Olga M - Université de Genève

Olga Maria Klimecki
I am a psychologist and neuroscientist interested in understanding the neural mechanisms
that shape our social emotions in adaptive ways. In this endeavor, I combine methods from
psychology, neuroscience, and economy. In my doctoral research under the supervision of
Prof. Tania Singer I investigated neural, behavioral, and emotional plasticity induced by
training social emotions like compassion and empathy with meditation-based techniques.
The results of these longitudinal studies in adults provided evidence for the plasticity of
social emotions spanning the levels of neural function, emotional resilience, and helping
behavior. I extended this line of research to aggressive behavior with a BRIDGE/Marie Curie
fellowship at the University of Geneva from 2013 - 2015.
Jointly with Prof. David Sander, I am now coordinating a research focus on the role of
emotions in conflict resolution at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (University of
Geneva, Switzerland):
I am also the leader of the workpackage Emotion in the European project "Medit-Ageing".
The project "Medit-Ageing", which is co-ordinated by Dr. Gael Chételat (Inserm Director of
Research, University of Caen, France), aims at investigating the impact of meditation on
emotional and cognitive functions as well as on health and well-being in old age. The deputy
of the workpackage Emotion is Prof. Dr. Patrik Vuilleumier and our partners at the University
of Geneva are Prof. Dr. David Sander, Prof. Dr. Guido Bondolfi, and Prof. Dr. Emiliano
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Since 2016
Leader of the workpackage “Emotions” in the European project “Medit-Ageing”
at the University of Geneva, Switzerland (deputy: Prof. Dr. Patrik Vuilleumier).
Since 02/2015
Coordinator of the research focus "Emotion and conflict resolution" at the
Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland (jointly
with Prof. Dr. David Sander).
01/2013 - 01/2015 Marie-Curie/Bridge
postdoctoral fellow with Prof.
David Sander
(psychology) and Prof. Dr. Patrik Vuilleumier (medicine) at the University of
Geneva, Switzerland.
Post-doctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. Tania Singer at the Max-Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
Assistant researcher with Prof. Dr. Tania Singer at the Max-Planck Institute for
Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
Assistant researcher with Prof. Dr. Tania Singer at the Institute of empirical
economics (Director: Prof. Dr. Ernst Fehr), University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
PhD defense in Psychology (“summa cum laude”) at the University of Zurich,
Switzerland; supervisors: Prof. Dr. Lutz Jäncke, Prof. Dr. Tania Singer.
MSc Neuroscience at University College London (UCL), UK. Supervisor: Dr.
Beau Lotto, Institute of Ophthalmology.
Diplomarbeit (comparable to a master’s thesis) in Psychology Johannes
Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gerd Vossel,
Matthias Gamer.
Vordiplom (comparable to a BA) in Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg
University, Mainz, Germany.
Abitur (final high school examination with "1,0") in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Co-PI and leader of the workpackage "Emotion" on the European grant "MeditAgeing" (project ID: 667696; total grant volume: EUR 6’992’006); starting date:
NCCR funding for project on “Affective and Social Signals in Mediation” (CHF
Early Career Award from the Society for Social Neuroscience (received in
Washington, USA)
Evens Science Prize 2013 for the project “Upregulating the neural substrates of
empathy via neurofeedback” with Prof. Dr. John Gruzelier, Prof. Dr. David Sander
and Dr. Tomas Ros (EUR 30’000)
BRIDGE/Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship for the University of Geneva,
Switzerland (about CHF 217'100)
Research Funding from the University of Zurich for “Neural Foundations of
Empathy Learning” (Forschungskredit No 53990601; CHF 43’776)
Research Funding from the Neuroscience Center Zurich for “Neural
foundations of empathy training“, (EUR 142’800) together with Prof. Dr. Tania
2004 - 09/2007
Scholar of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des
deutschen Volkes)
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Organization of a workshop with Prof. Eran Halperin (psychology), Prof. Simon
Hug (political sciences) and Maud Roure (interpeace): “The role of emotions in
conflict resolution”, Geneva, Switzerland.
