Curriculum Vitae Manuel Vogt, Ph.D. September 2015 Princeton University Dept. of Politics 130 Corwin Hall Princeton, NJ 08544-1012 [email protected] / [email protected] Current Position: Visiting post-doctoral research associate at Princeton University (since September 2015) Education: ETH Zürich, Switzerland Dr. sc. ETH Zürich (2013) Dissertation title: “Ethnic Mobilization, Equality and Conflict in Multi-ethnic States”. Examiner: Prof. Dr. Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH Zurich) Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Simon Hug (University of Geneva) Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Matthijs Bogaards (Central European University) Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador Visiting researcher (April - May 2013) University of Zurich, Switzerland M.A. Political Science (2008); minors in Educational Psychology and Constitutional Law Hamline University, St. Paul, MN Amity Institute exchange student (fall and winter semesters 2004/2005) High School Rychenberg, Winterthur, Switzerland University-entrance diploma (“Matura“) (2001) Publications: Peer-reviewed Articles Vogt, Manuel. 2015. “The Disarticulated Movement: Barriers to Maya Mobilization in PostConflict Guatemala.” Latin American Politics and Society 57(1): 29-50. Vogt, Manuel, Nils-Christian Bormann, Seraina Rüegger, Lars-Erik Cederman, Philipp Hunziker, and Luc Girardin. 2015. "Integrating Data on Ethnicity, Geography, and Conflict: The Ethnic Power Relations Data Set Family." Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (7): 1327-1342. Bormann, Nils-Christian, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Manuel Vogt. Forthcoming. "Language, Religion, and Ethnic Civil War." Journal of Conflict Resolution. Book Chapters Vogt, Manuel (forthcoming, 2016). "Escaping the Resource Curse: How Power-sharing Prevents Ethnic Conflict over Resource Wealth in Africa.” In Toyin Falola and Jamaine Abidogun (eds.): The Political Economy of Modern Africa: Wealth, Exploitation and Development. London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Publishers. Schimmelfennig, Frank and M. Vogt (2013). “Staat und Volk – was sonst?“ In: Hanspeter Kriesi and Lars Müller (eds.): Herausforderung Demokratie. Zürich: NCCR Democracy und Lars Müller Publishers, 152-181. Bormann, N., M. Vogt and L.-E. Cederman (2013). “Der Arabische Frühling und die Bestimmung der demokratischen Gemeinschaft”. In: Andreas Auer (ed.): Demokratisierung im arabischen Raum. Zürich: Schulthess, 163-186. Working Papers Vogt, Manuel (2012). “Escaping the Resource Curse: Ethnic Inclusion in Resource-Rich States in West Africa”. Swisspeace Working Paper 3/2012. Online: Bormann, N., M. Vogt and L.-E. Cederman (2012). „The Arab Spring and the Forgotten Demos”. Working Paper No. 52, National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR). Online: Vogt, Manuel (2007). “Ethnic Exclusion and Ethno-Nationalist Conflicts. How the Struggle over Access to the State Can Escalate: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of West Africa“. Working Paper No. 18, National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR). Online: Newspaper Articles “Estimada Sra. Zury Ríos” (in response to Zury Ríos’ letter to the editor of April 9th), El Periódico (Guatemala), 2.5.2013 “Y si mataran a Zury Ríos?”, El Periódico (Guatemala), 26.3.2013 “Elfenbeinküste: Prekäre Rückkehr zum Frieden“, Infosperber (Switzerland,, 21.10.2012 “Kriegsverbrecher mit besten Siegeschancen“, 20 Minuten Online (Switzerland,, 5.11.2011 “Das System der weissen Eroberer“, Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland), 29.9.2011 “Guatemala: Die Herrschenden haben Mayas im Griff”, Infosperber (Switzerland,, 24.9.2011 “El Movimiento Winaq y la Democracia“, El Periódico (Guatemala), 9.9.2011 “Afrikas nächste verpasste Chance?”, Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland), 24.12.2010 Field Research: Ecuador, March - May 2013 31 elite interviews with party, state, and civil society leaders, parliamentarians, journalists, and experts. Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon, July - October 2012 63 elite interviews with political party, and civil society leaders, parliamentarians, journalists, and experts. Guatemala, April - July 2011 59 elite interviews with party, state, and civil society leaders, parliamentarians, journalists, and experts. Radio Appearances: “Senegals Präsident Wade gibt sich geschlagen”, Echo der Zeit, SR DRS (Switzerland), 26.3.2012. Online: Invited Talks: “Ethnic Power Relations and Conflict: Lessons from around the World.” Guest lecture, Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD), Accra (Ghana), 23 July, 2015. "Ethnic Exclusion, Mobilization, and Conflict in Africa and the Middle East." Guest lecture, American University in Cairo (Egypt), 24 September, 2014. “Movilización étnica, igualdad y conflicto en estados multi-étnicos: Un análisis teórico y empírico”. Guest lectures, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala City, 30 & 31 July, 2014. “Ethnic Mobilization, Equality and Conflict in Multi-ethnic States”. Forschungskolloquium Global Studies, University of Bern (Switzerland), 25 February, 2014. “Natural Resource Exploitation, Development, and Indigenous Resistance in Guatemala". Coloquio RedISCA, Bern, 16 November, 2013. “Kampf für politische Gerechtigkeit: Die Maya-Bewegung in Guatemala nach dem Bürgerkrieg“. Talk at the annual general meeting of the Guatemala-Netz Zürich, Zurich, 9 June, 2012. “Honduras – Before and After the Coup”. Workshop at the Social and Environmental Forum of East Switzerland (“Sozial- und Umweltforum Ostschweiz”, SUFO), St. Gallen, 8 May, 2010. Awards: 2011 & 2013: NCCR Knowledge Transfer Award Language Skills: German: native language English: excellent, oral and written (TOEFL score, 2008: 115/120) Spanish: excellent, oral and written French: good, oral and written Portuguese: basic knowledge, oral and written
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