Margrit Verena Zinggeler - Eastern Michigan University

May 2015 / 1 Margrit Verena Zinggeler
Ph.D. – German Literature University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1993)
MA – German (major) and Linguistics (minor) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1988)
BA – English University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1985)
Anglistic Studies – University of Zürich, Switzerland (1981-1983)
Professor of German, Eastern Michigan University, Department of World Languages, Ypsilanti, MI (2009present)
Associate Professor of German, Eastern Michigan University, Department of World Languages, Ypsilanti,
MI (2005 – 2009
Assistant Professor of German tenure-track, Eastern Michigan University, Department of Foreign
Languages and Bilingual Studies, Ypsilanti, MI (1999-2004).
Adjunct Assistant Professor of German, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN (1992 and 1994-1999)
Adjunct Faculty of German, Concordia University, St. Paul, MN (1997-1999)
Instructor of Business German, Germanic-American Institute, St. Paul, MN (1995-1999)
Instructor of German for Engineers, Siemens Company, Brooklyn Park, MN (1995-1999)
Adjunct Lecturer of German, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN (1993-1994)
Teaching Assistant of German, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (1986-1993)
PHONOGRIMM: German Phonetics through the Magic of the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales.
E-Book Kindle Select, Feb. 28, 2014: ISBN 978-0-615-98031-7 and
Print Amazon Direct Publishing, ISBN 13-978-1496197726.
Globale Heimat CH: Grenzüberschreitende Texte in der zeitgenössischen Literatur. Co-ed. with Charlotte Schallié.
Zurich: Edition8, 2012. ISBN 978-3-85990-172-8.
How Second Generation Immigrants Writers have transformed Swiss and German Language Literature. A Study of Sensorial
Narratives by Authors Writing from the Swiss ‚Secondo-Space.” Leviston, NY: Edwin Mellen, International
Scholarly Publisher of Advanced Research, 2011. ISBN 978-0-7734-1571-3.
From Multiculturalism to Hybridity: New Approaches to Teaching Modern Switzerland. Co-edited with Karin
Baumgartner. New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publisher. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4438-2488-0.
GRIMMATIK: German Grammar through the Magic of the Brothers' Grimm Fairy Tales. LINCOM Studies in
Germanic Linguistics, Vol. 26. Munich: Lincom Europa, 2007.
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130
May 2015 / 2 •
Literary Freedom and Social Constraints in the Works of Swiss Writer Gertrud Leutenegger. Amsterdamer Publications
for Language and Literature. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, 1995.
Forthcoming Book Published by Peter Lang Publishing
• SWISS MAID: The Untold Story of Women’s Contribution to Switzerland’s Success. 2017.
Book Chapters:
“The Grimm Corpus of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales and Legends in COSMAS – What would Jacob
and Wilhelm do with this Marvelous Tool?” Märchen, Mythen und Moderne. 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen
der Brüder Grimm. Ed. International Brüder Grimm Kongress Team Uni Kassel. Berlin, Bern, New York:
Peter Lang, 2015: 1139-1150.
"GRIMMATIK:" German Grammar through the Magic of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales and the Online
Grimm Corpus. In: Corpus Linguistics Beyond the Word. Corpus Research from Phrase to Discourse. Ed. Eileen
Fitzpatrick. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2007: 53-86.
"Wieviel Sekunden hat die Ewigkeit: Der Interrogativ in den KHM mit Antworten aus der "GRIMMATIK"
und der Grimm Corpora COSMAS". Jahrbuch Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft. Ed. Bernhard Lauer. Vol. X, 2000.
Brüder Grimm-Gesellschaft: Kassel, 2005: 121-144.
“Gender and Belief in Two Divan Poems and Faust.” Goethe and Religion. Eds. Kerry, Paul E., Cracroft,
Richard. H., Murphy, John J. Literature and Belief. Vol. 20.2. Brigham Young University, 2000: 53-78.
The “Eastern European Memory” in Contemporary German Swiss Literature. GLOSSEN: German Literature and
Culture after 1945. Nr. 40, June 2015. Online:
“Understanding and Teaching Variations of Every-Day Business Language and Behavior in GermanSpeaking Countries.” GABC Journal. Vol. 2.1.4, 2013. Web:
„Sinnlicher, engagierter und besser. “Schweizer Monat: Autorenzeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, 1007,
May 2013: 82-87.
