Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl 1967 born in Mainz, Germany. Employment since 2012 Professor of Philosophy at the Universität Leipzig. 2005 – 2012 Professor of Philosophy at the Universität Basel. 2004 – 2005 DFG-Heisenbergfellow and Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh. 1999 – 2004 Assistant Professor and Oberassistent at the Institut für Philosophie, Universität Leipzig. Visiting Appointments 2014/15 Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Winter 2010 Heinz Kohut Visiting Professor for the Committee for Social Thought at the University of Chicago. Fall 2006 Visiting Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh. Spring 2006 Visiting Professor at the Université d’Amiens. Winter 2004 Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago. Spring 2003 Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh. Fall 2002 Visiting Theodor Heuss Lecturer at the New School University, New York. Education 2003 Habilitation (Universität Leipzig). 1998 – 1999 Post-Doctoral Scholar at the Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh (DAAD, DFG) 1997 Dissertation (summa cum laude) (FU Berlin). 1994 Magister Artium (FU Berlin). 1989 –1994 Studies in philosophy, musicology, German literature, history in Frankfurt/Main and Berlin. 1 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Funding and Awards - - with J. Conant: convenor of the SIAS summer institute 2011/2012 The Second Person (Andrew Mellon Foundation, Humboldt Foundation). SNF Project “Thick Concepts and Reasons for Action” (1 post-doc), 2010-2013. with M. Betzler: SNF Pro*Doc Research Module “Autonomes Leben”, 2009-2012 (2 doctoral fellowships). - SNF Pro*Doc “Menschliches Leben”, 2008-2012. - SNF Pro*Doc Research Module “Geist und Leben” 2008-2013 (3 doctoral fellowships). - - SNF Project “Perception, Thought, and Knowledge”, (1 post-doc, 2 doctoral fellowships) 2007-2009. Heisenbergfellow (DFG), 2004 - 2005. with J. Conant: Trans-Coop Project “General and Transcendental Logic in Kant, Frege, and Wittgenstein” (Humboldt Foundation), 2003-2007. - DFG-Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1999. - DAAD-Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1998. - Doctoral Fellowship of the State of Berlin, 1995 - 1996. - Fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. - Winner of the Ernst-Reuter-Preis 1998 for outstanding dissertations. 2 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Publications Monographs - Categories of the Temporal. An inquiry into the forms of the finite understanding (translation of Kategorien des Zeitlichen) Harvard University Press 2012. - Selbstbewußtsein (translation of Self-Consciousness), Suhrkamp Verlag 2011. - Self-Consciousness, Cambridge/Mass., London: Harvard University Press 2007. - Kategorien des Zeitlichen. Eine Untersuchung der Formen des endlichen Verstandes, Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp Verlag 2005. - Selbstbezug und Normativität, Paderborn: Schöningh 1998. Articles - - - “Law as the Reality of the Free Will”, in A. Speer et al. (eds.), The New Desire for Metaphysics, Berlin: DeGruyter 2015. “Joint Action and Recursive Consciousness of Consciousness”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14/4, 2015. “Recht als Dasein des freien Willens”, in Kurt Seelmann, Benno Zabel (Hg.), Autonomie und Normativität, Tübingen: Siebeck 2014. - “Intentional Transaction”, Philosophical Explorations 2014. - “Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism”, European Journal of Philosophy 2014. - “Sprachphilosophie” in Disziplinen der Philosophie. Ein Kompendium, Hamburg: Felix Meiner 2014. - “Leben und Moral”, Jahrbuch Wissenschaft und Ethik vol. 18, 2013, Berlin: DeGruyter 2014. - “Leben Herstellen”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62/1, 2014. - - - - - “Finite Knowledge”, in J. Conant, A. Kern (eds.), Varieties of Skepticism, Berlin: DeGruyter 2014. “The Single Act of Combining”, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87/1, 2013. “Self-Consciousness and Knowledge”, in Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht, Stefano Bacin (eds), Berlin: De Gruyter 2013. “Reason and Nature, First and Second”, in G. Hindrichs, A. Honneth (eds.), Freiheit. Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 2011, Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann 2013. “Introduction to the Kolloquium: Freiheit und Zweite Natur”, in G. Hindrichs, A. Honneth (eds.), Freiheit. Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 2011, Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann 2013. “Why Ought Implies Can”, in Sorin Baiasu (ed.), Kant on Practical Justification, Oxford, OUP 2013. 3 Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian Rödl “La Seconde Nature”, in Autour De L’Esprit Et Le Monde, A. Le Goff, Chr. Al-Saleh (eds.), Paris: Vrin 2013. “Handeln als innerer Zweck des Handelns”, in S. Rödl, H. Tegtmeyer (eds.), Sinnkritisches Philosophieren, Berlin: deGruyter, 2012. “Motive der Vernunft”, in Welt der Gründe, Proceedings DGPhil-Kongreß 2011, 2012. “Die Wirklichkeit des Begriffs: Ästhetische Evidenz als Form begrifflicher Erkenntnis”, in L. Schwarte (ed.), Bild-Performanz: Die Kraft des Visuellen, Wilhelm Fink 2011. “Der Inhalt der Kategorien nach Kant, Quine und Brandom”, in Ch. Barth, H. Sturm (eds.), Robert Brandoms Expressive Vernunft, Paderborn: mentis 2011. “Selbstgesetzgebung”, in Ch. Menke, Th. Khurana (eds.), Paradoxien der Autonomie, Berlin: August Verlag 2011. “Two Forms of Practical Knowledge and Their Unity”, in Anton Ford, Jennifer Hornsby, Frederick Stoutland (eds.), Essays on Anscombe’s Intention, HUP 2011. “Infinite Explanation”, in Philosophical Topics, Vol. 36/2, 2010, On Between Saying and Doing. “Normativity of Mind versus Philosophy as Explanation”, in Bernhard Weiss (ed.), Reading Brandom, Routledge 2010. “The Form of the Will”, in Sergio Tenenbaum (ed.), Desire, Good, and Practical Reason: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives, OUP 2010. “Praktisches Wissen um die menschliche Lebensform: ein Widerspruch?”, in M. Reuter, Th. Hoffmann (eds.), Natürlich gut, Frankfurt-Heusenstamm: Ontos 2010. “Die Einheit der Bewegung”, in Anke Hennig, Gertrud Koch, Chr. Voss, Georg Witte (eds.), Jetzt und Dann. Zeiterfahrung in Film, Literatur und Philosophie. München: Fink 2010. “The Self-Conscious Power of Sensory Knowledge”, in Grazer Philosophische Studien 81, 2010. “Judgment as Synthesis”, European Journal of Philosophy 17/3, 2009. “Handeln und Denken”, in J. Mittelstraß (Hrsg.), Der Konstruktivismus in der Philosophie im Ausgang von Wilhelm Kamlah und Paul Lorenzen, Paderborn: mentis 2008. “Logical Form as a Relation to the Object”, in Philosophical Topics, Vol. 34, Analytical Kantianism, 2008. “Forms of Desire” (Comments on Paul Guyer: Naturalistic and Transcendental Moments in Kant’s Moral Philosophy), Inquiry 50/5, October 2007. - “Das Erbe der Philosophen”, in Philosophische Rundschau 54/2, 2007. - “Eliminating Externality”, in International Yearbook of German Idealism 5, 2007. - - “Is the Second Person Concept a Logical Concept?”, in R. Bubner, G. Hindrichs (eds.), Von der Logik zur Sprache. Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 2005, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2007. “Transcendental Deduction of Predicative Structure in Brandom and Kant”, in Pragmatics and Cognition 2005. 