Curriculum Vitae - Urban Research Design Studio

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. (PhD) Johannes Novy
Private Address
Waitzstraße 11
10629 Berlin, Deutschland
Personal Information
Date/Place of Birth: 22.07.1977, Cologne,
Phone: +49 (0)176-81171800
Email: [email protected]
Vordiplom/Pre-Diploma (equivalent to BSc); Technical University Berlin
Master of Philosophy in Urban Planning. Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and
Preservation, Columbia University, New York, USA
European Master of Arts in Comparative Urban Studies. Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo &
Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning. Dissertation topic: ‘Marketing Marginalized
Neighborhoods. Tourism and Leisure in the 21 Century City’ (Advisor: Susan Fainstein)
Teaching Assistant & Instructor. Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and Preservation,
Columbia University, New York, USA
Researcher. Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS), Technical University Berlin, Germany
Senior Researcher/Lecturer. ‘Habitat Unit’ - Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Stadtentwicklung im
globalen Zusammenhang, Institute for Architecture, Technical University Berlin, Germany
Guest Professor. Dipartimento Architettura e Studi Urbani (DAStU). Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Guest Professor (Planning Theory). Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg,
Since 2015
Lecturer of Spatial Planning. School of Planning and Geography. Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Other Academic Positions and Activities (Selection)
Since 2008
Since 2009
Since 2011
Conference ‘Searching for the Just City’, Columbia University New York. Steering & program
committee member
Guest Critiques in the areas of urban planning, architecture and urban design (e.g. at Bartlett
School of Planning (London), City College (New York), Politecnico di Milano (Milan), Technical
University Wien)
Instructor in the Master of Science program ‘Mundus Urbano’, Technical University Darmstadt
‘Railways, Real Estate & the Re-Making of Cities in the 21st Century, An International Symposium’,
Technical University Berlin, Steering & program committee member
Second International Place Branding Conference. Bogota, Colombia. Program committee member.
Member of the research group ‘Participation’ at the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG),
Technical University Berlin
Associated Member. Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS), Technical University Berlin
‘Rethinking the City, Rethinking built environment education. The Urban Laboratory Approach’.
International Symposium, Technical University Berlin. Steering & program committee member.
Technical University Berlin. Berlin
‘Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City. An International Symposium’, Technical University
Berlin. Steering & program committee member
Coordinator of the Erasmus-Mundus-Network ‘UrbanLab+ - International Network of Urban
Laboratories’, Institute for Architecture, Technical University Berlin Laboratories“, Institute for
Architecture, Technical University Berlin
Non-Academic Activities (Selection)
Since 2001
Since 2005
Journalism for German public radio stations, newspapers and magazines (e.g. WDR3, WDR5, die
tageszeitung, Der Tagesspiegel, Zeit Online, Arch+)
Advisory, consulting, and research activities in the areas of urban policy and planning
(partners/clients/employers include: Institute for Urban Design (IfUD), New York; Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) & OIKOS Human Settlements Research
Since 2015
Group; Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin; Bezirksamt Neukölln, Berlin; INPOLIS UCE
GmbH, Berlin; Alliance '90/The Greens Berlin, Berlin; Visit Berlin Tourismusmarketing GmbH;
Conwer Marketing Communication E.K.)
Founding member of the research/consulting collective ‘Urban Research and Design studio’
(Research) Grants successfully obtained
Urban Design Week - Proposal submitted to Rockefeller Foundation‘s ‘City Cultural Innovation’
Fund. Project Conceptualization and Grant Writing Assistance for the Institute for Urban Design
(IfUD), New York
International Network of Urban Laboratories - Urban Lab+. With Dr. Paola Alfaro D’Alencon,
Daniala Konrad and Josefine Fokdal (all Technical University Berlin). Successfully submitted to the
European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus program (Action 3).
International Symposium Grant. German Research Foundation (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
Awards & Fellowships
‘Humboldt Urban Studies Exchange’ Fellowship. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
PhD Fellowship. Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University
Research Training Network ‘Urban Europe’. Summer School Fellowship. University of Urbino, Italy
‘Zukunftsbrücke: Chinese-German Young Professional Campus’, Stiftung Mercator/ Global Public
Policy Institute (GPPi).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Novy, J. and D. Peters (2012). Railway Station Mega-Projects as Public Controversies: The Case of Stuttgart 21. Built
Environment, 38(1): 128-145.
Novy, J. and C. Colomb (2013). Struggling for the right to the (creative) city in Berlin and Hamburg. New urban social
movements, new ‘spaces of hope’? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 37(5), 1816-1838
2) Edited Volumes
Connolly, J., Marcuse, P., Novy, J., Olivo, I., Potter, C. and J. Steil (2009). Searching for the Just City. New
York/London: Routledge.