„Vom Erblühen, Wachsen und Welken der LiteraturZeitSchriften in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz: Eine
Umschau.“ Die Horen: Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Kritik, 58 Jahrgang, Ausgabe 250.2, 2013: 232-236.
„Gegen und mit dem Strom schwimmen: Informationen für eine Lehreinheit zur Europäischen Union aus
Schweizer Sicht.“ Die Unterichtspraxis/Teaching German. Vol. 45.2, 2012: 136-144.
„Teaching Suggestions for Swiss Romansh Language and Culture.“ From Multiculturalism to Hybridity: New
Approaches to Teaching Modern Switzerland, eds. Karin Baumgartner and Margrit Zinggeler. New Castle Upon
Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publisher. 2010, 253-258.
"Internships at Consular Offices: A Gateway to International Communication and Careers.“ With Coral
Lopez-Gomez. Global Business Languages 2010: 103-123.
"Business Languages and the Use of English in Multi-Lingual Switzerland." Global Business Languages. Eds.
Christiane Keck, Allen G. Wood. Vol.10, 2005: 67-83.
"Leichte Kost in der Schweizer Literatur". Schweizer Monatshefte 08/09, 2005: 53-55.
"Mit der Feder als Waffe." Schweizer Monatshefte für Politik Wirtschaft Kultur. 83/4, April 2003: 44-47.
"The Educational Duty of the German Chamber of Commerce". Global Business Languages. Eds. Christiane
Keck, Allen G. Wood. CIBER, Perdue University, 2002: 124-131.
“Schweizer Theaterkultur im Spannungsfeld von Volk und Kunst”. Modern Language Studies 30:2. 2002: 5159.
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130
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Speaking Intensive German: Sprechen, Reden, Erzählen und mehr. MIFFLC Review. Mountain Interstate Foreign
Language Conference Research Publication. Vol. 6. 1996: 97-106.
Multikulturalismus: ein amerikanisches Konzept aus Schweizer Sicht. Schatzkammer der deutschen Sprache,
Dichtung und Geschichte. Vol. XXI, 1 & 2, 1995: 65-70.
Der Arzt als Schriftsteller - Die Schriftstellerin als Patientin. Schweizer Monatshefte für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur.
12/1, Dec./Jan. 1995/96: 53-56.
Die Flucht in die USA. Amerikabilder der ostdeutschen Autorin Gabriele Eckart und von Schriftstellern der deutschen
Schweiz. Schweizer Monatshefte für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur. 75. Jahr/Heft 5. Mai 1995: 29-34.
Object Relation Theories: Psychoanalytical Applications to Gertrud Leutenegger’s “Gouverneur.” New German Review,
Vol. 8, 1992: 61-73.
Teacher’s Personality and Second Language Development. Method III, Methodologies in Modern Language
Teaching. Eds. Reinhold Bubser, Robert Krueger, Siegrun Wildner. 1987: 61-73.
Forthcoming Articles/Book Chapters:
Das Kalb vor der Gotthardpost ist eine Kuh: Über das Vertreiben der Kultur- und Wissenschaftsbeiträgen von
Schweizerinnenn. Proceedings from GSA Conference Swiss Seminar. Peter Lang, 2015/16.
“Swiss-Irish Tropes of Religion and Culture: Motives of Saint Gallus in Subliminal Mockery and TransCultural Narratives.” Irish-German Studies. Peer reviewed. Irish University Review.
“Über das Schweigen in den Märchen der Brüder Grimm – eine Korpus-basierende Analyse.” ÜBER DAS
SCHWEIGEN – Das Verschwiegene – das Ungesagte – das Unsagbare. Conference Proceedings of Second
Interdisciplinary Conference on Silence. Pedagogivcal University, Krakow, Poland, Sept. 2013. Ed. 2015/16.
Review of Rolf Niederhauser’s Die seltsame Schleife (2013).
Article Review: “Unwissen und Unfälle: Friedrich Dürrenmatts dramaturgisches Denken und das Gesetz der
großen Zahl.” Peer Review for The German Quarterly. Vol. 87, Fall 2014.
Book review of Komorowski, Dariusz (ed.) „Jenseits Frisch und Dürrenmatt. Jenseits von Frisch und
Dürrenmatt: Raumgestaltung in der gegenwärtigen Deutschschweizer Literatur. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann,
2009.“ The German Quarterly 83.1. Winter 2010: 120.
