Enrolment Socratic Dialogues 2016 - Philosophisch

Enrolment for a Socratic Dialogue in 2016
Last name, First name
Address (street, postal code, residence, country)
E-Mail and telephone number / remarks
via post to:
via e-mail to:
Philosophisch-Politische Akademie/Gesellschaft für Sokratisches Philosophieren
c/o Dr. Horst Gronke, Leuthener Str.3, D-10829 Berlin
 [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to enrol for the following seminar. This enrolment is binding.
Please tick (√) as appropriate. (Prices include board and lodging, unless stated otherwise)
Seminar number (Time and place)
SD 01/2016 / Akademie Frankenwarte
05.-08.02.2016, Würzburg)
SD 02/2016 / HVHS Springe
19.-24.03.2016, Springe
150 €
210 €
100 €
160 €
240 €
290 €
160 €
SD 03/2016 / Villa Folke Bernadotte
40 €
24.-26.06.2016, Berlin
Attention: participation fee only, no board and lodging
SD 04-1/2016 / HVHS Springe
29.-31.07.2016, Springe
SD 04-2/2016 / HVHS Springe
31.07.-03.08.2016, Springe
95 €
120 €
65 €
90 €
145 €
170 €
95 €
130 €
SD 05/2016 / KL Freiburg
02.-04.09.2016, Freiburg (im Breisgau)
Attention: participation fee and accommodation with
breakfast, no full board
110 €
40 €
SD 05/2016 - without accommodation and breakfast
SD 06/2016 / DRK Tagungshotel
30.9.-02.10.2016, Münster (Westphalia)
SD 06/2016 without accommodation, with board
120 €
150 €
50 €
75 €
90 €
120 €
 Please tick as appropriate:
The advance payment (25 €) has been transferred indicating my name and the seminar number (e.g. SD 01/2016).
The entire participation fee has been transferred indicating my name and the seminar number.
Reasons for the reduced rate und supporting documents are attached.
! I know that I can only participate if I arrive in time and stay till the end.
I would not like to have my address/telephone number/e-mail address appear on the list of
participants, which will be sent to all those who participate before the seminar.
(Place, Date)
(Signature, necessary only on postal enrolments)
Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e.V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn, Kontonummer: 19 31 53 98 84; Bankleitzahl: 370 501 98; IBAN: DE16370501981931539884; BIC: COLSDE33XXX
PPA eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Bonn: VR 5799
GSP eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Hannover: VR 6688
Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e.V.
Gesellschaft für Sokratisches Philosophieren e.V.
Society for the Furtherance of Critical Philosophy
Socratic Dialogues 2016
SD 01/2016: Akademie Frankenwarte in Würzburg – Start: 5 February, 18:00, End: 8 February, 13:00
Horst Gronke: Gute Zahlen? Böse Zahlen? – Welche Bedeutung haben Zahlen für unser Leben?
Dieter Krohn: “That‘s probably true.” – Any reasons which may justify this statement? [SD in English]
Gisela Raupach-Strey: Soll man Grenzen zu überwinden versuchen?
Lily Sparnaay: Wann sage ich „Jetzt ist Schluss!“?
Boris Schwitzer: Nelson‘s philosophy of knowledge and Plato: old wine in new bottles? [Socratic Evening]
Veit Siegmund: Limitations – How do we realize ourselves and cope with our limitations in moving? [Feldenkrais Evening]
SD 02/2016: Heimvolkshochschule Springe (near Hannover) – Start: 19 March, 16:00, End: 24 March, 13:00
Ralf Brocker: Mathematisches Thema
Hans-Peter Griewatz: „Der ‚kleine Mann‘ hat ja doch nichts zu sagen.“ – Darf ich mich in mein privates Glück zurückziehen?
Vander Lemes: What is an altruistic act? [SD in English]
Veit Siegmund: Was ist eine gute Haltung?
Hans-Peter Griewatz: Example and Biography. Experience as an important element of Socratic Dialogue [Socratic Evening]
Dieter Krohn: Refugees [Political Evening]
Veit Siegmund: Posture – How do we realize ourselves and cope with our posture in different situations? [Feldenkrais Evening]
SD 03/2016: Villa Folke Bernadotte in Berlin – Start: 24 June, 16:00, End: 26 June, 13:00
Beate Littig: Ein nachhaltiges Leben führen – Was heißt das überhaupt?
Gisela Raupach-Strey: Was macht „unsere Werte“ wertvoll?
SD 04-1/2016: Heimvolkshochschule Springe (near Hannover) – Start: 29 July, 16:00, End: 31 July, 13:00
Volker Rendez: Unter welchen Bedingungen darf ich gegen die Werte anderer (Betroffener) handeln?
Sarah Banks: When is it right to stop helping? [SD in English]
Ton den Boer: The wisdom of old people – Socratic Dialogues in houses for the elderly [Socratic Evening]
SD 04-2/2016: Heimvolkshochschule Springe (near Hannover) – Start: 31 July, 16:00, End: 3 August, 13:00
Renate Engel: Was heißt es, sich zu erinnern?
Marije Altorf: When should I judge? [SD in English]
Horst Gronke: High time for a new reformation – Why the world religions ought to reform themselves [Political Evening]
SD 05/2016: Internationales Gästehaus KL Freiburg (Breisgau) – Start: 2 September, 16:00, End: 4 September, 13:00
Horst Gronke: Was zeige ich von mir persönlich?
SD 06/2016: DRK-Tagungshotel in Münster (Westphalia) – Start: 30 September, 16:00, End: 2 October, 13:00
Klaus Blesenkemper: Wie „autonom“ ist mein Leib?
Ingrid Bißwurm: Was ist Kunst?
Angella Hodgson: What does it mean to ‘be valued’? [SD in English]
Katrin Nortdorf: Mathematisches Thema?
Jens Peter Brune: Human dignity, migration and integration: What do we owe refugees? [Political Evening]
Philosophisch-Politische Akademie e.V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn, Kontonummer: 19 31 53 98 84; Bankleitzahl: 370 501 98; IBAN: DE16370501981931539884; BIC: COLSDE33XXX
PPA eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Bonn: VR 5799
GSP eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Hannover: VR 6688