4 Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian Rödl “Wille, Neigung, Gesetz”, in P. Grönert et al. (eds.), Sprache und Praxisform, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2005. “Three Forms of Practical Reasoning”, in R. Bluhm, Chr. Nimtz (eds.), Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP 5, Paderborn: mentis 2004. Polnisch in: Ruch Filozofoczny 51/2, 2004. “Norm und Natur”, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51/1, 2003. “Interne Normen”, in G. Schönrich, U. Balzer (eds.), Institutionen und Regelfolgen, Paderborn: mentis 2002. “Schrift als Form menschlicher Erfahrung”, in A. Kern, Chr. Menke (eds.), Philosophie der Dekonstruktion. Zum Verhältnis von Normativität und Praxis, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag 2002. “Semantic Structure”, in H. Rott, W. Hinzen (eds.), Belief and Meaning. Essays at the Interface, Frankfurt: Hänsel-Hohenhausen 2002. “Practice and the Unity of Action”, in G. Meggle (ed.), Social Facts and Collective Intentionality, Frankfurt: Hänsel-Hohenhausen 2002. “Handlungen, die einen Begriff ausmachen”, in V. Gerhardt et. al. (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung, Band 2, Berlin: de Gruyter 2001. “Normativität des Geistes versus Philosophie als Erklärung”, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48/5, 2000. English translation in Bernhard Weiss (ed.), Reading Brandom, Routledge 2010. “Analyse”, “Name”, “Prädikation”, “Sprechakt”, “Sprachphilosophie” in H. J. Sandkühler et. al. (eds.), Enzyklopädie Philosophie, Hamburg: Felix Meiner 1999. “Grenzen der Sprache”, in Chr. Asmuth et. al. (eds.), Die Grenzen der Sprache, Grüner 1998. Reviews - - - - Joel Smith and Peter Sullivan on Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism, European Journal of Philosophy 22/3, 2014. “Ein Blick von außen”, on Martine Nida-Rümelin, Der Blick von innen, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58/6, 2010. Entry on Robert Brandom, “Making It Explicit”, Kindlers Literatur Lexikon, J. B. Metzler 2009. “Darwall gegen Kant: Kant verteidigt”, on Stephen Darwall, The Second Person Standpoint, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57/1, 2009. “Zweifel bleiben”, on Marcus Willaschek, Der mentale Zugang zur Welt, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54/1, 2006. 5 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Invited Talks At Universities - “Erkenntnis ohne Gegensatz”, Universität Potsdam, October 13, 2015. - “The Science Without Contrary”, University of Dublin, October 12, 2015. - “Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”, University of Chicago, November 13, 2014. - “Necessity of an Act”, University of Chicago, November 12, 2014. - “Intentional Transaction”, University of Warwick, June 17 – 18, 2013. - “Drei Formen der Erkenntnis”, Universität Leipzig, Colloquium Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis, June 14, 2013. - “Leben Herstellen”, Universität Basel, May 5, 2013. - “Zeit und Ewigkeit des Handelns”, Universität Leipzig (Inaugural Lecture), January 22, 2013. - “Handeln als innerer Zweck des Handelns”, Universität Bremen, April 26, 2012. - “Testimony and Generality”, University of Pittsburgh, April 20, 2012. - “Leben – das Synthetisch-Allgemeine”, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, December 6, 2011. - “Die Allgemeinheit des Urteils”, Universität Bonn, November 24, 2011. - “Acting and Intending Together”, Utrecht University, November 23, 2011. - “Testimony and Generality”, University of Chicago, October 14, 2011. - “Wissen vom Menschen”, Universität Zürich, November 1, 2010. - “Life and Consciousness”, Queen’s University, Kingston, CA, March 4, 2010. - “Knowledge of Man”, Queen’s University, Kingston, CA, March 3, 2010. - “The Self-Conscious Unity of Man”, February 24, 2010, Kohut Lecture, Univ. of Chicago. - “Wie wir wissen, daß wir frei sind. Nach Kant”, University of Marburg, November 3, 2009. - “You and I”, University of Toronto, March 20, 2009; University of Chicago, January 22, 2010. - “The Idea of Practice”, University of Toronto, March 19, 2009. - “Das Faktum der Vernunft”, Universität Leipzig, December 10, 2008. - “Ich und Du”, Universität Zürich, November 20, 2008. - - “Er urteilt also, daß er etwas kann, darum weil er sich bewußt ist, daß er es soll.” FU Berlin, January 17, 2008. “Sinnliche Erkenntnis des Lebendigen”, HU Berlin, November 29, 2007; Universität Leipzig, December 12, 2008. - “Evidenz und Begriff”, Iconic Talk, Universität Basel, 23 October 2007. - “Lifescience und Lebenswissen”, Theater Basel, 17 October 2007. 