Publication list - Universität Kassel

Prof. Dr. Béatrice Knerr
Publication list
Knerr, B. and Jieping Fan (2015): Chinese Diasporas in Europe. History, Challenges, and Prospects.
International Migration Series, Vol. 17. Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany. 234 p.
Knerr, B. (2014): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Studies, Living Conditions and Future
Plans. International Migration Series, Vol. 11. Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany. 238 p.
Beatrice Knerr (Ed.) (2012): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social
Stabilization at National and Household Level. International Migration Series Vol. 8, Kassel University
Press. Kassel, Germany. 304 p.
Knerr, B. (Hrsg.) (2006): Vorweggenommene Erweiterungen: Arbeitsmigration in die EU. Kassel
University Press. 280 p.
Buchenrieder, G.; Kirk, M. und B. Knerr (2004): Rural livlihood strategies outside the agricultural
sector. Weikersheim.
Delgado Wise, Raul and B. Knerr (2004): Contribuciones al analisis de la migracion internacional y el
desarrollo regional en Mexico. Zacatecas.
Knerr, B.; Kirk, M. und G. Buchenrieder (2001): The role of resource tenure, finance and social
security in rural development. Weikersheim.
Knerr, B. (1998): Labour Migration from Developing Countries. Macro-economic Impacts and Policy
Interventions. Kassel.
Heidhues, F. and B. Knerr (eds) (1994): Food and Agricultural Policies under Structural Adjustment.
Heidhues, F., B. Knerr und R. Großkopf (1986): Ernährungssituation und Bevölkerungstragfähigkeit
Afrikas. In: Ernährungssicherung durch standortgerechte landwirtschaftliche Produktion in Afrika
(Hrsg. Tropenzentrum der Universität Hohenheim). Stuttgart.
Knerr, B. (1985): Die intrasektorale Verteilung direkter staatlicher Transferzahlungen an den
Agrarsektor in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Kiel.
Knerr, B. (1981): Mindesteinkommenssicherung und Sozialhilfe für die landwirtschaftliche
Bevölkerung. Kiel.
Aricles in peer-reviewed international journals
Ochieng Justus, Knerr, Beatrice, Owuor George, and Ouma Emily (2015): Migration and agricultural
intensification at origin: Evidence from farm households in Central Africa. In: Migration and
Development. In print.
Ochieng, J.; Knerr, B.; Owuor, G. and E. Ouma, (2015): Collective Action to improve Smallholder
Farmers’ Market Performance: A view on Central Africa. In: Food Security. Accepted for publication.
Owuor, G.; Knerr, B.; Ochieng, J.; Wambua, T. and Chr. Magero (2015): Community tourism and its
role among agro-pastoralists in Laikipia County, Kenya. In: Tourism Economics.
Qasim, M. and B. Knerr (2013): Determinants of Farm Revenues from Rainfed Agriculture in the
Punjab, Pakistan. In: Outlook on Agriculture, Sept. 13, Vol. 42, No. 3,
Maharjan A., Bauer S., Knerr, B. (2013): Migration and its impact on farm production in Nepal.
Ceslam Working Paper. Free download:
Ahmadzadeh, K., Knerr, B., Yavari, K., Asari, A., Sahabi, B. (2012): Competitiveness and Factors
Affecting in Services Export. In: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), Vol. 2,
No. 10.
Maharjan, A., Bauer, S., Knerr, B. (2012): International Migration, Remittances, and Subsistence
Farming. Evidence from Nepal. In: International Migration. Online ISSN: 1468-2435.
Maharjan, A., Bauer, S., Knerr, B. (2011): Do rural women who stay behind benefit from male outmigration? A case study in the hills of Nepal. In: Gender, Technology and Development, Vol. 16,
No. 1.
Wang, Jiun-Hao; Chiou-Lien Huang; and Beatrice Knerr (2010): Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of
Straybirds Trainees in Taiwan. In: Social Behavior and Personality. Vol. 38(6), pp.795-804.
Rösner, Katrin and Beatrice Knerr (2009): Die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raumes in Kenia durch
internationalen Ökotourismus. Die Region Laikipia. In: Ländliche Entwicklung (ed. by Agrarsoziale
Gesellschaft). Dec. issue 2009.
