Publikationsverzeichnis (Justine Rochon) Ludt, S., Wensing, M., Campbell, S.M., Ose, D., van Lieshout, J., Rochon, J., Uhlmann, L., & Szecsenyi, J. (in press). The challenge of cardiovascular prevention in primary care: implications of a European observational study in 8928 patients at different risk levels. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Glockzin, G., Rochon, J., Arnold, D., Lang, S.A., Klebl, F., Zeman, F., Koller, M., Schlitt, H.J., & Piso, P. (2013). A prospective multicenter phase II study evaluating multimodality treatment of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from appendiceal and colorectal cancer: the COMBATAC trial. BMC Cancer, 13, 67. Ludt, S., Campbell, S.M., Petek, D., Rochon, J., Szecsenyi, J., van Lieshout, J., Wensing, M., & Ose, D. (2013). Which practice characteristics are associated with the quality of cardiovascular disease prevention in European primary care? Implementation Science, 8, 27. 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Diagnostic value of single symptoms and signs – a meta‐ analysis. Croatian Medical Journal, 53, 432–441. Ludt, S., van Lieshout, J., Campbell, S.M., Rochon, J., Ose, D., Freund, T., Wensing, M., & Szecsenyi, J. (2012). Identifying factors associated with experiences of coronary heart disease patients receiving structured chronic care and counselling in European primary care. BMC Health Services Research, 12, 221. Rochon, J., Gondan, M., & Kieser, M. (2012). To test or not to test: Preliminary assessment of normality when comparing two independent samples. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12, 81. Heitz, F., du Bois, A., Rochon, J., Scheil‐Bertram, S., Hils, R., Fisseler‐Eckhoff, A., Barinoff, J., Kaub, C., & Harter, P. (2012). Requirements to assess feasibility of phase 0 trials during major abdominal surgery: variability of PARP activity. Clinical Cancer Research, 18, 2632–2637. Keller, H., Krones, T., Becker, A., Hirsch, O., Sönnichsen, A.C., Popert, U., Kaufmann‐Kolle, P., Rochon, J., Wegscheider, K., Baum, E., & Donner‐Banzhoff, N. (2012). Arriba: effects of an educational intervention on prescribing behaviour in prevention of CVD in general practice. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 19, 322–329. Feigl, G.C., Schebesch K.M., Rochon, J., Warnat, J., Woertgen, C., Schmidt, S., Lange, M. Schlaier, J., & Brawanski, A.T. (2011). Analysis of risk factors influencing the development of severe dizziness in patients with vestibular schwannomas in the immediate postoperative phase. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 113, 52–56. 1 of 4 Freund, T., Peters‐Klimm, F., Rochon, J., Mahler, C., Gensichen, J., Erler, A., Beyer, M., Baldauf, A., Gerlach, F., & Szecsenyi, J. (2011). Primary care practice‐based care management for chronically ill patients (PraCMan): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN56104508]. 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Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie, 127, 9–17. du Bois, A., Quinn, M., Thigpen, T., Vermorken, J.B., Avall‐Lundqvist, E., Bookman, M., Bowtell, D., Brady, M., Casado, A., Cervantes, A., Eisenhauer, E., Friedlaender, M., Fujiwara, K., Grenman, S., Guastalla, J.P., Harper, P., Hogberg, T., Kaye, S., Kitchener, H., Kristensen, G., Mannel, R., Meier, W., Miller, B., Neijt, J.P., Oza, A., Ozols, R., Parmar, M.K., Pecorelli, S., Pfisterer, J., Poveda, A., Provencher, D., Pujade‐Lauraine, E., Randall, M., Rochon, J., Rustin, G., Sagae, S., Stehman, F., Stuart, G., Trimble, E., Vasey, P., Vergote, I., Verheijen, R., & Wagner, U. (2005). 2004 consensus statements on the management of ovarian cancer: final document of the 3rd International Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup Ovarian Cancer Consensus Conference (GCIG OCCC 2004). Annals of Oncology, 16(Suppl. 8), viii7–viii12. Nonnenmacher, C., Dalpke, A., Rochon, J., Flores‐de‐Jacoby, L., Mutters, R., & Heeg, K. (2005). 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