6 Curriculum Vitae - Sebastian Rödl “Knowing That One Perceives”, University of Chicago, 8 June 2007. “Selbstgesetzgebung”, Universität Basel, June 20, 2006 (Inaugural Lecture); Universität Dortmund, November 28, 2006; Universität Regensburg, July 3, 2007. - “The Second Person”, Harvard University, October 2006. - “Pratique et l’unité de l’action”, Sorbonne I, Paris, February 2006. - “Die zweite Person”, Philosophische Gesellschaft Basel, 25 April 2006. - “Action Explanation”, Auburn University, 16 September 2005; Sorbonne I, Paris, 12 January 2007. - “Wissen vom Menschen”, Universität Basel, Universität Zürich, 2005. - “First Person Thought”, Harvard University, September 2005. - - - - “Der Inhalt der Kategorien nach Kant, Quine und Brandom”, LMU München, November 2004. “Verstehen und Vernunft”, Universität Basel, 2004; Universität Gießen, 2004; Universität Konstanz, 2004; Universität Aachen, 2004. “Three Forms of Practical Reasoning”, University of Chicago, 2003; Universität Stettin, 2003. “Time and Truth”, Denison University, 2002; New School University, 2002; University of Chicago, 2003. - “Selbstbezug im Handeln”, Universität Potsdam, November 1999. - “Was ist ein Symbol?”, Universität Leipzig, October 1999. At Conferences - - - “Objectivity and Self-consciousness”, Conference Revolutions of Form, Chicago, October 28 to 30, 2015. “The Self-Consciousness of Assertion”, Leipzig, Anneliese Maier-Preisverleihung, September 15, 2015. “Intentional Transaction”, Conference Plural Self-Awareness, Wien, September 10 to 12, 2015. - “Empirical Knowledge as Contradiction”, München, July 2015. - “Love and Justice”, Leipzig, July 2015. - - “The Power of Knowledge and Its First Act”, Conference Experience and Judgment, Patras, June 15 to 18, 2015. “Love and Justice”, Warwick, Workshop The Second Person, March 20 to 22, 2015. “Love and Justice”, Conference Love as a Source of Morality, Antwerp, October 9 to 11, 2014. 7 Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian Rödl “Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”, Conference Theories of Judgment, Mexico City, October 6 to 8, 2014. “Joint Action and Plural Self-Consciousness”, Aarhus, September 22 to 24, 2014. “Self-Knowledge in Analytical Philosophy”, Conference The Ideal of Self-Knowledge – Perspectives from the History Philosophy, Konstanz, July 10 – 12, 2014. “Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”, Conference Action and Self-Consciousness, Stirling, June 30 – July 1, 2014. “Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”, Conference Intuitional Content and the Myth of the Given, Patras, June 23 – 25, 2014. “Joint Action and the Second Person”, CFS Workshop on and by Sebastian Rödl, Copenhagen, May 27, 2014. “Practical Necessity”, Conference Acting under the “Guise of the Bad”?, Wien, May 15 – 17, 2014. “Objektivität und Notwendigkeit als Tätigkeit”, eikones Workshop by Sebastian Rödl, Basel, May 6, 2014. “Absolute Idealism and the Pragmatist Principle”, Conference Bridging Traditions: Idealism and Pragmatism, Frankfurt/M., April 10 – 12, 2014. “The Second Person”, Conference Mit Fichte philosophieren. Perspektiven seiner Philosophie heute (Berlin 1814-2014), January 29 – 31, 2014. “Absoluter Idealismus als der Realismus”, Conference Dimensionen des Realismus, Budapest, November 28 – 29, 2013. “Response to McDowell’s ‘Self-Consciousness in Action: Comments on chapter 2 of SelfConsciousness’”, Conference Experiential Reasons, Copenhagen, October 29 – November 1, 2013. “Joint Action and