Knerr, Beatrice (2009): Illegal zum reichen Nachbarn. In: Weltsichten 02/09.
Sun, Wei; Knerr, Beatrice; Kuhn; Michael (2009): Increase in Protein Sources for China’s Livestock
Sector and their Impacts on the World Agricultural Trade. In: Outlook on Agriculture. Vol. 38, No. 1.
Knerr, Beatrice (2007):
Crisis Economica y Migracion Laboral Internacional: Costos y Beneficios en Alemania In:
Migracion y Dessarrollo, Vol. 8, pp. 24-47. (span. version)
Economic Crises and International Labour Migration: Costs and Benefits in Germany. In:
Migracion y Dessarrollo, Vol. 8, pp. 24-47. (engl. version)
Knerr, B. and J.-H. Wang (2001): Integration of Structural Instruments into a Pension System for
Farmers - A Normative Policy Analysis. In: Review of Agricultural Extension Science. Vol. 127
(published in Chinese). Taipei, Rep. of China. pp. 1-26.
Knerr, B. und J.-H. Wang (2001): Old-Age Security for Farmers and Structural Adjustment in
Agriculture: A Case Study of the Taiwan Experience. In: Industry of Free China. Vol. 91(2), pp. 53-82.
Knerr, B. (2001): The Role of Polish Labour in Germany’s Agricultural Development. Stowarzyszenie
economistów Rolnictwa I agrobiznesu, Roczniki Naukowe tom III zeszyt 69-74.
Knerr, B. und T. Winnicki (2001): Polnische Landwirte zwischen Saisonarbeit in Deutschland und
Betriebsentwicklung in Polen. In: Ländlicher Raum, 52. Jahrgang, Nr. 5.
Knerr, B. und J.-H. Wang (2000): Die Bedeutung von Alterssicherungssystemen für den
wirtschaftlichen Wachstumsprozess, dargestellt am Beispiel der Alterssicherung für Landwirte in der
Republik China. In Landwirtschaft, Agrarwirtschaft und Gesellschaft. 2000 (1).
Schrieder, G. und B. Knerr (2000): Labour migration as a reinsurance in rural households in subSaharan Africa: The case of Cameroon. „Oxford Development Studies“. Volume 28 (2).
Knerr, B. (1995): Sustainability of Rural Development in Regions of Labour Out-Migration. In: New
Strategies for Sustainable Rural Development III. (Special issue of the Bulletin of the University of
Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllo, 1995/I, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management).
Gödöllo (Hungary).
Knerr, B. (1992): Methods for Assessing the Impact of Temporary Labour Emigration. The Pakistan
Development Review 31 (4/II), pp. 1207-1236.
Knerr, B. (1991): The Impact of Biotechnologies and Protection on the World Sugar Market. Oxford
Agrarian Studies (19)2), pp. 105-125.
Knerr, B. (1991): Biotechnologies and Agricultural Policy: The Example of the Sugar Market.
AgBiotech News and Information 3 (3), Oxford, pp. 437-446.
Knerr, B. (1991): La Posición de los Paises en Desarrollo en las Negociaciones del GATT sobre
Agricultura. Agricultura. Ano LX/Suplemento No. 2, Madrid.
Knerr, B. (1991): The Impact of Transfers to Agriculture through the German Tax System. European
Review of Agricultural Economics 18 (2), pp. 193-208.
Knerr, B. (1989): Labour Emigration and its Effects on the Economies of South Asia. Internationales
Asienforum. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 20. (3(7) pp. 263-293.
Knerr, B. (1987): Die Auswirkungen veränderter wirtschaftspolitischer Rahmenbedingungen auf die
ländliche Entwicklung in der VR China. Land, Agrarwirtschaft und Gesellschaft 4 (3), pp. 393-446.
Internet publications
Nepal, Ranjita; Knerr, Beatrice and Gopal B. Thapa (2009): Agricultural Commercialisation with High
Valued Crops in a Peri-urban center of Nepal. Tropentag 2009 University of Hamburg, October 6-8,
2009 International Conference on Research for Development in Agriculture and Forestry, Food and
Natural Resource Management
Knerr, Beatrice (2008): From a capital importing to a capital exporting economy: The Development of
Taiwanese Foreign Direct Investment since 1990 and its implications. In: Proceedings of the Fifth
Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS). Prague, April 18-20, 2008.
