OLGA EISELE Institute for Advanced Studies Josefstädter Straße 39 1080 Wien Austria Phone: +43 1 59991 175 Mail: [email protected] Newspaper Coverage of Parliamentary Communication in EU Affairs’. 26-27/6/15 International Conference ‘New Populisms’ Political Communication’, Institut des Sciences de la Communication, Paris Paper given: ‘Setting the Eurosceptic Tone? Newspaper Coverage of the European Parliament and Its Influence on Public Opinion’. 30/4/15 EDUCATION Symposium on ‘Contesting and Communicating Europe: European Democracy, the Media and Euro-sceptic Movements’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Since 10/2012 PhD candidate at the Institute for Advanced Studies/University of Vienna 2008 –2011 Master in European Studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder 2004 – 2007 Bachelor in Scandinavian Studies at the Humboldt University, Berlin Paper given: ‘Mind the (Information) Gap? Newspaper Coverage about the European Parliament and Its Influence on Public Opinion’ 30.3.-2.4./15 ECPR Joint Sessions, Warsaw Paper prepared (together with Katrin Auel and Lucy Kinski): We Need to Talk About Europe. Political Contestation, Parliamentary Communication and the Media’ WORK EXPERIENCE Since 10/2012 Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna; Research Project “PACE - 26-27/3/15 ment for Parliamentary Democracy’, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Parliamentary Communication of Europe” (Principal Investigator: Dr. Katrin Auel) 06/2011 – Employment at Euro-Informationen Agency, Berlin: Assistant at the joint citizens’ 09/2012 support and information point (Europa-Punkt) of the Representation of the European Commission/Information Office of the European Parliament in Germany, Berlin 03/2009 – Research Assistant with Prof. Jürgen Neyer, chair in political science/ the institu- 12/2010 tional order of the European Union, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder PADEMIA Workshop on ‘Rethinking Representation? The Changing Environ- Paper given: ‘Mind the (Information) Gap? Newspaper Coverage about the European Parliament and Its Influence on Public Opinion’ 2-5/9/14 ECPR General Conference 2014, Glasgow Paper given: ‘A Game of Tones? Analysing Newspaper Contents of the European Parliament as an Influencer of Its Legitimacy in Public Opinion’. 19-24/7/14 IPSA World Congress 2014, Montréal Paper given (together with Katrin Auel and Lucy Kinski): ‘A Little More Conversation? PUBLICATIONS Auel, Katrin, Olga Eisele & Lucy Kinski (2016, forthcoming): “From Constraining to Catalysing Dissen- How National Parliaments Communicate EU Affairs to their Citizens’. 3-5/7/14 sus? The Impact of Political Contestation on the Parliamentary Communication of EU Affairs“. Comparative Paper given: ‘A Game of Tones? A Comparative Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of the European Politics. European Parliament’. Eisele, Olga & Lucy Kinski (2014): “Kommunikatives Schweigen? Zur Kommunikationsfunktion nationa- 12-13/6/14 the European Parliament’. EU? Das kommunikative Versagen einer großen Idee. Berlin: Frank und Timme GmbH, 113-32. CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS ECPR General Conference 2015, Montréal Paper prepared (together with Katrin Auel and Lucy Kinski): ‘What Happens in Parliament Stays in Parliament? Newspaper Coverage of National Parliaments in EU Affairs’ 27-28/8/15 First General Conference of PADEMIA, TEPSA, Brussels Paper given: ‘Burn after Reading? A Comparative Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of ler Parlamente in EU-Angelegenheiten". In: Frieß, Dennis, Julia Jax and Anna Michalski (eds.): Sprechen Sie 26-29/8/15 ECPR Graduate Conference 2014, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck 27/2 – Graduate Network Conference 2014, Sciences-Po, Paris 1/3/2014 Presentation of PhD Concept 11-13/4/2013 Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation 2013 at Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf Paper given (together with Lucy Kinski): ‚Zwischen Europa und dem Bürger- Eine vergleichende Analyse der europapolitischen Kommunikationsfunktion nationaler Parlamente‘. ECREA Politicial Communication Conference, Center for Journalism, University of Southern Denmark, Odense 25-27/6/15 Paper given: ‘Channeling Legitimation? Comparing News Contents about Parliaments AWARDS/GRANTS in the EU’s Multilevel Polity’. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Wissenschaft (OeGPW); travel stipend 5th Annual EPSA Conference, Vienna European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR); travel stipend Paper prepared (together with Katrin Auel and Lucy Kinski): ‘Sounds of Silence? University of Vienna; travel stipend
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