-4680-9 9783-4266-4670-0 3-426-64522-X 9781555620097 9781555620097 9781-8539-1170-5 0-88740-093 9783-7724-6356-3 1-57120-293-5 ISBN 0-87596-6420-8487-2466-6 0-696-02339-3 14001559 14001043 14000629 14001638 14001730 14001732 14001468 14000624 14000829 14000589 14000942 14000943 14000963 14001284 14001520 14001734 14000859 14001187 14000060 14000225 14001443 14000230 14001782 14001064 14001147 14000772 14001359 14000416 14000383 14001452 07.12.2015 Fourie, Maretha Protea Designs for Piecing & Quilting Fowler, Earlene Die geheime Botschaft - Roman Fowler, Earlene Sieben Schwestern - Roman Frager, Dorothy The Quilting Primer France Patchwork Quilts de l‚gende France Patchwork Artextures 2001 Francoise Frankel, Candie Kissen selbst gemacht Franz, L. Quilted Diamonds 2 Frechverlag Das ultimative Taschen-Nähbuch Freeman, Roland L A communion of the spirits Frischkorn, A. & Sandrin, A.Scraps of Time Fritz, Laura Lee 205 Continuous-Line Quilting Designs Fritz, Laura Lee The art of handappliqu‚ Frottier, Elisabeth Schwarz-Weiss, Entdeckung des Kontrastes Fry, Gladys-Marie Stitched from the Soul, Slave Quilts? Fujita, Kumiko 318 Patchwork Patterns Fujita, S. + Imanishi S. Der Mond und die Fische Gabi Gaby Franger šberlebenskunst Gadd, Kerry Beyond Log Cabin Galerie Book America's Quilts Galerie Katalog Patchwork quilt Garnas, Vicki Fast-and-Fun Stenciled Quilts Garretson, Beth No.Sweat Flannel Quilts Gaska, Pa Visualillusion Quilts Gehrmann, Edda Wollquilts Geiger, Jennifer Quilt Crafts Georgette Gese, Jutta Patchwork Gibbons, Gretchen Pennies from Heaven Giesbrecht Myrna Press for Success Elke Seite 17 0-624-02257-9 ISBN 3-442-72904ISBN 3-442-73218ISBN 0-8019-6827ISBN 2-9525173-2- 14000685 14000864 14000865 14000913 14001069 14001070 3-88385-042-x 9780-9730-3043-3 9783-7724-6382-2 1-55853-425-3 14000623 14001593 14001781 14000413 14001046 14000327 14001167 14000805 14000745 14001778 14000814 1-57120-171-8 ISBN 3-85063-1929781-9405-5211-8 3-9806815-4-8 ISBN 0-696-02319- 14001025 14000374 14000748 14000172 14001391 14001332 14001061 14000319 14001181 ISBN 3-581-66559ISBN 1-60468-001ISBN 1-56477-136- 14000931 14001379 14001232 1-56477-284-5 3-923916-03-5 ISBN 1-56477-286ISBN 1-56477-540- 07.12.2015 Gilbert, Jennifer The New England Quilt Museum Quilts Gillow, John Atlas der Textilien Gillow, John / Bernard, Traditionelle indische Textilien Gjone, Elisabeth Den Store Lappeboken Gobes S.D./Lawler Not just another Quilt Godske Godske Godske Rasmussen, Patchwork-Liebe Godske Rasmussen, Mere liv i kludene Goke, Keiko Patchwork Quilt Golden, Mary The friendship quilt book Goldenberg, Pascale F„den verbinden - threads unite Goldsmith B. + Jenkins, L. Quilts mit dem richtigen Dreh Goldsmith Becky & Jenkins,Appliqu‚ Linda Delights Goldsmith, Becky & Curl-Up quilts Good Housekeeping Quilting and Patchwork Goodman, Liz/Joiner, Kreatives Patchwork Gordana / Münch, Sabine Gordon, McCormick 1000 great quilt blocks Gostelow, Mary Das groáe BLV Buch der Stickkunst Gouke, Keiko Jap. Quilts und Anleitungen Govin, Jacqueline Applique en Images Graáhoff, Ranghild Atarashii Patchwork II Grafton Carol Belanger Authentic Victorian Stencil Designs Grafton, Carol Belanger Traditional Patchwork Patterns Grafton, Carol Belanger Geometric Patchwork Patterns Graßhoff, Ranghild Atarashii Patchwork Grasshoff, Ranghild Spiele aus Stoff Graßhoff, Ranghild Atarashii Patchwork Gravatt, Tina M. Heirloom Miniatures Graves, Stevii Thompson ed. Visions: quilt, layers of excellence Green, Mary Ann Patchwork Klassiek en Modern Elke Seite 18 9781571200754 9783258060408 3-258-04364-7 9788244503556 ISBN 0-442-22054- 14000229 14000185 14000508 14000350 14001182 9783-7724-6787-5 9788-7790-5461-5 4-14-031090-1 014021014953 14001481 14001670 14000370 14000144 14000988 14000841 14001377 14001416 14000749 14001290 ISBN 3-87870-591ISBN 1-57120-229- ISBN 3-473-424501-56477-495-3 9783-4051-2113-2 9784-5791-01883-937703-12-8 ISBN 0-486-243370-486-23015-5 0-486-23183-6 3-937703-05-5 3-937703-10-1 0-89145-957-X 0-914881-82-5 14000507 14001710 14000790 14001442 14000594 14001226 14000386 14000388 14000537 14001035 14001809 14000689 14000650 14001288 07.12.2015 Greider Bradkin, Cheryl Seminole Patchwork Greig, Daphne & Purney Mark, simple Stained Glass quilts Grethe Syvertsen / Grey, M. Raising The Surface With Machine Embroidery Griska, Karen Quilts from the Selvage Edge Gruppe Fibrefusion On Form Guerrier, Katharine Das groáe Handbuch Patchwork & Quilten Guerrier, Katherine Quilting and patchwork project book Guerrier, Katherine Quilts der Meisterklasse Guild, Vera Book of Quilt Making Gurkewitz, Rona / Arnstein, 3-D Geometric Origami Güse, Ernst-Gerhard / Asafo Gutcheon, Beth The perfect patchwork primer Gutcheon, Jeffrey Diamond Patchwork Gwinner, Schnuppe von Die Geschichte des Patchworkquilts Gwinner, Schnuppe von Patchwork Quilt Haake, Annegret Javanische Batik Hackett, Mary L. A Bridge To Landscape Quilts Hackstein, Stephanie Kn”pfe Buttons - Geschichte und Herstellung Hafer, Gisela Textile Poesie Hagood, Carol Cook Quilt with the Best Hagood, Carol Cook ed. Quilt with the Best Hahner-Herzog, Iris Haigh, Janet Japanese Inspirations Haigh, Janet Edle Stickereien Weiá auf Weiá Haigh, Janet Crazy Patchwork Halferty, Suzette Patchworks Pantry Halgrimson, Jan Scraps can be beautiful Hall, Dorothea The Quilting, Patchwork & Applique Project Book Hall, Jane The Experts' Guide to Foundation Piecing Hallas, Barbara Contemporary Quilts Halvorsen, Nancy Happy Holidays to you Elke Seite 19 9781-5712-0010-5 14001623 14001433 9781-8896-8234-1 14001590 14000920 14001003 14000946 14000117 14000269 14001184 14000660 14000505 14001295 14001293 14000025 14000301 14000796 14001603 14000894 14001794 14000627 14000288 0-8317-6740-5 3-332-01256-8 ISBN 0-87851-0170-486-28863-3 3-79131437-8 ISBN 0-14046212 ISBN 0-525-480943-87405-176-5 3-9239-16-03-5 ISBN 3-7944-01389781-5743-2856-1 ISBN 3-93512940 3-87512-762-5 0-8487-1175-0 0-8487-1078-9 1-56477-323-X ISBN 3-332-016339781564771414 ISBN 1-55521-015ISBN 1-57120-362- 14000512 14000835 14000974 14000049 14001300 14001186 14001214 14000754 14001523 07.12.2015 Halvorsen, Nancy Easy Does It For Christmas Halvorsen, Nancy Santa's Coming Hamby Carlson, E. Strawberry Fair Hammond, Ute Starke N„h- und Stckideen Hanaoka, Hitomi Bag and Pouch Hanaoka, Hitomi Bag and Daily Goods Handley, Louise Fabric Silhouettes Hanisko, Dorothy Simply Seminole Hanisko, Dorothy Simply Seminole Hanna Hansen, Brita Seidenmalerei und Modedesign Hanson, Joan Sensational Settings Hanson, Joan Calendar Quilts Hanson, Joan Cutting Corners Harding, Deborah Red & White Hardy Miller, Jane French Braid Quilts Hargrave, Harriet From fiber to fabric Hargrave, Harriet Heirloom machine quilting Hargrave, Harriet The art of classic quiltmaking Harker, Gail Fairytale Quilts & Embroidery Harker, Gail Dekoratives Maschinensticken Harker, Gail Machine Embroidery creative Harris, Erin Burke Quiltessential Hartel, Traudel Stoff & Farbe Hartl, Traudel Patchwork creativ Hartmann, Günther Molakana Hartung, Cordula Zeit Hasenbach, Claudia Hebstquilt Hassel, Carla J. You can be a super quilter Hastings, Pamela J. Creative Sewing Projects with Computerized Machine Hatch, Sandra Butterfly Pattern Collection Hatch, Sandra L, , Ann Boyce Putting on the Glitz Elke Seite 20 1-56477-524-0 9780-8442-2647-7 9783806844764 1-56477-521-6 0-943574-77-3 0-8478-2244-3 9781-5712-0326-7 9781571200259 9780914881926 9781571200709 1-85391-145-3 ISBN 3-258-043309781-5748-8271-1 3-258-60120-8 9783332006438 9783473424917 3-88609-001-9 ISBN 0-87069-294ISBN 0-8069-03570-8019-8018-6 14001630 14001631 14000576 14000834 14000376 14000481 14001414 14001408 14001525 14000174 14000567 14000635 14001425 14000476 14001682 14000039 14000100 14000190 14000321 14000808 14001515 14001818 14000156 14000046 14000708 14001036 14000848 14001297 14001404 14000657 14000407 07.12.2015 Hatcher, Irma Gail Conway Album Quilt Hattori, Sanae Patchwork & Quilt Hauck, E./Huboi, C. schlingen fransen knoten Hawley, M`Liss Rae Fat Quarter Quilts Hawley, M`Liss Rae Everyday Embellishments Hawley, M`Liss Rae "M`Liss Rae Hawley`s ""fat quarter quilts""" Hawley, M'Liss Rae Mariner's Medallion Quilts Hawley, M'Liss Rae More Fat Quarter Quilts Hawley, M'Liss Rae Get Creative! Haynes Rauen, Sheila Sassy Cats Purr-fect Craft Projects Haysom, Barbara J. Home for Christmas Haywood, Dixie Crazy quilt patchwork Haywood, Dixie Crazy Quilt Heide Stoll-Weber textil : textur Heike Heim, J. + Hansen, G. Free stuff for Quilters on the Internet Heim, Judy Free stuff for stitchers on the Internet Heim, Judy / Hansen, GloriaFree Stuff for Sewing on the Internet Heim, Judy / Hansen, GoriaFree Stuff for Quilters on the Internet (2nd Editi Heine, Laura Color Fusion Heinemann Kristina, Stieler,Die Eulenwerkstatt Heisey, Craig N. + Pellman,The Country Bride Quilt Hejna, Margot Blumen auf Seide Hellaby, Karin Sew a Row Quilts Heller, Eva Wie Farben wirken Henn, Martina Kreise n„hen - Eine runde Sache Henning, Brenda Strip Therapy 2 Henning, Brenda Strip Therapy 3 Henry, Marie Teach Yourself Blocks From The Past Herbort, Diane The Quiltwear book Hershey, Cyndi Nine by Nine Hesch, Joe & Seme, FrankiePosterize IT! Elke Seite 21 9781564772695 9781-5712-0380-9 9781-5647-7391-3 9781-5712-0286-4 0-486-25042-3 ISBN 0-517-526583-87512-763-3 9781571200549 9781571200679 1-57120-073-8 1-57120-081-9 0-9641201-5-1 9783-4266-4681-6 ISBN 0-934672-72ISBN 3-89102-2883-499-61960-1 9780-9773-6278-3 9780-9773-6276-9 9781-5748-6250-8 14000971 14000732 14001138 14000194 14000965 14000998 14001632 14001651 14001680 14001428 14001237 14000084 14001251 14001819 14000012 14000091 14000573 14000572 14000667 14001548 14000935 14000798 14001047 14000588 14000909 14001628 14001629 14001643 14000005 14000993 14001407 07.12.2015 Hickey, Mary Cottage-Style Quilts Hickey, Mary Angle Antics Hickey, Mary