Plant naturalization From global patterns to regional and local drivers Mosaic credit: Dan Nickrent Mark van Kleunen Ecology, Department of Biology Thanks Ecology Lab Collaborators on work to be presented Wayne Dawson Petr Pyšek Jan Pergl Marten Winter Franz Essl Patrick Weigelt Holger Kreft Ewald Weber Hanno Seebens Liubov Antonova Andrey Kupriyanov Aleksandr Ebel Wen-sheng Shu Silvana Masciadri Quentin Groom Pieter Pelser Maria Baptiste Olga Morozova Nicol Fuentes Misako Nishino Mauricio Velayos Manop Poopath Lesley Henderson Julie Barcelona John Kartesz Jan Meerman Jacob Thomas Inderjit Francisco Cabezas Estrela Figueiredo Eduardo Chacon Dietmar Moser Daniel Nickrent Cyrille Chatelain Castaño Nicolás Juliana Cárdenas-Toro Dairon Cárdenas Annette Patzelt Maria Schulze Jan Wieringa Bernd Blasius Mialy Razanajatovo Noëlie Maurel Yanhao Feng Zhiheng Wang Lei Ning Fei-Hai Yu Ingolf Kühn Jan Hanspach Emily Haeuser 2 Tim Blackburn Ellie Dyer Piero Genovesi Philip Hulme Jonathan Jeschke Shyama Pagad Margarita Arianoutsou Sven Bacher Giuseppe Brundu César Capinha Laura Celesti-Grapow Stefan Dullinger Heinke Jäger Marc Kenis Bernd Lenzner Alexander Mosena Wolfgang Rabitsch, Julissa Rojas-Sandoval Alain Roques Silivia Rossinelli Helen Roy Riccardo Scalera Stefan Schindler Kateřina Štajerová Barbara Tokarska-Guzik Globalization 3 Exponential increase in number of recorded alien species in the last 500 years. 1500 1775 2000 di Castri 1989 Biological Invasions: a global perspective, Halpern et al. 2008 Science 319:948-952, Seebens et al. unpublished manuscript Examples of naturalized alien plants Senecio inaequidens Solidago canadensis Impatiens glandulifera Fallopia japonica Photo sources:; Ambrosia artemisiifolia Mimulus guttatus 4 Global patterns of naturalized plant species 5 and many data contributors Global flows of naturalized plant species 843 regions → 83% of land surface van Kleunen et al. 2015 Nature 525:100-103 6 Naturalized species accumulation per continent 13,168 naturalized plant species → 4% of global flora Pacific Antarctica van Kleunen et al. 2015 Nature 525:100-103 7 Global flows of naturalized plant species 8 Only top 50% of flows are shown; Ant. = Antarctic, C = only known from cultivation or novel hybrid van Kleunen et al. 2015 Nature 525:100-103 Global flows of naturalized plant species 9 Recipient continent Donor continent Overrepresented Underrepresented Number of species van Kleunen et al. 2015 Nature 525:100-103 The most widely naturalized species 10 Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L. – Gemüse Gänsedistel Naturalized in 409 of the 843 GloNAF regions (62,527,772 km2) GloNAF regions in which species has naturalized No data Other GloNAF regions Permanent ice sheets Pyšek et al. in preparation The most widely naturalized species 11 The number-of-regions top ten 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. GloNAF regions Rank Species 1 Sonchus oleraceus (Gemüse-Gänsedistel) 409 2 Ricinus communis (Wunderbaum) 373 3 Oxalis corniculata (Horn-Sauerklee) 318 4 Portulaca oleracea (Portulak) 311 5 Eleusine indica (Indische Fingerhirse) 309 6 Chenopodium album (Weißer Gänsefuß) 298 7 Capsella bursa-pastoris (Hirtentäschel) 296 8 Stellaria media (Gewöhnliche Vogelmiere) 288 9 Bidens pilosa (Behaarter Zweizahn) 280 10 Datura stramonium (Gemeiner Stechapfel) 272 Pyšek et al. in preparation; Images from various internet sources 1 Global trade as a driver of plant naturalization 12 Global trade as a driver of plant naturalization 13 Probability of naturalization Environmental similarity Distance Pij(Naturalization) = Pij(Alien)·Pij(Introduction)·Pij(Establishment) Species richness of donor country Bilateral trade Predicted no. of naturalized plants 0 500 1000 1500 r = 0.78 Observed no. of naturalized plants 2000 Cumulative trade until 20 years ago is a major driver. Seebens et al. 2015 Global Change Biology 21:4128-4140 Global trade as a driver of plant naturalization Changes in numbers of naturalized species by the year 2028 Based on current trade Emerging economies will be the winners. Seebens et al. 2015 Global Change Biology 21:4128-4140 14 15 Trade Ѵ Traits ? Baker’s Law 16 Selfing should promote establishment after long-distance dispersal Native Native Native Native Alien Naturalized Native Breeding systems and global naturalization Plant-breeding-system experiments Eckert et al. 2010 Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25:35-43 17 Breeding systems and global naturalization 18 Global plant-breeding-system database Literature search Breeding system or Mating system or Self-compatib* or Self-fertil* or Autogam* or Auto-fertil* or Outcross* or Apomixis and Plant Screening 6,678 titles ► 1,675 abstracts ► 696 articles + 247 additional sources ►1,781 plant species (161 families) Monocarpy Self-compatibility/ Autofertility Razanajatovo et al. unpublished manuscript Native range size Naturalization success 51 TDWG2 regions 843 regions Breeding systems and global naturalization 19 Self-compatibility Extent of naturalization Naturalization (yes/no) Selfcompatibility 0.124 Self-compatibility (and autofertility) contribute to naturalization. Razanajatovo et al. unpublished manuscript Native range size (No. regions) 0.124 0.15 0.355 Monocarpic strategy 0.414 0.216 0.167 Naturalizatio success (No. regions) Ornamental plant introductions Professional plant hunters – heroes of horticulture EH Wilson (1876-1930) Lilium regale Whittle 1997 The Plant Hunters; Ward 2004 The Plant Hunter´s Garden, Ernest Henry Wilson (1876-1930) papers, 1896-1952 20 Predicting the next generation of European plant invaders WhoIsNext IPCC 2013; van Kleunen, Thuiller, Bossdorf, Dullinger & Essl 21 Experimental warming and establishment Disturbed Undisturbed 37 ornamental aliens 12 naturalized aliens 14 natives Haeuser et al. in progress 22 Experimental warming and establishment Undisturbed Disturbed 20 10 Control 2014 2015 15 5 0 20 15 Heated Total no. plants present/plot 23 10 5 0 Native Haeuser et al. in progress Naturalized Ornamental Native Naturalized Ornamental Experimental warming and establishment 24 Disturbed 20 15 10 5 0 20 5 0 Some ornamentals have the potential to establish. Haeuser et al. in progress 2014 2015 Heated 15 10 Undisturbed Control Total no. plants present/plot Ornamentals Summary 25 ► First quantitative data for global patterns ► Trade is an important driver ► Traits are important: ● Some ± universally ● Others context dependent (still rarely tested explicitly) ► Explanation → prediction ● Naturalized species of the future – ornamental garden plants may be a Thanks 26
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