Knerr, Beatrice (2008): Rücküberweisungen: Gefahren für die langfristige Entwicklung der
Empfängerländer. In: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. DOSSIER Migration & Entwicklung.
Knerr, B. (2006): Food Security vs. WTO Membership in Taiwan. In: Proceedings of the 3rd
Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) Paris, March 30-31, 2006.
Book chapters
Knerr, B. (2015): Chinese in Europe: from the early 17th century to present day. An overview. In:
Knerr B. and J. Fan (eds): Chinese Diasporas in Europe. History, Challenges, and Prospects. Kassel
University Press. Kassel.
Zhang, K. & B. Knerr (2015): Highly qualified migration from China to Germany. Trends in the early
21st Century. In: Knerr B. and J. Fan (eds): Chinese Diasporas in Europe. History, Challenges, and
Prospects. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Zhao, X. & B. Knerr (2015): Ethnic Entrepreneurship of Self-employed Chinese in Germany. In: Knerr
B. and J. Fan (eds): Chinese Diasporas in Europe. History, Challenges, and Prospects. Kassel University
Press. Kassel.
Knerr, Beatrice (2015): Foreign students in Germany in the context of the internationalization of
Higher Education. In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and
Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Tlatlik, Rebecca and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Human capital exhange between Germany and Turkey. A
focus on Turkish students in Germany. In: Milanewski, N.; Sirkeci; I., Yücesahin M.M.; Rolls A.S. (eds):
Family and Human Capital in Turkish Migration. Transnational Press. London.
Knerr, Beatrice (2015): Foreign students in Germany in the context of the internationalization of
Higher Education. In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and
Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Tlatlik, Rebecca and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Indian students in Germany in the context of the
increasing shortages of a highly qualified labour force. In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany.
Context of their Living Conditions and Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Zhao, Xi and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Human and social capital of Chinese students in Germany. In:
Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and Future Plans. Kassel
University Press. Kassel.
Nepal, Ranjita and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Nepalese student’s human capital accumulation in
Germany In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and Future
Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Syafitri, Wildan; Sibarani, Robert and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Indonesian students in Germany:
integration and return plan. In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living
Conditions and Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Dehnavi, Sudeh and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Educational profiles and mobility plans of Iranian students
in Germany. In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and
Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Mahmood, Sadaf and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Social relations and human capital formation of
Pakistani students in Germany In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian students in Germany. Context of their Living
Conditions and Future Plans. Kassel University Press. Kassel.
Zhao, Xi; Ma, Liting and Beatrice Knerr (2015): Human capital, social capital and career development
of Chinese in Germany in the framework of bi-lateral economic relationships In: Knerr B. (ed): Asian
students in Germany. Context of their Living Conditions and Future Plans. Kassel University Press.
Knerr, Beatrice (2012): International Migration and Associated Transfers: An introduction into
Economic and Social Stabilization Strategies. In: Beatrice Knerr (ed): Transfers from International
Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level. Kassel
University Press, Kassel.
Ayuso, A.; Pinyol, G. and B. Knerr (2012): Human and Capital Movements between Europe and Latin
America. A Complementary Relationship? The Case of the Andean Migration to Spain. In: Beatrice
Knerr (ed): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at
National and Household Level. Kassel University Press, Kassel.
Khan, I.A. and B. Knerr (2012): Overseas Migration and its Socio-Economic Impact on the Families Left
Behind in Pakistan. In: Beatrice Knerr (ed): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of
Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level. Kassel University Press, Kassel.
Syafitri, W. and B. Knerr (2012): Migration in East Java, Indonesia: Implications for Family Welfare
and Rural Development. In: Beatrice Knerr (ed): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of
Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level. Kassel University Press, Kassel.
Knerr, Beatrice (2009): Indian Migrants in Germany in the context of economic development and EU
and German migration policies. In: Binod Khadria (ed.): India-EU partnership in mobility. Published by
Jawaharnal Nehru University, Delhi. In print.
