Curriculum vitae - Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Prof. Dr. Christian Schulze
June 2015
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Christian Schulze
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Sonnemannstr. 9-11
60314 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (69) 154 008-735
[email protected]
Work Experience
Since 2015
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management – Frankfurt, Germany
Associate Professor of Marketing (tenured)
2012 - 2015
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management – Frankfurt, Germany
Assistant Professor of Marketing
University of Texas at Austin – Austin, TX (USA)
Visiting Researcher
2009 - 2012
Retail Banking Competence Center – Frankfurt, Germany
Research Assistant
2007 - 2012
E-Finance Lab – Frankfurt, Germany
Research Assistant
2004 - 2007
The Boston Consulting Group – Frankfurt, Germany
2007 - 2011
Goethe University Frankfurt – Frankfurt, Germany
 Ph.D. in Marketing (Dr. rer. pol.), “summa cum laude”
 Dissertation title “Customer Acquisition and Value Management”
1999 - 2005
Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig –
Braunschweig, Germany
 Master in Information Systems (Diplom- Wirtschaftsinformatiker)
2003 - 2004
Babson College, F. W. Olin Graduate School of Business – Wellesley,
 Visiting MBA Student
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2015): “Customizing Social Media
Marketing”, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 56(2), 8-10
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2014): “Not All Fun and Games:
Viral Marketing for Utilitarian Products”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 78 (January), 1-19
(Finalist for MSI/H. Paul Root Award)
Hinz, Oliver / Schulze, Christian / Takac, Carsten (2013), “New Product Adoption in
Social Networks: Why Direction Matters”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67 (1), 2836–
Skiera, Bernd / Schulze, Christian (2014), “Customer-Based Valuation: Similarities and
Differences to Traditional Discounted Cash Flow Models”, in: Rust, Roland T. / Huang,
Ming-Hui (eds.), Handbook of Service Marketing Research, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward
Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd / Wiesel, Thorsten (2012), “Linking Customer and
Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based
Valuation”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 76 (March), 17-32. (Finalist for MSI/H. Paul Root
Award and Harold H. Maynard Award)
Schulze, Christian (2012), “Customer Acquisition and Value Management”, Hamburg,
Germany: Dr. Kovač
Hinz, Oliver / Gottschlich, Jörg / Schulze, Christian (2011), “Wie aus Ratgebern
Käufer werden”, Harvard Business Manager (Dezember 2011), 10-11.
Wolters, Heike / Schulze, Christian / Gedenk, Karen (2014): “The design of customer
referral programs”, 37th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA
El Kihal, Siham / Erdem, Tulin / Schulze, Christian/ Skiera, Bernd (2015): “Is it how
you Start how you Finish?Customer Return Rate Evolution over Time”, 37th INFORMS
Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA
Dyshko, Irina / Schulze, Christian (2015): “Winback, Winmore, Winover? How price
promotions affect the value of ex-, new and current customers?”, 37th INFORMS
Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA
Schulze, Christian / McAlister, Leigh (2015): “Do promotional acquisition channels
increase or decrease customers’ future purchases?”, 37th INFORMS Marketing
Science Conference, Baltimore, USA
Wolters, Heike / Schulze, Christian / Gedenk, Karen (2014): “The design of customer
referral programs”, 5th Theory & Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference @ Georgia State
University, Atlanta, USA
Schulze, Christian / McAlister, Leigh (2015): “Do promotional acquisition channels
increase or decrease customers’ future purchases?”, 5th Theory & Practice in Marketing
(TPM) Conference @ Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
Dyshko, Irina / Schulze, Christian (2015): “Winback, Winmore, Winover? How price
promotions affect the value of ex-, new and current customers?”, 44th Conference of the
European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium
Wolters, Heike / Schulze, Christian / Gedenk, Karen (2014): “The design of customer
referral programs”, 16. Jahrestagung “Quantitatives Marketing”, Hamburg, Deutschland
Schulze, Christian / McAlister, Leigh (2014): “Acquiring customers through nontargeted price promotions: The effect of promotion type and product category on
customer value”, 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, USA
El Kihal, Siham / Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd (2014): “When product returns
become an “unnecessary evil”: Can online retailers avoid firing unprofitable
customers?”, 36th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Atlanta, USA