Peters, D. and J. Novy (2012). Railway Station Mega-Projects and the Re-Making of Inner Cities in Europe. Built
Environment 38/1 (Special Issue)
Alfaro d’Alençon, P., Campkin, B., Gupta, R., Novy, J. and M. Savela (2015). Global Education for Urban Futures.
Urban Pamphleteer #6. London: UCL
Colomb, C. and J. Novy (forthcoming). Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City. New York/London: Routledge
3) Book Chapters
Novy, J. (2008). Status Quo Sustainability. In: Byles, J. and O. Kazi (eds.): The New York 2030 Notebook. New York:
Institute for Urban Design
Novy, J. and S. Huning (2009). New Tourism Areas in the ‘New’ Berlin. In: Maitland, R. and P. Newman (eds.): World
Tourism Cities. New York/London: Routledge
Novy, J. and M. Mayer (2009). As ‘Just’ as it Gets? The European City in the ‘Just City’ Discourse. In: Connolly, J.,
Marcuse, P., Novy, J., Olivo, I., Potter, C. and J. Steil,(eds.), Searching for the Just City. New York/London: Routledge
Potter, C. and J. Novy (2009). Walking toward the Just City: Summing Up, Moving Forward. In: Connolly, J., Marcuse,
P., Novy, J., Olivo, I., Potter, C. and J. Steil (eds.), Searching for the Just City. New York/London: Routledge
Novy, J. (2010). What’s new about new Urban Tourism? And what do recent changes in Travel imply for the ‘Tourist
City’ Berlin? In: Richter, J. (eds.): Tourist City Berlin. Berlin: Braun Publishing
Novy, J. and S. Schaller (2010). New York City’s Waterfronts as Strategic Sites for Analyzing Neoliberalism and its
Contestations. In: Desfor, G. et al. (eds.): Fixity and Flow of Urban Waterfront Change. New York/London: Routledge
Novy, J. (2011). Kreuzberg’s Multi- and Intercultural Realities. Are they Assets? In: Aytar, V. and J. Rath (eds.):
Gateways to the Urban Economy: Ethnic Neighborhoods as Places of Leisure and Consumption. New York/London:
Novy, J. (2011). Urban Ethnic Tourism in New York City’s Neighborhoods - Then and Now. In: Aytar, V. and J. Rath
(eds.): Gateways to the Urban Economy: Ethnic Neighborhoods as Places of Leisure and Consumption. New
York/London: Routledge
Novy, J. (2013). ‘Berlin Does Not Love You’ – Notes on Berlin’s ‘tourism controversy’ and its discontents. In: Bernt, M.,
B. Grell and A. Holm (eds.): The Berlin reader: a companion on urban change and activism. Berlin: Transcript–Verlag
Novy, J. and D. Peters (2013). Railway Megaprojects As Catalysts For the Re-Making of Post-Industrial Cities? The
Case of ‘Stuttgart 21’ In Germany. In: del Cerro, G. (ed.): Urban Megaprojects: a worldwide view. Bradford: Emerald
Group Publishing, Research in Urban Sociology Series
4) Book Reviews
Novy, J. (2013). Book review of ‘Justice and the American Metropolis’ by Clarissa R. Hayward and Todd Swanstrom
(eds.). In: Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA), 79(2).
Novy, J. (2014). Book Review of ‘The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy. Global Perspectives’ by Carl Grodach and
Daniel Silver (eds.). In: Urban Affairs Review 50: 303-305
5) Publications in German
Novy, J. and S. Schaller (2005). Gemeinwesensorientierte Stadtteilerneuerung in Washington DC, In: Kessl, F. et al.
(Eds.): Handbuch Sozialraum. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Huning, S. and J. Novy (2008). Stadtteiltourismus als Entwicklungsmotor? Die Beispiele Harlem, New York und Berlin
Kreuzberg. In: Freytag, T. and A. Kagermeier (eds.): Städtetourismus zwischen Kultur und Kommerz. Berlin: Profil
Huning, S. and J. Novy (2008). Von der Realität des Mythos: Kreuzberg und Harlem. In: Stemmler, S. and S. Arnold
(eds.): New York Berlin. Kulturen in der Stadt. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag
Huning, S and J. Novy (2009). Stadtteiltourismus als Hoffnungsträger für benachteiligte Quartiere? In: Altrock, U., et
al. (eds.): Städte im Aufbruch. Stadtentwicklungspolitische Handlungsoptionen in Krisenzeiten. Planungsrundschau
16. Berlin: Altrock Verlag
Novy, J. (2012). Jane Jacobs’ Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer Städte. In: Leggewie, C. et al. (Eds.): 101
Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften. Berlin: Transcript-Verlag.