Organization of workshop with Jeremy Lack, Lucien Gyger, Linda Amrar &
Matthieu Vétois: “How Can Neurobiology and Affective Sciences Contribute to
Conflict Resolution?” during the Geneva Peace Week, Geneva, Switzerland.
Organization of two workshops, together with Francois Bogacz and Jeremy
Lack, “What does neuroscience tell us about human conflict?” at the conference
"conflict matters" in Brussels, Belgium.
Organization of the symposium “The Role of Emotions in Negotiation and
Conflict Resolution” at the International Society for Research on Emotion,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Organization of the workshop with Francois Bogacz and Jeremy Lack “Applying
affective sciences to conflict resolution and peacebuilding – bridging research
and practice” at the International Society for Research on Emotion, Geneva,
Organization of the symposium “Neural Substrates of Compassion” at the
International Symposia for Contemplative Studies, Denver, USA.
Assisted in preparing and carrying out the "Tagung experimentell arbeitender
Psychologen" (Conference on Experimental Psychology), Mainz, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Course: "Compassion et Neuroscience" (compassion and neuroscience) for the
Diplôme Universitaire "Stress reduction and care relationships: impact of
mindfulness based interventions" at University VI, Paris, France.
spring 2016
Seminar: “Emotions et conflits” (Emotions and conflitcs) for Masterstudenten os
Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
spring 2016
Block Lectures: ”Gehirn und Verhalten“ (Brain and Behavior) at the Institut für
Psychologie-Transfer, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Course: "Neuroscience and Conflict Resolution" for the "Leadership in
International Security Course" at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Course: "Compassion et Neuroscience" for the Diplôme Universitaire de
Médecine, Méditation et Neurosciences at the University of Strasbourg, France.
Lecture: "Influence des émotions sur la cognition et la prise de décision"
(Influence of emotions on cognition and decision-making) for master students in
psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Autumn 2015
Block Lectures: ”Empathie Training“ (Empathy Training) at the Institut für
Psychologie-Transfer (Institute for Psychology Transfer) in Zurich, Switzerland.
Spring 2015
Block Lectures: ”Gehirn und Verhalten“ (Brain and Behavior) at the Institut für
Psychologie-Transfer (Institute for Psychology Transfer) in Zurich, Switzerland.
Teaching a one day course on "Compassion et Neuroscience" (Compassion and
Neuroscience) for the "Diplôme Universitaire de Médecine Méditation et
Neurosciences" (University Diploma in Medicine, Meditation and Neuroscience)
at the University of Strasbourg, France.
undergraduates in psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Teaching at Summer Research Institute of Mind and Life Europe: "Training
Compassion - Effects on Subjective Experience, Prosocial Behavior and Brain
Function", Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, Germany.
neuropsychologischer Perspektive“ (Training compassion and empathy from a
neuropsychological perspective) at the Institut für Psychologie-Transfer (Institute
for Psychology Transfer) in Zurich, Switzerland.
Teaching the graduate seminar “Social Neuroscience” at the University of Zurich,
Switzerland; with Romana Snozzi and Tania Singer.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
From 2015
Supervision of PhD thesis of Francois Bogacz: “Using Affective and Social
Signals to improve conflict resolution in mediation” at the University of Geneva,
Geneva, Switzerland (together with Prof. Dr. Thierry Pun, Computer Science
Department, University of Geneva, Switzerland).
Supervision of master thesis in Neuroscience (Halima Rafi): “Neural Bases of
Conflict Resolution” at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (together
with Prof. Dr. David Sander).
Supervision of master thesis in Neuroscience (Domicele Jonauskaite): “Studying
Affect in Elderly” at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (together with
Prof. Dr. David Sander).
Supervision of master thesis in Psychology (Linda Amrar): “The effect of
Frustration on Aggression” at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
(together with Prof. Dr. David Sander).
Supervision of master thesis in Psychology (Milica Garic): “Fostering Conflict
Resolution” at the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (together with
Prof. Dr. David Sander).
