Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Diana Panke EMPLOYMENT Since July 2012 Full Professor of Governance in Multi-Level Systems, University of Freiburg Since July 2012 Adjunct Professor, University College Dublin July 2011-June 2012 Associate Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin (Ireland) November 2009 Award of tenure School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin (Ireland) August 2007-June 2011 Lecturer in Political Science, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin (Ireland) - permanent position May 2005-July 2007 Research Associate at the Center of European Integration, OttoSuhr-Institute for Political Science, Free University Berlin (Germany) May 2003-May 2005 Research Associate at the Political Science Department of the University of Heidelberg (Germany) November 2002-April 2003 Research Assistant and Research Associate (together with Christoph Humrich) in a project on ‚Institutionalization of International Negotiation Systems’, funded by the German Research Association and directed by Prof. Beate Kohler-Koch; University of Mannheim (Germany) ACADEMIC EDUCATION July 2007 PhD in Political Science, thesis “Talking States into Compliance? Domestic Change in the Shadow of the European Court of Justice” defended with distinction (summa cum laude) at the Free University Berlin Thesis Committee: Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Jeff Checkel, Prof. Dr. Markus Jachtenfuchs, Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse March 2003 Magister Artium in Political Science, Public Law and Business Administration, University of Mannheim (straight A) SUCCESSFUL FUNDING APPLICATIONS (SELECTION) Diana Panke: “Nested Games: Regional Actors in Multilateral Negotiations” (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, October 2013 – September 2016). 1 Diana Panke: “Voting Alignment in Multilateral Negotiations: Why Small States Change Their Voting Behavior?” (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, October 2013 – July 2014). Diana Panke: “The European Union in the United Nations. Effectively Speaking With One Voice?” (Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences, IRCHSS, December 2011 – March 2012). Christoph Hönnige and Diana Panke: „Voice Without Vote. The Role and Influence of Consultative Committees in the European Union.“ (Thyssenstiftung, November 2010 October 2012). Diana Panke: IRCHSS (Research Development Initiative 2008): Small States in the European Union. Coping with Structural Disadvantages (December 2008 – November 2010). TEACHING (Selection) SEMINARS “Nested Games: Regional Organisations in International Organisations”, “Die Funktionsweise der Europäischen Union im Vergleich zu anderen Regionalorganisationen – Institutionen und Dynamiken“, “Governance Beyond the Nation-State”, “Normsetzung und Normdurchsetzung in der EU”, “Multi-Level Governance”, “Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates”, “The European Union as International Actor”, “Cooperation and Compliance Beyond the NationState”, “International Negotiations”, “European Issues”, “The Politics of European Governance”, “Governance in Europe”, “International Governance”, “Governance in the European Union: Effective and Legitimate?”, “Theorien der Internationalen Kooperation”, “Nationale Interessen auf dem Weg nach Europa. Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien im Vergleich”, “Demokratietypologien”, “Theorien Regionaler Integration”, “Kritische Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen“, “Normentwicklung und -durchsetzung in der EU und der WTO im Vergleich“, “Die Europäische Union: Zwischen Effektivität und Legitimität?”, “Regieren in Internationalen Institutionen”, “Forschungsseminar mit Mentoring”, “Forschungsmethoden”, “Qualitative Methods”, “Forschungsdesign und qualitative Methoden” LECTURES „Research Design and Methods“, „Die Funktionsweise der Europäischen Union“, “Die Funktionsweise der Europäischen Union auf Basis des Lissabonner Vertrags”, “Europäische Integration – Akteure, Institutionen & Politiken”, “The Politics of the European Union”, “The Political System of the EuropeanUnion”, “European Issues”, “The European Union – Introduction AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 11-12 2007 Visiting Professor at the Centre for European Studies of Peking University, China 09-10 2006 Visiting Research Fellow at the Graduate School of International Studies, Centre of European Studies, University of Denver, USA 2 2003 Lorenz von Stein Price (Price awarded for the best final thesis in the studies of Political Science at the University of Mannheim) 1997 Scheffelpreis (price awarded for excellent results in the university entrance diploma) PUBLICATIONS MONOGRAPHS 1) Diana Panke, Christoph Hönnige, and Julia Gollub (2015): „Consultative Committees in the European Union. No vote - no influence?” (ECPR Press) 2) Diana Panke (2013): „Unequal Actors in Equalising Institutions. Negotiations in the United Nations General Assembly“ (Palgrave). 