DR. DIRK JANSSEN DR. DIRK JANSSEN Partner CORPORATE MUNICH T: +49 89 237086 0 D: +49 89 237086 160 M: +49 151 44048611 [email protected] Summary Dr. Dirk Janssen is a partner in the Munich Corporate Group. He has wide experience of private equity and M&A activities, with particular emphasis on leveraged buy-outs and cross-border transactions in the mid and large cap sector. His practice includes significant experience in advising corporates, funds, institutional investors and private equity houses. Dirk has completed a commercial apprenticeship and worked for various international companies and law firms in Germany, the UK and Asia before joining Watson Farley & Williams. He is co-author of a commentary on private equity law and regularly publishes articles on corporate law related topics. Dirk is fluent in German and English. He is named as a “frequently recommended lawyer” for M&A and Private Equity in the German legal directory, JUVE Handbuch. Experience Advising KGAL on € 111 m co-investment with General Electric in Spanish solar thermal power plant Extresol II (50 MW). Advising management shareholders in connection with the sale of Commarco GmbH to the WPP Group. Education 2003: Doctorate, University of Giessen (JSD) 2003: Second State Exam, Higher R.C. Frankfurt 1999: First State Examination, University of Giessen (first state exam) 1999: Specialised Export Clerk (Außenhandelskaufmann) Author/Speaker/Awards Lecturer: University of Giessen Das Risikobegrenzungsgesetz, in: Kapitalbeteiligungs- recht: Kommentar zum Private Equity-Recht (Schäffer-Poeschel) (The Risk Limitation Act, in: Capital Participation Law – Commentary on Home > People > Dr. Dirk Janssen Private Equity Law) Die sieben Sünden der PMI: Was Unternehmen trotz aller Erfahrung falsch machen (Finance) (The seven sins of post merger integration) Private-Equity-Gesetz könnte Mittelstand Impulse geben (Börsenzeitung) (Private Equity Law) Rechtsrahmen für Investitionen – Welches Private Equity-Gesetz braucht Deutschland? (Venture Capital Magazine) (Which private equity law is suitable for Germany?) Wer Rechte vergibt, muss sie nicht besitzen (Horizont Sport Business) (Granting rights not a criteria for possessing rights) Die Regulierung abweichenden Verhaltens im Internet: eine Untersuchung verschiedener Regulierungsansätze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Rechtsordnung (Nomos) (Regulation of deviant behaviour in the internet) Employment Record since July 2010: Watson Farley & Williams LLP 2009-2010: Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP 2003-2009: Ashurst LLP 1996: Henkel Thai Ltd. 1992 – 1994: Thyssen Krupp Stahlexport Home > People > Dr. Dirk Janssen
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