Center of Automotive Management Prof. Dr. Stefan Bratzel Langemarckweg 31 51465 Bergisch Gladbach, GERMANY Tel.: +49 (0) 22 02 / 2 85 77 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 22 02 / 2 85 77 - 28 E-Mail: [email protected] Further information: Fax – order form, please send to: 0049 22 02 / 2 85 77 – 28 or [email protected] I hereby order the following studies (please tick and fill in): AutomotiveINNOVATIONS 2015: The innovations of the global automobile companies (approx. 190 annotated charts with 120 tables and illustrations, including individually explained list of the 100 most important newest innovations of the car manufacturers and suppliers, partially illustrated) ENGLISH CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 899 €* Printed book: 699 €* AutomotiveINNOVATIONS 2015: Die besten 100 Innovationen der letzten Dekade 2005-2015 (ca. 110 Seiten, ca. 120 Abb.) GERMAN CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence): 99 €* AutomotivePERFORMANCE 2015: Eine Analyse des Markt-, Innovations- und Finanzerfolgs der 16 globalen Automobilhersteller. Inkl. Marktdaten für 2014/15, inkl. Rückrufdaten 2014 (ca. 130 Seiten, ca. 90 Abbildungen) GERMAN CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 399 €* Printed book: 249 €* AutomotiveSUSTAINABILITY 2012/2013: Umweltprofile globaler Automobilhersteller in der Produktion (ca. 50 Folien und viele Abbildungen) GERMAN CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 399 €* Printed book: 249 €* AutomotiveMARKETS 2012: Präferenzen von Auto-Interessenten in Deutschland (ca. 40 kommentierte Charts, ca. 25 Abb.) GERM. CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 249 €* GPrinted book : 199 €* AutomotiveMARKETS 2011: i-Car - Die junge Generation und das vernetzte Auto (ca. 70 kommentierte Charts, ca. 45 Abb.) GERM. CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 249 €* Printed book: 199 €* Automotive SUPPLIER Performance 2010: Performance Trends and Profiles of the Top-100 Global Automotive Suppliers (approx. 150 charts and 50 illustrations) ENGLISH CD-ROM with PDF (Company licence) + PowerPoint-Presentation: 399 €* Printed book: 299 €* * All prices + 19% VAT (exept EU), per copy/CD-ROM + postage. Please deliver to: Company (full name): Given name: Surname: Department: Street; Housenr.: Postcode, City: Country: Germany Other** : If European Union, VAT-ID-Nr.: E-Mail-Adress: ** + Postage Place, date Signature Thank you for your order, it will be processed as soon as possible! v08webpdf
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