Basket Garden Highsmith Silver, Ellen Floorquilts Hilberg, Birte Patchwork planen und entwerfen Hilberg, Birte The Patchwork Planner Hill, Wendy Two-for-one foundation piecing Hill, Wendy On the Surface Hiney, Mary Jo Quiltagami Hinsen, Dolores A. Quilting manual Hinson, Dolores A. Quilts for Babies & Children Hinz, Susanne / Pöllmann, Seide und Farbe Hire, Dianne S. Quilters Playtime Hire, Dianne S. Oxymorons Hire, Dianne S. Vivacious Curvy Quilts Hoerst-R”hl, Friederike Quilts - Handwerk und Kunst Hoffmann, Petra, Bastelwerkstatt Stoff Hofmann, Lotte / Jecht, Heidrun Lotte/ Hofmann - textile Bilder Holman, Sally Patchwork Embellishment Holmberg, Nanette New Directions in Chenille Holmes, A. R. No Sewing Until You Quilt It Holmes, Cas Stich Stories Holmes, Cas / Kelly, Anne Connected cloth Holmes, Val Creative Recycling in Embroidery Hooworth, J. + Rolfe M. Quilts on the Double Hooworth, Judy Razzle Dazzle Quilts Hopkins, Judy One-of-a-Kind Quilts Hopkins, Judy Nine-Patch Blocks & Quilts for the ScrapSaver Hopkins, Judy Down The Rotary Road Hopkins, Mary Ellen It's okay if you sit on my quilt book Hopkins, Mary Ellen Even More Well connected # 4 3/4 Horton, Roberta Plaids & Stripes Elke Seite 22 1-56477-587-9 0-943574-76-5 0-943574-61-7 ISBN 1-57120-4263-258-05036-8 ISBN 0-7153-06121-57120-169-6 1-57120-032-0 1-402-70859-9 0-668-05986-9 3-419-55774-8 9781-5743-2674-1 9783-3320-1853-0 3-925369-78-3 3-86630-928-7 9781-6046-0021-6 1-84994-274-9 1-84994-043-6 ISBN 0-7134-89861-56477-778-2 1-56477-322-1 0943574-55-2 9781-5647-7001-1 9781-5647-7090-5 1-57120-411-3 9780914881292 14000497 14000682 14001808 14001254 14000036 14001311 14000273 14000665 14000435 14001175 14000631 14000290 14001068 14001140 14001613 14001034 14001467 14000704 14000843 14001448 14001595 14001793 14001522 14000826 14001004 14000419 14000647 14001485 14001696 14000390 14001564 14000070 07.12.2015 Horton, Roberta Horton, Roberta Horton, Roberta Horvath, A. Barbara Horvath, Barbara Hudock, Gretchen K. Hudock, Gretchen K. Hueber, Inge Huff, Jaynette Hufnagel, Florian Hufnagel, Jutta Hughes, Robert + Katalog Hughes, Rose Hughes, Trudie Hughes, Trudie Hulbert, Anne Hulbert, Anne Hultgren, Sharon Humphries, Pamela Hunter, Bonnie K. Hunter, Bonnie K. Hutchins, Jeane Ickis, Marguerite Ingeborg Innes, Miranda Irwin, John Rice Ishii, Setsuko Ishikawa, Kaoru J. James, Michael James, Michael James, Michael Elke Scrap quilts An Amish Adventure Calico and Beyond Patchwork Quilts Swiss Quilt 85 Seasonal Quilts using Quick Bias Quick Quilts Using Quick Bias Lichtblicke Needles & Notions Diamonds and Bars My Year of Design Amish, The Art of the Quilt Exploring Embellishment Scaling Down Quilts and Borders Folk Art Quilts Folk art Quilts Traditional Quilts Award-Winning Applique BirdS Scraps and Shirttails Scraps & Shirttails II The Fiberarts Design Book II The Standard Book of Quilt Making and Collecting 9781571200471 ISBN 0-937274-070-486-20582-7 14000191 14001100 14001807 14001558 14000359 14001056 14001310 14000358 14000405 14001200 14001797 14000751 14001084 14001240 14001247 14000017 14000237 14001241 14001435 14000992 14001131 14000817 14000396 Patchwork Quilts & Applikationen A people and their quilts Dyes From Kitchen Produce Vintage Fabric Accessories 3-475-52763-4 0-88740-024-8 9781-8647-0410-5 9781-8647-0409-9 14000068 14000680 14001689 14001688 The quiltmaker`s handbook The second Quiltmaker`s handbook The Second Quiltmaker`s handbook 0-13-749408-4 0-13-797787-5 0-13-797787-5 14000138 14000253 14000300 Seite 23 0914881-03-5 9783-8212-0658-5 ISBN 1-56477-4291-56477-289-6 3-7347-8358-5 ISBN 0-943574-649780696023965 07.12.2015 Janet Jap. Anleitungen jap. Anleitungen Japan Quilt Center ed. japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen japanische Anleitungen Jardeb-Berghout, Gloria Jarden-Berghout, Gloria Jarnow, Jill Jean Ray Laury Jefferson, Jan Jenkins, Linda Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lynette Jeromin, Fritz, Jinzenji, Yoshiko Jinzenji, Yoshiko Joe Johannah, Barbara Elke Family Patchwork M„rchen Patchwork 100 Japanese Quilts Patchwork Memory Patchwork Variation Patchwork Bags with Typical-patterned cotton Fabli Patterns Heart Christmas Book I Christmas Book II Christmas Book III Lovely Quilts and brighten any days f• r you Small Quilt Kunst mit Seide Kunst mit Seide The patchwork point of view Applique Stitchery Quilts der Amish 4-529-03672-3 ISBN 4-579-10326ISBN 4-579-10387ISBN 4-579-104309784-5290-3934-5 4-529-03935-8 3-7724-1277-7 ISBN 3-7724-12770-671-21957-x 9783332010343 14001102 14001114 14000467 14000730 14000731 14000736 14000738 14000739 14000773 14000774 14000775 14001517 14001518 14000289 14000800 14000141 14001154 14000102 A thimbleberries housewarming The Thimbleberries Book of Quilts The Timbleberries Guide for Weerkend Quilters Country House Quilts Evergreen Inn Stonewall Farm, Flannel Quilts Cider Hil Flannel Quilts 9781571201003 ISBN 0-87596-963ISBN 1-57954-467- 14000202 14000898 14000899 14000906 14000907 14000908 14001113 Quilt Artistry Quilt Creation 4-7700-1756-7 14000451 14000727 The Quick Quiltmaking Handbook 0-934342-02-4 14000364 Seite 24 07.12.2015 Johannah, Barbara Barbara Johannah's Crystal Piecing Johannah, Barbara Half Square Triangles Johanson Twelker, N. A Quilter's Christmas Johnson, Mary Elizabeth Star Quilts Johnson, Mary Elizabeth Prize Country Quilts Johnson, Tammy / Shirer, Alphabet Soup Johnson-Srebo, Nancy Endless possibilities Johnson-Srebo, Nancy Measure the possibilities Johnson-Srebo, Nancy Rotary magic Johnson-Srebro, Nancy Patchwork mit Omnigrid Johnson-Srebro, Nancy big one-star quilts by magic Johnston Susan Old-Fashioned Applique Quilt Designs Johnston, Ann Dye painting! Johnston, Susan Early American Patchwork Quilt Designs Joho, Stephanie & Leutwiler,Entschuldigung, wer wohnt denn hier? Jollmann & Merkesdal Happy Patchwork Jollmann & Merkesdal Patchwork Kolorit Jollmann, D. Patchwork B„ren Jollmann, D. Kuschel- Quilts und mehr? Jollmann, D. Patchwork zur Weihnachtszeit Jollmann, Dorthe Das Quilten ist des Mädels Lust Jollmann, Dorthe Patchwork Nostalgie Jollmann, Dorthe Patchwork Nostalgie Jones, Carol Gilham u. Finley, Tile Quilt Revival Jorgenson, Sharlene Quilting from the Heartlandïs Jukich, Cheryl R. Just like Mommy Jutta Sutter Die Farben Indiens K”hlmark, Ea Broeribooken Kaempfer, Barbara T. Log Cabin with a Twist Kahmann, Irene Patchwork Streifentechniken Kahmann, Irene Der Stoff, aus dem die B„ume sind Kahmann, Irene Patchwork und Quilten Elke Seite 25 ISBN 0-8019-8400ISBN 0-934342-040-943574-26-9 0-517-57418-7 ISBN 0-8487-04441-56477-621-2 9780964546905 9780963876409 0-87596-783-3 3-87870-667-7 ISBN 1-57120-461ISBN 0-486-248450-89145-803-4 0-486-24583-7 9783-9434-1721-0 9788779057012 9788779055735 9788-7790-5573-5 ISBN 1-57120-801ISBN 7-83685-1519781564772770 9789-1534-0650-8 0-89145-855-7 9783806873252 9783-8787-0668-5 14000765 14001245 14000608 14000707 14001189 14000581 14000176 14000177 14000422 14000346 14001394 14001224 14000226 14000540 14001475 14000862 14000863 14000866 14000870 14000871 14000329 14000513 14001511 14001370 14001369 14000195 14001011 14001683 14000651 14000125 14001012 14001552 07.12.2015 Kahmann, Irene (u. a.) Patchwork und Quilt Kalker, Doris von Exklusive Patchworkmode Karey ed. Karina Kaster, Bonnie + Athey, Virginia Once Upon A Quilt - Fairy Tales in Fabric Katalog Quilts aus Israel und Deutschland Katalog 25 Jahre Galerie Smend Katalog Quick-Sew Celebrations Katalog Dressed by the best Katalog South African Quilter`s Guild ? Katalog Textilmuseum Mindelheim Katalog Zehn Jahre Textilmuseum Mindelheim Katalog Tradition und Modern, Quilts Katalog Batiken von Fü• rstenhöfen Katalog Influences Katalog jap. Quilts und Taschen Katalog Quilt Colorado in Japan Katalog Fabric Gardens Katalog Fabric and Needlework Katalog 88 leaders in the quilt world today Katalog The Hawaiian Quilt Katalog "The 4th Quilt Nihon Exhibition '95 ""Memories""" Katalog Patchwork Mosaik aus Russland Katalog Quilts, The State of an Art Katalog Discover America and Friends Sharing America Katalog The Quilt Digest Katalog The New Quilt 1 Katalog The New Quilt 2 Katalog Quilter's Feelings 1990 Katalog Quilt Art, Nottingham Castle Museum Katalog jap. Anleitungen Katalog Ausstellung der Jap. Zeitgen”ssischen Textilkunst Elke Seite 26 9783806848038 3-9804301-0-3 9781564772121 9781564771964 3-07-500030-2 3-9802825-1-1 3-96779-58-6 0-9602970-9-x ISBN 1-56158-056ISBN 0-905634-15- 14000013 14000135 14000980 14000006 14000011 14000015 14000024 14000034 14000152 14000153 14000173 14000221 14000249 14000529 14000711 14000712 14000714 14000722 14000723 14000725 14000740 14000756 14000758 14000759 14000760 14000761 14000769 14000770 14000776 14000797 07.12.2015 Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog Russisch Katalog TULA PINK Katalog, Nottingham Katja Marek Kelley, Helen Kemshall, Linda & Laura Kenki Kin Kenkyushitsu, Hifukuisho Khin, Yvonne M. Khornak, Lucille Elke Quilts, The State of an Art Design und Patchwork Symposium Berlin 2001 Beyond Boundaries - Fibrefusion Australian Quilts The people and Their Art Keeping The World Sewing Patchwork - Sch”ne Geschenke f. alle Gelegenheiten The Quilt Digest, Nr. 1 The Quilt Digest, Nr. 3 Creative Patchwork with AppliquŠ and Quilting Lebensweg Quilts f• r Kinder Color Play Quilts Contemporary Quilts - Heritage Inspiration Quilt National - Contemporary Designs in Fabric Quilt Visions 2004 Quilt National 1997 - Contemporary Quilts Quilt National 1999 Quilt National 2001 Quilt National 2003 Quilt National 2005 Quilt National 2007 Quilt National 2009 RUSSIAN NATIONAL HOUSE OF FOLK ARTS QUILTS fromTHE HOUSE of TULA PINK Quilt Art The New Hexagon Dating Quilts The Painted Quilt Pojagi: Kankoku No Pacchiwaku American antique quilt collektion The Collector`s Dictionary of Quilt Names & Patter Fashion Photography