Publications in 2015 - Freie Universität Berlin

Publications in 2015
Published by current and former KFG fellows in 2015. Publications co-authored by
several KFG fellows are only listed once. Last update: January 25, 2016.
Ademmer, Esther 2015: Interdependence and EU-demanded Policy Change in a
Shared Neighbourhood, in: Journal of European Public Policy 22/5, 671-689.
Berliner, Daniel/Erlich, Aaron 2015: Competing for Transparency: Political
Competition and Institutional Reform in Mexican States, in: American Political
Science Review 109/1, 110-128.
Berliner, Daniel/Lake, Milli/Noveck, Jennifer 2015: Building Capacity, Building
Rights? State Capacity and Labor Rights in Developing Countries, in: World
Development 72/C, 127-139.
Berliner, Daniel/Prakash, Aseem 2015: 'Bluewashing' the Firm?: Voluntary
Regulations, Program Design and Member Compliance with the United
Nations Global Compact, in: Policy Studies Journal 43/1, 115-138.
Börzel, Tanja A. 2015: The Noble West and the Dirty Rest? Western Democracy
Promoters and Illiberal Regional Powers, in: Democratization 22/3, 519-535.
Börzel, Tanja A./Dandashly, Assem/Risse, Thomas 2015: Responses to the
"Arabellions": The EU in Comparative Perspective – Introduction, in: Journal of
European Integration 37/1, 1-17.
Börzel, Tanja A./Risse, Thomas 2015: Zwischen Regionalstudien und Internationalen
Beziehungen: Die vergleichende Regionalismusforschung als
transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56/2, 334363.
Börzel, Tanja A./Risse, Thomas/Dandashly, Assem 2015: The EU, External Actors,
and the Arabellions: Much Ado about (Almost) Nothing, in: Journal of
European Integration 37/1, 135-153.
Börzel, Tanja A./Soyaltin, Digdem/Yilmaz, Gözde 2015: Same Same or Different?
Accession Europeanization in Central Eastern Europe and Turkey Compared,
in: Tekin, Ali/Güney, Aylin (eds): Europeanization of Turkey: Polity, Politics
and Policies – A Scorecard, London: Routledge.
Börzel, Tanja A./Stapel, Sören 2015: A Global Script in Regional Colors: Mapping
Governance Transfer by Twelve Regional Organizations, in: Börzel, Tanja
A./van Hüllen, Vera (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations:
Patching Together a Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 22-50.
Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera (eds) 2015: Governance Transfer by Regional
Organizations: Patching Together A Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera 2015: Patching Together a Global Script: The
Demand and Supply of Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations, in:
Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional
Organizations: Patching Together a Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 245-259.
Börzel, Tanja A./van Hüllen, Vera 2015: Towards a Global Script? Governance
Transfer by Regional Organizations, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera
(eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a
Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 3-21.
Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera 2015: Why Being Democratic is Just Not Enough:
The EU's Governance Transfer, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera (eds):
Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a Global
Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-244.
Clayton, Amanda 2015: Women’s Political Engagement Under Quota-Mandated
Female Representation: Evidence From a Randomized Policy Experiment, in:
Comparative Political Studies 48/3, 333-369.
Debre, Maria Josepha 2015: Stronger Together – How Arab Monarchs Use Regional
Cooperation to Stay in Power, in: DVPW Conference, Universität DuisburgEssen, 25-27 February 2015.
Del Biondo, Karen 2015: Moving beyond a Donor-Recipient Relationship? Assessing
Partnership in the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, in: KFG Working Paper Series 63,
Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Freie
Universität: Berlin.
Del Biondo, Karen 2015: Promoting Democracy or the External Context? Comparing
the Substance of EU and US Democracy Assistance in Ethiopia, in:
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 28/1, 95-114.
di Floristella, Angela Pennisi 2015: Building the ASEAN Center for Humanitarian
Assistance and Emergency Response. Is ASEAN Learning from the
Experience of the European Civil Protection Mechanism?, in: KFG Working
Paper Series 62, Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of
Europe", Berlin: Freie Universität.
Domnitz, Christian 2015: Hinwendung nach Europa. Neuorientierung und
Öffentlichkeitswandel im Staatssozialismus 1975-1989, Bochum: Winkler
Eckert, Sandra 2015: The Social Face of the Regulatory State. Reforming Public
Services in Europe, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Fanenbruck, Christina/Meißner, Lenya 2015: Supranational Courts as Engines for
Regional Integration? A Comparative Study of the Southern African
Development Community Tribunal, the European Union Court of Justice, and
the Andean Court of Justice, in: KFG Working Paper Series 66, KollegForschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Berlin: Freie
Fritz, Barbara/Krampf, Arie 2015: Coping with Financial Crises: Explaining Variety in
Regional Arrangements, in: Special Issue of Contemporary Politics 21/2, 117127.
Fritz, Barbara/Mühlich, Laurissa 2015: Varieties of Regional Monetary Cooperation: A
Tool for Reducing Volatility in Developing Economies? , in: Special Issue of
Contemporary Politics 21/2, 127-145.
