By E. J. Lee 19 May 2015 Darmstadt German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Presenter Profile Dr. E. J. Lee ([email protected]; +82-10-6752-1212) Korea Institute of Energy Research , KIER Principal Researcher, New Renewable Energy Research Division Solar-Geothermal Micro Generation Expert Careers : PhD in Mechanical Engineer at Oklahoma State Univ. (OSU) (1987) Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulic Safety Analysis, KAERI (1987 ~ 1993) Building Integrated Renewable Energy Design, KIER (1993 ~ now) Adjunct Professor, Dept of RE (Renewable Energy) in UST (Univ. of Science and Tech) (now) Activities: International official Trainer of RETScreen IGSHPA Certified Geo System Designer and Trainer Solar Geo Building Technology R&DB Consulting(IEA EBC, SHP & HPP expert) Overview of KIER Since 1977 Korea Institute of Energy Research History : 39 years Employees : 619 (252 PhDs) R&D Budget : 136M USD / year 4 KIER Branches in Korea KIER Major R&D Areas 1 3 2 Non-Co2 4 5 6 Energy status of Korea (Million TOE) (Oil) (Coal) (Nuclear) (LNG) (Hydro/Etc) Republic of Korea Area : 99,720 km2 Population: 51,978,000 (2015) Energy Demand : 280 Million TOE – 97% imported (2013) Energy status of Korea 1. PV 2. Solar thermal Heat 3. Wind Renewable Energy (8) 4. Hydropower 5. Geothermal 6. Ocean Energy Fuel 7. Waste Energy 8. Biomass New Energy (3) 1. Hydrogen 2. Fuel Cell 3. Coal gasification/liquefaction Electricity Energy status of Korea Solar >> Geo > Wind > Biomass (unit : million TOE/year) Type Potential Solar Thermal Geothermal Available 3,500 11,100 PV 191 390 Wind 165 8 Hydropower 8 1 Biomass 11 2 Sum 11,284 4092 ※ Source : Korea Institute of Energy Research (2004) KIGAM (2008) NRE Sources Map (Case : Wind Energy in Korea) ※ Source : Renewable Energy Plan(Market) of Korea 3.2% (‘12) → 3.6 %(‘14) → 5.0 %(‘20) → 7.7% (‘25) → 9.7% (‘30) → 11% (‘35) 3.7% ('12) → 6.0 % (‘14) → 9.0 % (‘20) → 11.5% (‘25) → 13.1% (‘30) → 13.4% (‘35) 120 120 100 100 80 67 1,6 4,4 4,1 60 2,5 2,7 6,6 40 1,1 0,7 9,3 1,1 0,9 9,7 18,8 15,2 13,3 6,3 2,2 2,7 0,3 2012 2,6 4,9 0,5 2014 11,7 1,4 2020 20 0 Solar Thermal Photovoltaic Wind 29,2 1,4 6,4 3,3 1,3 8,5 2,9 18,5 18 19 15,6 12,9 Bio Energy 60 5,6 2025 2030 2035 Ocean Waste 63,3 2,4 20 3,7 0 6,2 11,6 10,7 10,5 23,1 21,5 2,3 6,1 1,6 19,8 13,7 6,7 28 3,3 8,6 2,3 8,2 1,8 14,1 8,1 39,3 18,2 18,7 Geothermal 11,4 11,8 60,2 40 7,9 Hydro 0 4,9 80 0 49,8 68,4 32,4 0 2 14,9 2,3 5,1 1,3 2,1 4,9 1,2 29,3 30,2 23,2 5,3 4,7 5,7 3,7 4 7,5 15,2 19,1 21,5 23,4 2012 2014 2020 2025 2030 2035 Photovoltaic Wind Bio Hydro Ocean Power Waste Fuel Cell Coal (IGCC) Renewable Energy Obligation for Public Building Target Public buildings with floor area over 1,000m2 has a mandatory to supply more than 12% renewable energy of the expected energy consumption. Strategy Renewable energy obligation is more than 30% in 2020 - 2,985 sites supply, 153,859toe supply(plan) (on 2013) Obligation ratio trend (~2020) Year 2011 2015 2020 Percentage 10% 15% 30% Demonstration Site Jeju International Airport (2011) Photovoltaic 20kW, Solar Thermal 97㎡, Geothermal 200RT More than 100 million won per year energy savings, greenhouse gas reduction up to 400-500tCO2 Renewable Energy Obligation for Public Building Renewable Obligation for Public Building and Implementation Status(~2013) Annual Energy Source Distribution Renewable Sources Distribution Geothermal, Solar Energy Increase Continuously on plant capacity (toe) 40.000 839 35.000 238 30.000 25.000 520 15.000 [백분율] 13.181 117 213 411 10.055 121 148 4.727 5.753 3.164 3.560 3.889 4.983 4.269 126 - 1.297 134 985 756 936 1.173 5.000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 태양광 지열 태양열 Photovol taic 21.151 448 20.135 13.896 12.481 10.000 Solar Thermal 23.758 0 393 20.000 Major for on Geothermal(72%) and Photovoltaic(26%) 폐기물 (PV) (Geothermal) (Solar Thermal) (Waste) [백분율] Geother mal [백분율] Energy Policy Status of Korea NRE Incentive Program Type (unit : USD) equipment or capacity(performance) Solar thermal Flat type․ vacuum tube type exceed 7.0㎡ below 14.0㎡ exceed 14.0㎡ below 20㎡ Geothermal Fuel cell 1,330/kW exceed 2.0kW~below 3.0kW 940/kW 1,120/kW exceed 10.0MJ/m2·day 520/㎡ 620/㎡ exceed 7.5MJ/m2·day~ below 10.0MJ/m2·day 480/㎡ 570/㎡ below 7.5MJ/m2·day 460/㎡ 550/㎡ exceed 10.0MJ/m2·day 460/㎡ 550/㎡ exceed 7.5MJ/m2·day~ below 10.0MJ/m2·day 420/㎡ 500/㎡ below 7.5MJ/m2·day 400/㎡ 480/㎡ exceed 10.0MJ/m2·day 420/㎡ 500/㎡ exceed 7.5MJ/m2·day~ below 10.0MJ/m2·day 390/㎡ 460/㎡ below 7.5MJ/m2·day 370/㎡ 440/㎡ below 10.5kW 790/kW 940/kW exceed 10.5kW ~ below 17.5kW 610/kW 730/kW 31,570/kW 37,880/kW Fixed type below 7.0㎡ Vertical closed type below 1kW Subsidy (island area) 1,110/kW below 2.0kW Photovoltaic Subsidy (general) Reference : Notification of new&renewable energy supporting policy, 2014, New&Renewable Energy Center, Korea Energy Management Corporation, Solar-Geo Hybrid Energy Research Key R&D Area Geothermal Energy Resource and GSHP Design Assessment - Close Loop: H, V, Slinky type - Open Loop: Single Well, Double Well - Unit and System Rating and Evaluation Solar Thermal Energy Resource and SAH, SWH Design Assessment - Low Cost High Efficiency System - Standard and Code Development - Unit and System Rating and Evaluation Renewable Energy Hybrid MG System Thermal-Electric Hybrid System (PVT, CPV) Solar Daylighting (Prism Light Pipe) Hybrid (Solar+Geo+…) MG, ORC, Co-gen, Tri-gen LCA (RETScreen for Solar, GSHP and other REs) Geothermal Energy Research Geothermal Target Construction cost of heat pump system : 3,400 USD/RT Distribution : 35,382 RT(2012) / 123,239 RT(Total) 3C (Cost ↓, Compactness↓, COP ↑) issue Strategy Developing & justifying geothermal heating & cooling systems Developing low-cost boring and construction technologies Developing design & commissioning technology for small (< 1MW), middle(<10MW) and large(>10MW) geothermal power plants Core Field Geothermal heat pump system with lower cost and higher reliability Underground heat exchanger Certification & standardization of geothermal system Reference : Energy statistics handbook 2014, Korea Energy Management Corporation Heat Pump System (100RT KIER) Solar Thermal Energy Research Solar Thermal Target Zero Energy Solar House : 90% energy independence Solar Cooling System ( 0.7 COP ) Distribution : 63,775 m2(2012) / 1,713,097 m2(Total) Strategy Developing cost effective Solar House Hot Water Supply (Chosun University) Developing High-temp. Solar Thermal System for electricity Inducing the major company participation Core Field High efficiency & new material solar collector Building integrated PV hybrid solar collector Dish-Striling Engine (10kW, 25kW) for solar thermal pwower Dish-striling Engine (10kW, KIER) Reference : Energy statistics handbook 2014, Korea Energy Management Corporation Photovoltaic Research PV(Photovoltaic) Target Power generation cost : 0.15 USD/kWh System cost : 0.5 USD/W Distribution : 295,159 kW(2012) / 1,024,316 kW(Total) Strategy Developing price reduction technologies PV Power Plant (1MW, POSCO) Growing PV cell production with semiconductor & display companies Strengthening international cooperation for the global market Core Field High-durable dye-sensitized solar cell High-efficient & wide thin film solar cell Metallurgical refining process for low-cost silicon feedstock Ribbon growth process for low-cost silicon wafer Reference : Energy statistics handbook 2014, Korea Energy Management Corporation CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell (KIER) Photovoltaic-Thermal(PVT) Research Photovoltaic Thermal Target BIPVT Prefab Module Electrical efficiency : 15% Thermal efficiency : 40% Strategy Developing price reduction technologies Building integrated design technology BIPV/T Strengthening international cooperation for the global market Core Field High-efficiency & low cost module High-efficiency solar cells High-efficiency solar thermal collector Reference : Energy statistics handbook 2014, Korea Energy Management Corporation Surface area: 288m2 - Up to 25kWe - Over 75kWh ventilation fresh air heating - Total peak efficiency: over 55% Micro-Generation Research ■ Hybrid with Multiple RE MG’s - GSHP+SH+Wind+Solar+ICT for ZEB and SET - Renewable(Waste) energy ORC, MG, TG ■ Feasibility and Policy Study - LCA : RETScreen - Obligation : RPS, RHO - Incentive : CBIP, REDI ■ Thermal-Daylight System - Daylighting with Prism film light pipe Organic Rankin Cycle(ORC) Daylighting system RETScreen Micro-Generation Research ■ Thermal-Electric Co-Gen System - Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) > Outdoor PVT SET (KIER) > Indoor PVT SET (PSE AG) - Concentrator PV(CPV) - Fuel Cells (SOFC, PEM-FC) Co-Generation Fuel Cell Cogen system Outdoor PVT SET Indoor PVT SET Solar Concentrator system Micro-Generation Research Module SET facility for PVT Simulation in KIER(ISO 9806, IEC 61215) Module IET facility for PVT-GSHP Simulation in KIER(IPMVP 4.4.2) Photovoltaic-Thermal(PVT) Research PVT Module Performance Data(Example) 0.7 IEA-SHC y = -10.228x + 0.7184 0.6 PVT Model TRNSYS model Linear (TRNSYS model) Thermal Efficiency Linear (IEA-SHC) at STC 0.5 Model - P Value Unit Value Unit Module Dimension 1.6335 m2 2.56 (3.59) m2 Electrical Output 235 We 295 We Electrical Output / m2 144 We/m2 115 We/m2 Electrical Efficiency 14.4 % 11.5 % Thermal Output (Ti = 50˚C) 500 Wt 1535 Wt Thermal Output / m2 306 Wt/m2 428 Wt/m2 Thermal Efficiency 30.6 % 42.8 % Temperature Efficiency Coefficient -0.4 %/˚C -0.2 %/˚C (1000W/m2 ,25˚C) y = -7.3729x + 0.6027 Model - H 0.4 0.3 0.2 Working Domain 0.1 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 (T m-T am)/G 250 IEA-SHC TRNSYS model Linear (TRNSYS model) Linear (IEA-SHC) DC Power (W) 200 150 y = 0.23x - 10.027 y = 0.2378x - 4.7585 100 50 Cost 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Module Cost 1 USD/W(SI), 0.6 USD/W(CIGS) System Cost 2,500 USD/kW (below 3kW system) 2 G (W/m ) Reference : based on Manufacture’s specification of each PVT module Energy Analysis Research World-wide analysis tool of energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emissions reductions - Horizontal & Vertical close-loop - Groundwater open-loop - Residential, Commercial - Institutional & Industrial CDM Project Analysis Program KIER Zero-energy Solar House Location : Daejeon, Korea Floors : 2 Floors + Basement Total area : 262 m2 [1st : 94 m2, 2nd : 70 m2 ] Heating /cooling area : 138.6 m2 Structure : Reinforced Concrete Completion : December 2002 Exterior Wall : Concrete + Exterior Insulation + Finishing Window : Gas-filled low-e pair glass + System Frame Demand Target : 70% Self-sufficiency in thermal load Korea Geothermal Market Trend About 300M USD/year for Ground Source Heat Pump domestic market in Korea `14 80% of renewable energy for public building is geothermal energy (3%/year growth) Geothermal energy is expected to be large portion of renewable energy for new and retrofit apartment complex (high rise multi residential building which typical residential building type in Korea) Ground loop The design of the entire building with geothermal heating and cooling increases and project with 1,000RT and higher is also increasing Key players : Kotec Eng., Sinsung Eng., Topsol, DaeSung, LG, Samsung Seoul City Hall / Lotte World Tower Korea Solar Thermal Market Trend About $80M USD/year for Solar thermal domestic market in Korea `14 RHO(Renewable Heat Obligation) in 2016 will affect positively to increase the market Increasing demand on higher temperature collector technology for industrial application Increasing demand on hybrid devices to produce cooling, heating and power such as Tri-generation Increasing interest on geothermal and solar thermal hybrid technology for ZEB and ZET Lager centralized solar heating system development for communities such as DLSC Key players : JehIn, Topsol, Emax System, SY Energy, DaeSung finetech, SeHan Energy Cananda Drake Landing Solar Community (DLSC) Conclusion Overview of KIER and heating, cooling and power with renewable energy buildings in Korea have been introduced Renewable energy market in Korea is increasing along the renewable energy policy Such as Feed-in-Tariff, PBO, RHO and RPS (Energy : 0.7%/year, Power : 1.8%/year) Public building contributed to increase renewable energy market as more than 3%/year Key cost effective renewable energy technologies of building (Heating/Cooling) are Geothermal and Solar Thermal in Korea Future renewable energy technology trend in Korea are ; - Separated technologies into Integrated technologies with ICT/SISO - Supply side (Macro generation) into Demand side (Micro generation) technologies - Unit technologies into Hybrid technologies (Solar-geothermal hybrid, ORC, WSP, Heating/Cooling/Power Tri-generation)
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