Knerr, Beatrice (2008): Rücküberweisungen: Gefahren für die langfristige Entwicklung der
Empfängerländer. In: Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Hrsg.): Migration & Entwicklung, pp. 30-40. Online:
Maharjan, Amina; Bauer, Siegfried and Beatrice Knerr (2008): Out Migration of Labour Resources and
its Impact on Farm Families: The Case in the Mid Hills of Nepal. In: Competition for Resources in a
Changing World. New Drive for Rural Development. Proceedings of Tropentag 2008 (October 7-9,
2008, Hohenheim, Germany).
Baromey, Neth; Knerr, Beatrice and Sam Ol Rith (2008): Rural Livelihood Strategies, Poverty
Alleviation and Sustainable Resource Use in Cambodia: Is Community-Based Ecotourism Applicable?
In: Competition for Resources in a Changing World. New Drive for Rural Development. Proceedings of
Tropentag 2008 (October 7-9, 2008, Hohenheim, Germany).
Baromey, Neth and Beatrice Knerr (2007): Development Synergy for Core Areas in the Tonle Sap
Great Lake Region: Challenges and Opportunities for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable
Livelihoods. In: International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural
Development Competition for Resources in a Changing World. New Drive for Rural Development.
Proceedings of Tropentag 2008 (October 7–9, 2007, Witzenhausen). Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen,
Knerr, Beatrice (2006): Rücküberweisungen aus EU-Staaten und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung für
periphere Regionen. In: Knerr, B. (Hrsg.) (2006): Vorweggenommene Erweiterungen:
Arbeitsmigration in die EU. Kassel University Press.
Knerr, Beatrice und Tomasz Winnicki (2006): Arbeitsmigration nach Deutschland und wirtschaftliche
Entwicklung in der polnischen Region Ermland-Masuren. In: Knerr, B. (Hrsg.): Vorweggenommene
Erweiterungen: Arbeitsmigration in die EU. Kassel University Press.
Pruin, Anja und Beatrice Knerr (2006): Die Bedeutung ausländischer Saisonarbeitskräfte für
verschiedene Wirtschaftssektoren Deutschlands. In: Knerr, B. (Hrsg.) (2006): Vorweggenommene
Erweiterungen: Arbeitsmigration in die EU. Kassel University Press.
Knerr, B. (2005): Dinamicas Eonomicas Regionales frente a la Migracion Laboral Internacional. Teorias
y Experiencias Globales. In: Delgado Wise, R. and B. Knerr (2004): Contribuciones al anal¡sis de la
migracion internacional y el desarrollo regional en Mexico. Zacatecas.
Knerr, B. (2004): Desertification and Human Migration. In: Werner, D. (Hrsg.), Biological Resources
and Migration. Springer Verlag.
Knerr, B. und J.-H. Wang (2002): Concepts of Farmers’ Old Age Security to Support Transition over
Taiwan’s Process of Economic Growth. In: Buchenrieder, G. (ed.): Rural Institution Sequencing and
Timing in Transition Economies (in English and Russian language)
Knerr, B. (2000): Desertification and migration - a challenge to cooperation. Food for thought for
Egypt. Schriftenreihe Beihefte zu Der Tropenlandwirt, Nr. 69 Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
Development in Egypt, International Symposium-cum-Workshop, November 20-26, 1999, Cairo,
Knerr, B. (2000): Economic-demographic strategies in arid regions of low-income countries. In:
Sustainable Land Use in Deserts, Breckle, S.-W.; M. Veste; W. Wucherer (eds.). Berlin/Heidelberg.
Knerr, B. (1998): The Impacts of Labour Migration on the Sustainability of Agricultural Development
in Arid Regions. In: Clarke, C. and Noin, N. (eds.), Population and Environment in Arid Regions.
Knerr, B. (1996): Auswirkungen der modernen Biotechnologie auf die internationalen Handelsströme.
In: ATSAF (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen moderner Biotechnologie auf
Entwicklungsländer und auf die zukünftige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Bonn.
Knerr, B. (1996): Labour Migration from South Asia. In: Farsakh, L. (ed.), Development Strategy,
Employment and Migration. (OECD Development Centre). Paris.
Knerr, B. (1995): EU Agrarreform, Migration und ländliche Beschäftigungssituation in
Entwicklungsländern. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft- und Sozialwissenschaften des
Landbaus (Hrsg.), Band 35 „Die Landwirtschaft nach der EU Agrarreform“, Münster-Hiltrup.