El Kihal, Siham / Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd (2014): “When product returns
become an “unnecessary evil”: Can online retailers avoid firing unprofitable
customers?”, 43rd Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Valencia, Spain
Schulze, Christian / El Kihal, Siham / Skiera, Bernd (2013): “Product Return
Management for Online Retailers”, 35th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference,
Istanbul, Turkey
Schulze, Christian / El Kihal, Siham / Skiera, Bernd (2013): “Product Return
Management for Online Retailers”, 42nd Conference of the European Marketing Academy
(EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey
Schulze, Christian / El Kihal, Siham / Skiera, Bernd (2013): “Product Return
Management for Online Retailers”, 3rd Theory & Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference @
London Business School, London, United Kingdom
Schulze, Christian / El Kihal, Siham / Skiera, Bernd (2013): “Product Return
Management for Online Retailers”, 15th General Online Research Conference / SymanO,
Mannheim, Deutschland
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2012): “Viral Marketing: Influence
of Sharing Mechanism Characteristics in Facebook Apps”, 14. Jahrestagung
“Quantitatives Marketing”, Hamburg, Deutschland
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2012): “Viral Marketing: Influence
of Sharing Mechanism Characteristics in Facebook Apps”, 34th INFORMS Marketing
Science Conference, Boston, USA
Schulze, Christian / Bermes, Manuel / Skiera, Bernd (2012): “Surprising Results on the
Share of Customer Business” 2nd Theory & Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference @
Harvard Business School, Boston, USA
Schulze, Christian / Bermes, Manuel / Skiera, Bernd (2011): “Surprising Results on the
Share of Customer Business”, 33rd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Houston,
Schulze, Christian / Bermes, Manuel / Skiera, Bernd (2011): “Surprising Results on the
Share of Customer Business”, 40th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC),
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Schulze, Christian / Bermes, Manuel / Skiera, Bernd (2011): “Surprising Results on the
Share of Customer Business”, 2nd Marketing Meets Wall Street Conference, Boston, USA
Schulze, Christian / Bermes, Manuel / Skiera, Bernd (2010): “Customer-Centric
Reporting: An Analysis of Banks to Outline the Composition of Customer Business and
Non-Customer Business”, ANZMAC Annual Conference 2010, Christchurch, New
Schulze, Christian (2010): “Affiliate Marketing: Setting Optimal Commissions”, 32nd
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2010): “Walking a Fine Line:
Analyzing the Effects of (In)Appropriate Viral Marketing Designs”, 32nd INFORMS
Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany
Schulze, Christian (2010): “Affiliate Marketing: Setting Optimal Commissions”, 39th
Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark
Schulze, Christian / Schöler, Lisa / Skiera, Bernd (2010): “Walking a Fine Line:
Analyzing the Effects of (In)Appropriate Viral Marketing Designs”, 39th Conference of the
European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark
Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd / Wiesel, Thorsten (2009): “Customer-Based Firm
Valuation”, 31st INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Ann Arbor, USA
Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd / Wiesel, Thorsten (2009): “Customer-Based Firm
Valuation”, Doctoral Colloquium at the 38th Conference of the European Marketing Academy
(EMAC), Nantes, France.
Schulze, Christian / Skiera, Bernd / Wiesel, Thorsten (2009): “Customer-Based Firm
Valuation”, in: Proceedings of the Campus for Finance Research Conference 2009, Vallendar,
Germany (awarded “Best Paper”, 2nd runner up)
Awards and Scholarships
Finalist for MSI/H. Paul Root Award by the American Marketing
Association (AMA) for the article “Not all Fun and Games: Viral
Marketing for Utilitarian Products”
Teaching Award (1st runner up) by the Frankfurt School of Finance &
Management, based on excellent student evaluations
1st runner up for MSI/H. Paul Root Award by the American Marketing
Association (AMA) for the article “Linking Customer and Financial
Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based
Finalist for Harold H. Maynard Award by the American Marketing
Association (AMA) for the article “Linking Customer and Financial
Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based
Finance research award (1st runner up) by the German Stock Institute
(Deutsches Aktieninstitut, DAI) for dissertation “Customer Acquisition
and Value Management”
Teaching Award (1st runner up) by the Frankfurt School of Finance &
Management, based on excellent student evaluations
Erich Gutenberg Young Researcher Award 2012 by the Erich-GutenbergArbeitsgemeinschaft Köln e.V.
