Jazz Dance - Caroline Frühschütz Sportkongress 2015

Jazz Dance - Caroline Frühschütz Sportkongress 2015
Warm Up
Acroos the Floor
KeeMo & Schild feat. Justin Hopkins - Revolution (Sunset Chill)
Michael Jackson - The way you make me feel
- Tussi Walks
- Jazz Walks (schräg und frontal)
One Republic - Good life
- Pas de bourree
- Kick ball change
Jennifer Hudson - Spotlight
- II-Position + Relevé (+halbe Drehung)
- Chaine (Schrittdrehungen)
Robin Thicke - Living in New York City (Fortgeschrittene)
- 6-Steps + Pirouette
Leona Lewis - I got you
- Schrittkombination
Kräftigung Bauch
HAIM - Falling (Duke Dumont Remix)
Opening Celebation
Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror
Craig Armstring - Love Actually (Glasgow Love Theme)
Joe Cocker - Unchain my Heart