Knerr, B. (1994): Agricultural Development in Labour Exporting Economies and Its Implications for
Structural Adjustment. In: Heidhues, F. and Knerr, B. (eds.), Food and Agricultural Policies under
Structural Adjustment. Frankfurt.
Knerr, B. (1993): International labour Migration: Economic Implications for the Population of the
Source Country. In: Proceedings of the XXIInd General Population Conference of the IUSSP. Montreal.
Knerr, B. (1992): Agricultural Policies and Tropical Forests. IAAE Occasional Paper No. 6, Washington.
Knerr, B. (1992): Methods for assessing the Macro-Economic Impact of Emigration and Policy
Interventions in the Source Country (Abstract). In: Felderer, B. (ed), Mass migration in Europe.
Implications in East and West. Wien.
Knerr, B. (1992): Internationale Verschuldung und Strukturanpassung. In: Heidhues, F. (Hrsg.),
Deutschland und die Dritte Welt. Kiel.
Knerr, B. (1992): Agricultural Policies and Deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Loseby, M. (ed),
“The Environment and Agricultural Resource Management”. Rome.
Knerr, B. (1990): Biotechnology and the World Sugar Market. In: European Association of Agricultural
Economists (ed.), “European Agriculture in Search of New Strategies”, Vol. 4, Agribusiness and the
Policy Agenda. (Papers of the Vth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists),
The Hague.
Knerr, B. (1990): Labour Export from South Asia: Another Case of the ‘Dutch Disease’? In: Borsa, G.
(ed.), “The Indian Ocean”. New Delhi, pp. 248-315.
Knerr, B. (1990): South Asian Countries as Competitors on the World Labour Market In: Clarke, C. et
al. (eds.), South Asians Overseas: Contexts and Communities. Oxford, pp. 173-196.
Knerr, B. (1990): Effects of International Labour Migration on the Economic Growth of Bangladesh.
In: Holmström, M. (ed.), Work for Wages in South Asia. New Delhi, pp. 118-159.
Knerr, B. (1988): Allokation nationaler Faktorsubventionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In:
Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus (Hrsg.), Band 24,
„Wirtschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher agrarpolitischer Konzepte“. MünsterHiltrup, pp. 279-296.
Knerr, B. (1986): Growth Effects of International Labour Migration on Developing Countries Sending
Labour Force Abroad Economic New Review 1 (translated into Chinese by Dr. Zhu Ling). Beijing.
Published Conference Contributions
Knerr, Beatrice; Tatlik, Rebecca & Xi Zhao (2013): The benefits of international student mobility. A
comparison between Chinese and Indian students in Germany. XXVII IUSSP International Conference,
26-31 Aug. 2013. International Association of the Scientific Study of Population. Paris.Conference
Baromey, Neth; Knerr, Beatrice; Ol Rith, Sam (2007): Using Ecotourism as a Rural Development Tool
in Cambodian Protected Areas: Analysis of State and Global Politics. In: International Research on
Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Competition for Resources in
a Changing World. New Drive for Rural Development. Proceedings of Tropentag 2007 (Oct. 7–9,
2007, Witzenhausen). Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen.
Knerr, B. (1997): The impact of TRIPs on food security in low-income countries. Reflections on the
perspectives of biotechnological innovations. In: E. S. Tawfik (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 8th
German/Egyptian Seminar “Ecological Technologies in the Year 2000“, Kassel/Witzenhausen, pp.
Knerr, B. (1992): Comments on “Dependency Ration, Foreign Capital Inflows and the Rate of Savings
in Pakistan”, a paper by A. H. Khan, A. Malik and L. Hassan The Pakistan Development Review 31
(4/II), pp. 853-856.
Knerr, B. (1992): How to Save the Forests in Developing Countries? Comments on the paper by R. A.
Kramer and V. Ballabh about “Management of Commonpool Forest Resources”. In: Proceedings of
the Conference of Agricultural Economists (21st Conference). Oxford.
Knerr, B. (1990): Coffee Exports and Food Security: the Case of Burundi. In: P. Campagne u. J.
Chataigner, “Producers and Consumers versus Agricultural and Food Policy in Africa”. Montpellier,
pp. 87-88.