“Neurophysiological substrates of interpersonal conflict” at the University of
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (together with Prof. Dr. David Sander).
Supervision of master thesis in Psychology (Alexandra Anastaze): “Relation
between character traits and brain responses in the inequality task” at the
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (together with Prof. Dr. David
Supervision of master thesis (Etna Engeli): “Plasticity in Compassion versus
Empathic Distress: The Influence of Affective Dispositions on Brain Responses
to Aversive Stimuli” at the University of Zurich, Switzerland (together with Prof.
Dr. Tania Singer).
In addition supervision of more than 20 Bachelor- and Masterstudents in internships.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O. (2015). How Can Affective Sciences Contribute To Conflict Resolution And
Peacebuilding? Invited talk for the Mediator Breakfast of the Chambre Suisse de Médiation
Commerciale, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2014). Plastizität im sozialen Gehirn – Wie wir unsere Emotionen trainieren können.
(Plasticity in the social brain – how we can train our emotions) Invited talk at meeting „Das soziale
Gehirn“ (The social brain) in Fürth, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2014). Surmonter la souffrance par l'entraînement de la compassion. (Overcoming
suffering through compassion training.) Talk for the Red Cross Exhibition “Trop Humain”, Geneva,
Klimecki, O. (2014) Einführung in Empathie, Mitgefühl und Achtsamkeit. (Introduction to Empathy,
Compassion and Mindfulness). Invited talk at Bundesgeschäftsführertagung der Waldorfschulen,
Berlin, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2014). S'entraîner à l'empathie ou à la compassion ? Une perspective
neuropsychologique. (Training empathy or compassion? A neuropsychological perspective.) Invited
talk at Association Neuchâteloise d’Accueil et d’Action Psychiatrique, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2013). La neuroscience de l’empathie et de la compassion. (The neuroscience of
empathy and compassion) Brain Awareness Week, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2012). The neuroscience of empathy and compassion. Invited keynote talk at Youth
Gathering preceding Empathy and Compassion in Society Conference, London, UK.
Klimecki, O. (2012) Können wir unser emotionales Gehirn trainieren? (Can we train our emotional
brain?) Science Slam during the Long Night of Science) Leipzig, Germany. (Winning presentation)
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O.M., Mayer, S.V., Jusyte, A., Scheeff, J., Schönenberg, M. (submitted). Empathy
promotes altruistic behavior in economic interactions.
Klimecki, O.M., Vuilleumier, P., Sander, D. (minor revision). The impact of emotions and empathyrelated traits on punishment behavior: Introduction and Validation of the Inequality Game. PLoS One.
[impact factor 3.23]
Klimecki, O.M. (2015) The Plasticity of Social Emotions. Social Neuroscience. 15, 466-473. [impact
factor 3.65]
Singer, T., Klimecki, O.M. (2014). Empathy and Compassion. Current Biology, 24, R875-R878.
[impact factor 10.13]
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Ricard, M., Singer, T. (2014). Differential Pattern of Functional Brain
Plasticity after Compassion and Empathy Training. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9,
873–879. [impact factor 7.37]
Bernhardt, B.*, Klimecki, O.*, Leiberg, S., Singer T. (2014). Structural Covariance Networks of the
Dorsal Anterior Insula Predict Females’ Individual Differences in Empathic Responding. Cerebral
Cortex, 24, 2189-98. (* shared first authorship) [impact factor 8.67]
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., Singer, T. (2013). Functional neural plasticity and associated
changes in positive affect after compassion training. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 1552–1561. [impact factor
Gamer, M., Klimecki, O., Bauermann, T., Stoeter, P., Vossel G. (2012). fMRI-activation patterns in
the detection of concealed information rely on memory-related effects. Social, Cognitive and Affective
Neuroscience. 7, 506-515. [impact factor 7.37]
Leiberg, S., Klimecki, O., Singer, T. (2011). Short-term compassion training increases prosocial
behavior in a newly developed prosocial game. PLoS One, 6, e17798. [impact factor 3.23]
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Book Chapters and Other Publications
Klimecki, O.M., Schweinberger, S.R. (forthcoming). Soziale Neurobiologie. In U.T. Egle, C. Heim, B.