Recursive Consciousness of Consciousness”, Conference Second Person, Leipzig, October 17 – 19, 2013. “Intentional Transaction”, Book-Symposion: Sebastian Rödl, Self-Consciousness, Patras, June 28 – 29, 2013. “Philosophie und ihre Geschichte”, Conference Was bedeutet der aktuellen Philosophie ihre Geschichte, Berlin, April 11 – 13, 2013. “Leben Herstellen”, Conference Normativität des Lebens, Heidelberg, DKFZ, April 9, 2013. “Self-Sensifying Judgment”, Response to Critics in the Colloquium: Author meets critics: Sebastian Rödl, Self-Consciousness, APA Central Division, New Orleans, February 20 – 23, 2013. “Animals and Persons”, Conference The Human Animal, Leipzig, December 19 – 20, 2012. “The Single Act of Combining”, Conference Kantian Themes in Analytic Philosophy, Tel Aviv, December 16 – 18, 2012. “The Self-Constitution of the Power of Knowledge”, Workshop Sellarsian Readings of Kant and Kantian Readings of Sellars, Potsdam, November 22 – 24, 2012. 8 Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian Rödl “Universal Practical Self-Consciousness”, Humboldt-Preisträgerforum, Bonn, October 24 – 28, 2012. “Knowledge and the Capacity to Do Things for Reasons”, Conference Knowledge and Capacity, Leipzig, October 12 – 13, 2012. “Acting as the Internal End of Acting”, Conference Action and Morality, Pamplona, September 10 – 11, 2012. “Universal Self-Consciousness”, Conference First Person Access, Porto, September 6 – 8, 2012. “Internal Purposiveness as the Truth of External Purposiveness”, Conference The Notion of Living Beings, Zürich, August 31 – September 2, 2012. “Das Recht ist das Dasein des freien Willens”, Conference Normativität und Institution, Leipzig, July 19 – 21, 2012. “Self-Consciousness and Knowledge”, Conference Logic and Self-Consciousness, Leipzig, July 12 – 14, 2012. “Das Bewußtsein ist für sich selbst sein Begriff”, Conference Self-Consciousness and Perception, Patras, June 21 – 22, 2012. Symposion on Sebastian Rödl, Self-Consciousness, Frankfurt/Main, June 14 – 15, 2012. “Self-Knowledge of the Self-Mover”, Conference Knowledge of Action, London, June 8 – 9, 2012. “Aristoteles’ Stufenleiter des Lebendigen”, Conference Natur, Handeln, Freiheit, Landau, May, 30 – June 2, 2012. “The Science of Logic as the Form of Knowledge”, Conference The Actuality of German Idealism, Berlin, May 24 – 27. 2012. “Selbstbewußtsein”, Workshop Selbstsein und Selbstbewußtsein, Universität Bonn, May 15 – 16, 2012. “Education and Autonomy”, Launch of the Centre for Philosophy of Education at the Institute of Education, London University, May 10, 2012. “The Absolute Concept”, Workshop Giving and Asking for Reasons, Basel, May 3 – 5, 2012. “The Self-Constitution of the Power of Knowledge”, Nordic Hegel Society, Aarhus, September 2011. - “Testimony and Generality”, Conference on Social Epistemology, Berlin, September 2011. - “The Self-Determination of the Concept”, British Hegel Society, September 2011. - “Motive der Vernunft”, München, Kongreß für Philosophie, September 2011. - “Leben Herstellen”, Bonn, Symposion on Synthetic Biology, July 2011. - Freiheit und Zweite Natur, Kolloquium Hegel-Kongreß, Stuttgart, June 2011. - “Reason and Nature, First and Second”, Hegel-Kongreß, Stuttgart, June 2011. - “Interne Normen”, Conference Privation. Die Schattenseite des Lebens, Leipzig, June 2011. 