Member of editorial board: Migration Letters (Journal, published in UK; Co-editor)
Book series: International Labor Migration.
Nadim Zaqqa (2006): Economic Development and Export of Human Capital. A Contradiction? - The
impact of human capital migration on the economy of sending countries. A case study of Jordan.
International Labor Migration Series Vol. 1, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Volker Hamann (2006): The Impact of International Labor Migration on Regional Development: The
Example of Zacatecas, Mexico. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 2, Kassel University Press.
Kassel, Germany.
Beatrice Knerr (ed.) (2006): Vorweggenommene Erweiterungen: Wanderungsbewegungen aus
Grenzgebieten in die EU. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 3. Kassel University Press. Kassel,
German Zarate-Hoyos (2007.): New Perspectives on Remittances from Mexicans and Central
Americans in the United States. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 4, Kassel University Press.
Kassel, Germany.
Beatrice Knerr (ed.) (2008): International Labor Migration as a Strategy of Economic and Social
Stabilisation at National and Household Levels. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 5, Kassel
University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Izhar Khan (2008): Overseas Migration and Its Socio-Economic Impact on the Families Left Behind. A
Case Study in the Pakistani Province of Punjab. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 6, Kassel
University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Jörg Helmke (2010): Remittance-led development: Rebuilding old dependencies or a powerful source
of human development? A view on Latin America. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 7, Kassel
University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Beatrice Knerr (ed.) (2012): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social
Stabilization at National and Household Level. International Migration Series Vol. 8, Kassel University
Press. Kassel, Germany.
Cristian Vasco (2011): The Impact of International Migration and Remittances on Agricultural
Remittances on Agricultural Production Patterns, Labor Relationships and Entrepreneurship.
International Labor Migration Series Vol. 9, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Rasha Istaiteyeh (2011): Economic Development and Highly Skilled Returnees: The impact of human
capital ciruclar migration on the economy of origin countries: The case of Jordan. International Labor
Migration Series Vol. 10, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Wildan Syfitri (2012): Determinants of Labour Migration Decisions. The case of East Java.
International Labor Migration Series Vol. 12, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Ranjta Nepal (2013): Remittances and livlihood strategies. A case study in Nepal. International Labor
Migration Series Vol. 14, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Rumin Luo (2014): Becoming Urban: State and Migration in Contemporary China. International Labor
Migration Series Vol. 15, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Agnes Pohle (2015): Remittances, Farm Investment, Land Use, and Water Consumption:
Interdependencies in Kerala, India. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 16, Kassel University
Press. Kassel, Germany.
Beatrice Knerr (ed.) (2015: Asian students in Germany. Context of their Studies, Living Conditions and
Future Plans. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 11, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany.
Xi Zhao (2015): Return Migration and Productive Employment in Rural China - Empirical Evidence
from Hunan Province. International Labor Migration Series Vol. 13, Kassel University Press. Kassel,
Book series: International Rural Development
Tzu-Ying Li (2010): Organic farm-based tourism as an element of sustainable multifunctionality to
support peripheral regions – Hualien, Taiwan as an example. Cuvillier Verlag. Göttingen, Germany.
Wei Sun (2010): Increase in Protein Demand for China’s Livestock Sector and Its Implications for
International Agricultural Trade. Cuvillier Verlag. Göttingen, Germany.
Muhammad Qasim (2013): Determinants of Farm Income and Agricultural Risk Management
Strategies. The Case of Rain-fed Farm Households in Pakistan's Punjab. International Rural
Development Series Vol. 3, Kassel University Press. Kassel, Germany
David Eche (2013): Land Degradation, Small-Scale Farms' Development, and Migratory Flows. The
case of Tapachula/Chiapas. International Rural Development Series Vol. 4, Kassel University Press.
Kassel, Germany.
Justus Ochieng (2014): Market Orientation, Rural Out-Migration, Crop Production and Household
Food Security: The Case of Smallholders in Central Africa. International Rural Development Series
Vol. 6, Kassel, Germany.
Sudeh Dehnavi (2015): National Food Security Strategies, Availability of Water Resources and
Farmer’s Reactions in Darab, Iran. International Rural Development Series Vol. 5, Kassel University
Press. Kassel, Germany.