Seite 27 ISBN 0-88740-040- 9780-1305-3885-7 9783-8740-5269-6 9780-9133-2701-8 9780-9133-2702-6 9781-8639-6090-8 9780-8968-9185-2 9780-9372-7485-9 9780-9724-6641-7 9781-8873-7435-4 9781-5799-0110-3 9781-5799-0217-9 9781-5799-0503-3 9781-5799-0677-1 9781-5799-0944-4 9781-6005-9423-6 9781-4402-1818-7 ISBN 0-905634-151-60468-384-8 ISBN 0-7153-24504-579-10797-7 4-529-02050-9 9780817438494 14000901 14000919 14001028 14001445 14001578 14001655 14001662 14001663 14001673 14001727 14001728 14001731 14001741 14001744 14001745 14001746 14001747 14001748 14001749 14001750 14001751 14001752 14001488 14001503 14001229 14001806 14001170 14000828 14000298 14000169 14001117 14000286 07.12.2015 Kievlan, Jean Wood & Wire Kikeny Design Workshops Irish patchwork Kim, Rami Folded Fabric Elegance Kime, Janet The border workbook Kime, Janet Log Cabins Kimmel, Gerry & Brannock, Red LindaWagon Originals Kimmel/Brannock/Patek Collections Two Kinsey, Donna Strip Happy - Quilting On A Roll Kisro, Susan Instant Bargello Klatt, Hilde LiBellchen Klatt, Hilde Zauberhafte Lieseleien Klatt, Hilde / Niesner, LieselLiesels Fünfecke Klefisch, Turde / Schümann,Duftbouquet Dr. und Spiegel, Kimono einer alten Dame Kleinstein, Trudy Quilt Kling, Candace The artful ribbon Knake, Jeanette Crazy Living Knake, Jeannette Crazy Patchwork Knake, Jeannette Crazy Wool Knake, Jeannette Crazy Filz Knaur Verlag Die Engelswerkstatt Knight, Lorna Enzyklop„die N„hstiche und Stoffe Knox, Gerald M. ed American Patchwork & Quilting Knox, Gerald M. ed. Creative American Quilting Kohlhauáen, Friederike Patchwork Kohlhauáen, Friederike Patchwork - Von der Idee zum fertigen Quilt Kohlhaußen, Friederike Handbuch Patchwork Kolter, Jane Bastley Forget me not Koning-Stapel, Hanne Vibeke Silk Quilts Koolish, Lynn Fast, Fun&Easy: Creative Fabric Clocks Kortmann, Sabine Für mich genäht Kr„mer, Manfred H. Mordsquilt Kralik, Terrie A Forest of Quilts Elke Seite 28 1-56477-184-9 0-945169-11-6 1-56477-012-5 9781-5742-1616-5 ISBN 1-56477-8549783-9814-7020-8 9783-9814-7021-5 3-00-018903-3 3-8372-0487-1 9781571200204 ISBN 3-89585-685- 9783-4266-4675-5 0-696-01015-1 014005639561 9783824106714 9783-8241-0671-4 9783824104598 0-915590-67-0 0-8442-2081-7 9783-7724-6792-9 9783-8647-6020-4 14001106 14000254 14000983 14000040 14000445 14000612 14001168 14001650 14001331 14001456 14001783 14000547 14000674 14001123 14000161 14001191 14000811 14001091 14001093 14001753 14000892 14000621 14000600 14000115 14001687 14000058 14000140 14000417 14001006 14001779 14001474 14001436 07.12.2015 Kranz, Mary Ellen Blending Photos With Fabric 2 Krombholz, Kristel Botschaften der Liebe und Hoffnung Kuroha, Shizuko Jap. Allerlei und Anleitungen Kuroha, Shizuko Log Cabin Restructured Kuyoku, Bunka Shuppan Welcome to Patchwork Quilts Lesson 1 L• ühmann, Edda Patchworken fü• r Weihnachten Lach, Denise Schriftspiele Lacome, Susie Patchwork fü• r Kinder Lammèr, Jutta Alte und neue Stickmustertücher zum Nacharbeiten Lampert, Felicitas Quilts und Frauen Lamphier, Mary Jane Patchwork plus Landman, Annlee Quilten lernen step by step Laporte, Gü• l Quilts from Europe Laskey, Therese Softies Laura Laury, Jean The Photo Transfer Handbook Laury, Jean Ray 14,287 Pieces of Fabric an Other Poems Laury, Jean Ray Quilts & coverlets Laury, Jean Ray No Dragons on my Quilt Laury, Jean Ray Incredible Quilts for Kids of all Ages Lavsen, Fie & Bente Varme Tasker Lavsen, Fie & Bente Vild med Varme Tasker Lawther, Gail Grundkurs Patchwork-Quilting Lawther, Gail Inspirational ideas for embroidery Lawther, Gail Glimpses of New Zealand Lawther, Gail The complete QUILTING course Lawther, Gail Celtic Quilting Layton, Marcia L Handprint quilts Le Roy, J. / Suzanne, M. Patchwork Machine Le Roy, J. / Suzanne, M. Patchwork Machine No. 2 le Sueur-Hisleur, Marie-Danielle Die groáe Patchwork- und Quiltschule Lechner, Sara Gesichter/Faces Elke Seite 29 ISBN 4-579-106149781-4402-4155-0 ISBN 4-579-103403-87870-357-0 3-473-42441-2 3-89350-402-8 9783-4755-2823-1 9781571200952 1-57120-064-9 0-914881-75-2 0-89145-967-7 0-913327-40-9 ISBN 8-7641-00239783804304611 0-85532-711-1 9780-9553-4993-4 9780-8019-8358-0 9780-7153-0540-9 1-56477-458-9 14001637 14001142 14000781 14001773 14000782 14000851 14001009 14000332 14000598 14001008 14001171 14001458 14000187 14001087 14000688 14000001 14000145 14000694 14000706 14000959 14000960 14000110 14000427 14001453 14001543 14001656 14000338 14001148 14001149 14001684 14000923 07.12.2015 Lehman, Libby Threadplay Leisure Arts Enyclopedia Of Classic Quilt Patterns Leitz, Ruth Sternzeichen im Patchwork Leman Austin, Mary The Twentieth Century's Best American Quilts Leman, Bonnie QUILTS: vision of the world Leman, Bonnie Quick and easy Quilting Leman, Bonnie / Martin, Judy Log Cabin Quilts Leman, Bonnie / Townsend,W ie man einen Quilt näht Lendner-Fischer, Sylvia Mischas Wunderdecke Lenkowsky, Kate contemporary QUILT ART zeitgen”ssische Quilt-Kunst Lenz, Ula Patchwork Tiere Lenz, Ula Patchwork Tiere II Lenz, Ula Miniquilts Lenz, Ula Bl• hende Quilts Leon, Eli Who'd thought it Leone Diana The Sampler Quilt Leone, D. + Curtze G. Quilts in Bloom Leone, Diana Das groáe Buch vom Quilten Leone, Diana Fine hand quilting Leone, Diana The New Sampler Quilt Leone, Diana Crazy With Cotton Leone, Diana & Walter, Cindy Attic Windows quilts with a view Letzel, Erna Patchwork de Papiermethode Leutwiler, Anita + Ravishankat, Excuse me, is this India Levie, Eleanor Great Little Quilts Levy, Judy Patchwork Pillows Lewis, Alfred Allan The mountain artisans quilting book Lewis, J., Chiles, L. 501 Quilt Blocks Lewis, Joan / Chiles, Lynette501 Patchwork-Blöcke Library Liddell, Jill The Changing Seasons Lienhard-Giesinger, Lucia die Bosna Quilt Werkstatt in vier Bildheften Elke Seite 30 9781-5647-7202-2 3-88746-365-x 14001614 14001625 14000234 14001634 14000170 14001166 14000443 14000399 14000504 14001560 14000437 14000503 14000593 14000846 14000426 14001231 14001032 14000149 14000192 14000625 14001767 14001340 14000615 14000282 14000742 14000385 14000146 14000719 14000438 9783-9901-8239-0 14000716 14001510 9783332011173 0-943721-00-9 0-943721-11-3 3-9802825-3-8 3-935265-09-3 9780-2533-5124-1 3-937703-02-0 3-937703-06-3 3-937703-11-X ISBN 3-9806815-8ISBN 0-942786-013-475-527797-9 9780873418355 0-942786-41-6 9781-5712-0017-4 ISBN 0-87341-8349789021321295 81-86211-56-x 07.12.2015 Linda Lindquist, Pamela Sweet Dreams Lindquist, Pamela Pillow Party Linsley, Leslie America's Favorite Quilts Linsley, Leslie Small Patchwork & Quilting Linsley, Leslie The weekend quilt Lintault, M. Jaon / Textil Artist /Textilkünstlerin Lintott Pam & Nicky Jelly Roll Quilts Lintott, Pam & Nicky Two From One Jelly Roll Quilts Lintott, Pam und Nicky Jelly Roll Inspirations Lintott, Pat & Nicky New Ways With Jelly Rolls Littoral neuchâtelois Lokey, Jennifer Machine-Embroidered Quilts Lose, Patrick At home with Patrick Lose Lose, Patrick Special delivery quilts Loughman, Gloria Luminous Landscapes Louise O Lu Jingjing, Zhang Xiyuan Yin Xiuzhen Lum DeBono, Linda Cool Girls Quilt Lynn Kirsch, C. Repliqu‚ Quilts M M./Meyer S./Robbins J. M”ller, Elfriede Shibori M• hlbauer Hanna Was uns h„tl und tr„gt M• ller, Christina M. Kissen M• ünchenhagen, Ingrid Hochzeitsquilt fü• r Julia und Jan MacDonald, Jessie Making Patchwork Quilts MacDonald, Jessie / Shafer,Let's make a patchwork quilt MacDowell, Marsha ed. Great Lakes, Great Quilts Macho, Linda Quilting Patterns Mack, Lorrie Kreatives Einrichten MacMorris, Penny / Kile, The art quilt Elke 1-56477-428-7 1-56477-563-1 ISBN 0-312-071163-900851-49 ISBN 0-71532863-ISBN 0-7153-3756- 1-56477-516-X 9781571200617 9781571200884 ISBN 1-57120-366- 14000501 14000105 14000208 14000830 9789-8815-0648-1 14001461 14001017 14001589 9781-5647-7369-2 3-8043-0569-5 ISBN 3-86917-0699783804303065 0-385-15734-7 9781571201638 ISBN 0-486-246323-570-03829-7 0-913327-07-7 Seite 31 14000331 14000552 14001164 14001165 14001299 14000360 14001185 14001362 14001422 14001761 14001192 14001195 14000027 14000271 14001180 14000387 14000287 14001124 14000366 14000666 07.12.2015 Madden, Angela Madden, Angela Madden, Angela Maeda, Sumoki Magaret, Pat Maixner Magaret, Pat Maixner Maggi Magret, Pat Maixner / Maguire, Mary Mahmoudi, Y./Lange K.V. Mahoney, Nancy Mahoney, Nancy Mahoney, Nancy Mahoney, Nancy Maier, Gabriele Maier, Gabriele Maier, Gabriele Major, Connie Major, Connie Makhan, Rosemary Makhan, Rosemary Makhan, Rosemary Makris, Dimetra Malkowski Malkowski, Cheryl Malone, Chris Malone, Maggie Malone, Maggie Manges Papadakis, Manwaring, Loraine und Margaret Boyles Margaret Gordon Elke Sew Easy Celtic Paradise Flowers Pieceful Scenes Meshworks with Fabrics Watercolor impressions Shadow quilts ISBN 0-952-106059780-9521-0604-3 4-529-03004-0 9781564771162 9781571200938 Watercolor Quilts Schmucke Perlen Wie K• nstler erfolgreich ihre Rechte verteidigen Patchwork Showcase Basket Bonanza Quilt Block Bonanza Rich Traditions quiltART - artQUILT Klein, aber Oho 21 fantastische Miniquilts Alle Jahre wieder? Quilts Contemporary Patchwork Quilts: More Biblical Quilt Blocks Floral Abundance Biblical Blocks First Prize Quilts Quilt-O-Grams fun with ONE BLOCK quilts Seasonal TABLE TOPPERS 5500 Patchwork- Bl”cke Quilting Shortcuts Dear Jane Jane A. Stickle Quilt All Buttoned Up Lullaby Quilts Seite 32 1-56477-031-1 9783-2580-6553-3 1-56477-554-2 1-56477-555-0 1-56477-612-3 9781-5647-7425-2 3-901943-05-6 9783-9019-4304-8 3-280-01480-8 0-8069-7634-9 1-56477-581-X ISBN 1-56477-3251-56477-044-3 0-671-46938-x 9781-5712-0528-5 ISBN 1-57120-3919781-5963-5802-7 ISBN 0-8069-4788ISBN 1-56477-706ISBN 0-696-02381- 14000978 14001280 14001766 14000483 14000098 14000186 14000645 14001693 14001037 14000563 14000566 14000579 14001774 14000429 14001554 14001726 14000224 14001791 14000565 14001403 14001812 14000616 14001601 14000949 14001506 14000854 14000915 14001530 14001253 14001157 