9 Curriculum Vitae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sebastian Rödl “Hegelian Dialectics and Aristotle’s Stufenleiter of Souls”, Workshop Hegel’s Aristotelianism, am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, May 25, 2011. “Threptikon and Aisthetikon”, Conference Life and Self, Leipzig, October 9-11, 2010. “Joint Action and Plural Self-consciousness”, Conference “Collective Intentionality”, Basel, August 23-26, 2010. “Two Forms of Practical Knowledge”, Conference “Practical Knowledge”, July 9-11, 2010. “The unity of self-consciousness and the objective unity of apperception”, Kant-Kongress, Pisa, May 22-25, 2010. “Laws of Movement”, Workshop “Kant on Intuition”, Chicago, April 30-May 1, 2010. “Life and Consciousness”, Workshop at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin “The Nature of Practical Intelligence”, May 29, 2009. “Practical Knowledge and Its Matter”, Conference “Die Natur und das Gute”, Magdeburg, 29 November 2008; Conference “Anscombe’s Intention”, 25 April 2009; Workshop “Practical Knowledge”, Basel, 10 July 2009. “Die Natur der Heilkunst und ihres Gegenstands: lebendig und selbstbewußt”, Medizinische Gesellschaft Basel, 4 December 2008. “Darwall contra Kant: Kant defended”, Conference “The Second Person”, Bern, 19 September 2008. “The Unity of Movement”, Conference “Jetzt und Dann. Zeiterfahrung in Film, Literatur und Philosophie”, Berlin, 27 June 2008. Comment on Patricia Kitcher, “Unity and Self-Consciousness in Kant’s Thinking Subject”, Konstanz, 6 June 2008. “The Self-Conscious Power of Sensory Knowledge”, Conference “Concepts and Abilities”, Zürich, 30 May 2008. “The Causality of Reason”, Conference “Transcendental Philosophy, Naturalism and the Mind”, tpn-project, Cambridge, November 17, 2007. “Logical Form as a Relation to the Object”, Sawyer Conference, Chicago, October 12, 2007. “The Idea of Practice”, Conference “Wittgenstein: Philosophie und Wissenschaften”, Leipzig, 27 September 2007. “Why Ought Implies Can”, UK Kant Society’s Annual Conference “Kant on Practical Justification”, Manchester, 20 September 2007. “Infinite Explanation”, Comment on Lecture Six of Robert Brandom, Locke Lectures: Between Saying and Doing, Towards an Analytic Pragmatism, Prag, April 30, 2007. “Beyond the Agrippan Trilemma”, APA Central Division Meeting, “Author Meets Critics: Paul Franks, All or Nothing”, Chicago, April 18, 2007. “Pure Knowledge”, Conference “The History of the Transcendental Turn”, tpn-project, London, November 30, 2006. “The Temporality of Acts of the Will and of Acts of the Intellect”. Conference in Bordeaux, February 2006. 10 Curriculum Vitae - Sebastian Rödl “Second Nature”, Conference in Amiens, February 2006. “Is the Second Person Concept a Logical Concept?”, Internationaler Hegel-Kongreß, Stuttgart, May 27, 2005. - “Eliminating Externality”, International Conference, Aarhus, May 19, 2005. - “Writing and Logos”, Conference “Derrida-America”, New York, February 21, 2005. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Brandom and Kant on the Form of Judgment”, Workshop on Brandom, Kant and Hegel, München 2004. “Drei Formen des praktischen Überlegens”, Workshop “Handeln und Technik”, Stuttgart 2004. “Knowing That One Perceives”, Conference “Disjunctive Accounts of Perception”, Frankfurt/M., March 2004. “Derrida on Writing”, Workshop, University of Chicago, March 2004. “Human and Animal Tool Use”, Workshop “Sociogenesis and Cooperation”, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 14 November 2003. “Der Systemtrieb”, Adorno-Conference, Workshop “Negative Dialektik”, Frankfurt, 26 September 2003. “Three Forms of Practical Reasoning”, GAP 5, Bielefeld, September 2003. “Transcendental Deduction of Predicative Structure in Brandom and Kant”, Conference “Analytical Pragmatism”, Lublin, 5 August 2003. “The Gold-Standard of Philosophical Understanding”, Colloquium at the Centre for Post-Analytic Philosophy, Southampton, March 2002. “Wissen und Urschrift”, Colloquium “Dekonstruktion als Philosophie”, Potsdam, July 2001. “Internes und externes Sollen”, Colloquium “Intentionalität: Normativität und Regelfolgen”, Dresden, June 2001. “Scepticism and the Problem of the Criterion”, Workshop “Problems of Knowledge”, Potsdam, January 2001. “Practice and the Unity of Action”, Workshop “Social Facts”, Leipzig, July 2000. “Knowledge, Situation, and Practice”, Conference “Scepticism and Interpretation”, Amsterdam, June 2000. “On Nominal and Real Definition”, Workshop on R. Brandom, Making It Explicit, Pecs, June 2000. “Reference as Inference”, Workshop “Belief and Meaning”, Regensburg, May 2000. “Heidegger and Carnap on Logic and Philosophy”, APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago, April 2000. “Handlungen, die einen Begriff ausmachen”, IX. Internationaler Kant Kongreß, Berlin, March 2000. “Der Sinn des demonstrativen Bezugnehmens”, GAP 3, München 1997. 