Alfred Gerardi Commemoration Award by the German Direct Marketing
Association (Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V., DDV) for best
Marketing dissertation
BÜROPA Young Researcher Award 2012 by BÜROPA Foundation for
dissertation “Customer Acquisition and Value Management”
Teaching Award (1st runner up) by the Frankfurt School of Finance &
Management, based on excellent student evaluations
American Marketing Association (AMA) / Sheth Foundation Doctoral
Consortium Fellow
Campus for Finance Conference, “Best Paper Award” (2nd runner up) for
“Customer-Based Firm Valuation” with Bernd Skiera and Thorsten
Award “Marketing Pyramid” from Marketing Club Braunschweig for
Master thesis
1999 - 2005
Fellow of the German National Merit Foundation (“Studienstiftung des
deutschen Volkes”)
2003 - 2004
Fulbright Fellow
TU Braunschweig President’s Award of Excellence, awarded annually to
institute’s best student
Press coverage (selection)
• ARD (01/10/2014): “Tagesthemen: Zalando IPO”
• SAT1 (19/12/2013): “Frühstücksfernsehen: Rückschick-Wahn”
• HR (16/12/2013): “Hessenschau: Wieder Streik bei Amazon”
• ZDF (21/10/2013): “WISO-Duell: Amazon gegen Otto”
• ARD (05/05/2012): “Rategeber Geld - Facebook-Börsengang: Lohnt sich der Kauf
von Internet-Aktien?”
• Deutschlandfunk (30/01/2015): “Internetriesen”
• SWR (14/08/2014): “Unternehmenswährungen”
• ARD-Börsenstudio Radio (15/11/2013): “Was vom Twitter-Hype übrig blieb”
• Deutschlandradio Kultur (15/05/2013): “Expansion bis zum Umfallen – die
Unternehmensstrategie von Amazon und Co.”
• NDR Info (23/05/2012): “Facebook-Aktie: Ernüchterung statt Euphorie”
• Deutschlandfunk (18/05/2012): “Börsenspektakel um Facebook”
• Deutschlandfunk (18/05/2012): “Facebook ist sicherlich alles andere als eine
sichere Investition”
• Deutschlandfunk (17/05/2012): “Aus dem Netz an die Börse”
• Sonnemann (16/07/2014): “Lasst uns in Ruhe!”
• Marketing Insights (USA, 02/05/2014): “Vying for Viral”
• The Economist (International, 21/12/2013): “Return to Santa”
• Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (01/06/2014): “Versuchsobjekt
• Frankfurter Rundschau & Berliner Zeitung (10/05/2014): “Zalando sieht rot”
• Frankfurter Rundschau & Berliner Zeitung (15/02/2014): “Der Börse entgegen”
• Frankfurter Rundschau & Berliner Zeitung (03/02/2014): “Zurück an den
Absender: Künftig können Online-Händler ihre Kunden an den
Rücksendekosten beteiligen”
• People’s Daily (China, 13/12/2013): “虚拟银行,存钱新体验”
• Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (28/10/2013): “Haarscharf am Verbraucher
vorbei entwickelt: Blackberry und Nokia scheiterten an Managementfehlern”
• Jyllands-Postens (Dänemark, 26/06/2013): “Netgigant lægger Europa for sine
• Der Bank Blog (16/07/2014): “Lasst uns in Ruhe!”
• (13/06/2014): “EU-Richtlinie Onlineshopping: Neue Regeln gegen den
• Yahoo News (USA, 22/01/2014): “Why copying successful social media
strategies does not work”
• (USA, 28/12/2013): “Managing customer returns in ecommerce”
• (28/12/2013): “Online Shoppen: Zurückschicken kostet bald”
• (28/12/2013): “E-Commerce-Trends 2014: Mittel gegen die ShoppingBulimie”
• (Belgien, 28/12/2013): “ 1% van alle klanten roomt de helft van de
winst van online retailers af”
• (USA, 23/12/2013): “Managing customer
returns in e-commerce”
• (18/12/2013): “Warum Zalando noch nicht reif für die Börse ist”
• WirtschaftsWoche Online (12/12/2013): “Online-Handel: Experte empfiehlt
Sanktionen gegen Retouren-Sünder”
• Manager Magazin Online (30/08/2013): “Börsenhype um Facebook: Die 100Milliarden-Dollar-Wette”
• Bloomberg (USA, 13/08/2013): “Billionaire Holch Povlsen Adds Zalando to
Fashion Portfolio”
• (USA, 28/06/2013): “Zalando Tech Team Plans for Boom as
Banks Said to Pitch IPO”
• Manager Magazin Online (22/05/2012): “Die Mär von Mr. Zockerberg”