07.12.2015 Marian H. Marks, Dr Sue Dialogus and Small Talks Markus, Mario Die Kunst der Mathematik Marsha Marshall, John Make your own Japanese clothes Marston & Moran Freddy & Gwen collaborate agein Marston, Gwen Liberated string quilts Marston, Gwen Liberated Medallion Quilts Marston, Gwen / Cunningham, Quilting With Style Martin, Cynthia Lover's Knot Placemats Martin, Judy Scraps, blocks & quilts Martin, Judy The Creative Pattern Book Martin, Judy Patchworkbook Martin, N. J. Make Room For Quilts Martin, Nancy J / McCloskey, Pieces of the past Martin, Nancy J. Two-Color-Quilts Martin, Nancy J. Beyond the blocks Martin, Nancy J. Decorate with Quilts & Collections Martin, Nancy J. Simply Scrappy Quilts Martin, Nancy J. The Stencil Patch Martin, Nancy J. Rolling Along Martin, Nancy J. Houses, Cottages And Cabins Patchwork Quilts Martin, Nancy. J. / Stanley, Home for Christmas Martin, Peggy Paper Piece the Quick-Strip Way Martin, Peigi & Young, Susan Imaginative Patchwork Martin, Terry Fast Fusible Quilts Martin, Terry Row by Row Martin, Terry Focus on Florals Martingale & Company That Patchwork Place Quilt Collection Martingale & Company Creative Quilt Collection Volume One Martingale & Company Creative Quilt Collection Volume Two Martingale & Company Adventures in Circles Elke Seite 33 0-9527609-7-5 14001786 14001072 0-87011-865-x 14000491 14001437 14001611 14001620 14000599 14000903 14000189 14001412 14001418 14001699 14000676 14000089 14000517 14000750 14000928 14001235 14001342 14001764 14000697 14000827 14001176 14000291 14000355 14000555 14001315 14001316 14001317 14001352 9781-5712-0207-9 9781-6046-0028-5 0-89145-814-X ISBN 0-922705-450-929589-01-7 9781-5647-7047-9 0-943574-38-2 9781564772176 1-56477-444-9 ISBN 1-56477-127ISBN 0-943574-24ISBN 1-56477-8419780-4862-6907-8 0-943574-78-1 ISBN 1-57120-3689781564773678 1-56477-305-1 1-56477-593-3 ISBN 1-56477-916ISBN 1-56477-655ISBN 9-7856477-7ISBN 1-56477-802- 07.12.2015 Martingale & Company Folk-Art Favorites Martingale & Company Creative Quilt Collection Volume Three Martingale & Company A Baker's Dozen Mashuta, Mary Story Quilts Mashuta, Mary Stripes In Quilts Mashuta, Mary Foolproof Machine Quilting Mason, Lorine Fsashion Sweatshirts Masopust, Katie Pasquini / Color and Composition for the Creative Quilter Massenkeil, Angelika Quilten Massenkeil,A. + Panesar,P.Quick-Patchwork einfach und schnell Mast, Tina Farbenfrohes Patchwork Mast, Tina Freie Schneidetechniken Masters, Joan Picture quilts Mathews, Kate Molas Mathieson, Judy Mariner`s Compass quilts Mathieson, Judy Mariner`s Compass Mathson, Wendy A New Light On Storm At The Sea Quilts Matsuda, Junko Country Quilt Matsuura, Kanae The point of Kanae's Patchwork Matsuura, Kanae My Patchwork Quilts for the Baby, Part 2 Matsuura, Kanae My Patchwork Quilts in Thirtyeight Bags, Part 3 Matsuura, Kanae My Patchwork Quilts for Kotatsu & Bed, Part 1 Matsuura, Kanae My Way of Making Patchwork 1 Matsuura, Kanae My Way of Making Patchwork 2 Matsuura, Kanae That's the Point Q & A Matsuura, Kanae Jap. Weihnachtsbuch + Anleitungen Mattera, Joanne The Quiltmaker's Art Mattera, Joanne ed. The Quiltmakers art Mattern-Pabel, Petra Patchwork-Quilt Maud Maud May, Bernadette Landschaftsimpressionen Patchworkmotibve in freier Elke Seite 34 ISBN 1-56477-884ISBN 1-56477-855- ISBN 4-579-10238ISBN 4-579-10282ISBN 4-579-10234ISBN 4-579-10398ISBN 4-579-10431ISBN 4-579-10509ISBN 4-579-104710-937274-07-6 0-937274-04-6 3-7944-0115-8 14001356 14001381 14001417 14001060 14001694 14001768 14001365 14000511 14000131 14001098 14000944 14001075 14000122 14000032 14000064 14000597 14001624 14001446 14000737 14000783 14000784 14000785 14000786 14000787 14000788 14000795 14000649 14000257 14000397 9783-8410-6217-8 14001482 9781-5712-0008-2 ISBN 0-87349-9121-57120-272-2 9783824108480 3-8410-6010-2 1-55562-012-4 9783258059402 9780914881971 0-914881-11-6 9784-8939-6721-3 07.12.2015 Mayr, Bernadette Blumen-Patchwork Mayr, Bernadette H„user-Patchwork Mayr, Bernadette Garten-Patchwork Mayr, Bernadette Farbenspiele Mayr, Bernadette / Wasser-Patchwork Mc Caffery, Bonnie Lyn Fantasy Floral Quilts Mc Closkey Marsha Christmas Quilts Mc Closkey, Marsha Blended Quilts II Mc Closkey, Marsha / Yebter, Blended Quilts From in the Beginning Mc Dowell, Ruth B. Piecing Mc Garity, Darlene Handbags Carry-Alls Mc Manus Johnson, Susan Fast-Forward Quilts McCaffery Portrait Quilts McCall's Slash Your Stash McCauley, D. + K. Decorate Arts of the Amish ? McClun, D. & Nownes L. Quilts McClun, Diana Say it with Quilts McClun, Diana / Nownes Laura Quilts! Quilts! Quilts! McClun, Diana und Nownes,Quilts, Quilts und noch mehr Quilts! McCormick, Patty Patty McCormick`s pieces of an American quilt McDowell, Ruth Symmetry McDowell, Ruth B. Pieced flowers McDowell, Ruth B. Pattern on Pattern McDowell, Ruth B. Blumen McDowell, Ruth B. Patchwork Piecing - die Kunst ? 2005 McDowell, Ruth B. Gem• se McDowell, Ruth B. Art & Inspiration McElroy, Roxanne That perfect Stitch McGehee, Linda F. Texture With Textiles McIntee, C.L. & Porath, T.L.Beyond Charm Quilts McKee, David Elmar McKelvey, Susan Friendships offering Elke Seite 35 3-332-01630-X 9783-8410-6316-8 3-8410-6044-7 ISBN 1-56477-387ISBN 0-943574-330-9706900-5-3 0-9706900-1-0 ISBN 1-57120-041ISBN 1-57486-686ISBN 1-60140-6629781-6046-8070-6 ISBN 3-87870-7159781571200235 0-8442-2616-5 9781571200129 0-914881-78-7 9781571200914 0-913327-31-X ISBN 3-87870-714ISBN 3-87870-583ISBN 3-87870-716ISBN 1-57120-0150-8442-2652-1 0-9627576-2-4 9783-5224-3202-3 9780914881308 14000677 14000833 14000939 14001784 14001119 14001361 14001227 14000478 14000477 14001380 14001364 14001367 14001612 14001621 14001057 14000820 14000021 14000457 14001561 14000118 14000681 14000210 14000692 14000822 14000836 14000856 14001211 14000421 14000602 14001048 14001550 14000007 07.12.2015 McKelvey, Susan McKim, Ruby McKim, Ruby Short McLaughlin, Patricia McMeeking, Norah McMorris, Penny McNeill, Suzanne McNeill, Suzanne McNeill, Suzanne McNeill, Suzanne McNeill. Suzanne Meech, Sandra Mein, Annemieke Melanie Menze, Ute Merechant, Lise Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett, Gabi Mett. Gabi Meunier, Christiane Meunier, Christiane Meunier, Christine Elke Color for Quilters 101 Patchwork Patterns One hundred and one patchwork patterns """Wildlife"" Appliqu‚ my way" Bella bella quilts Crazy Quilts Angels for Collectors Holiday Bestsellers Country Woodworks Woodworks Junction Dress a Doll Wood & Cloth Creative Quilts The Art of Annemieke Mein 0-932946-16-x ISBN 0-486-207730-486-20773-0 1-57120-304-4 0-525-48009-5 ISBN 0-7134-90069780855327750 14000411 14000916 14000159 14000741 14000524 14000668 14001108 14001109 14001110 14001112 14001111 14001271 14000294 Sommerland 14000940 Handkoloriert - frei interpretiert Perlenstickerei Phantastische H„user Verr• ckte Perlenstickerei Neue Textile Welten Tex-Sign Band 1 Tex-Sign Band 2 die Farbe Tex-Tour TEX-TOUR Zeichnen mit der Nähmaschine und von Hand Auf den Spuren der Natur Erde,Wasser,Feuer,Luft Tex-Tour Es war einmal?Band 9 Tex-Tour Stück für Stück Vom Block zum Top 3-9809198-0-3 The Nine Patch ISBN 1-885588-21Easy Art Quilts ISBN 1-885588-34The Nine Patch 1-885588-21-6 14000886 14000887 14000888 14000961 14001041 14001076 14001139 14001265 14001454 14001490 14001556 14001785 14000428 14000902 14001335 14001798 Seite 36 07.12.2015 Meuthen, Verena Patchwork-Bilder zum Selbernähen Michael Michaels, Barbara Dem Zauber verfallen Michell, Marti Machine Quilting in Sections Michell, Marti Weekend Lock Cabin Quilt Michell, Stacy & Hashimoto,tToshiko Beyond Hawaiian florals Michler, J. Marsha The Magic of Crazy Quilting Michler, J. Marsha Motifs for Crazy Quilting Mickey, Susan Sewing Projects in an afternoon Miller, Kristin The Careless Quilter Miller, Margaret J Blockbuster quilts Miller, Margaret J. Easy pieces Miller, Margaret J. Smashing sets Miller, Margaret J. Strips that Sizzle Miller, Margaret J. Easy Pieces Miller, Margaret J. Angle Play Blocks Milligan, Lynda and Smith Nacy, Fun for Kids, Patchwork, Gifts & More Milne, Hollie A. Crazy but pieceable Milosavljevich, Guerrier, Hall, Das Groáe Buch Der Handarbeiten Minick, Polly / Simpson, Laurie Everyday Folk Art Moewig Verlag Patchwork & Quilten Moewig-Verlag Dekorieren mit Stoffen Moffett,-Hall, D. J. Easy seasonal wall quilts Mollien, Susanne Quilts f• ür clevere Kids Monahan, E.A. + Hardesty, Irish H. Quilts Montano, Judith The Crazy Quilt Handbook Montano, Judith Baker Elegant stitches Montano, Judith Baker Art and inspiration Montano, Judith Baker Recollections Moonen, An `t is al Beddegoet More Morgan, Fran Sensational Sweatshirt Secrets Elke Seite 37 3-8157-1671-3 14000167 ISBN 1-4027-2238ISBN 1-55853-2960-943574-75-7 9781571200518 9781571201102 1-56477-009-5 1-57120-051-7 ISBN 1-57120-2949781-5712-0410-3 9781564771902 9783-8290-0673-6 1-56477-558-5 9783-8118-4175-8 ISBN 3-8118-14719781564772053 9783475528514 ISBN 0-88195-2290-914881-05-1 9780914881858 9781571200372 0-914881-59-0 9789062556618 14000897 14001413 14001546 14001423 14000465 14000981 14001372 14001405 14000687 14000114 14000207 14000670 14000671 14001208 14001465 14000071 14001572 14000578 14001457 14000918 14000077 14000130 14000929 14000320 14000041 14000078 14000139 14000148 ISBN 9-7086-0004- 14001344 0-87349-724-4 07.12.2015 Morgan, Mary / Mosteller, Dee Trapunto and other forms of raised quilting Morken, M.N. + Stenklov, T.M. Skandinavische Winterzeit Morris, Barbara Liberty Design Moscicki, Anne Time to Quilt Mosmüller, Michaela Wandelbares Element Wasser Mostek, Pamela Just can't cut it! Qui”ts from fabulous fabrics Motoko Hawaiian Quilt Mowery Kieffer, Susan Fiberarts Design Book 7 Mullen, Jan Cut-Loose Quilts Mullen, Jan Free & Eazy Circles Mullen, Jan Reverse Applicue with no brakez Mumm, Debbie More Quick Country Quilting Mumm, Debbie Seasons Mumm, Debbie Spring & Summer