JOSEF BARLA CURRICULUM VITAE +43-(0)650-910-6325 | [email protected] | E DUCATION PhD in Philosophy, University of Vienna (expected October 2015) MA in Sociology, University of Vienna BA in Sociology, University of Vienna A REAS OF S PECIALIZATION A REAS OF C OMPETENCE History and Philosophy of Technology Sociology of Scientific Knowledge Philosophies of Embodiment Sociology of the Body Feminist Epistemologies Critical Race Studies A CADEMIC E XPERIENCE 10/2015 – 02/2016 Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS) Graz, Austria 08/2015 – 09/2015 Visiting Researcher at the Posthumanities Hub and at the GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Linköping University, Sweden 09/2013 – 02/2014 Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria 03/2013 Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria 10/2012 – 03/2013 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Sociology, and the Science and Justice Research Center, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA 03/2010 – 02/2013 Research Fellow in the interdisciplinary doctoral program “Gender, Violence and Agency in the Era of Globalization” at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria T EACHING E XPERIENCE Winter Term Lecturer at the Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of 2015/16 Vienna; course to be taught “Chaosmosen des Politischen: Barad, Deleuze, Foucault und neue Medientheorien” (together with Christoph Hubatschke). Winter Term Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna; course to 2015/16 be taught “Utopie und Politik: Zur Theoriegeschichte eines kontroversen Konzepts” (together with Katharina Maly). Winter Term Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna; taught the course 2013/14 “‘Technik ist stabilisierte Gesellschaft’: Einführung in Bruno Latours Techniksoziologie”. Summer Term Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna; taught the course 1 2013 “Introduction into Feminist Materialist Theories on Science, Technology, and the Body”. Summer Term Adjunct Instructor at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna; 2011 taught the interdisciplinary lecture series “Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Feministische Perspektiven”, together with Eva Kreisky and others. P UBLICATIONS Edited books Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Queer_Feministische Perspektiven, Frankfurt/M. and New York: Campus, 2012. Book “Technologies of failure, bodies of resistance: science, technology, and the chapters mechanics of materializing marked bodies,” in: Pitts-Taylor, Victoria (Ed.): Mattering: Feminism, Science and Materialism, New York: New York University Press, (in press). “‘Ihr wortlos Lied, vielstimmig, scheinbar eins’: Eie Frage nach dem Politischen in Bruno Latours Technikphilosophie,” in: Singer, Mona (Ed.): Technik und Politik. Von Benjamin und Deleuze bis Latour und Haraway, Wien: Löcker, 2015, pp. 88– 115. “Apparate körperlicher Produktion und die Materialität der Figuration,” in: Goll, Tobias/Keil, Daniel/Helios, Thomas (Eds.): Critical Matter: Diskussionen eines neuen Materialismus, Münster: edition assemblage, 2014, pp. 148–164. “Flucht und Migration als Kritik?” in: Gender Initiativkolleg Wien (Eds.): Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Queer_Feministische Perspektiven, Frankfurt/M. and New York: Campus, 2012, pp. 196–203. “Kapitalistische Quasi-Objekte. Zu einer Latourschen Lesart Marx‘ Ausführungen zur Maschine,” in: Dunshirn, Alfred/Nemeth, Elisabeth/Unterthurner, Gerhard (Eds.): Crossing Borders: | Thinking (across) Boundaries, Wien: Œsterreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, 2012, pp. 361–370, (co-authored with Fabian Steinschaden), available at: <http://phaidra.>. Translations “Getting Real: Technoscientific Practices and the Materialization of Reality,” by Karen Barad, transl. with Katharina Maly, in: Gender & Medien-Reader, ed. by Kathrin Peters & Andrea Seier, Zürich: diaphanes (forthcoming 2015). “Fetus: The Virtual Speculum in the New World Order”, by Donna Haraway, transl. with Katharina Maly, in: Gender & Medien-Reader, ed. by Kathrin Peters & Andrea Seier, Zürich: diaphanes (forthcoming 2015). Reviews “Colebrook, Claire: Death of the PostHuman: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1,” Das Argument 312: Literatur und geschichtliche Erfahrung, 2015, pp. 260–261. “Braidotti, Rosi: Posthumanismus,” Das Argument 309: Kritisch-literarische 2 Praxis, 2014, pp. 575–577. “Balke, Friedrich/Muhle, Maria/von Schöning, Andrea (Hg.): Die Wiederkehr der Dinge,” Das Argument 304: Marxismus und Philosophie, 2013, pp. 755–757. “Barad, Karen: Agentieller Realismus” (J. Schröder, Trans.), Das Argument 301: Neugründung Europas als passive Revolution, 2013, pp. 269–270. T ALKS 2015 “Posthumanist Performativity: Technicity, Materiality, and Agency”, invited public lecture to be given at Wunder der Prärie: International Festival for Performance-Art & Networking, Mannheim, Germany, September 23–26, 2015. “Technologies of failure, bodies of resistance: Diffracting technoscientific practices of materializing marked bodies,” paper to be presented at the Neil Postman Graduate Conference: new feminisms / new materialisms / new media, New York University, USA, March 12, 2015 (conference cancelled due to strike of the Union of Graduate Employees at New York University; paper available at “Techno-Becomings: Speculative Fabulations about Technology, Bodies and Agency,” invited public lecture given at the performative installation imagetanz 2015. “training”: Spielstätten eines inklusiven Humanismus, Künstlerhaus Vienna, March 6, 2015. 