11 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Advising Habilitation completed: - - - Peter Grönert (Universität Leipzig, 2016), „Thick Concepts and Reasons for Action”, Current employment: Visiting Scientist, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh (USA). Christian Schmidt (Universität Leipzig, 2016), „Probleme der Autonomie. Geschichtliches Handeln und die Institutionalisierung der Freiheit“, Current employment: Professor (Vertr.) Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main. Barbara Schmitz (Universität Basel, 2009): Bedürfnisse und Gerechtigkeit. Habilitation in progress: Matthias Haase (Universität Leipzig): Knowledge in Action. Dissertations completed - Rebekka Gersbach (Universität Leipzig, 2013): Practical Reasoning as the Combination of Ends. (Assistant Professor, Universität Leipzig.) - Christian Kietzmann (Universität Basel, 2012): Vernünftiges Handeln. (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Universität Leipzig.) - Ian Blecher (University of Pittsburgh, 2012): The Critical Concept of Existence. - Wolfram Gobsch (Universität Basel, 2011): Bedingungen des Unbedingten. (Assistant Professor, Universität Basel.) - Alexandra Newton (University of Pittsburgh, 2010): Kant on Logical Form. (Assistant Professor, Universität Leipzig.) - Jamsheed Siyar (University of Pittsburgh, 2010): The Logical Form of Practical Reason. - David Horst (Universität Basel, 2010): Absichtliches Handeln. (Assistant Professor, Universität Leipzig.) - - - Thomas Land (University of Chicago, 2010): Kant’s Theory of Synthesis. (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Cambridge.) Jeremy Schwartz (University of Chicago, 2009): The Unity of Reason in Kant. (Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University.) Nathan Bauer (University of Chicago, 2008): The Structure of the Deductions in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. (Harper-Schmitt Fellow, University of Chicago.) - Anton Ford (University of Pittsburgh, 2008): Practical Categories. (Assistant Professor, University of Chicago.) - Christopher Campbell (University of Pittsburgh, 2008): Two Conceptions of Form in Language and Thought. (Assistant Professor, Glendon College Toronto.) - Markos Valaris (University of Pittsburgh, 2008): A Priori Concepts. (Assistant Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney.) 12 Curriculum Vitae - Sebastian Rödl Graham Hubbs (University of Pittsburgh, 2007): Self-Knowledge and Self-Deception. (Assistant Professor, University of Idaho.) Dissertations in progress - Dominik Renner (Universität Basel): Legitime Macht. - Jonas Held (Universität Basel): Rationalität und Überzeugung. - Katharina Dräger (Universität Basel): Moral Luck. - Michael Frey (Universität Leipzig): Materialität und Sozialität des selbstbewussten Subjekts - Yiwen Zhan (Universität Leipzig): Normativity in Hegel’s Logic of the Concept - Florian Ganzinger (Universität Leipzig): Formen des Denkens. Eine Untersuchung der Idee einer kritisch-metaphysischen Logik Lizentiat and MA completed - Florian Müller (HS 2007): Strategien gegen den Skeptizismus: Michael Williams und Andrea Kern. - Rebekka Gersbach (HS 2008): The Individual in Economic Theory. On Individuation and Temporal Unity of the Economic Rational Agent. - Natalie Moser (HS 2008): Der Begriff ‘Lebewesen’ bezeichnet eine vorgängige Einheit des Denkens. - Christian Steiner (HS 2008): Das Prinzip des