Mumm, Debbie Country Calendar Mumm, Debbie Woodland Christmas Mumm, Debbie Meine sch”nsten Landhaus-Quilts Mundwiler, Judith Textile Kostbarkeiten Mundwiler, Judith / Mett, Siebdruck auf Stoff Münzer-Glas, Beatrix Geschnitten-Genäht-Gesteppt Muraki, Sashiyo Orinuno patchwork Murgoth, Regina Murphy, Anita Drunkard`s Path Murphy, Anita & her friends Mini Quilts Murphy, Karen Log Cabin Quilts Murr, Karl B. u. a. Die s• ddeutsche Textillandschaft Murrah Judy More Jazz Murrah, Judy Jazz it up Murrah, Judy In the studio with Judy Murrah Murrah, Judy Jacket Jackpot Murwin, S. Aylsworth Quick and easy patchwork Museum Heidelberg 4. Europ„ische Quilt-Triennale 2009 Elke Seite 38 0-684-16942-8 3-8170-2101-1 1-56477-473-2 3-7386-3979-9 ISBN 1-56477-4499781-5799-0521-7 1-57120-154-8 0-87596-627-6 ISBN 1-57486-534- 3-9524191-0-9 4-529-03326-0 0-88195-351-2 1-56477-588-7 ISBN 1-56477-1351-56477-245-4 1-56477-300-0 0-486-23770-2 14000634 14001085 14000381 14000409 14001810 14001349 14000484 14001738 14000354 14001411 14001421 14000633 14000900 14000968 14000969 14001080 14001459 14001199 14001496 14000357 14000345 14000066 14001105 14000583 14001141 14001230 14000351 14000404 14001427 14000076 14001015 07.12.2015 Musik trifft Stoff Network Quilters Muuß, Susanne Färben in der Tü• te N„htechniken N„hen Nadelstern, Paula Kaleidoscopes & Quilts Nadelstern, Paula Snowflakes & Quilts Nadelstern, Paula Puzzle Quilts Nakanishi, Himeko The Patchwork Quilts made with Liberty 1 Nakanishi, Himeko The Patchwork Quilts made with Liberty 2 Nancy Nancy Crow Nancy Crow Nancy, J. Martin Houses, Cottages And Cabins Navarro, Dawn E. Copy Cat Quilts Nebel Verlag GmbH Textiles Gestalten leicht gemacht Nel, Martini Stained Glass Appliqu‚ Nel, Martini/Laurie, Patchwork and Appliqu‚ Patterns Nelsen, Susan Nelson, C. I. & Houck, C. Treasury of American Quilts Nelson, Christine Contemporary - British Quilt Art Nelson, Suzanne ed. Fast, Fun & Fabulous Quilts Nephew Sara Big Book of Building Block Quilts Nephew, Sara Building Block Quilts 2 Nephew, Sara Quilt Designs from the Thirties Nephwe, Sara Building Block Quilts Neuland-Kitzerow, Joran, Korasek Tuchintarsien in Europa von 1500 bis heute Neumann, Annedore Gärten-Kultur-Landschaft und Leben am Wasser Nevaril, Lerlene Hidden Block Quilts Newall. Diana & Unwin, Christina Die Geschichte der Muster Newbill Carol L. Great American Quilts Book Three Newbill, Carol L. Great American Quilts Book Two Newbill, Carol L. Great American Quilts Book Four Newbill, Carol L. Great American Quilts Book Five Newman, Thelma R Quilting, patchwork, appliqué, and trapunto Elke Seite 39 ISBN 1-57120-018ISBN 1-57120-155ISBN 1-57120-336ISBN 4-579-10595ISBN 4-579-10487ISBN 1-933308-03ISBN 1-56477-7819783-8607-0759-3 ISBN 0-7981-2232- 9780-8521-9751-6 0-87596-709-4 ISBN 0-9621172-29780-9621-1721-8 ISBN 1-57120-1799783-2586-0044-4 ISBN 0-8487-1461ISBN 0-8487-1401ISBN 0-8487-1526ISBN 0-8487-16170-517-516101 14001770 14000570 14000873 14001217 14001218 14001308 14000793 14000794 14000921 14001571 14001395 14001464 14000967 14001289 14000744 14001742 14000655 14001067 14001205 14001713 14001707 14000962 14000343 14001366 14001472 14001319 14001318 14001320 14001321 14000632 07.12.2015 Newman, Thelmar R. Quilting,Patchwork,Applique, and Trapunto Newman, Velda A Painter's Approach to Quilt Design Newman, Velda A workshop with Velda Newman Nicholas Niesner, Liesel Patchwork-Quilts Niesner, Liesel Liesels Sechsecken-Technik Niespor Doris Die Gewandschneiderin Niesseler, Christiane Patchwork Taschen Noble, Maurine Machine quilting made easy Nohara, Chuck Jap. Allerlei und Anleitungen Nohara, Chuck Jap. Quilts und Anleitungen Norman, Naomi Picture Perfect Patchwork from Piecemaker Keepsake Nownes Laura Double Wedding Ring Nownes, Laura Grandmother's Flower Garden Nownes, Laura Star Of Bethlehem Nussbaum. Terri Quick-change quilts Nusser-Lampe, Elsbeth Textile Natur - textile nature Nyberg, A./Arkinson, Ch. Sunday Morning Quilts O' Brien, Sandra L. Great American Quilts 1989 o.A. Cushions & Quilts Oglesby, Bea Birds flowers Album Okamoto, Yoko Jap. Allerlei und Anleitungen: Part II Okihara, Toshiko Jap Geishas Olian, Joanne Montgomery Ward Fashions of the Twentles Oliver, Celia Enduring grace Oliver, Celia Y. 55 famous Quilts Olson, Claudia Two-Block Theme Quilts Olson, Claudia Two-Block Applique Quilts Olson, Claudia Two-Block Applique Quilts O'Mahony, M. + Braddock, S. Textiles and new technology Ondori Patchwork & Quilting Book Ondori Fine Patchwork & Quilting Elke Seite 40 0-517-51611x 1-56477-119-9 14000223 14000406 14001419 3-9802844-0-9 3-00-008265-4 ISBN 3-492-6447-3-8043-0521-0 1-56477-074-5 14000266 14000274 14001198 14000448 14000522 14000778 14000791 14000699 14001223 14001626 14001627 14000335 14000989 14001287 14001426 14000393 14001566 14001386 14000735 14001354 14000069 14000261 14001390 14001438 14001542 14000815 14000601 14000613 1-56477-017-6 ISBN 0-913327-239780-9133-2722-7 9780-9133-2725-8 1-56477-431-7 1-55870-494-9 9781-5743-2819-6 ISBN 4-529-04511ISBN 0-486-472819781571200228 0-486-26474-2 ISBN 1-56477-6549781-5647-7574-0 ISBN 3-7608-84340-87040-498-9 0-87040-557-8 07.12.2015 Ondori Ondori Ondori Ondori Ondori Ondori Ondori Ondori Onoe M. Onoyama, Takako Oosterbaan, Henny Orban, Nancy Orlowski, Britta Orlowski, Britta Orlowski, Britta Oroyan, Susanna Osler, Dorothy Otto, Whitney Packer, Barbara Paine, Sheila Palmer, Carolann Palmer, Carolann Palmer, Carolann M. Palmer, Carolann M. Palmer, Carolann M. Panahi-Zielonka, Fatemeh Panahi-Zielonka, Fatemeh Pandolph, Robyn Pappas, Dina Pappas, Dina Pappas, Dina Parker, Mary Elke Patchwork for your Home Jap. Quilts und Anleitungen Jap. Quilts und Anleitungen Jap. Anleitungen + Allerlei Sticken macht Spaá Best pattern patchwork Bag ?, Japanische Quilts und Anleitungen Jap. Allerlei und Anleitungen: Part II Embroidery Applique Quilt Honoring the season Scrapbook in 12 Monaten Fiberarts Design Book Six Pampelmusenduft Zitronentagetes Maist”cke Fantastic Figures Machine Patchwork QUILT The State of the Art Quilt: Contemporary Quilts fo Bestickte Textilien aus 5 Kontinenten Branching Out Tree Quilts Quilts for Kids Baby quilts from grandma Attic Annie and Andy, too Nifty Ninepatches Glasperlen, Faszination in Farbe und Licht Glasperlen - Band 2 Needleturn Appliqu‚ Made Easy Fast-Forward Your Quilting Quick Watercolor Quilts More Quick Watercolor Quilts Sashiko Easy Elegant Designs for Dekorative Machin Seite 41 0-87040-585-3 ISBN 4-277-41307ISBN 4-277-41311ISBN 4-277-41315ISBN 2-86443-012ISBN 4-27741118-ISBN 4-277-461929781564771698 9789-0780-0803-3 9781-5799-0126-4 9789-9637-2736-0 9789-9635-2488-4 0-914881-00-0 3-8105-1230-3 3-258-04356-6 0-943574-48-x ISBN 0-943574-95ISBN 3-00-019906ISBN 1-890621-691-56477-508-9 ISBN 1-56477-2709781-5647-7364-7 ISBN 1-57990-321- 14000640 14000779 14000780 14000792 14000809 14001116 14001273 14001343 14000881 14000163 14001763 14001739 14001202 14001724 14001725 14000596 14001174 14000250 14000753 14000425 14001236 14001678 14000143 14001103 14001220 14000922 14001128 14001358 14000498 14001387 14001471 14001346 07.12.2015 Parker, Mary S. Parks, Carol Parrott, Jo Parry, Linda Pascoe, Margaret Pascoe, Margaret Pasquini Masopust, Katie Pasquini, Katie Pasquini, Katie Pasquini, Katie Pasquini-Masopust, Katie Patchwork patchworkgruppe quiltirol Patera, Charlotte Patterson Bresenhan, Pederson, Sharon Pederson, Sharon Pellman, Rachel Pellman, Rachel Pellman, Rachel T. Pellman, Rachel T. Pellmann, Rachel Pellmann, Rachel Pellon, Nathalie Pelzmann, Joy Pelzmann, Joy Pepper, Cory Perra, Ingrid Perra, Ingrid Perra, Ingrid Perry, Gai Perry, Gai Elke The Folkwear Book of Ethnic Clothing Making Handbags & Purses More Favorite Traditional Quilts Made Easy A practical guide to patchwork from the USA Blackwork Embroidery Blackwork Embroidery Fractured Landscape Quilts 3 dimensional design Mandala Contemporary Sampler Quilt Isometric Perspective 661741001994 ISBN 1-57990-1491-55562-032-9 0-7134-5146-7 0-7134-5145-9 1-57120-016-9 0-914881-19-1 0-914881-18-3 9780-4862-8197-1 ISBN 0-914881-46- 14000304 14001373 14001082 14000055 14000365 14000489 14000418 14000247 14000703 14001440 14001206 Quilt Art en miniature Schoolhouse Appliqu‚ 500 Traditional Quilts Reversible Quilts More Reversible Quilts Amish doll-quilts A treasury of Amish quilts Tips for Quilters Small Amish quilt patterns Tips fü• r Quilter The world of Amish quilts klein kariert ISBN 3-901943-02ISBN 0-914881-991-60059-688-6 9781-5647-7410-1 9781-5647-7556-6 0-934672-35-0 1-56148-000-2 1-56148-080-0 1-56148-236-6 9783475528415 9780934672221 9783-2586-0049-9 14001212 14000763 14001760 14001615 14001619 14000042 14000196 14000268 14000521 14000053 14000199 14001492 Mastering quilt marking Zauberhafte Weihnachtszeit Das ganze Jahr ist Patchwork-Zeit Kuschelpatchwork Color from the heart Impressionist Palette 9781571200778 14000243 14001071 14001263 14001519 14000188 14000526 ISBN 3-8410-61179783-8410-6256-7 9781571200716 1-57120-030-4 Seite 42 07.12.2015 Perry, Gai Perry, Regina A. Peters, Paulette Peters, Paulette Pet-Jacobs, Mirjam Pfeffer, Susanne Pfeifer, Leslie Anne Pforr, Effie Chalmers Phalen, Diane Piecemakers Pignatelli, Vikki Pippen, Kitty Poe, Ann Poole, Linda M. Porcella, Yvonne Porcella, Yvonne Porcella, Yvonne Porcella, Yvonne Pottinger, David Propst, Susan Taylor Quentin-Stoll, Annette Quiller, Stepen Quilt Art Quilt National Quilt National Quiltmaker Magazine Quilts R./Cunningham, J. Rachel T. Rae, Janet Rae, Janet / Travis, Dinah Raht, Tione Elke Impressionist Quilts Harriet Powers's Bible Quilts Borders by Design Strip Piecing Textile Abenteuer Quilt Masterpieces The Quilt Patch Award Winning Quilts Quilts Country Store Quilting Curves Quilting with Japanese Fabrics Quilting School Quilted Fairie Tales Six color world Colors Changing Hue A Colorful Book Art & Inspiration Quilts from the Indiana Amish Another Season of Beautiful Blooms Filz Spiel/the felted play Color choices Quilt Art at 25 The Quilt: New Quilts - Interpretations & Innovations 501 Quilting Mofifs Warren, Elizabeth V. 1-57120-003-7 0-8478-1653-2 1-56477-082-6 ISBN 1-56477-2323-937703-18-7 ISBN 8-8363680 - 9780-7893-2907-3 14000644 14001815 14000604 14001371 14001201 14000896 14001049 14001162 14000270 14001272 14000402 14000474 14001143 14001339 14000527 14000695 14000752 14001706 14000198 14001097 14000924 14000318 14001127 14000236 14001676 14001194 14001769 The Quilts of the British Isles Making Connections Die Geschichte der Seidenblume 9781898094142 0-9547459-0-6 3-7944-0113-1 14000054 14000444 14000389 Seite 43 1-57120-106-8 ISBN 1-56477-0320-8442-4249-7 1-56477-297-7 ISBN 1-57432-9131-57120-035-5 0-914881-86-8 9781-5712-0050-1 0-525-48043-9 0-8230-0696-4 0-916838-92-7 9780-8874-0157-2 07.12.2015 Ramsey, B. + Trechsel, G. A. Southern Quilts: A New View Randle, Barbara Crazy Quilting with attitude Raphael, Jasper A. Encaustic Painting (Spachteltechnik) Rasmussen Rasmussen, Anne-Pia Liv i Kludene Rasmussen, Anne-Pia Nimm den Faden wieder auf Rasmussen, Anne-Pia G. Fein eingef„delt Rasmussen, Anne-Pia G. Immer dem Faden nach?.. Rasmussen, Anne-Pia G. Klein Und Fein Rasmussen, Anne-Pia G. Die Arche Noah Ratner, Marilyn Plenty of patches Rattazi, Ilaria Fr”hlich Freizeit: Patchwork Rauer, Rabea u. Reidelbach, Das groáe Singer N„hbuch Kleine Geschenke Ravensberger Patchwork und Quilten mit der N„hmaschine Rayment, Jennie Creative Tucks and Textures for Quilts & Embroidery Rd. Reck, Astrid Quilt Design und Patchwork Symposium Berlin Reher, Gabriele Patchwork-Geschenke Reher, Gabriele Patchwork, Schritt fü• r Schritt - von Anfang an Reher, Gabriele Patchwork Reid, Alison J. N„hen in der dritten Dimension Reikes, Ursula More quilts for baby Reikes, Ursula Quilted for christmas Reinelt, Siegrid Recycling-Taschen aus Kleidung gen„ht Reinelt, Siegrid Taschen nähen im Baukastenprinzip Reinstatler, Laura Munson Botanical Wreaths Reuter, Maria Patchwork Kleidung Reynolds, Bethany S. Stack-n-Whackier Quilts Rhodes, Peggy G, Wood, Julia Quick & Easy Hexie Quilts Richards Richards, Lynn Women of taste Richards, Rhonda Great American Quilts 2003 Elke Seite 44 ISBN 0-939009-52ISBN 0-87349-664ISBN 3-8241-0651- 14000771 14000825 14000804 9788777219924 14000348 14000991 14000855 14000867 14000868 14000869 14000137 14000129 14001541 14001665 14001594 ISBN 8-77905-811- 0-690-03836-4 3-505-01100-0 9783-6251-3778-8 9780-7134-8913-2 9781564771872 9781564770547 9783-8410-6235-2 9783-8410-6287-1 ISBN 1-56477-0569783-3320-1140-5 ISBN 1-57432-7769781-6046-0055-1 14000379 14000010 14000045 14000147 14001203 14000023 14000180 14001491 14001754 14001278 14001470 14001330 14001499 9781571200785 ISBN 0-8487-2562- 14000241 14001312 9783419532379 9783419531990 9783419531990 07.12.2015 Richards, Rhonda Great American Quilts Book Eleven Richardson Richardson, Julia 100 Tips für dekorative Stoffe Richardson, Rosamond/Griffiths, Discovering Patchwork Ricucci, Tonya Word Play Quilts Ringle, Weeks / Kerr, Bill Farbharmonie für Quilts Risinger, Hettie Innovative Machine Patchwork Piecing Rittelmeyer, Elke Weihnachtliches Flickwerk Ritter, Kim H. Quick quilting Ritter, Vivian Howell Family Keepsake Quilts Rivers, Charlotte Schriftenwerkstatt Roberta Roberto / Wegener, Helga Roberts, Barbara Quilts for Girls and Boys Robinson, Charlotte The Artist & The Quilt Robinson, Jackie Quilts in the tradition of Frank Lloyd Wright Robinson, Jackie Tessellations Robinson, Jackie Three Dimensional Patchwork Sampler Rocke, Lora Lora & Company Roemer, Barbara von Patchwork und Quilts Rogers, Gay Ann Nadel Faden Fingerhut Rolf, Christa Weihnachtsideen aus Stoff Rolf, Christa Grundkurs Stoffe färben Rolf, Christa Romantische Stickereien Rolf, Christa Mug Rugs Rolf, Christa Wohn-Ideen mit Stoff Rolf, Christa Hg, Textil-Karten Rolfe, M. / Moore, V. Australian Needlework Rolfe, Margaret A Quilter's Ark Rolfe, Margaret Quilt a Koala Rolfe, Margaret Patchwork Quilts to make for children Rolfe, Margaret Australian Quilt Heritage Elke Seite 45 ISBN 0-8487-2630- 14001325 3-8290-0551-2 ISBN 0-563-16212- 14000502 14001298 14001151 14000885 14001173 14000941 14000106 14001055 14001775 3-332-01455-2 9783405153045 9783-2586-0100-7 9781564773159 ISBN 1-885156-139781-8851-5603-7 9781-8851-5629-7 3-258-03119-3 9783-2580-3556-3 9783804306912 9783804308084 3-89858-918-8 1-56477-197-0 0-8069-7264-5 0-8069-8498-8 14000275 14000718 14001222 14001563 14001575 14000979 14000384 14001451 14000085 14000206 14001136 14001306 14001671 14000543 14001144 14000353 14000686 14000705 14001027 07.12.2015 Rolfe, Margaret Go wild with Quilts-again Rolfe, Margaret Go wild with Quilts Rolfe, Margaret / Bowker, Jenny The Magic of Quiltmaking, Romaker, Ruth Just Quilts Ronald Clinton Root, Elizabeth Hawaiian Quilting Rose, Helen Whitson Quick-and-easy strip quilting Rosenthal, Maxine & One-Block Wonders Cubed! Rosenthal, Maxine u. One-Block Wonders Ross, Mary & Scheu, Barbara Delightful Quilts in Bloom Rossi, Lonni Quilts Round Robin Quilts Maixner Magaret, Pat; Ingram Husser, Donna Royal Institute of British Architects The Quilters Guild 3rd National Exhibition Rozmyn, Mia Freedom In Design Ruprecht Johanna 3-D-Patchwork Ruprecht, Johanna Patchwork - Sampler Ruprecht, Johanna Sternensampler Ruprecht, Johanna vom kleinen Dreieck zum grossen Wandbild Ruprecht, Johanna Rund ums Haus Ruprecht, Johanne Patchwork - das textile Mosaik Rymer, Cyndy Lyle Quilts for Guys S. S”llner, B„rle Angelina und Fusible Film S”llner, B„rle Kleben und Bonden, Band 2 S”llner, B„rle Arbeiten mit Tyvek S”llner, B„rle Fantastisches Silkpaper S”llner, B„rle Transferfarben und Shiva Artist`s Paintstick, Bd. S”llner, B„rle Grundlagen Freies Maschinensticken S”llner, B„rle Kleben und Bonden Band 2 S”nmez, Nedim EBRU Marmorpapiere Saá, Dominique Patchwork Dekorationen Sachiyo Muraki Atarashi Elke Seite 46 ISBN 1-56477-126ISBN 1-56477-0191-56477-502-X ISBN 0-289950845- 14001215 14001216 14000560 14001296 0-486-25948-x 9780486260181 ISBN 1-57120-834ISBN 1-57120-464ISBN 9-78157432-- 9781571201652 14000539 14000044 14001345 14001270 14001402 14001066 14001771 14001486 14000957 14000952 14000107 14000341 14000342 14001582 14001007 14000276 ISBN 3-473-48104ISBN 3-8241-05874-529-01523-8 14000883 14000884 14000910 14000990 14001038 14001137 14001528 14000818 14000925 14000470 9781-5647-7065-3 ISBN 1-56477-102ISBN 3-936672-069783824107513 3-936672-01-6 3-00-008052-x 9783-9366-7203-2 07.12.2015 Sachtleben, Ina Quick-Patchwork Saito, Yoko House, Houses, Houses! Saito, Yoko Jap. Allerlei und Anleitungen: Part II SaKurai, Kazue Free Shashi Yu Sander, Helga / Peschl, Klosterarbeiten Sandtner, Hilda Stricken einmal anders Sassaman, Jane A. The quilted garden Saunders, Doreen L. Star Quilt Designs Sch„pper, Linda P. Patchwork Sch• rmann, Ulrike N„h Dich Gl• cklich Sch• ttler, Edith Patchwork Quilt Schaefer, Becky Working in miniature Schaefer, Kim A Cozy Quilted Christmas Schaefer, Kim Cozy modern quilts Schamber, Sharon Piec-liqu‚ Scheidmeir, Brunhilde, Naturdruck mit Pflanzenfarben auf Stoff Scheurich-Behrendt, ChristaHand MariaApplikationen, eine Herzenssache Schindler, Peter U. HG Jeans Encyclopedia Schlotzhauer, J. M. Cutting up with curves Schlotzhauer, Joyce M. The Curved Two-Patch System Schlotzhauer, Joyce M. Curves unlimited Schmidt, Claudia English Paper Piecing Schneebeli-Morrell, DeborahDuftende Spitzen Romantik Schneider, Eva Nähmaschinen-F• hrerschein Schneider, Gudrun Färben mit Naturfarben Schneider, Sally Traditional quilts with painless borders Schneider, Sally Painless Borders Schneider, Sally Scrap Frenzy Schneider, Sally Srap Mania Schneider, Sally Scrap Happy Schneider, Sally Celebrating The Quilt Schnorrenberg, Heike Ganz meine Kragenweite? das etwas andere PW-buch! Elke Seite 47 9783824106707 2-916182-00-4 ISBN 4-86322-1304-529-03776-2 3-8043-0431-1 3-475-52421-x 9781571201034 0-486-26912-4 ISBN 3-473-430069783-0093-9630-4 0-914881-06-x ISBN 9-78-1-5712ISBN 1-57432-880- 0-939009-14-5 0-9114440-56-x ISBN 0-914440-783-8410-6081-1 9783-8112-1498-5 3-7724-6767-9 3-473-45005-6 9781564772039 9781-5647-7363-0 9781-5647-7050-9 9780-9435-7473-8 9781-5647-7139-1 14000052 14000506 14001388 14000486 14000637 14000164 14000204 14000538 14001294 14001495 14000154 14000382 14000890 14001351 14001397 14001489 14001301 14000400 14000222 14000614 14001261 14001609 14001577 14001282 14000280 14000134 14001118 14001567 14001649 14001658 14001669 14000982 07.12.2015 Schnorrenberg, Heike Um Kragenweiten besser??das etwas andere PW-buch! Schnorrenberg, Heike Vom Schnippsel zum Seelentr”ster Band 3 Schnorrenberg, Heike F• r klein Erna und Anton Band 4 Schorsch, Anita Plain & fancy Schroeder Tomlonson, J. Mennonite Quilts and Pieces Schubert, Joachim Fachwörterbuch Textil Schulz, Horst Das neue Stricken Kindermode Schulze, Joan The art of Joan Schulze Schulze, Joan Poetic License Schupp, Gertrud Applizieren Schritt f• r Schritt Schuppe von Gwinner Hg. Patchwork Quilt: Schwartz & Seifert Fresh Cut Flowers Schwartz & Seifert Garden Stars Schwartz & Seifert Stained Glass Quilts Schwartz, Lis ed The Foundation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Founndation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Foundation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Foundation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Foundation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Foundation Piecer Schwartz, Liz ed The Foundatin Piecer Schwinge, Elisabeth Graphik und Malerei auf Seide Seeberg-Wilhelm, Gaby Odenwald, Patchwork & Quilt Kostbare Unikate-selbstgen„ht Seely Ann u. Stewart JoyceI Canït Believe Itïs Not Piecing! Segawa, Setsuko Quilt Art of Japan III Segawa, Setsuko Japanese quilt art Segawa, Setsuko New Wave Quilt