Book review of Moser, Milena, „Flowers in your hair oder wie man in San Francisco glücklich wird.“
Schweizer Monatshefte. Nr. 963, August 2008.
Book Review of Hering, Axel und Magdalena Matussek. Geschäftskommunikation: Besser schreiben. München:
Hueber, 2007. Unterrichtspraxis, Vol. 41, 1, Spring 2008.
Book review of Eismann, Volker. Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch. Vol. 1+2 and Wirtschaftskommunikation
Deutsch: Lehrerhandreichungen zu Band 1 und Band 2. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2001. Unterrichtspraxis, 36.2. 2003:
Book Review of Riegler-Poyet, Margarete, Das Testbuch Wirtschaftsdeutsch: Training WiDaF. Berlin:
Langenscheidt, 2000. Unterrichtspraxis, 36.2. 2003: 224.
Book review of Jochen Kiessling’s book about Robert Walser, Gestalten der Stille. Monatshefte, Vol. 90, No. 4,
University of Wisconsin, 1998; 557f.
Working Papers:
"Business Languages in Multi-Lingual Switzerland." Purdue CIBER Working Papers. No. 2004-001. 2004.
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130
May 2015 / 4 Other:
„Networking with Students and Alumni of Business German Courses.“ American Association of Teachers of
German, Newsletter Vol. 43, No. 2, Spring 2008: 14.
„Study Abroad Report EMU German Program. “American Association of Teachers of German, Newsletter Vol. 42,
No.4, Fall 2007: 5.
“Foreign Language Advocacy in Michigan.” The Language Educator 2.2006: 29-30.
Lehrplanvorschläge für Wirtschaftsdeutsch in der Highschool: Die Zeit, das Geld, eine Geschäftsreise, Schweizer Produkte.
American Association of Teachers of German. Item # 64320. 2004.
Wie Migranten und Secondo-Narrativen die (Deutsch-)Schweizer Literatur verändern. Justus Liebig University Gießen
and Literarisches Zentrum Gießen. June 10, 2013.
Invited Lecture-Tour: Literary Freedom and Social Constraints in the Works of Swiss Writer Gertrud Leutenegger.
Supported an organized by the Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, DC. Lectures at the Swiss Embassy,
Washington, DC; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Susquehanna University, Pennsylvania; and
Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania ,1995.
Der Fluch der Alpen: Sennentuntschi kehrt zurück. NEMLA Conference, Toronto, CA, April 30 to May 3, 2015.
Was gibt’s da zu LACHen? Materialien für Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz. (Session Chair). My presentation: “Das
Landle lacht: Materialien zu Liechtenstein.” ACTFL-AATG Conference, San Antonio, Nov. 21-23, 2014.
How Students become Language Researchers by using COSMAS to analyze the Grimm Fairy Tales. ACTFL-AATG
Conference, San Antonio, Nov. 21-23, 2014.
Connect to Multilingual, Multicultural Switzerland and Engage in Eight Languages. Michigan World Language
Conference, Lansing, MI. Oct. 23-24, 2014.
Das Kalb vor der Gotthardpost ist eine Kuh: Über das Vertreiben der Kultur- und Wissenschaftsbeiträgen von Schweizerinnen. 3Day Seminar on Peter von Matt. German Studies Association Conference, Kansas City, Sept. 18-21, 2014.
The Women before Disney: Lotte Reinigers’ Dancing Shadow Films. EMU Women’s History Month: “Celebrating
Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment.” March 19, 2014.
Doing Business in Switzerland and Internship Opportunities. ACTFL-AATG Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 22-24.
How German Poems Can Improve Pronunciation and Grammar, and Instill a Love for German Culture. Michigan World
Language Association Conference, Lansing Center, Michigan, Nov. 7-8, 2013.
Staging a „Swiss Fest“: Communicating Culture in French and German. Michigan World Language Association
Conference, Lansing Center, Michigan, Nov. 7-8, 2013.
Über das Schweigen in den Märchen der Brüder Grimm – eine Korpus-basierende Analyse. „...schweigst du aber, so soll dirs
geschenkt sein.“ Second Interdisciplinary Conference on Silence. Pedagogivcal University, Krakow, Poland,
Sept. 23-29, 2013. Invited Plenary Presentation.
Understanding and Teaching Variations of Business Culture and Language in German-Speaking Countries. Global
Advances in Business Communication (GABC), Tri-Continental Conference, University of Antwerp,
Belgium, May 27-30, 2013.
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130
May 2015 / 5 •
The “Eastern (European) Memory” in Contemporary German Swiss Literature. Northeast Modern Language
Association (NEMLA) Convention. Boston, MA: March 21-24, 2013.
The Online Grimm Corpus in COSMAS – What would Jacob and Wilhelm do with this Marvellous and Modern Tool?
Märchen, Mythen und Moderne: 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. University of
Kassel, Germany. Dec. 17-20, 2012.
GERMAN-SPEAKING CLASSROOM. (With Charlotte Schallie). ACTFL-AATG Conference,
Philadelphia, Nov. 15-18, 2012
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Grimm Fairy Tales: New Approaches to Teaching German Grammar. Michigan
World Language Association Conference, Lansing Center, Oct. 24-26, 2012.
Globale Grenzüberschreitende Begegnungen in der zeitgenössischen Literatur. German-Studies Association
Conference, Milwaukee, WI, Oct. 4-7, 2012.
The Online Grimm Corpus in COSMAS: A Marvelous Tool for Research, Teaching and Story Telling. AFTER
Kingston Upon Thames (U.K.), Sept. 6-8, 2012.
Globale Grenzüberschreitende Begegnungen in der zeitgenössischen Literatur. Invited presentation of book
with same title, co-ed. with Charlotte Schallié. Solothurn Literary Day, Switzerland, May 16-20, 2012.
Teaching about Swiss Romansh Language and Culture to understand Minority Communities. Michigan World Language
Association Conference, Lansing, MI, Oct. 20-21, 2011
Melinda Nadj Abonji’s Novel ‚Tauben fliegen auf‘: Winner of the 2010 German and 2010 Book Prize. German Studies
Association Conference, Louisville, KT, September 22-25, 2011.
Hybrid Identities in Literature by ‚Secondos and Secondas‘ in Switzerland. Northeast Modern Language Association
Conference. New Brunswick, NJ, April 8-10, 2011.
Foreign Language and Transcultural Needs for International Careers and Curricular Responses by Educational Institutions.
CIBER Conference, Charleston, SC, March 23-26, 2011.
Learning about Switzerland from Second Generation Immigrant Authors. American Council on the Teaching for
Foreign Languages (ACTFL/AATG), Boston, MA. Nov. 2010.
“PHONOGRIMM”: Learning German Phonetics and Pronunciation with the Grimm’s Märchen. (I organized the
session). American Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages (ACTFL/AATG), Boston, MA. Nov.
Narratives by Second Generation Immigrant Authors: Transforming the German-Swiss Literary Scene and Discourse.
Graduate Colloquium Presentation at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. June 15, 2010.
Hybrid Identities in Narratives by Second Generation Female Swiss Authors. Northeast Modern Language
Association Conference. Montreal, Canada, April 8-11, 2010.
Teaching the EU from a Swiss Perspective. American Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages (ACTFL),
San Diego, CA Nov. 20-22, 2009.
From Multiculturalism to Hybridity: Ethnic Diversification in newest German Swiss Literature. Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association, Snowbird, Utah, Oct. 8-11, 2009.
Cool Swiss German Literature for High School. Michigan World Language Association Conference, Lansing, MI,
Oct. 15-16, 2009.
Study Abroad: A Vehicle to Improved Communication and Global Engagement. American Engages the World
Conference. Eastern Michigan University Conference, Sept. 9.11.2009.
Die Verortung in der neuen deutschen Schweizer Literatur. Also panel organizer of The Location and Dislocation of Swiss
Literature. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Boston, MA, Feb. 26 - March 1, 2009.
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130
May 2015 / 6 •
Teaching Swiss Culture through the Film „Vitus.“ American Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages,
Orlando, FL, Oct. 20-23, 2008.
GRIMMATIK: A New Approach to teach Intermediate German Grammar. Michigan World Language Association
Conference, Oct. 23-24, 2008.
„Der ditte Raum“ als transkulturelles und postkoloniales Privileg. German Studies Association Conference, St.
Paul, MN, Oct. 2-5, 2008
Project-Based Learning of German for Professional Purposes: A Glimpse into the Professional Future. Panel: “Language
and Cultures for Business and the Professions: A Great career Choice for the 21 Century.” Honors College–
Star Lecture Series: EMU Student Center, April 1, 2008.
Preparing for the Global Business: Visiting an International Company for a Class Project. CIBER Conference, St.
Petersburg, FL (April 2008).
Team-up with the Other Language Room: Die Schweiz – La Suisse. Central States Conference, Dearborn, MI
(March 2008).
The German Company Visit: A Glimpse into the Professional Future. American Council on the Teaching for
Foreign Languages, San Antonia, TX (Nov. 2007).
Young Swiss Go Global: Cool Literature for High School. American Council on the Teaching for Foreign
Languages, San Antonia, TX (Nov. 2007). Organized session panel: "Young, Swiss, and Cool: Teaching New
Swiss Literature and Culture.“
How to Use and Contribute to Michigan Modern Language Association Conference (Oct. 2007)
European Integration Trends and Oppositional Forces in Switzerland. German Studies Association Conference (Oct.
2007). Organized session panel: „From Political Modernity to European Integration – A Swiss Perspective.“
Der Topos des Reisens in Texten von Martin R. Dean and Daniel Zahno. Northeast Modern Language Association
(NEMLA), Baltimore, Maryland, (March 2007). Organized session panel: „Leaving Narrow Boundaries:
Travel Narratives by Swiss Authors.“
Small Country – Large Company. New Business German Teaching Material focusing on Swiss Corporations. American
Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN (November 2006)
A Case for Swiss Studies. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI (Oct. 2006)
Looking New: – A New Portal for the Teaching of Switzerland. German Studies Association
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (Sept. 2006)
GRIMMATIK: Methodology and Applications. International Grimm Symposium, Kassel, Germany (May 2006)
Fanatsies of Switzerland in Literature, Film, and Theater. Introduction and moderation of reading by Swiss writer
Verena Stefan. Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA), Philadelphia, PA (March 2005)
"Hat Fabulieren eine Vision?" - Neue Schweizer Texte für den Unterricht. American Council on the Teaching for
Foreign Languages, Baltimore, MD (November 2005)
1) Images of Switzerland in/for French and German. 2) ACTFL/NCATE/MDE Standards for Language Teacher
Preparation: New Challenges for College Programs. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI (Oct.
Irony and Humor in Swiss German Literature: Eine diskursive, literarische Analyse von Milena Mosers Texten Northeast
Modern Language Association Conference, Cambridge, MA (April 2005)
The French-German Connection in Switzerland. Michigan Foreign Language Association, Lansing, MI (Oct. 2004)
GRIMMATIK: German Grammar through the Magic of the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales and the Online Grimm Corpus.
The Fifth North American Symposium on Corpus Linguistics, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair,
New Jersey (May 2004)
A multi-linguistic Journey through Switzerland. Central States Conference, Dearborn, MI (April 2004)
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
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Die Metapher des Kranken in Jeremias Gotthelf und Walter Vogt. Northeast Modern Language Association
Conference in Pittsburgh, PA (March 2004)
A multi-cultural Journey through Switzerland. Michigan Foreign Language Association, Lansing, MI, Oct. 2003.
Die Mundart und Hochsprache Diglossie der Schweiz: Eine Herausfordrung an Deutschlehrer und –lerner. American
Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, PA (November 2003)
Academic Service-Learning: The Language and Business Model. CIBER Conference on International Bussiness,
Language & Technology, New Synergies, New Times (April 2003)
Heidi und Tell: Ein anderes literarisches Paar zur kritischen Abhandlung der 'gepaarten' Schweizer Literatur. Northeast
Modern Language Association Conference in Boston, MA (March 2003)
The Grimm Corpus of COSMAS: Post-Identity Data Analysis of Fairy Tales. Midwest Modern Language
Association (MMLA) Conference (November 2002)
Business German: Linking Standards with German Industries. Michigan Foreign Language Association Conference,
Lansing (Oct. 2002)
The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language. Young Educator Conference, Eastern Michigan University,
Ypsilanti (April 2002)
GRIMMATIK: German Grammar with the Magic of the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales. Teaching & Learning
Showcase; Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti (April 2002)
Breaking Through the American Stereotype of Cultural Insensitivity and Mono-Lingualism. CIBER Conference on
„Global Interdependence and Language, Culture, and Business. Chapel Hill, NC (March 2002)
Web-Contributions to the Teaching of German Culture, Literature and Business: Examples from Three Universities in
Michigan. Michigan Foreign Language Association, Lansing, MI (Oct. 2001)
Realität dank Schreiben – Swiss Women in Politics, Politics of Swiss Women. Northeast Modern Language
Association in Hartford, CT (March 2001)
1) Schweizer Informationsquellen im Internet. 2) What Language Can Your Car Speak? – A German-American Marriage
Made in Michigan. 3) Language and International Trade and Language and World Business Programs at Eastern Michigan
University. American Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages/American Association of Teachers of
German, Boston, MA (November 2000)
EMU Opens the World for YOU! Michigan Foreign Language Association Conference, Lansing, MI (Oct.
Gretchen und Helena: Zur Emanzipation des Ewig-Weiblichen. Northeast Modern Language Association, Buffalo,
N.Y. (April 2000)
Why Goethe Today? Mid-West Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, MN (November 1999)
Aesthetic Interplay Between Swiss German Literature and the Fine Art / Deutschsprachige Theaterkultur im Spannungsfeld
von Volk und Kunst. American Council on the Teaching for Foreign Languages, Pittsburgh, PA (April 1998)
A Minority Catalyst from the South: The Swiss Influence on German Literature in the 20th Century. American Council
on the Teaching for Foreign Languages, Chicago, IL (November 1998)
Von Schlegels Theorie der Weiblichkeit zur industriellen Realität: „Und was ist aus den Frauen geworden? Northeast
Modern Language Association, Baltimore, MD (April 1998)
Innere und äußere Wirklichkeit - Schweizer Autorinnen und ihre Narrativen. Northeast Modern Language
Association, Philadelphia, PA (April 1997)
German-American Literary Relations Canadian Style. Northeast Modern Language Association, Montréal, Canada
(April 1996)
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Speaking Intensive German: Sprechen, Reden, Erzählen und mehr. Mountain Interstate Foreign Language
Conference, Radford University, Virginia (Oct. 1995)
Das Kleine im Grossen - Das Grosse im Kleinen: Swiss-American Literary Multiculturalism since 1945. Northeast
Modern Language Association, Boston, MA (April 1995)
The Ontology of Literary Freedom. Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA (March 1993)
Images of America by Swiss German Writers. Northeast Modern Language Association, Buffalo, NY (April 1992)
Teacher’s Personality and Second Language Development. Conference on Modern Language Teaching, University of
Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa (Sept. 1987)
College of Art and Science Dean’s Travel Grant 2014 (GSA Conference)
Departmental Travel Grant ($450) 2014 (ACTFL/AATG Conference)
Josephine Nevins Keal Professional Development Fellowship Award 2013/2014 ($400).
Grant by Check-Point Charlie Foundation for 9th EMU German-American Day Oct. 7, 2013, Euro 2000.
College of Art and Science Travel Grant (Conference in Krakow, Poland), $ 734.00.
Provost’s Travel Grant (After Grimm Conference, UK), $ 425 (fall 2012).
Departmental Travel Grant ($ 450) for presenting at German Studies Association Conference 2012.
Undergraduate Research Stimulus Award for mentoring student Elaine Gurich (she receives $ 2000 for her
research) and faculty receives $ 500 (winter 2012).
Provost’s Stimulus Grant for Internationalization: „Membership Networking in International Chambers of
Commerce“ Fall Semester 2011 ($ 2,500)
Dean’s Professional Development Initiative: „Connecting German High School Programs with EMU“
German, Fall Semester 2011 ($ 650)
Departmental Travel Support, Fall Semester 2011 ($ 450)
Dean’s Travel Grant, Winter Semester2011 ($ 425)
Departmental Travel Support Winter Semester 2011 ($ 300)
Sabbatical Leave: Fall Semester 2010
Swiss National Science Foundation: International Short Visit Fellowship, May 1 – July 31, 2010, at
University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland (CHF 9700) to research for book project on literature by second
generation immigrant authors and collaborate with the Swiss Forum for Migration and Populations Studies.
EMU College of Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Professional Development Initiative (PDI). $ 1000 for Language
and International Trade website.
Barbara Ort-Smith Award for Excellency and Lifelong Contribution to the Teaching of Foreign Languages
by Michigan World Language Association. Oct. 2009.
“Most prestigious award a professional in the field of world languages in the State of Michigan”
Josephine Nevins Keal Professional Development Fellowship Award 2008/2009 ($400)
CAS Dean’s Travel Award 2010 ($ 425)
CAS Dean’s Travel Award 2008 ($ 400)
CAS Dean’s Travel Award 2007 ($ 300)
„Teaching Excellence Award,“ Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association (2006)
DAAD Group Visit Award to travel with 11 EMU students of German to Germany ($ 4800). “On the
Footsteps of the Brothers Grimm along the German Fairy Tale Route” (2006)
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Outstanding Faculty in Supporting Role; EMU Holman Learning Center Award (2006)
World College Travel Grant ($ 500 for travel to present in Australia; had to decline) (2005)
CAS Dean’s Faculty Travel Awards; $ 200 – 400 (in 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008)
Departmental Travel Awards ($ 300 in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008)
Faculty Development Fellow: A Walk in Cyberspace: Becoming an Excellent On-Line Teacher; winter semester
2005; Presenter at Faculty Research Fair (2005)
Josephine Nevins Keal Professional Development Award (2003, 2005)
Cowan National Security Teaching Fellowship Award of Department of Military Science, Eastern Michigan
University ($ 1,000) (2003)
Academic Service-Learning Fellow (2002-2003)
DAAD Study Visit Award by German-Academic Exchange Program; Research on Brothers' Grimm Fairy
Tales in Kassel, Mannheim, and Rheine, Germany (2001) (Euro 4000)
Goethe Institute Stipend Recipient: 2 week seminar on German Politics in Bonn (1995)
Michigan State University Stipend for Summer Workshop on Business German (1992)
Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant Scholarship, University of Minnesota (1986-1993)
SERVICE (selected)
Fulbright National Evaluator of Research Applications for Austria and Switzerland. National Evaluation
Committee, New York, Nov. 15, 2012.
Invited evaluator of Dr. Manuel Meune’s application to “Professeur Titulaire” at the University of Montreal.
An extensive report on his teaching, service, and scholarship was requested. July 2012.
Director of Study Abroad Intensive German Summer Program in Düsseldorf, 2012.
Reviewer for Unterrichtspraxis, journal of AATG of article on Swiss culture (Nov. 2012). July 2012.
Director of Study Abroad Intensive German Summer Program in Düsseldorf, 2011.
Chair of Continuous Performance Improvement of Administrators Committee, 2007-2010.
Chair of Local Arrangement Committee for Central States Conference, Dearborn, MI, March 6-8, 2008.
Director of Intensive German Language Summer Program Abroad, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf,
Germany, 2007.
Examiner of doctoral thesis by Diana Christine Leeder (University of New England, Australia): "Die Ruhe auf
der Flucht" (Momentary Peace / Tranquility while fleeing): An Examination of the Catholic References in the Work of
Gertrud Leugenegger (2005)
German MTTC (Michigan Test Teacher Certification) Reviewer, Michigan Department of Education (2006,
College of Business (EMU) International Business Advisory Council (2007-present)
Elected President of Michigan World Language Association (MIWLA) (2005-2006)
Michigan Delegate of JNCL-NCLIS Assembly; Conference in Washington, D.C. (2005)
EMU Institutional Value Award Committee (2005)
Michigan Delegate of ACTFL Assembly (2003, 2004, 2005)
Chair of Ron Collins Distinguished Faculty Award Committee at EMU (2004 – present) ·
Study Abroad Intensive German Program in Graz, Austria (2000 and 2002)
Section Head of German, Eastern Michigan University (2001-2006)
Executive Board of Faculty Council (2003 – 2010)
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Director of
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FLABS representative of Eastern Michigan Faculty Senate (2002 – present)
Leadership Training Course at Fort Knox, Tennessee [part of Cowen National Security Award] (2003)
Search Committee for Department Head (2003)
Chair of German Faculty Search Committee (2001)
Chair of Goethe Institute Test Center at Eastern Michigan University (2000 – present)
Chair of Departmental Recruitment Committee (1999-2005)
Chair of Departmental Business Language Committee (1999-present)
Departmental Personnel Committee (1999-2000)
Bargaining Committee (1999-2000)
DAAD Alumni Association (2010-)
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (2009)
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages(2004, 2006-2008)
Michigan World Language Association (1999 – present)
German-American Chamber of Commerce (1997 – present)
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) (1986 – present)
Modern Language Association (MLA) (1986 – 2013)
Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) (1992 – present)
German Studies Association (GSA) (1992, 2005 – present)
Eastern Michigan Women’s Association (EMUWU) (1999-present)
Detroit Swiss Society (2000-present)
Native language: German. Foreign languages: English, French, and conversational Italian
Citizenship U.S. and Switzerland
Department of World Languages · Eastern Michigan University 219
Alexander · Ypsilanti · MI 48197 · (734) 487-0130