Post-Racism United States Race Relations in

US American Race Relations in
Historical Perspective
Vortragsreihe im Sommersemester 2015:
13. Mai
“Indescribable Barbarism: The Lynching of
African Americans in the Age of Jim Crow”
Manfred Berg (Universität Heidelberg)
10-12 Uhr, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, Hörsaal 0117
3. Juni
“Black Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights
Simon Wendt (Universität Frankfurt)
10-12 Uhr, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, Hörsaal 0117
9. Juni
“Framing and Forgetting: Explaining the Absence of
Segregationists from American Public Memory”
George Lewis (Leicester University)
10-12 Uhr, Moritzstr. 18, Campus Center, Hörsaal 3
30. Juni
“Ferguson: What Happened?”
Anke Ortlepp (Universität Kassel)
10-12 Uhr, Moritzstr. 18, Campus Center, Hörsaal 3
14. Juli
“’Will U B My N***a @ Prom?’: The Insidious Nature of
Post-Post-Racism in ‘Post-Racial’ America”
Nikki Lane (American University)
10-12 Uhr, Moritzstr. 18, Campus Center, Hörsaal 3