2014 “Agential Realism and Posthumanist Performativity,” invited talk given in the seminar Zirkulation des Politischen: New Materialism zur Einführung (Prof. Andrea Seier), Universität Wien, Vienna, December 2, 2014. “Diffracting race: science, technology, and the mechanics of materializing marked bodies,” paper presented at the 5th New Materialism Conference, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, September 25–26, 2014. 2013 “Rethinking agency and power with/in technology-body entanglements: towards a philosophy of apparatuses of bodily production,” paper presented at Feminism, Science & Materialism Conference, Graduate Center, CUNY, USA, February 14– 15, 2013. 2012 “Rethinking agency and power with/in technology-body assemblages,” paper presented at Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, December 6–7, 2012. “New materialism, technology, and the body: theorizing technology and material bodies from an agential realist perspective,” paper presented at Critical Matter: 3rd International Graduate Conference, Goethe University Frankfurt/M, Germany, May 31 – June 2, 2012. “Changing topologies, shifting relations. Toward a post-constructionist 3 philosophy of technology-body entanglements,” paper presented at Gender, Bodies and Technology: (Dis)Integrating Frames Conference, Virginia Tech, Roanoke Virginia, USA, April 26–28, 2012. 2011 “Mensch-Maschine-Verschränkungen und kapitalistische Quasi-Objekte. Zu einer Latourschen Lesart Marx’ Ausführungen zur Maschine,” paper presented at 9th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy: »Crossing Borders: Grenzen (über)denken«, University of Vienna, June 2–4, 2011, (together with Fabian Steinschaden). G RANTS & H ONORS 08/2015 – 09/2015 STSM Grant from the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) 03/2013 – 06/2013 Research Award scholarship (Forschungsstipendium) from the University of Vienna 11/2012 – 01/2013 Short-term grant abroad (KWA) from the University of Vienna 2012 Dissemination Grant 2012 from the University of Vienna 2006/2007 Scholarship for academic excellence (Leistungsstipendium) from the University of Vienna and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research A CADEMIC M EMBERSHIPS AND R EFEREE A CTIVITIES Member of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action IS1307 “New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on 'How Matter Comes to Matter’”, working group two New Materialism on the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences, since 2014 Referee for Sociology of Health and Illness, since 2013 Member of ATGENDER – The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation, since 2012 Member of EASST – The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, since 2011 O THER A CADEMIC A CTIVITIES A ND P UBLIC O UTREACH 2015 Invited public lecture, performative act, and round table discussion on Mensch Maschine – the extended bogy at “Wunder der Prärie: International Festival for Performance-Art & Networking”, Mannheim, Germany, September 23–26, 2015. Invited scientific expert participant at the performative installation “imagetanz 2015. ‘training’: Spielstätten eines inklusiven Humanismus”, Künstlerhaus Vienna, March 5–8, 2015. 2012 Member of the committee of the international Graduate Conference “Violence and Agency: Controversies and Confrontations”, University of Vienna, December 6−7, 2012. Organization and moderation of “Posthumanist Challenges for New 4 Materialisms”, talk given by Stacy Alaimo (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), University of Vienna, May 29, 2012 Conceptualization of “Agential Realism in Feminist Science Studies”, talk and workshop with Karen Barad (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA), University of Vienna, April 18–19, 2012 2010/2011 Conceptualization and realization of the lecture series “Gewalt und Handlungsmacht: Feministische Perspektiven”, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, from July 2010 to June 2011, for the summer term 2011. S KILLS Languages: Fluent in English; native speaker of German; basic skills in Hungarian and French Computer skills: Strong computer hard- and software skills; proficient with MS Office, Prezi, SPSS, and EndNote Interests: Literature; museums and libraries; Japanese cuisine; playing the Theremin 5
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