Vorbereitung auf den Englischtest ELTiS - Ayusa

Vorbereitung auf den Englischtest ELTiS
Der „English Language Test for international Students“ (kurz: ELTiS) ist ein neuer standardisierter
Sprachtest zur Evaluierung von Schülern, die in den USA zur Schule gehen wollen. Der Fokus der
Testfragen liegt somit auf dem Alltagsenglisch amerikanischer Schulen, damit gewährleistet
werden kann, dass du als Austauschschüler mit den Anforderungen des amerikanischen
Schulsystems zurechtkommst.
Der Test besteht aus zwei Teilen: dem Hör- und Leseverständnis. Im Folgenden erklären wir dir
den genauen Aufbau des Tests anhand ein paar Beispielaufgaben.
1. Follow Classroom Directions
Du siehst ein Bild und hörst drei Sätze, die die Situation beschreiben. Welcher Satz trifft am
ehesten zu?
Beispiel 1:
A “Toni, please stop talking to Mary.”
B “Everyone, please take out a paper and
write down what is written on the board.”
C “Toni, please come to the board and solve
this mathematical problem.”
2. Comprehend Mathematical Language
Ein mathematisches Problem wird erklärt. Finde die passende Formel dazu.
Beispiel 2:
„There are 27 students in this class of which 7 will be on an excursion tomorrow. I would like to
do an experiment in 4 groups. So to get the number of students in each group subtract 7 from 27
and divide this number by 4.”
A (27-7) ÷ 4
B 27 x (7- 4)
C (20 + 7) ÷ 4
3. Understand Classroom Dialogue
Hier hörst du ein Unterrichtsgespräch zwischen einem Lehrer und einem Schüler. Anschließend
sollst du drei Fragen beantworten. Hier ein Beispieldialog:
Teacher: „When you are applying for college you should first of all consider all options. Which
college would you like to go to? What subject would you like to study? These are very difficult
questions which will affect your future.”
Student: “But if I don’t know what I would like to study and do in the future, how can I make
this choice?”
Teacher: “Well, first of all you should try to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. It is best
to make a list. Are you more a practical person or a scientific one? Are you good at working with
people or alone? You should consider all these questions and of course your hobbies and
Student: “I never thought about making a list of my strengths and weaknesses. That is a really
good idea! Thank you Mr. Smith!”
Beispiel 3: What is the main topic of this passage?
A how to apply for college
B how to find out about what to study in the future
C the teachers strengths and weaknesses
Beispiel 4: How should the student find out what he would like to study at college?
A He should work on his strengths and weaknesses
B He should study his favorite school subject
C He should make a list about his strengths and weaknesses
4. Listen and Respond to Academic Lectures
Du hörst einen Lehrervortrag und sollst anschließend Fragen beantworten. Hier ein Beispiel:
Teacher: „You've been reading about animal behavior. Today we'll discuss one of the most
astonishing behaviors in the animal world: dancing bees. Did you know that bees can dance?
Well, neither did scientists, until the 1960s. That's when a German scientist, named, uh, Karl von
Frisch, noticed something truly remarkable. As he was observing honeybees, he noticed that
some of the bees, which he called scout bees, flew out of the hive to look for food. When a scout
found a site where there was food, it flew back to the beehive and started dancing. This dance
somehow told the other honeybees where the food was, because after the dance, some of the
bees flew from the hive straight to the site of the food. Von Frisch called the bees that collect
the food forager bees. He thought the scout bee's dance told the forager bees three things -first, the smell of the food it had found; second, which direction to fly to reach the food; and
third, the distance of the food site from the beehive. Von Frisch won the 1973 Nobel Prize for
this discovery, but many scientists were skeptical of his theory. They didn't believe it was the
dance that led the forager bees to food. Instead, they thought it might be, oh, the smell of the
food on the dancing bee, or maybe that they just followed the scout back to the food site. Well,
very recently, some British scientists used a new type of radar to prove that von Frisch's theory
was indeed correct. It is the dance that communicates this information to other bees.”
Beispiel 5: What does the scout bee’s dance tell the forage bees?
A what food it has found and where to find it
B where to find the dancing ground
C how best to find new food sites
Beispiel 6: How did other scientists think about Frisch’s discovery?
A they tried to take photos of the phenomenon
B they didn’t believe in his theories
C they tried to learn the dance
1. Demonstrate Vocabulary Knowledge
Hier fehlen Wörter in Sätzen. Aus vier Antwortmöglichkeiten musst du das passende Wort für die
Lücke finden.
Beispiel 7:
To find out an unknown variable you have to solve a mathematical ____________.
2. Read a Graph
Dir wird ein Graph gezeigt, zu dem du
Fragen beantworten must.
Beispiel 8:
Which two months have the same
amount of sales?
April and December
May and October
January and August
February and March
3. Read and Respond to Academic Texts
Hier musst du akademische Texte lesen und Fragen dazu beantworten, ähnlich wie bei Beispiel 5
und 6.
Wir hoffen, dass du dich durch diese Beispiele gut auf den Test vorbereitet fühlst. Im Internet
kannst du weitere Beispielfragen finden:
Wir wünschen dir viel Erfolg und ein tolles Ergebnis!
Dein Ayusa High School Team
Lösungen der Beispiele: 1C, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6B, 7D, 8C