Lebendigen. Zum Begriff der Psyche bei Aristoteles. - Astrid Kottmann (FS 2009): Wahrnehmen. - Dominik Renner (FS 2009): Zur Erkenntnis sortaler natürlicher Arten. - Jonas Held (HS 2009): Die Einheit des Urteils als die Einheit eines selbstbewussten Aktes. Eine Untersuchung zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des Urteils. - Désirée Hilscher (HS 2009): Der Natur das Gesetz vorschreiben. Die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit der Erkenntnis nach Immanuel Kant. - Severin Huber (HS 2009): Das moralische Gesetz als selbstbewusstes praktisches Wissen. Eine Untersuchung zu Kants Moralphilosophie. - Magnus Frei (HS 2009): Die Vorstellung der Wirksamkeit als Grund der Wirksamkeit der Vorstellung. Versuch einer kantianischen Moralbegründung. - Mirjam Steudler (HS 2010): Das Rechtsverhältnis. 13 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Teaching Lectures - Introduction to Practical Philosophy Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy Introduction to Epistemology Action Theory Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft Theories of Self-Consciousness Time and Time-Consciousness Seminars - Ancient Philosophy Aristotle: Physics, Metaphysics, De Anima Platon: Theaitetos, Politeia, Sophistes - German Philosophy Kant: The Critiques Hegel: Science of Logic - 20th Century Frege: Concept Script and Theories of Judgment Wittgenstein: Tractatus, Philosophical Investigations Quine: Pursuit of Truth, Word and Object Davidson Anscombe - Topics Action Theory Epistemology Philosophy of Perception Teleology, Life Refereeing - Oxford University Press Harvard University Press Mind Erkenntnis Continental Philosophy Review Philosophical Explorations Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie Philosophical Quarterly 14 Curriculum Vitae Sebastian Rödl Organization of Workshops and Conferences - - with Wolfram Gobsch: “The Question of Absolute Idealism – A Workshop with Paul Franks and Sebastian Gardner”, July 2014. “The Phylogenesis of Human Sociality. A Workshop with Jürgen Habermas und Michael Tomasello”, June 2014. - with Berislav Marusic and Matthias Haase: Workshop “Agency and Alienation”, May 2014. - with James Conant: Workshop “Kant’s Doctrine of Right”, July 2013. - - - - - - - - - with Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer and James Conant: Workshop “Matter and Form in Kant and Aristotle”, April 2011. with Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer and James Conant: Workshop “Life and Self”, Universität Leipzig, October 9-11, 2010. with Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer and James Conant: Workshop “Kant on Intuition”, University of Chicago, April 30-May 1, 2010. “Perception and Life”, Universität Basel, September 11-13, 2009. “Practical Knowledge: A Workshop with Stephen Engstrom and Michael Thompson”, Universität Basel, 9-11 July 2009. with Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer and James Conant: Workshop “The Nature of Practical Intelligence”, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 28-30 May 2009. “Perception”, Universität Basel, May 2008. with Peter Kelting (Thater Basel) and Christian Heuss (DRS 2): Talk Series (seven talks) “Lifesciences – Lebenswissenschaften?”, October 2007 to May 2008. with James Conant: Workshop “Self-Legislation of Reason”, Universität Potsdam, June 2006. with James Conant: Workshop “Historicity and Systematicity of Reason”, University of Chicago, 2005. with James Conant: Workshop “Reason and Autonomy in Kant and Hegel”, University of Chicago, April 2004. - with James Conant: Workshop “Pure Thought and Intuition”, Universität Leipzig, July 2003. - Workshop “Problems of Knowledge”, Universität Leipzig, January 2001. - Workshop “Teleologie: Ordnung des Lebendigen und des Handelns”, Universität Leipzig, 29-30 June 2000. 15
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