Novy, J. (2013). Städtetourismus, Stadtteiltourismus und der Mythos Städtischer Steuerung. Das Beispiel Berlin. In:
Wöhler, K. (ed.): Destination Governance. Berlin: ESV-Verlag
Novy, J. (2014). Die eroberte Stadt. In: Holm, A. (ed.): Reclaim Berlin. Soziale Kämpfe in der neoliberalen Stadt. Berlin:
Assoziation A.
Novy, J. (2015). Smart Cities: Wunsch- oder Alptraum? politische ökologie, Band 142 (September 2015).
6) Online- and Non-Academic Publications (Selection)
Huning, S. and Novy, J. (2006). Tourism as an Engine of Neighborhood Regeneration? Some Remarks Towards a
Better Understanding of Urban tourism ‘beyond the Beaten Path’. CMS Working Paper Series, 06/2006. Center for
Metropolitan Studies, Technical University Berlin.
Novy, J. (2008). Die Entdeckung der ‘Mannigfaltigkeit’ - Wie Jane Jacobs ‘Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer
Städte’ die Stadtforschung veränderte. In: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 4 (2007).
Novy, J. (2009). Homemade Urban Industrial Decline. In: CITIES. The Magazine. Issue 00 – Industrial Renewal.
Autumn 2009.
Peters, D. and J. Novy (2011). Stuttgart 21: weder ‘einzigartig’ noch ‘beispielhaft’. In: Planung Neu Denken (PnD
Online), 3/2011.
Novy, J. (2012). ‘Just Architecture’- Just Now! Notes on a Trajectory for Change. ERA21 Magazine, 1/2012: 33-35.
Lectures, Conferences Presentations etc. (Selection)
Invited Talks/Moderations
Moderation. Conference ‘Was ist die gerechte Stadt’. Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS),
Technical University Berlin, Berlin (05/06)
Invited talk/presentation (mit Dr. Sandra Huning). ‘ThinkCity’ Event series. Center for Metropolitan
Studies (CMS), Technical University Berlin. Berlin (11/06)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Contemporary New York City A new Era of Urban Development Politics or
more of the same?’. Seminar ‘Institutionen und Sozialraumstrukturen: Die Stadt im 20. und 21.
Jahrhundert – Metropole, Megastadt, Global City’, Technical University Berlin. Berlin (07/07)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Wir bekommen Besuch. Tourismus in Berlin’, Stadtforum Berlin.
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin. Berlin (12/07)
Invited talk/presentation. Symposium ‘Architecture & Tourism’. Technical University Berlin. Berlin
Arbeitskreis Nordamerika, Deutscher Geographentag. Discussant/Panelist. Wien, Austria(09/09)
Invited talk/presentation & Discussant/Panelist. Symposium ‘Beyond Planwerk’. Technical
University Berlin. Berlin (01/10)
Discussant/Panelist. Symposium ‘Re-Imagining Berlin from Los Angeles?’. Technical University
Berlin. Berlin, (03/10)
Invited talk/presentation. Arbeitskreis ’Linke Metropolenpolitik’. Berlin (04/10)
Moderation. Diskussionsveranstaltung. ‘Überflieger – Zur Zukunft Neuköllns’. Kulturamt Neukölln.
Berlin (09/10)
Discussant/Panelist. ‘Grüner Wirtschaftstag’ Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Berlin (10/10)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Potenziale der ethnischen Ökonomie und ihrer kulturellen Vielfalt für die
Tourismuswirtschaft im Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg’. Fachforum, Interkulturelle Wochen
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Berlin (11/10)
Invited talk/presentation ‘The Uprising of the ’Creative Class’ in Berlin and Hamburg. New urban
social movements, new ‘spaces of hope’?’ ‘Fragile Conference’, St. Lucas Ghent, Belgium (04/11)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Struggling for a Right to the (Creative) City’. Conference/Festival
‘Private/Public - Events in private and public space’. Skopje, Macedonia (06/11)
Moderation. Diskussionsveranstaltung ‘Welche Strategien für Nord-Neukölln?’. Inpolis UCE GmbH,
Berlin (08/11)
Moderation. ‘Ideenaufruf Spreeufer’. Urban Design Charette im Rahmen der Berliner
‘Experimentdays’ 2011. Berlin (09/11)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Urban Regeneration in Berlin’. School of Real Estate and Planning,
University of Reading. Reading, Great Britain (11/11)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Current Trends in Urban Tourism and what they (might) mean for Nicosia’.