Geddes, Andrew/Taylor, Andrew 2015: Those Who Knock on Europe's Door Must
Repent? Bilateral Border Disputes and EU Enlargement, in: Political Studies,
Online Version.
Hartmann, Christof/Striebinger, Kai 2015: Writing the Script? ECOWAS’ Military
Intervention Mechanism, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera (eds):
Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a Global
Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 68-83.
Hellquist, Elin 2015: Interpreting Sanctions in Africa and Southeast Asia, in:
International Relations 29/3, 319-333.
Hulse, Merran/van der Vleuten, Anna 2015: Agent Run Amuck: The SADC Tribunal
and Governance Transfer Rollback, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Van Hüllen, Vera
(eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a
Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 84-106.
Jahn, Detlef/Düpont, Nils 2015: Estimating the Position of the European Union: A
Tool for Macro-Quantitative Studies, in: KFG Working Paper Series 65, KollegForschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Berlin: Freie
Kaiser, Wolfram 2015: Clash of Cultures: Two Millieus in the European Union's 'A
New Narrative for Europe' Project, in: Journal of Contemporary European
Studies 23/3, 364-377.
Kleibrink, Alexander 2015: Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the PostSocialist Balkans: Regional Patronage Networks in Serbia and Croatia,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Koschut, Simon 2015: Macht der Gefühle: Zur Bedeutung von Emotionen für die
sozialkonstruktivistische Diskursforschung, in: Zeitschrift für Internationale
Beziehungen 22/2, 7-33.
Linke-Behrens, Luisa 2015: South American Regionalism: Explaining the Foundation
of UNASUR, in: KFG Working Paper Series 67, Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The
Transformative Power of Europe", Berlin: Freie Universität.
Lohaus, Mathis 2015: Ahead of the Curve: The Organization of American States as
Pioneer of International Anti-Corruption Efforts, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Van
Hüllen, Vera (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching
Together A Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 159-176.
Murau, Steffen/Spandler, Kilian 2015: EU, US and ASEAN Actorness in G20
Financial Policy-Making: Bridging the EU Studies-New Regionalism Divide, in:
Journal of Common Market Studies, Online Version.
Patel, Kiran Klaus 2015: Europa in der Welt: Das Beispiel der transatlantischen
Beziehungen, in: Hoebink, Hein (ed.): Europa um 1900/Europa um 2000,
Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press, 295-311.
Pente, Imke 2015: Lipstick, Innovations, and Preferences – A DevelopmentalIntergovernmental Approach to Economic Policy Transfer from the EU to
ASEAN (Dissertation).
Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea 2015: Much Ado About Nothing? Brazil and Venezuela, in:
Wetzel, Anne/Orbie, Jan (eds): The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion
Palgrave Macmillan, 223-235.
Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea 2015: Politicization and Legitimacy in Mercosur, in:
Hurrelmann, Achim/Schneider, Steffen (eds): The Legitimacy of Regional
Integration in Europe and the Americas, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 5772.
Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea/Briceño-Ruiza, José 2015: Post-hegemonic Regionalism,
UNASUR and the Reconfiguration of Cooperation in South America, in:
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 40/1, 48-62.
Risse, Thomas/Babayan, Nelli 2015: Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of
Illiberal Regional Powers: Introduction to the Special Issue, in:
Democratization 22/3, 381-399.
Russo, Alessandra 2015: Regional Models of Security Governance in the Former
Soviet Space: A Research Agenda, in: FUB-HSE Seminar “Formality vs
Informality Interaction: Reflection in Institutions and Practices” Higher School
of Economics, Moscow.
Russo, Alessandra/Raineri, Luca 2015: Buffer Areas as Spaces of Connections and
Identification: The Centrality of Regional Borderlands in The Sahara and the
Caucasus, in: International Studies Association Annual Convention, New
Söderbaum, Fredrik 2015: Early, Old, New and Comparative Regionalism: The
Scholarly Development of the Field, in: KFG Working Paper Series 64, KollegForschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Berlin: Freie
Stoddard, Edward 2015: So Far, so Functional? Examining Functional/Counterfunctional Dynamics in Authoritarian Regional Cooperation, in: KFG Working
Paper Series 68, Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of
Europe", Berlin: Freie Universität.
Stoeckel, Florian 2015: Contact and Community: The Role of Social Interactions for a
Political Identity, in: Political Psychology, Online Version.
Stumbaum, May-Britt U. 2015: The Diffusion of Norms in Security-Related Fields:
Views from China, India and the EU, in: Asia Europe Journal 13/3, 331-347.
Stumbaum, May-Britt U. 2015: Drivers and Barriers to Regional Integration in
Traditional Security fields: Europe and Asia-Pacific in Comparison and the
Role of Great Powers, in: Murray, Philomena/Brennan, Louis (eds): Drivers of
Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives,
London: Routledge, 127-147.
Torney, Diarmuid 2015: Bilateral Climate Cooperation: The EU's Relation with China
and India, in: Global Environmental Politics 15/1, 105-122.
Torney, Diarmuid 2015: European Climate Leadership in Question: Policies toward
China and India, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.