3D Simulation of Transient Effects in Accelerator Magnets Herbert De Gersem 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 1 Cooperation DESY - TEMF current research topics • eigenvalue calculations • resistive wakefield calculations • photo-emission studies brainstorm on further cooperation topics • new cavity structures • simulation of multipacting • simulation of wakefield acceleration • simulation of transient effects in accelerator magnets 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 2 Accelerator magnets • • • • complicated geometries + production tolerances 3D effects (fringing, eddy currents) multi-physics (cryogenics, deformation) multi-scale models (windings, laminations) • transients (e.g. remanence) • materials ... SIS100 magnet, GSI 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 3 Materials turning point reversible area B(t) major loop H(t) minor loop critical current density (A/mm2) • ferromagnetic materials (nonlinear, hysteretic, magnetostriction) • superconducting materials (thermal & magnetic stability, persistent currents) • composites (homogenisation) • windings (homogenisation) • uncertainties 12000 10000 NbTi 8000 1660 A/mm2 6000 4000 0 A/mm2 2000 0 0 0 2 4 2 4 magnetic flux density (T) 5 T6 6 4.8 K 8 10 8 12 14 10 temperature (K) 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 4 Discretisation in space differential equation: r r ∂A r ∇ × ν∇ × A + σ = Js ∂t ( spatial discretisation edge finite elements (curl-conforming) ) r r ) r A ≈ AFE = ∑ a j w j j r wj temporal discretisation Runge-Kutta discrete system: ) ( Kν + α Mσ ) ak +1 = RHS B/T ) )) da ) = js semi-discrete system: Kν a + Mσ dt ∆t time / s 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 5 GSI SIS100 magnet 40 eddy-current losses over one cycle for different stacking factors γ 35 13 J 30 10 J 25 20 B/T power losses / W pk γ pk = 93% γ pk = 96% γ pk = 98% 15 ∆t 10 8J time / s 5 0 0 0.25 S. Koch, J. Trommler, T. Weiland, TU Darmstadt 0.50 0.75 1.00 time / s 1.25 1.50 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 6 Computation effort 0 relative error 10 solution of 110 x 4 = 440 linear systems of equations r tv,(0) wj 4.4 h @ 132 CPUs -1 10 r wtv,(1) j -2 10 r 7.3 h @ 72 CPUs -3 10 10 4 FE, wtv,(0) j r tv,(1) FE, w j 10 5 10 6 10 7 number of dofs + 2 per face 10 8 S. Koch, J. Trommler, T. Weiland, TU Darmstadt, 2009 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 7 Stern-Gerlach magnet field homogeneity (original geometry) field homogeneity (optimised geometry) B. Masschaele, H. De Gersem (KU Leuven) A. Pels, J. Corno, Z. Bontinck, S. Schöps, (TU Darmstadt) 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 8 Magnet simulation @ TEMF Competence • 3D transient FE solvers • material models • accurate post-processing (multipoles) • uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis Cooperation • S-DALINAC magnets • GSI magnets • cooperation with CERN on the modelling of quench propagation 18 februari 2015 | TU Darmstadt | Fachbereich 18 | Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem | 9
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