Strauß and R. v. Känel (Eds). Psychosomatische Medizin 3.0 - Neurobiologisch fundiert Evidenzbasiert. W.Kohlhammer.
Klimecki, O., Vuilleumier, P. (forthcoming). Anger. In D. Sander (Ed). Emotions. Zurich: BENTELI
Bogacz, F., Klimecki, O.M. (forthcoming). How do emotions impact conflicts? A neuroscientific
perspective. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, P. Wilson and S. Croucher (Eds.). Approaches to
Conflict: Theoretical, Interpersonal, and Discursive Dynamics. Lexington Books.
Klimecki, O.M., Singer, T. (forthcoming). The Compassionate Brain. In J.R. Doty, M. Worline, E.
Simon-Thomas, D. Cameron and S. Brown (Eds.) Oxford Handbook on Compassion Science. Oxford
University Press.
Klimecki, O.M., Vuilleumier, P., Sander, D. (forthcoming). A psychological and neuroscientific view
on contempt. In P. Lombardo and K. Mulligan (Eds.) Contempt. Oxford University Press.
Klimecki, O. (2016). Mehr Mitgefühl. Gehirn und Geist. 2/2016, 52-57.
Klimecki, O. (2015). Plastizität im sozialen Gehirn – wie wir unsere Emotionen trainieren können.
(Plasticity in the social brain - how we can train our emotions.) In: H. Fink and R. Rosenzweig (Eds.)
Das soziale Gehirn - Neurowissenschaft und menschliche Bindung. Münster: Mentis.
Klimecki, O., & Singer, T. (2015). Compassion. In: A.W. Toga (Ed.) Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic
Reference, vol. 3, pp. 195-199. San Diego: Academic Press Elsevier.
Klimecki, O. (2014). Emotionales Verstehen. Die Rolle von Empathie und Mitgefühl. (Emotional
Understanding. The role of empathy and compassion) In: S. Schulte (Ed.) ach so verstehen wir.
Interdisziplinäre Gespräche übers Verstehen. Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
Klimecki, O., Ricard, M., & Singer, T., (2013). Empathy versus Compassion – Lessons from 1st and
3rd Person Methods. In: T. Singer & M. Bolz (Eds.) Compassion: From Theory, to Training, to
Neuroscience. A Multimedia Book.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O., & Singer, T. (2013). Empathy from the perspective of social neuroscience. In: J.
Armony & P. Vuilleumier (Eds.), Handbook of Human Affective Neuroscience. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Klimecki, O.M. (2013). Training the Compassionate and the Empathic Brain. (Doctoral dissertation).
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., & Singer, T. (2012). Empathic distress fatigue rather than compassion fatigue?
Integrating findings from empathy research in psychology and social neuroscience. In B. Oakley,
A.Knafo, G. Madhavan, & D. S. Wilson (Eds.), Pathological altruism (pp. 368-383). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O. (2015) Conflict or Cooperation? - How can emotions shape our behavior. Keynote talk
at the conference "conflict matters" in Brussels, Belgium.
Klimecki, O. (2015) Opposing influence of empathic concern and empathic distress on conflict
behavior. Talk at the symposium “The Role of Emotions in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution” at the
International Society for Research on Emotion, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2015) Empathy and Social Behavior. Invited colloquium talk at the University of
Tübingen, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2015) Empathie und Compassion: Eine neurobiologisch fundierte Perspektive.
(Empathy and Compassion: a neurobiological perspective) invited talk for the Psychosomatic
Colloquium on Tuesdays, University of Freiburg, Germany.
neuropsychologischer Sicht. Invited talk for the Studium Generale on the Evolution of Cooperation at
the University of Mainz, Germany.
Klimecki, O.M. (2015) Konflikt oder Kooperation? Wie das soziale Gehirn unser Verhalten prägt.
(Conflict or Cooperation? How the Social Brain Shapes our Behavior). Symposium Talk at 28.