Segawa, Setsuko Japanese Quilt Art Segawa, Setsuko Quilt Art of Japan Segna, Joan u. Crow, Jayme Follow the Dots to Dazzling Quilts Seto, N. Log Cabin Seto, N. Jap. Allerlei Und Anleitungen: Staff Elke Seite 48 0-8069-7432-X 0-93462-27-x 3-87150-389-4 3-8043-0501-6 9781881529446 ISBN 3-405-132783-923916-03-5 ISBN 3-89102-3629783-9814-2183-5 ISBN 1-57432-6694-8381-0103-1 4-8381-0090-6 4-8381-0112-0 ISBN 1-56477-5974-529-03515-8 14000984 14001529 14001570 14001814 14000700 14000412 14000462 14000217 14001042 14001250 14000252 14000876 14000877 14000878 14001801 14001799 14001800 14001802 14001803 14001804 14001805 14000799 14001494 14001333 14000313 14000710 14000717 14000733 14000734 14001392 14000371 14000966 07.12.2015 Seto, T. Seto, T. Seto, T. Seto, T. Seto, T. Seto, T. Seward Linda Seward, Linda Seward, Linda Seward, Linda Seward, Linda Shackelford, Anita Sharon Sharon Sharon Evans Shaw, Mandy Shaw, Robert Shaw, Robert Shay, Joan Shirer, Marie Shizuko, Kuroha Shore, Debbie Short, Eirian Sibbett Ed. Jr. Siebenmorgen, Harald Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Sienkiewicz, Elly Elke Patchwork (jap.), Hand Craft Star Series American patchwork patterns 3 American patchwork patterns 4 American patchwork quilts Jap. Kinder-Quilts und Anleitungen American Patchwork Patterns 5 Successful Quilting Das groáe Buch von Patchwork, Quilt, Applikat. Quilts Country - Quilts im l„ndlichen Stil The Ultimade Guide To Art Quiltmaking Infinite Feathers Homestyle Art quilts Hawaiian Quilt Masterpieces Petal Play The Quilter`s How- to Dictionary jap. Half Yard Christmas Quilting Art Deco Stained Glass 9784529026741 4-529-01369-3 4-529-01370-7 4-529-02077-0 ISBN 4-529-02315ISBN 4-529-01371ISBN 0-87857-9933-88746-320-x ISBN 3-512-03135ISBN 1-57432-798- 1-57990-711-3 ISBN 1-57432-7700-943721-09-1 1-78221-147-0 0-7134-15401 ISBN 0-486-23550- Baltimore Album Legacy The best of Baltimore Beauties I The best of Baltimore Beauties Part II Fancy Appliqué Appliqué 12 Easy Ways! Applikationen ganz einfach Dimensional Appliqué Seite 49 1-57120-046-0 9781571200860 1-57120-149-1 1-57120-062-2 0-914881-42-6 0-914881-58-2 14000121 14000157 14000158 14000232 14000777 14000789 14001197 14000120 14001024 14001257 14001755 14001375 14000964 14000550 14000747 14001385 14000267 14001031 14001792 14000654 14001233 14000003 14000201 14000459 14000516 14000683 14000842 14001275 07.12.2015 Sienkiewicz, Elly Baltimore Beauties and Beyond Sigal, Sandra/Fabian, Applique Album Quilts Simmons Judy Maschine Needlelace Simms, Ami How to improve your quilting stitch Simms, Ami Every trick in the book Sinema, Laurene Appliqu‚! Appliqu‚!! Appliqu‚!!! Sinema, Laurene/Carruth, Hooked on Hankies Singer Patchwork und Quilten mit der N„hmaschine Singer Quilt Projects by machine SINGER Patchwork, Quilts einfach und schnell gen„ht Singer Quilting by Machine Singer Sewing Ref.Library More Creative Sewing Ideas Singer sewing reference libary Creating Fashion Accessories Singer, M. + Spyrou, M. Textile Arts Singer, Sewing Reference 101 Sewing Secrets Sloppy, Evelyn Strips and Strings Sloppy, Evelyn 40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts Slusser, Donna Igram Smith / Milligan Pillow Magic Smith Nancy J., Milligan Lynda Deck the halls Smith, Lois Machine Quiltmaking Smith, Louisa L. A New Twist on Strips'n Curves Smucker, Barbara Selina an the Bear Paw Quilt Smucker, J./Shaw, Amish Abstractions Snyder, Sheila Sinclair Pieces to Fit Sokltys, Karan Costello ed. Fabulous quilts from favorite patterns Soltow, Willow Ann Making Animal Quilts Soltys, Karen Castello Appliqu‚ Made Easy Soltys, Karen Costello Bright quilts from down under Soltys, Karen Costello Warm up to Wool, Solvit, Marie J. Applikationen, Patchwork, Quilting Spangenberger, Irmi HG. Lebensmuster - neu entdeckt Elke Seite 50 ISBN 0-914881-239781564771629 0-943079-00-4 ISBN 0-943079-02ISBN 0-2386305249783473424351 9780865732797 ISBN 3-473-42438ISBN 0-86573-276052944030254 ISBN 0-7136-3197ISBN 0-86573-2491-56477-466-x 1-56477-547-X ISBN 0-9622477-19780891459415 ISBN 1-57120-396- 1-56477-561-5 1-56477-468-6 0-934672-39-3 1-56477-482-1 1-56477-520-8 3-419-52709-8 3-7698-1456-8 14001353 14001291 14000309 14000344 14001258 14000977 14001305 14000111 14000240 14000951 14001101 14001368 14000315 14000813 14001334 14000473 14000584 14001051 14001225 14000316 14000831 14001021 14001264 14000500 14000336 14000380 14000972 14000432 14000564 14000460 14000482 07.12.2015 Speckmann, Doreen Pattern play 0-914881-70-1 Speth, Pat More Nickel Quilts 1-56477-552-6 Speth, Pat + Thode Charlene Nickel Quilts ISBN 1-56477-416Spingola, Deanna More Strip-Pieced Watercolor Magic 9781-5647-7181-0 Squier Craig, Sharyn LeMoynne Stars Made Easy 9781-8855-8819-7 Stallebrass, Pamela Simple Stenciling Dramatic Quilts Stängl, Irmgard / Nikodem, Stanley, Isabel Patchwork Quilting Applikation 9783860474310 Staub-Wachsmuth, B. Patchwork und Quilten 9783806807684 Staub-Wachsmuth, B. Patchwork, Wege zu textiler Kunst 9783824103904 Staub-Wachsmuth, Brigitte Patchwork, Wege zu textiler Kunst ISBN 3-8241-0390Steinacker, Angelika Üb. Tips und Tricks fürs perfekte Nähen 9783473424344 Stern-Straeter, Dorle Quilts 3-9806815-0-5 Stewart, Cahrlyne Jaffe Snowflakes in the sun 0-87069-451-0 Stoddard, Patricia Ormsby Ralli Quilts ISBN 0-7643-1697Stori, Mary The Storii of Beaded Embellishment 9781564773395 Stothers, Marilyn Curved Strip-Piecing ISBN 0-88925-899Stout, Daniela u. Dell`Orco, More Strip Clubbing ISBN 0-9795316-1Stracke, Andrea Es geht auch ohne Fingerhut Stracke, Andrea Made in Germany, inspired by Britain Strelow, Renate / Stehlik, Brigitte Gewebe mit unterbrochenen Ketten aus dem vorspanischen 3-88609-391-3 Peru Strittmatter, Rowena Patchwork im Landhausstil Strobel, Robin Quilter`s Bounty 1-56477-527-5 Stuart, Trish Quiltart: Curves Made Easy ISBN 8-20925-033Stuart, Trish Quilt Art ISBN 8-20925-013Stuart, Trish QultArt: More Quilts to Color Sturmer Marie Monteith The Stenciled Quilt ISBN 0-89909-103Sturmer, Marie Monteith Paint a Quilt Patterns ISBN 1-57432-920Sudo, Kumiko Harmonies & Hurricanes 0-8442-2661-0 Sudo, Kumiko East Quilts West Sudo, Kumiko East Quilts West 9780-8442-2637-8 Suit, Mary Sue Crazy Eights, 1-56477-601-8 Elke Seite 51 14000673 14000575 14000950 14001674 14001644 14001001 14000183 14000219 14000220 14000934 14000314 14000103 14000626 14001132 14000283 14000764 14001267 14001302 14001303 14000661 14001434 14000557 14001374 14001400 14001430 14001228 14001360 14000713 14000728 14001449 14000554 07.12.2015 Sundermann, Terell Pieced roman shades Surenbrock, Lieselotte Plaudereien aus der Flickenstube Susan Susan Susan Susan Suzanne, Marie-Anne Matelassage machine Svennas, Elsie Kompositionen aus Stoff Swain, Gabrielle From a quilter`s garden Swain, Gabrielle Appliqué in bloom Swim, Laurie The joy of quilting Swim, Laurie Quilting Szymanski, Lise Patchwork Taschen Szymanski, Lise Neue Patchwork Taschen Szymanski, Lise Neue Patchwork- Projekte Szymanski, Lise Mehr Patchwork Taschen Taesler, Werner Mini-Patch Kreativ - Friesland Tagawa, Keiji Beads Takahashi, Keiko Contemporary Quilt Takeda, Ai Sashiko Taylor Propst, Susan Beautiful Blooms Teach Yourself Quilting Teegarden Teegarden Teegarden Dissmore, Clever Quarters, Too Teegarden Dissmore, S. Better by the Dozen Tellier-Loumagne, F. Textildesign Sticken Tellier-Loumagne, FrancoiseInspirationen f• r Textildesign Tendall, Mary Life in the country Tendall, Mary & Tesene, Connie Quilts from Aunt Amy Tepper, + Atkins New York Beauties That Patchwork Place Favorite Christmas Quilts Elke 9781571200945 3-8334-3152-0 3-7724-0160-0 9781564771711 1-56477-076-1 0-915590-92-1 1-56799-027-4 9788779058071 9788764100211 4-529-03573-5 4-88996-173-9 ISBN 1-56477-776- ISBN 1-56477-627ISBN 1-56477-628ISBN 3-258-070819781564771858 ISBN 1-56477-258- Seite 52 14000227 14000531 14001150 14000452 14000165 14000518 14000150 14000395 14000373 14000514 14000872 14001086 14001714 14000479 14000724 14000472 14001376 14001146 14001401 14000824 14000860 14001122 14000072 14001210 14001058 14001079 07.12.2015 The Kentucky Quilt Project The Quilter's Guild Thelen, Carol A. Theophilus, Linda Thittichai, Kim Thomae, Eli Thomae, Eli Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomas, Donna Lynn Thomkins, Eva (Hersg.) Thompson, Martha Timby, Deborah Bird Time Life- Verlag Time Life- Verlag Time Life- Verlag Time Life- Verlag Time Life- Verlag Time Life- Verlag Time-Life-Verlag Time-Life-Verlag Time-Life-Verlag Tims, Ricky Tims, Ricky Tinkler, Nikki Tomaszewski, Cynthia Tonder, Andreas Townswick, Jane Elke Kentucky Quilts 1800 - 1900 Quilt Treasures Professional Machine Quilting Contemporary American Quilts layered textiles Schätze aus der Restekiste Schätze aus der Restekiste II. A perfect match. Small talk Scrappy Duos Shortcuts I Shortcuts II Shortcuts Quilts Stripples textilgestalten 2 Square Dance Visions - The art of the quilt Modische Evergreens Der modische Chic Eleganz ohne Aufwand Die romantische Note Der pers”nliche Stil Grundtechniken Neue Materialien Exotische Effekte Textile Raumaustattung Convergence Quilts Rhapsody Quilts Enzyklop„die Quiltstiche Tea in the Garden F r die kleine N„hpause Quiltmaking tips and techniques 1-880584-03-4 1-56477-509-7 ISBN 1-870-145-19781-8499-4008-5 3-937703-07-1 9783-9377-0320-6 9781564771537 9780943574745 9781564773074 0-943574-96-X 1-56477-095-8 9781-5647-7095-0 9781-5647-7124-7 9781-5647-7586-3 1-57120-217-X 1-56477-600-X 9783-7322-8391-0 0-87596-588-1 Seite 53 14000263 14001073 14000553 14001262 14001473 14000536 14001756 14000016 14000048 14000277 14000678 14000679 14001487 14001679 14000535 14001677 14001221 14001715 14001716 14001717 14001718 14001719 14001720 14001721 14001722 14001723 14000441 14001213 14000819 14000582 14001509 14000424 07.12.2015 Townswick, Jane Artful Appliqu‚ - the easy way Tracy, Kathleen Prairie Children and their Quilts Travis, Dinah The sampler quilt workbook Travis, Dinah The Appliqué Quilt Treffry, Poppy Das ganz andere N„hbuch Trenow, Liz / Brandl, AndreaDie vergessenen Worte Trentini, Cecile daily BEAUTY 365 Ways to Play Trygg Voudrie, Sylvia Tiny Amish Traditions Tschudy, Ruth Korak Tschuor J. + Seitz D. Geschenke aus Patchwork Tucker, Dorothy Applique Turner Griepentrog, All about machine arts Turner, Judy Awash with Colour Turner, Judy / Rolfe, Margeret Successful Scrap Quilts Turpin-Delport, Lesley Creativ applique Turpin-Delport, Lesley The Complete Book of Appliqué and Patchwork Turpin-Delport, Lesley A Creative Guide to Patchwork and Appliqu‚ Turpin-Delport, Lesley Creative Applique to make and wear u. Chalfant Payne, Suzzy und Irma Eskes-Schelvis Urbitsch, Brigitte Das BlaudruckBuch Uta V. Rotz, Sharon log cabin quilts with attitude Van Bockel, Jean Polka-Dot Kids` Quilts van Bockel, Jean Meadowbrook Quilts van der Horst-Beetsma, And then there was light Van Haeff, Ruth + Flew, Janine Quilten Van Zoutelande, Jannetje Karos und Streifen Verlag Hermes House New Quilting VHS-Alzenau, Patchworkgruppen Zeit zum Kochen und Patchen Via Vibert, Joan Angelsong Elke Seite 54 1-56477-386-8 9781853680786 1-85368-119-9 ISBN 1-85368-1209781-8536-8078-6 14001219 14001022 14000260 14000619 14001480 14001796 14001479 14001544 14000340 14000930 14001447 14001382 14001029 14000480 14000061 14000658 14000762 14001450 ISBN 3-89798155 - 14000893 ISBN 0-89689-3081-56477-634-4 14000948 14000580 14001415 14000709 14001018 14000595 14001562 14001460 0-713461047 0-7134-7035-6 9783-7724-6789-9 3-442-38351-X 9781-6070-5686-7 3-9806815-7-2 ISBN 3-85502-3079780-7134-5349-4 ISBN 1-57120-227- 3-937703-13-6 9781-8603-5238-6 0-943574-57-4 14000611 07.12.2015 Vieser, Susanne Voá, Brigitte Völker, Angela Vollmer-Gerhard, Susanne von Bergh-Arnldus, von Bergh-Arnoldus, von Holt, Mary Ellen Vorberg, Annette Vorberg, Annette Vosburg Hall, Carolyn Vrande, Jet van de Vrande, Jet van de Wachsmuth, Brigitte Wagner, Debra Walker, Anne Walker, Anne Walker, Michele Walker, Michele Walker, Michele Walner, Hari Walner, Hari Walter, Christel Walter, Christel Walter, Christel Walter, Christel Walter, Christel Walter, Cindy Walters, Angela Wamble, Rhonda Warr Andersen, Charlotte Warren, Judi Wasilowski, L. Elke Edle Schals und Accessoires selbst gefilzt Restequilts Die Stoffe der Wiener Werkstätte 5-85447-357-5 14000845 14000986 14000663 Quilten mit Schablonen Patronen voor Quilten en Sjablonern 3-88746-337-4 90-213-0960-2 14001790 14000037 Patchwork Patchwork Pictorial Quilts Patchwork met de naaimachine Hondert en een motiven Patchwork Wege zu textiler Kunst All Quilt Blocks are not Square Die kleine Farbpalette Patchwork Die kleine Farbpalette Patchwork Quilten Das Quiltbuch The passionate quilter Trapunto by machine Exploring Machine Trapunto Jan sucht die Kuna-Indianer Jan trifft Gottvater Zeus Jan, ich komme Glaukom Momentaufnahmen Snippet Sensations Free-Motion Quilting 9783824106295 9783824105991 ISBN 0-87341-803ISBN 1-60705-535- 14000026 14000238 14000757 14000063 14000109 14001033 14001526 14000279 14000534 14000244 14000659 14001243 14000119 14000641 14000081 14000308 14000487 14001063 14001077 14001341 14001313 Faces and Places Fabric Postcards Fusing Fun! 9781571200006 9780-8914-5833-3 9781-5712-0289-5 14000311 14001743 14001596 9789038406107 9780-8019-8643-7 9783829006729 3-8290-0672-1 90-213-0343-4 3-473-42424-2 ISBN 0-85223-8859781571200068 1-57120-043-6 3-9-31643-10-7 3-00-009534-9 3-924239-45-2 Seite 55 07.12.2015 Wat, Rebecca Wat, Rebecca Watermann, Gisela Watson, Lara Watts, J. Michelle Webb, Aliske Weber, Ulrike Weber, Ulrike Weber, Ulrike Wehrli, Annemarie Weidman, Mary Lou Weidman, Mary Lou Weidman, Mary Lou Weiland, Barbara ed Weise, Helga Weise, Helga Weiss, Rita Weiss, Rita Weiss, Rita Wellejus, Grethe Wellendorph, Hanne Wells, J. & Anderson M. Wells, J. & Anderson, M. Wells, Jean Wells, Jean Wells, Jean & Valori Wells, Jean / Wells, Valori Wells, Jean / Wells, Valori Wells, Kate Wentworth, Judy Westfall, Eileen Westphal, Helga Elke Fantastic fabric foldings A Fresh Twist on Fabric Folding Farbberatung f• r die Wohnung Mollie Makes Round about quilts Zw”lf goldene F„den Faszinierende Quilt-Ideen Faszinierende Quilt-Ideen Faszinierende Quilt-Ideen Malen auf Wolle Quilted memories Whimsies & Whynots Krazy kats and Mary Lou Too! All New! Erkennungszeichen Fundst• cke Plastic templates for the traditional ? the Patchworker's Quilt-as-you-go Book Quilts in a hurry Shibori Kreativ Patchwork 3 A Celebration of Hearts Picture This Willowood Patchwork Quilts Made Easy Along the Garden Path Garden-inspired quilts Everything Flowers Textilien F„rben & Bedrucken Quilts Quilt say it best Hobby Spitzencollagen Seite 56 9781571200853 ISBN 3-8094-09929781-9093-9728-6 9781564770455 9783-7857-0849-1 9783332010374 9783332010374 9783332012828 3-89102-291-3 1-57120-166-1 1-56477-118-0 3-9802825-2-x 3-86180-196-8 9780486249841 ISBN 0-88195-049ISBN 8-789024-3487-7490-293-8 0-914881-31-0 9781571200266 0-87596-628-4 9781-5712-0118-8 1-57120-131-9 1-57120-007-X 1-85170-299-7 4787561771797 9783-8068-0847-6 14000216 14001429 14000917 14001777 14000231 14001531 14000088 14000264 14000299 14000302 14000523 14000975 14001610 14000369 14000239 14000530 14000248 14001286 14001729 14000807 14000124 14001107 14000610 14000065 14000639 14001527 14000509 14000643 14001019 14001816 14000051 14001477 07.12.2015 Wettre, Asa Old Swedish Quilts White, Karen Sommerherzen White, Tonee Appliquilt to go White, Tonee Appliquilt in the cabin White, Tonee Raise The Roof, Whittle, Sarah Nadel und Faden Wierzbicki, Cathy Coffee-Time Quilts Wierzbicki, Cathy Geometric Gems Wikman, Kajsa Skandinavische N„h-Ideen Wilder, Donner + 12 Designers The Masterpiece Sampler Quilt Wilens, Patricia Great American Quilts Wilens, Patricia Great American Quilts Book Nine Wilens, Patricia Scap Quilts fast and fun Wilhelm, Laura Sinikka Das war doch meine Lieblingsjeans Wilkinson, Rosemary Schnelle Patchwork - Quilts Wilkinson, Rosemary Weekend Quilts Willow, Ann Soltow Designing Your Own Quilts Wilson, Elisa Crazy Curves Wilson, Erica Erica Wilson`s Quilts of Amerika Wilson, Johanna Prairie Quilts Wisbrun, Laurie Stoffe entwerfen und bedrucken Wiss, Audrey /Wiss, Douglas Folk Quilts And How To Recreate Them Witzenburg, Lynn Machine Quilting - The Basics & Beyond Woisin, Dorothee Patchwork - Grundtechniken Wold, Diane Strip Quilting Wolfgang Wolfrom Visual Coloring Wolfrom, Joen Patchwork Persuasion Wolfrom, Joen The visual dance Wolfrom, Joen Make any block any size Wolfrom, Joen Color play Wolfrom, Joen The magical effects of color Elke Seite 57 9789-1857-8698-5 ISBN 3-442-742539781564771827 1-56477-459-7 1-56477-609-3 9783-2586-0072-7 1-56477-525-9 3-258-60046-5 0-915590-34-4 9780-9793-7113-4 9783-7724-1163-0 0-8306-2822-3 14001516 14001256 14000075 14000339 14000587 14001498 14000577 14001126 14001283 14001059 14001323 14001324 14001338 14001493 14000932 14001565 14001574 14001383 14000004 14001023 14001281 14000648 14001583 14001580 14000492 1-57120-398-2 9781571200273 9780914881933 9781571200686 9781571201058 0-914881-53-1 14000832 14000082 14000083 14000104 14000205 14000403 ISBN 0-8487-1893ISBN 0-8487-2447ISBN 0-8487-16709783-2586-0062-8 ISBN 3-473-424469789-0722-6787-0 9780-8019-8244-6 ISBN 0-9745622-00-8487-0504-1 07.12.2015 Wood, Kaye Log Cabin Diamonds Wood, Kaye Starmakers ablaze Vol. I Wood, Kaye Quilt like a pro Wood, Kaye Neue Ideen zum Streifen-Quilten Woodard, Thos.K. Crib Quilts and other small wonders Woods, Karen Textiles Gestalten mit Kindern Wooster, Ann-Sargent Quiltmaking workshop hannover e. v. aufstand! Der nichtsnutzigen textilien rag revolut Wormleighton, Alison Piggies Wright, Margaret K. Mitred Patchwork Wussow, Hiltburg N„hen ohne Faden Wussow, Hiltburg Zauberei mit der Filzmaschine Yamamoto, Kanoko Be fascinated with Islamic Patterns Yamashita, Eiko Mon atelier provencal Yashimoto, Kamon Traditional Arabesque - Muster Yashimoto, Kamon Traditional Japanese Small Motif - Muster Yde, Charlotte Patchwork Grundlagenbuch Yde, Charlotte Patchwork Design Yoshimoto, Kamon Traditional Japanese small motif Yoshimoto, Kamon Traditional Sarasatic Young, Blanche Tradition with a twitch Young, Blanche / Young, Helen The Flying Geese Quilt Young, Lynn Lewis Art/Quilt Magazine, Heft 2 Young, Lynn Lewis Art/Quilt Magazine, Heft 3 Young, Lynn Lewis Art/Quilt Magazine, Heft 4 Young, Lynn Lewis Art/Quilt Magazine, Heft 5 Young, Lynn Lewis Art/Quilt Magazine, Heft 7 Youngs, Clare Neues aus alten B• chern Yvonne Zalfen, Margret Ungeb„ndigte Freude Fantast.Geschichten in Stoff Zegart Shelly Tableaux en Quilt Zeier Poole, Joanie Joanie's Quilting Elements Elke Seite 58 ISBN 0-944588-00ISBN 0-913265-14ISBN 0-913265-000-525-47628-8 ISBN 9-783258074- 3-89508-500-6 0713445556 9784-5290-2724-3 ISBN 9-8100-4774ISBN 9-8100-47763-88746-401-x 3-88746-392-7 981-004776-2 9789810053437 9781571200020 0-914881-13-2 9783-2586-0083-3 9783-8699-1997-3 9783-8043-0779-7 14001238 14001259 14001260 14001553 14000214 14000994 14000168 14001135 14000436 14000603 14000875 14001130 14000726 14001737 14000802 14000803 14000101 14000592 14000468 14000469 14000067 14000693 14000092 14000093 14000094 14000095 14000096 14001521 14001497 14001052 14001605 07.12.2015 Zeier Poole, Joanie Zlotnik Oravecz, Cindy Zwisler, Ingrid Hg. Joanie's Design Elements Into the garden Patchwork, Quilt, Applikation 9780-8968-9522-5 ISBN 0-9652160-0- 14001606 14001279 14000255 Patchwork von A bis Z 3-8122-3619-2 14000684 The Classic Quilting of SASHIKO Quilt Bias Japanische Quilts und Anleitungen Quiltmania Quilt - Patchwork & Appliqu‚ Elke Seite 59 ISBN 3-8043-0764ISBN 4-89396-5499783-2580-6965-4 14001030 14001125 14001274 14001635 14001691 14001788 07.12.2015
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