Öffentlicher Workshop ‘Place Branding for Nicosia, Cyprus’ der Stadtverwaltung Nicosia und des
Reconstruction and Resettlement Council. Nicosia, Cyprus (11/11)
Invited talk/presentation. ‘Wer plant hier? Methodencheck: Demokratie und Stadtplanung’.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur. Wien, Austria (03/12)
Invited talk/presentation ‘New Tourism and the Challenge of Sustainability’. Lecture at ‘Sustainable
Tourism in Urban Environments. A Symposium’. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong
Invited talk/presentation ‘New Tourism in the ‘New’ Berlin? Contemporary trends in tourism and
place consumption and their implications for urban scholarship’. Lecture Series ‘DAStU Urbanistica
13’. Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (06/13)
Invited talk/presentation ‘The Quest for Inclusion and the Case for Intercultualism’. UrbanLab+
(Erasmus Mundus) Workshop ‘Intercultural Learning’. Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for
Architecture and Environmental Studies (KRVIA) Mumbai, India (02/2014)
Invited talk/presentation ‘Ansatzpunkte und Stossrichtungen kritischer Stadtforschung und
emanzipatorischer Praxis’. Veranstaltung ‘Das Recht auf Stadt’. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung NRW.
Köln, (04/2014)
Invited talk/presentation. Die Nachhaltige Stadt. Grüner Zukunftskongress. Linz, Austria (11/14)
Keynote ‘Urban Tourism. The end of the Honeymoon?’. Global Summit On City Tourism. World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Barcelona, Spain (12/2014)
Keynote (invited). ‘Convention Centers and the Tourist City’ Annual Conference of the International
Association of Convention Centres (AIPC). Boston, USA (07/15)
Invited talk/presentation. ‘Boundaries and Bridges: The Dynamics of Urban Diversity’ - 7th
German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GISFOH). Jerusalem, Israel (10/15).
Invited talk/presentation. ‘City tourism: reason to cheer or protest?’ ’Debating Development’ event
series. Universiteit Antwerpen. Antwerp, Belgium (12/16).
Other Conference Presentation, Talks etc
Paper Presentation. Symposium ‘Backstage Tourism’. Technical University Graz. Graz, Austria
Paper Presentation. Symposium ‘Tourist City. Die Neuerfindung des Ortes’. Bremen (04/04)
Paper Presentation. Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA). Montreal, Canada
Paper Presentation (with Dr. Sandra Huning). World Congress of the International Sociology
Association (ISA). Durban, South Africa (07/06)
Paper Presentation. International Workshop on ‘Ethnic Neighborhoods and Tourism’. University of
Amsterdam, IMES. Paper Presentation. Rabat, Morocco (05/07)
Paper Presentation. International Workshop on ‘Ethnic Neighborhoods and Tourism’. University of
Amsterdam, IMES. Istanbul, Turkey (01/08)
Paper Presentation. Second Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate College New YorkBerlin. Paper Presentation. New York, USA (09/08)
Paper Presentation. International Conference ‘The Fixity and Flow of Urban Waterfronts’. Hafen City
Universität. Hamburg (10/08)
Paper Presentation. ‘City Futures’-Joint Conference of the European Urban Research Association
(EURA) and the Urban Affairs Association (UAA). Madrid, Spain (06/09)
Paper Presentation. Deutscher Geographentag. Wien, Austria(09/09)
Paper Presentation. ‘The Struggle surrounding Stuttgart 21. New form of protest or old wine in new
bottles?’. 2 Forum of Sociology of the International Sociology Association (ISA). Buenos Aires,
Argentine (08/12)
Paper Presentation. ‘Transformation on the Edges: the Cases of Jersey City and Vienna’s Donau
City’ (mit Dr. Susan Fainstein). Authors’ symposium ‘Explaining Metropolitan transformation;
Politics Functions and Symbols’. University of Amsterdam, Amserdam, Netherlands(01/13)
Paper Presentation. ‘The Quest for Inclusion and the Case of Interdisciplinarity’. UrbanLab+
(Erasmus Mundus) Workshop ‘Integrated Public Spaces as Inclusion Strategy’. Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Chile (12/2013)
Paper Presentation. Integrated’ but contested: an interdisciplinary perspective on the rail station
area redevelopment project 'Stuttgart 21', Germany. UrbanLab+ (Erasmus Mundus) Workshop
‘Interdisciplinarity’. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong (04/12)
Paper Presentation. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA