Berlin School of Economics and Law Badensche

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin/
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Badensche Str. 52
10825 Berlin
Tel. + 49 (0) 30 – 30877 1139
e-mail: [email protected]
February 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Degrees
Post-doctoral exam (Dr. rer. pol. habil), Carl von Ossietzky University
Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.), Free University of Berlin
Diploma (Diplom-Ökonom), University of Bremen
1985 – 1990
Studies of Economics, University of Bremen and New School for Social
Research, New York
Teaching and Research Positions
Since 2015
Co-Director of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin
School of Economics and Law
Since 2013
Research Associate, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annandaleon-Hudson, New York
Since 2009
Professor of Economics, in particular European Economic Policies, Berlin
School of Economics and Law
Since 2009
Member of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin
School of Economics and Law
Since 2005
Adj. Professor (Privatdozent) of Economics, Carl von Ossietzky University
2005 – 2009
Senior Researcher, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans Boeckler
Foundation, Düsseldorf
2007 – 2008
Visiting Professor (Gastprofessor), Vienna University of Economics and
Business Administration
2005 – 2008
Visiting Professor (Vertretungs- und Gastprofessor), University of Hamburg
2001 – 2004
Senior Researcher, Institute for Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans
Boeckler Foundation, Düsseldorf
2001 – 2004
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics and Law, Carl von Ossietzky
University Oldenburg
1997 – 2001
Senior Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent), Department of Economics and
Law, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Economic and Social Research (WSI),
Hans Boeckler Foundation, Düsseldorf
1992 – 1996
Junior Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Department of Economics,
Free University of Berlin
Junior Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Institute of Economics,
University of Lueneburg
1989 – 1991
Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Bremen
Visiting Lectures, Seminars and Research
University of Rome, La Sapienza (Seminars on the Macroeconomics of
Finance-dominated Capitalism and on the Euro Crisis)
University Paris XIII (Seminar on the Macroeconomics of Finance-dominated
Capitalism – and its Crisis)
University of Rome, La Sapienza (Seminars on the Macroeconomics of
University of Vienna (Lectures on Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics and on
Post-Keynesian Theories of Distribution and Growth)
University of Athens (Lecture on Finance-dominated Capitalism in Crisis)
University of Ottawa (Research on Instability in Kaleckian Distribution and
Growth Models, and Seminar on Financialisation, Distribution and Growth)
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (Lecture on Financialisation,
Distribution and Growth)
ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa), Lisbon
(Lecture on Germany’s Post-2000 Stagnation in the European Context)
Berlin School of Economics, Macroeconomic Policy Studies (Lectures on
European Economic Policies)
Major Research Grants
2011 – 2016
Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development (FESSUD),
funded by 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission,
Coordination of the contributions of the Berlin School of Economics and Law
and of Work Package 3 ‘Causes and consequences of the financial crisis’
Financialisation and the Requirements and Potentials for Wage-led Recovery,
contribution to the project New Perspectives on Wages and Economic
Growth, funded by the International Labour Office (ILO)
2003 – 2004
Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in the European Union, funded by
the Hans Boeckler Foundation
University Service
Since 2015
Since 2015
Since 2012
2013 – 2014
2013 – 2014
2012 – 2013
2012 – 2013
2010 – 2012
Director of the Master International Economics programme, Berlin School of
Economics and Law
Member of the Consortium of the Erasmus Mundus Master programme
Economic Policies in the Age of Globalisation (EPoG)
Member/alternate Member of the Research Commission of the Faculty of
Business and Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law
Head of the Research Commission of the Faculty of Business and Economics,
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Member of a Hiring Committee for a W2-Professorship “Economics, in
particular Economic Policies”, HTW – University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Member/alternate member of the Academic Senate of the Berlin School of
Economics and Law
Member of a Hiring Committee for a W2-Professorship “Economics, in
particular Monetary Economics”, Berlin School of Economics and Law
Head of the Economics Section, Faculty of Business and Economics, Berlin
School of Economics and Law
2010 – 2011
1998 – 2001
1998 – 1999
1994 – 1995
1993 – 1994
Head of a Hiring Committee for a W2-Professorship “Economics, in
particular Macroeconomics and Economic Policies”, Berlin School of
Economics and Law
Member of the Executive Board of the Institute of Economics and Statistics
II, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Member of a Hiring Committee for a C3-Professorship “International
Economics”, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Member of the Department Council Economics, Free University of Berlin
Member of a Hiring Committee for a C4-Professorship “Microeconomics”,
Free University of Berlin
Scientific Committees, Editorial and Advisory Boards
Since 2014
Member to the Editorial Board of the PSL Quarterly Review
Since 2012
Member of the Contributing Board of Editors of the Post Keynesian
Economics Forum
Since 2012
Member of the Editorial Board of the Review of Keynesian Economics
Since 2011
Member of the Editoral Advisory Board of the International Journal of
Political Economy
Since 2009
Contact Professor (Vertrauensdozent) of Hans Boeckler Foundation at the
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Since 2009
Co-editor of the Working Paper Series of the Institute for International
Political Economy Berlin (IPE), Berlin School of Economics and Law
Since 2009
Co-editor of the Series of the Research Network Macroeconomics and
Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Metropolis Publisher, Marburg.
Since 2008
Co-organiser of the Summer Schools of the Research Network
Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)
Since 2008
Managing Co-editor of Intervention. European Journal of Economics and
Economic Policies, since 2013: European Journal of Economics and
Economic Policies: Intervention
Since 2006
Member of the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Political Economy
Since 2001
Member of the Co-ordination Committee of the Research Network
Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)
2001 – 2009
Member of the Working Group Co-ordination of Economic Policies, Federal
Executive Board of the Confederation of German Trade Unions
2004 – 2006
Co-ordination of the Working Group European Economic Policies of the
Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)
Advisor on macroeconomic issues to the Working Group Benchmarking
Germany in the Alliance for Jobs, Education and Competitiveness, Germany
Referee for Academic Journals, Publishers, Research Funding Institutions, etc.
American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review,
Bulletin of Political Economy, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Centro Sraffa Working Papers,
European Journal of Comparative Economics, European Journal of Economic and Social Systems,
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, International Journal of Labour Research,
International Journal of Political Economy, International Review of Applied Economics,
Intervention: Journal of Economics, Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, Journal
of Institutional Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Leviathan – Berliner Zeitschrift
für Sozialwissenschaft, Metroeconomica, Political Economy: Review of Political Economy and
Social Sciences, PSL Quarterly Review, Review of Keynesian Economics, Review of Political
Economy, Revista Cuadernos De Economia, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, SocioEconomic Review, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, WSI Mitteilungen
Edward Elgar, MIT Press, Palgrave Macmillan
Hans Boeckler Foundation, OeNB Jubiläumsfonds
Current Fields of Research
Post-Keynesian macroeconomics,
Financial system and the macro-economy,
European economic policies and macroeconomic policy regimes,
Distribution and growth
Arbeitskreis Politische Ökonomie (German Association for Political Economy)
Keynes Gesellschaft (German Keynes Society)
Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)
World Economics Association
Since 2009
Since 1997
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Bachelor (Economics, Business Administration, et al.):
- Macroeconomics I: Business Cycle and Employment (in English and
- Macroeconomics II: World Market and Currencies (in German)
- Theory of Economic Policies (in German)
- European Economic Policies
Master International Economics:
- Macroeconomics
- Distribution and Growth
- Research Seminar
- Tutorial Seminar
Master Political Economy of European Integration
- Current Issues in the Political Economy of European Integration
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
- Economics I: Introduction (in German)
- Economics II: Microeconomics (in German)
- Economics III: Macroeconomics (in German)
- Distribution and Growth (in German)
- Distribution: Empirics, Theory, Policy (in German)
- Marx and Keynes (in German)
- Empirical Economic Research (in German)
- Distribution and Growth, Seminar for Doctoral and Master Students
2007 – 2008
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
- Current Economic Policy Discussions in Macroeconomics (in German)
2005 – 2008
University of Hamburg
- Macroeconomics (in German)
- Distribution and Growth (in German)
- European Economic Policies (in German)
1992 – 1996
Free University of Berlin
- Controversies in Political Economy (in German)
- Business Cycle and Long-run Developments (in German)
- Marx and Keynes: Money, Effective Demand and Capital Accumulation (in
Study groups (in German) for:
- Economics I: Introduction
- Economcis II: Microeconomics
- Economics IV: Business Cycle, Growth, Distribution, International
Berlin School of Economics
- Distribution and Social Policy (in German)
University of Lueneburg
- Economic Policy Concepts (in German)
1989 – 1991
University of Bremen
Study groups (in German) for:
- National Income Accounting
- Economics I: Employment, Business Cycle and Growth
Supervision of PhD Dissertations
Since 2015
Daniel Detzer: Finance, Financialisation and Financial Regulation: The
Changing Financial Environment in Germany and its Macroeconomic Effects,
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and Berlin School of Economics
and Law.
Since 2009
Milka Kazandziska: Macroeconomic Regimes in the Central and Eastern
European Countries and the European Monetary Union: Towards Destructive
Convergence?, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and Berlin School
of Economics and Law.
2008 – 2015
Petra Dünhaupt: Financialisation and Income Distribution: Empirical
Evidence from OECD Countries, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
and Berlin School of Economics and Law.
2007 – 2009
Till van Treeck: The Macroeconomics of ‘Financialisation’. Theoretical and
Empirical Aspects, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg and
Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) at Hans Boeckler Foundation.
Conferences and Summer Schools Co-organised
2015 - 5th Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic Policy”, Berlin, 26.7.-2.8.2015
(with S. Gechert, M. Rehm and E. Stockhammer).
- Workshop “Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis”, Workpackage 3 of the
Project Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development (FESSUD),
Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) at the Berlin School of Economics and
Law, Berlin 7.-8.5.2015 (with D. Detzer and N. Dodig).
2013 - 4th Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic Policy”, Berlin, 28.7.-4.8.2013
(with E. Stockhammer and T. van Treeck).
- Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) Berlin and Global Labour University,
Workshop “The Social and Employment Impact of the Crisis in Europe”, Berlin School of
Economics and Law, 21.6.2013 (with T. Evans and H. Herr).
2012 - 16th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), “The State of Economics after the Crisis”, Berlin, 25.-27.10.2012 (with S. Dullien
and T. van Treeck).
2011 - 3rd Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic Policy”, Berlin, 31.7.-7.8.2011
(with T. Niechoj, E. Stockhammer, T. van Treeck).
2010 - Conference of the Global Labour University, “Labour and the Global Crisis: Sharing the
Burden (!) Shaping the Future (?)”, Berlin School of Economics and Law, 14.9.-16.9.2010
(with T. Evans, H. Herr, F. Hoffer and B. Mahnkopf).
2009 - 13th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), “The World Economy in Crisis – The Return of Keynesianism?”, Berlin, (with S. Dullien, A. Truger and T. van Treeck).
- 2nd Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies”, Berlin,
2.8.-9.8.2009 (with T. Niechoj, E. Stockhammer and T. van Treeck).
2008 - 12th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), “Macroeconomic Policies on Shaky Foundations – Wither Mainstream
Economics?”, Berlin, 31.10.-1.11.2008 (with T. Niechoj and E. Stockhammer).
- 1st Summer School the of Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies”, Berlin,
27.7.-3.8.2008 (with T. Niechoj and E. Stockhammer).
2007 - 11th Conferenc of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), “Finance-led Capitalism? Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in the Financial
Sector”, Berlin, 26.-27.10.2007 (with T. Niechoj, P. Spahn, E. Stockhammer and A. Truger).
2006 - 10th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), “European Integration in Crisis”, Berlin, 27.-28.10.2006 (with A. Heise, J. Priewe
and A. Truger).
- Arbeiterkammer Wien und Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik/Arbeitskreis Europäische
Wirtschaftspolitik (Vienna Chamber of Labour and Research Network Macroeconomics and
Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)), Workshop “Ende der Stagnation? Wirtschaftspolitische
Perspektiven für mehr Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Europa (The End of Stagnation?
Economic Policy Perspectives for more Growth and Employment in Europe)”, Vienna, (with G. Chaloupek and A. Truger).
2005 - 9th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), Germany, with the Post Keynesian Economic Study Group (PKSG), UK, and the
Association pour le Developpement des Etudes Keynesiennes (ADEK), France,
“Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies – Alternatives to the Orthodoxy“, Berlin,
28.-29.10.2005 (with P. Arestis, G. Fontana, C. Gnos, A. Heise, E. Le Heron and A. Truger).
2004 - 8th Workshop, Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik (Research Network Macroeconomic
Policies), “Löhne, Verteilung und Wachstum (Wages, Distribution and Growth)”, Berlin,
29.-30.10.2004 (with A. Heise and A. Truger).
2003 - WSI-Workshop, “Makroökonomische Koordinierung in der EU und die Rolle der
Gewerkschaften (Macroeconomic Policy Coordinaton in the EU and the Role of the Trade
Unions)”, Berlin, 20.-21.11.2003 (with T. Niechoj, T. Schulten and A. Truger).
- 7th Workshop, Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik (Research Network Macroeconomic
Policies), “Finanzpolitik in der Kontroverse (Controversies on Fiscal Policies)”, Berlin, (with A. Heise and A. Truger).
2002 - 6th Workshop, Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik (Research Network Macroeconomic
Policies), “Neu-Keynesianismus: der neue wirtschaftspolitische Mainstream? (New
Keynesianism: the New Mainstream in Economic Policies?)”, Berlin, 25.-26.10.2002 (with
A. Heise and A. Truger).
2001 - WSI-Herbstforum, “Europäische Währungsunion und beschäftigungsorientierte
Wirtschaftspolitik – Abschied oder Neuanfang? (European Currency Union and
Employment-Oriented Economic Policies – Farewell or New Beginning?”, Düsseldorf, (with M. Behrens and A. Truger).
- 5th Workshop, Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik (Research Network Macroeconomic
Policies), “Eine andere Geldpolitik für mehr Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Europa?
(Different Monetrary Policies for More Growth and Employment in Europe?)”, Berlin, (with A. Heise and A. Truger).
1999 - WSI-Workshop, “Perspektiven sozialdemokratischer Wirtschaftspolitik in Europa
(Perspectives of Socialdemocratic Economic Policies in Europe)”, Berlin, 30.9.1999 (with
A. Truger).
Selected Conference Presentations and Invited Lectures since 2001
2015 - Financialisation and the financial and economic crises: Theoretical framework and
empirical analysis for 15 countries, Katalys – Institut för facklig idéutveckling, Stockholm,
Sweden, 17.12.2015.
- Finanz- & Eurokrise: Ursachen und Überwindungsmöglichkeiten aus post-keynesianischer
Perspektive, Ringvorlesung „Der große Crash“, Initiative Neue Plurale Ökonomik, MartinLuther Universität Halle, 3.12.2015.
- Teaching post-Keynesian economics: Part I - history and method, Conference “Teaching
Economics in the 21st Century: The State of Research and Teaching and the Way Forward”,
Berlin, 26.-28.11.2015.
- Secular stagnation or stagnation policies? Steindl after Summers, 19th Conference of the
Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “The Spectre of
Stagnation? Europe in the World Economy”, Berlin, 22.-24.10.2015.
- Finance-dominated capitalism, stagnation and instability: A Kaleckian perspective, 16th
Monetary Policy Workshop “The Role of Monetary Policy and Financial Systems in
Economic Development”, Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin School
of Economics and Law (HWR), Bundesbank Berlin, Southwestern University of Finance and
Economics (SWUFE), Berlin, 9.-10.10.2015.
- Distribution and growth, 5th Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics
and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic
Policies”, Berlin, 26.7.-2.8.2015
- Finance-dominated capitalism, stagnation and instability: A Kaleckian perspective, Fifth
Graz Schumpeter Summer School “Economic Stagnation: Problems of Theory and Policy.
From Malthus to Piketty”, Graz, Austria, 12.-18.7.2015.
- Secular stagnation or stagnation policies? Steindl after Summers, Fifth Graz Schumpeter
Summer School: “Economic Stagnation: Problems of Theory and Policy. From Malthus to
Piketty”, Graz, Austria, 12.-18.7.2015.
- The macroeconomics of finance-dominated capitalism – a Kaleckian perspective, Research
Seminar, University of Roma Tre, Centro di Richerche Piero Sraffa and Sapienza University
Rome, Italy, 19.3.2015.
- Coping with imbalances in the Euro area: policy alternatives addressing divergences and
disparities between member countries, Research Seminar, Sapienza University Rome, Italy,
- Finance-dominated capitalism and income distribution: a Kaleckian perspective on the case
of Germany, Research Seminar, Sapienza University Rome, Italy, 17.3.2015.
- Coping with imbalances in the Euro area: policy alternatives addressing divergences and
disparities between member countries, Jean Monnet Conference “Europe in Crisis:
Challenges and Scenarios for Cohesion”, University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna,
Austria, 13.-14.2.2015.
2014 - Post-Keynesianismus: eine Einführung, Vorlesungsreihe „Alternative Schulen in der
VWL“, Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Potsdam, 9.12.2014.
- Coping with imbalances in the Euro area: policy alternatives addressing divergences and
disparities between member countries, Levy Economics Institute conference “Europe at the
Crossroads: A Union of Austerity or Growth Convergence?”, Athens, Greece,
- The Macroeconomics of Finance-dominated Capitalism – a Kaleckian Perspective, Institute
of Advanced Studies, Warsaw, Poland, 16.10.2014.
- Policy alternatives addressing divergence and disparities between Euro area member
countries, 11. International Conference “Developments in Economic Theory and Policy”,
Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, and
Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, 26.-27.6.2014.
- The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the Euro area, deficiencies in the economic
policy architecture and (alternatives to) deflationary stagnation policies, 16th INFER Annual
Conference, Pescara, Italy, 29.-31.5.2014.
- Finance-dominated capitalism and re-distribution of income – a Kaleckian perspective, IX.
Global Labour University Conference, Berlin, 15.-17.5.2014.
- Financialisation, distribution, growth and crisis – long-run tendencies, Conference
“Financialization and Labor”, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB),
Berlin, 27.-28.2.2014.
2013 - Post-Keynesian economics – an introduction, Lecture series “Was ist Ökonomie?”,
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 10.12.2013.
- A Post-Keynesian macroeconomic model of inflation, distribution and employment,
Introductory Workshop on Post-Keynesian Economics, 17th conference of the Research
Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “The Jobs Crisis: Causes,
Cures, Constraints”, Berlin, 24.-26.10.2013.
- Changes in the relationship between the financial sector and the ‘real’ sector of the
economy (‘financialisation’) and the effects on distribution, growth and crisis, Annual
conference of the research project “Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable
development (FESSUD)”, EU FP 7, Amsterdam, 17.-19.10.2013.
- Distribution and growth, 4th Summer School of the Research Network Macroeconomics
and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic
Policies”, Berlin, 28.7.-4.8.2013.
- Future fiscal and debt policies: Germany in the context of the European Monetary Union,
Conference “Fiscal and Debt Policies for the Future,” The Cambridge Trust for New
Economic Thinking, St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge UK, 11.4.2013 (with A. Truger).
- Finance-dominated capitalism and income distribution – implications for an ‘Agenda of
Shared Prosperity, AFL-CIO, FES, IMK, “Trans-Atlantic Agenda for Shared Prosperity”,
Berlin, 11.3.2013.
- The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the Euro area, deficiencies in the economic
policy architecture and alternatives to deflationary stagnation policies, The Athens
Development and Governance Institute and Levy Economics Institute, Two-Day Forum
“Exiting the Crisis: The Challenge of the Alternative Policy Roadmap”, Athens, Greece,
2012 - The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the Euro area, deficiencies in the economic
policy architecture and deflationary stagnation policies, 6th International Conference
“Sovereign Debts, Economic Policies and Bank Reforms”, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon,
France, 6.-8.12.2012.
- The crisis of finance-dominated capitalism in the Euro area, deficiencies in the economic
policy architecture and deflationary stagnation policies, Hyman P. Minsky Conference on
“Financial Instability: Debt, Deficits, and Unstable Markets”, Levy Economics Institute and
ECLA of Bard, Berlin, Germany, 26.-27.11.2012.
- Financialisation, the financial and economic crisis, and the requirements and potentials for
wage-led recovery, 16th conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and
Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) “The State of Economics after the Crisis”, Berlin,
Germany, 25.-27.10.2012.
- Financialisation, the financial and economic crisis, and the requirements and potentials for
wage-led recovery, Joint conference of AHE, IIPPE, FAPE “Political Economy and the
Outlook for Capitalism”, Paris, France, 5.-7.7.2012.
- Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a
European perspective, 9th International Conference “Developments in Economic Theory and
Policy”, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, and
Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, 28.-29.6.2012.
2011 - Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution, household debt and financial fragility in a
Kaleckian distribution and growth model, Workshop in Honour of Kazimierz Laski on the
occasion of his 90th birthday, “Keynes-Kalecki/Transition/Crisis”, Austrian National Bank
(OENB), Vienna, Austria, 5.12.2011.
- The European financial and economic crisis: alternative solutions from a (Post-)Keynesian
perspective, Monetary Policy Workshop “The World Economy Still in Crisis”, Berlin School
of Economics and Law (HWR), Bundesbank Berlin and Southwestern University of Finance
and Economics (SWUFE), Berlin, Germany, 19.-20.10.2011.
- Money and macroeconomics, 3rd Summer School of the Research Network
Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “Keynesian Macroeconomics and
Economic Policy”, Berlin, Germany, 31.7.-7.8.2011.
- Financialisation and the requirements and potentials for wage-led recovery – a review
focussing on the G20, Regulating for Decent Work Conference, “Regulating for a Fair
Recovery”, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland, 6.-8.7.2011.
- A wage-led recovery strategy embedded in a Keynesian New Deal, 3rd Asian-European
Labour Forum, “Wages and Economic Policies”, Oslo, Norway, 23.-25.6.2011.
- Financialisation, re-distribution, and the financial and economic crisis – a Kaleckian
perspective, 5th ‘Dijon’ Post-Keynesian Conference, Roskilde University, Denmark, 1314.5.2011.
2010 - Beschäftigungsrisiken des deutschen Wachstumsmodells, Jahrestagung Deutsche
Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung (SAMF), “Arbeitsmarkt der
Zukunft – Zukunft der Arbeitsmarktforschung”, Cottbus, Germany, 18.-19.11.2010.
- Distribution, ‘financialisation’ and the financial and economic crisis – implications for
post-crisis economic policies, 14th conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics
and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), “Stabilising an Unequal Economy? Public Debt,
Financial Regulation, and Income Distribution”, Berlin, Germany, 29.-30.10.2010.
- Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis – the case for a Keynesian New Deal at the
European and the global level, Global Labour University Conference, “Labour and the
Global Crisis: Sharing the Burden (!) Shaping the Future (?)”, Berlin, Germany,
- Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis – the case for a Global New Economics Deal,
Conference “The New Economics as ‘Mainstream’ Economics”, Murray Edwards College,
Cambridge, UK, 28.-29.1.2010.
2009 - Interest rates, distribution and capital accumulation – A Post-Kaleckian perspective on the
US and Germany, 4th bi-annual Dijon Conference, “The Financial and Monetary Crisis”,
CEMF, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 10.-12.12.2009.
- Financial crisis, global recession, economic policy reactions and long-run requirements for
a Keynesian New Deal, 15th EuroMemorandum group conference “Europe in Crisis - A
Critique of the EU’s Failure to Respond”, Institute for International Political Economy,
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin, Germany, 25-26.9. 2009.
- ‘Financialisation’, distribution, capital accumulation and productivity growth in a PostKaleckian model, 1st Conference of the task group “Post-Keynesian Analyses and
Modelling” of the CEPN, University Paris 13, “The Recent Developments in Post-Keynesian
Modelling”, Paris, France, 10.-11.11.2009.
- A (Post-)Keynesian perspective on ‘financialisation’, 6th International Conference
“Developments in Economic Theory and Policy”, Cambridge Centre for Economic and
Public Policy, University of Cambridge, and Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain,
2008 - Monetary analysis in Marx and similarities to Post-Keynesian approaches, Research
Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), 1st International Summer
School “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies”, Berlin, Germany,
27.7. – 3.8.2008.
- Shareholder value orientation, distribution and growth – short- and medium-run effects in a
Kaleckian model, Conference “Financialization: Post-Keynesian Approaches”, Universite de
Lille 1, France, 29.4.2008.
- Macroeconomic policy mix, employment and inflation in a Post-Keynesian alternative to
the New Consensus Model, International Conference “John Maynard Keynes, 125 Years –
What Have We Learned?”, Roskilde University, Denmark, 23.-24.4.2008.
- Finanzsystem und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung – Tendenzen in den USA und Deutschland
aus makroökonomischer Perspektive, Österreichische Nationalbank, Vienna, Austria,
2007 - Macroeconomic policy mix, employment and inflation in a Post-Keynesian alternative to
the New Consensus Model, Conference “Unemployment: Past and Present”, Downing
College, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge, UK,
- Distribution and growth reconsidered – empirical results for Austria, France, Germany, the
Netherlands, the UK and the USA, 4th International Conference “Developments in
Economic Theory and Policy”, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy,
University of Cambridge, and Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, 5.-6.7.2007 (with
L. Vogel).
- Wage bargaining and monetary policy in a Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth
model: trying to make sense of the NAIRU, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Research
Seminar of the Institute of Economics, Linz, Austria, 20.6.2007.
- Fiscal policy in the macroeconomic policy mix: France, Germany, the UK and Sweden
compared, Mini-conference “Current Thinking on Fiscal Policy”, OFCE/Sciences Po, Paris,
France, 15.6.2007(with A. Truger).
2006 - Monetary policy, macroeconomic policy mix and macroeconomic performance in the Euro
area, 10th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic
Policies (FMM), “European Integration in Crisis”, Berlin, Germany, 27.-28.10.2006.
- Wage bargaining and monetary policy in a Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth
model: trying to make sense of the NAIRU, 9th International Post Keynesian Conference,
Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA,
- Wage bargaining and monetary policy in a Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth
model: trying to make sense of the NAIRU, 3rd International Conference “Developments in
Economic Theory and Policy”, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy,
University of Cambridge, and Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, 6.-7.7.2006.
- Germany’s post-2000 stagnation in the European context - a lesson in macroeconomic
mismanagement, Conference “Growth and Employment in Europe”, Oxford Brookes
University Business School, Oxford, UK, 27.1.2006.
2005 - Interest, debt and capital accumulation - a Kaleckian approach, Conference “Understanding
Economic Growth: New Directions in Theory and Policy”, Downing College, Cambridge,
UK, 1.-3.9.2005.
- Interest rate, debt, distribution and capital accumulation in a post-Kaleckian model, 7th
annual conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, City University of London,
UK, 15.-17.7.2005.
- Macroeconomic policies, wage developments, and Germany’s stagnation, Anglo-German
Foundation “Germany’s Economic Performance: From Unification to Euroisation”, London,
UK, 29.-30.4.2005.
- Interest rate, debt, distribution and capital accumulation in a post-Kaleckian model, Annual
Conference of the Eastern Economic Association, New York, USA, 3.-6.3.2005.
2004 - What ever happened to Germany? Is the decline of the former European key currency
country caused by structural sclerosis or by macroeconomic mismanagement?, Post
Keynesian Economics Study Group (PKSG) Autumn Meeting, University of Greenwich,
London, UK, 19.11.04.
- Interest rate, debt, distribution and capital accumulation in a post-Kaleckian model,
Forschungsnetzwerk Makropolitik (Research Network Macroeconomic Policies), 8th
Workshop “Löhne, Verteilung und Wachstum (Wages, Distribution and Growth)”, Berlin,
Germany, 29.-30.10.2004.
- Wage trends and deflation risks in Germany and Europe, 8th International Post Keynesian
Conference, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, University of Missouri, Kansas
City, USA, 26.-29.6.2004.
2003 - Makroökonomische Koordination als wirtschaftspolitisches Konzept - Voraussetzungen
und Möglichkeiten in der EWU, Workshop des WSI in der Hans Böckler Stiftung
„Makroökonomische Koordination in der EU und die Rolle der Gewerkschaften”, Berlin,
Germany, 20.-21.11.2003.
- Voraussetzungen und Notwendigkeiten einer europäischen Makrokoordinierung, Tagung
„Welche Wirtschaftspolitik braucht die EU?“, Arbeiterkammer Wien, Austria, 8.5.2003.
2002 - Wage bargaining and monetary policy in the EMU: a Post-Keynesian perspective,
Conference “Economic Policies: Perspectives from the Keynesian Heterodoxy”, Universite
de Bourgogne, Centre d’Etudes Monétaires et Financières – Centre for Monetary and
Financial Studies, Dijon, France, 14.-16.11.2002.
- Monetary policy and wage bargaining in the EMU: restrictive ECB policies, high
unemployment, nominal wage restraint and rising inflation, 7th International Post Keynesian
Conference, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, University of Missouri, Kansas
City, USA, 29.6.-3.7.2002.
- Money, interest and capital accumulation in Karl Marx’s economics, Annual Conference of
the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece,
2001 - Zu der Notwendigkeit und den Problemen einer Koordination makroökonomischer Politik
in der EWU, WSI-Herbstforum 2001 „Europäische Währungsunion und
beschäftigungsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik – Abschied oder Neuanfang?“, Düsseldorf,
Germany, 29.-30.11.2001.
- Regimes of interest rates, income shares, savings, and investment: a Kaleckian model and
empirical estimations for some advanced OECD-economies, Conference „Old and New
Growth Theories: An Assessment“, University of Pisa, Italy, 5.-7.10.2001.
- Institutions and macroeconomic performance: central bank independence, labour market
institutions and the perspectives for inflation and employment in the European Monetary
Union, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Annual conference 2001,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27.6.-1.7.2001.