Jahrestagung des Symposiums Friedenspsychologie, Marburg, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2015) Contributions to Conflict Resolution from Affective Sciences. Invited talk at
Interpeace, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2015). Shaping the Social Brain for Cooperation. Invited talk at Centre of Research of
the Brain & Spine Institute, Hôpital de la Salpetrière, Paris, France.
Klimecki, O. (2015). The influence of empathy-related emotions on social behavior. Invited talk at
the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Klimecki, O. (2015). The Role of Empathy in Social Interactions - a Tale of Two Systems. Invited talk
for the Colloquium Social Psychology and Social Neuroscience, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O. (2014). Plasticity of Social Emotions. Early career award talk at Society for Social
Neuroscience meeting in Washington, DC, USA.
Klimecki, O. (2014). Plasticity of the Social Brain. Invited talk at Person Perception Workshop in
Jena, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2014). Plasticity of Empathy and Compassion – a Neuropsychological Perspective
Keynote lecture at the Workshop of Interpersonal Accuracy in Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2013). How can Empathy contribute to Social Problem Solving? Invited talk at
Research Seminar in Person Perception in Jena, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2013). Overcoming Empathic Distress. Invited talk at Conference on “Humanitarian
Workers: Personal Ethics, Psychology, and Lifestyle” in Oxford, UK.
Klimecki, O. (2013). Emotionales Verstehen – Empathie und Mitgefühl in neurowissenschaftlicher
Sicht. (Emotional understanding – empathy and compassion from a neuroscientific point of view)
Invited talk at the Meeting “ach so verstehen wir” (this is how we understand) in Münster, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2013). Training Compassion – Effects on Behavior, Experience and Brain Function.
Symposium talk at the 13. Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society in Basel,
Klimecki, O. (2013). Differentielle neuronale und affektive Plastizitaet nach Empathie- und
Mitgefuehlstraining. (Differential neural and affective plasticity after empathy and compassion
training) Symposium talk at the conference Psychologie und Gehirn (Psychology and Brain),
Wuerzburg, Germany.
Klimecki, O. (2013). Neuronale Plastizität von Meditation. (Neural Plasticity of Meditation) Invited
talk at the Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und funktionelle
Bildgebung (German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging) in Leipzig,
Klimecki, O. (2013). The Zurich Prosocial Game and Compassion Training. Invited talk in the
Bavelier Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O. (2013). Differential Pattern of Functional Brain Plasticity after Compassion and
Empathy Training. Symposium talk at the Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champery, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O. (2012). The neuroscience of empathy. Keynote lecture at Empathy and Compassion in
Society Conference, London, UK.
Klimecki, O. (2012). Plasticity in the Compassionate Brain. Symposium talk at the International
Symposia for Contemplative Studies, Denver, USA.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., & Singer, T. (2012). Evidence for neural plasticity and
associated changes in positive affect after compassion training. Symposium talk at the Tagung
experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (Conference on Experimental Psychology), Mannheim,
Klimecki, O. (2011). Compassion vs. empathic distress and memory training as an active control
group. Talk presented at the workshop "How to Train Compassion", organized by Max-Planck
Institute Leipzig, taking place in Berlin, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Gyger, L., Vuilleumier, P., Sander, D., & Klimecki, O. (2015). Neural substrates of anger and
forgiveness behavior. Poster presented at the 14th congress of the Swiss Psychological Society,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Gyger, L., Vuilleumier, P., Sander, D., & Klimecki, O. (2015). Neural substrates of anger and
forgiveness behavior. Poster presented at the Brain and Behavior Lab / Centre d'imagerie
biomédicale Research Day, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., Vuilleumier, P., & Sander, D. (2014). Emotions and actions in response to unfair
behavior. Poster presented at Consortium of European Research on Emotion Conference, Berlin,
Klimecki, O., Vuilleumier, P., & Sander, D. (2014). Introducing the Inequality Game. Poster
presented at Annual Research Forum, Geneva, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., Vuilleumier, P., & Sander, D. (2014). Introducing the Inequality Game. Poster
presented at Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champery, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., Vuilleumier, P., & Sander, D. (2013). The Unfair Game - A new paradigm to test
emotional and behavioral reactions to injustice. Poster presented at the Symposium on Stress, Brain
and Behavior, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Ricard, M., & Singer, T. (2013). First and third person perspective on
training empathy and compassion. Poster presented at the Summer School “Embodied
Intersubjectivity: from the 1st person to the 2nd person perspective”, Aegina, Greece.
Bernhardt, B.C., Klimecki, O.M., Leiberg, S, & Singer, T. (2013). Structural Covariance Networks of
Dorsal Anterior Insula Predict Individual Differences in Empathic Responding. Poster presented at
Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Ricard, M., & Singer, T. (2013). First and third person perspective on
training empathy and compassion. Poster presented at Cortex, Lyon, France.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., & Singer, T. (2012). Functional neural plasticity and associated
changes in positive affect after compassion training. Poster presented at Social & Affective
Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., & Singer, T. (2012). Neural and behavioral changes related to
compassion training. Poster presented at Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champery, Switzerland.
Klimecki, O., Leiberg, S., Lamm, C., & Singer, T. (2011). Neural and behavioral changes related to
compassion training. Poster presented at the workshop “The Social Brain", organized by MRC
Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Leiberg, S., Clos, M., Sorger, B., Klimecki, O., Goebel, R., & Singer, T. (2010). Effects of real-time
functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) neurofeedback from the ventral striatum in
compassion meditation training. Poster presented at the “Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting”, Champery,
Leiberg, S., Clos, M., Sorger, B., Klimecki, O., Goebel, R., & Singer, T. (2010). Effects of real-time
functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) neurofeedback from the ventral striatum in
compassion meditation training. Poster presented at the Human Brain Mapping Conference,
Barcelona, Spain.
Gamer, M., Klimecki, O., & Vossel, G. (2009). Emotionale Modulation des Gedächtnisses im
Tatwissentest. (Emotional modulation of memory in the guilty knowledge test) Poster presented at
the 35. Arbeitstagung Psychophysiologie und Methodik, Leipzig, Germany.
Leiberg, S., Klimecki, O., & Singer, T. (2008). Training compassion with real-time Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging - First Insights. Poster presented at the International Symposium
"Foundations of Human Social Behavior", University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Gamer, M., Klimecki, O., Bauermann, T., Stoeter, P., & Vossel, G. (2007). Relevanz von
Reaktionskonflikten und Gedächtnisprozessen bei der Verarbeitung verheimlichten Wissens. Poster
presented at the conference Psychologie und Gehirn (Psychology and Brain), Germany.
Curriculum Vitae: Olga Klimecki
In my research I currently collaborate, for example, with
Prof. Dr. Guido Bondolfi, Psychiatry, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Gael Chételat, Neurosciences, Director of Research at Inserm, Caen, France
Prof. Dr. Joachim Denzler, Computer Sciences, University of Jena, Germany
Prof. Dr. Beate Ditzen, Psychology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eran Halperin, Psychology, University of Herzliya, Israel
Prof. Dr. Simon Hug, Political Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Antoine Lutz, Neurosciences, Researcher am Inserm, Lyon, France
Dr. Luc Mallet, Psychiatry, Director of Research at Inserm, Paris, France
Dr. Natalie Marchant, Psychology, University College London, Großbritannien
Prof. Moira Mikolajczak, Psychology, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Dr. Karim N'Diaye, Neurosciences, Researcher at Inserm, Paris, France
Prof. Dr. Thierry Pun, Computer Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Michael Schönenberg, Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweinberger, Psychology, University of Jena, Germany
Ad hoc reviewer for journals such as Acta Psychologica, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral
Neuroscience, Emotion, NeuroImage, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Social, Cognitive and
Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), Social Neuroscience, PLoS One.
In national and international media (e.g., ZEIT-online, Spiegel, Stern, SWR2, The Independent, le
Temps, Gehirn und Geist, New Scientist)