3) Diana Panke (2010): „The Effectiveness of the European Court of Justice: Why Reluctant States Comply“ (Manchester University Press). 4) Diana Panke (2010): „Small States in the European Union. Coping With Structural Disadvantages“ (Ashgate). 5) Diana Panke (2008): “Argumentieren und Verhandeln in der Europäischen Union. Die Europäische Kommission als Supranationaler Entrepreneur?” (Diplomica Verlag: Hamburg). EDITED VOLUMES / SPECIAL ISSUES 1) (2016) Tim Krieger, Bernhard Neumärker and Diana Panke: Europe’s Crisis. The Conflict-Theoretical Perspective. Nomos: Baden-Baden. Vol. 88. 2) (2012) Small States in International Negotiations, Special Interest Section in Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Vol. 25, No. 3. PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1) Diana Panke (forthcoming): Speech is silver, silence is golden? Examining state activity in international negotiations. In The Review of International Organizations. DOI: 10.1007/s11558-016-9244-1. 2) Diana Panke (forthcoming): Living in an Imperfect World? Incomplete Contracting & the Rational Design of International Organizations. In Journal of International Organizations Studies. 3) Samuel Brazys and Diana Panke (forthcoming): Why do states change positions in the United Nations General Assembly?. In International Political Science Review. 4) Diana Panke and Ulrich Petersohn (forthcoming): Norm Challenges and Norm Death: The Inexplicable?. In Cooperation and Conflict. 5) Christoph Hönnige and Diana Panke (2016): Is anybody listening? The Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee and their Quest for Awareness. In Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 23, No. 4, 624-642. 6) Diana Panke, Stefan Lang and Anke Wiedemann (2015): „Regional Actors in the United Nations. Exploring the Regionalization of International Negotiations”. ID: 1109384 DOI:10.1080/23340460.2015.1109384. In: Global Affairs, Volume: 1, Issue: 04-05, pages 431 - 440. 3 7) Diana Panke (2015) “Lock-in Strategies in International Negotiations. The Deconstruction of Bargaining Power”. In Millennium, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 375-391. 8) Diana Panke (2014) “Communicative Power Europe? How the EU Copes with Opposition in International Negotiations”. In European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, 357-372. 9) Diana Panke (2014) “The UNGA – A Talking Shop? Exploring Rationales for the Repetition of Resolutions in Subsequent Negotiations”. In Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Vol. 27, No. 3, 442-458. 10) Diana Panke (2014) “The European Union in the United Nations. An Effective External Actor?”. In Journal of European Public Policy. Vol. 21, No. 7, 1050-1066. 11) Diana Panke (2014) "Absenteeism in the General Assembly of the United Nations. Why Some Member States Do Hardly Vote". In International Politics. Vol. 51, No 6, 729-749. 12) Diana Panke (2014) "Is Bigger Better? Activity and Success in Negotiations in the United Nations General Assembly". In Negotiation Journal. Vol. 30; No. 4, 367-392. 13) Diana Panke (2013) “Getting ready to negotiate in International Organizations? On the Importance of the Domestic Construction of National Positions”. In Journal of International Organizations Studies. Vol. 4, No. 2, 25–38. 14) Christoph Hönnige and Diana Panke (2013) “The Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee. How Influential are Consultative Committees in the European Union?”. In Journal of Common Market Studies. Vol. 51, No. 3, 452-471. 15) Diana Panke (2013) “Regional Power Revisited. How to Explain Differences in Coherency and Success of Regional Organizations in the United Nations General Assembly”. In International Negotiation Journal. Vol. 18, No. 2, 265–291. 16) Diana Panke and Ulrich Petersohn (2012) “Why Some International Norms Disappear”. In European Journal of International Relations. Vol. 18, No. 4, 719-742. 17) Diana Panke (2012) “Dwarfs in International Negotiations: How Small States Make Their Voices Heard”. In Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Vol. 25, No. 3, 313328. 18) Diana Panke (2012) “Being Small in a Big Union: Punching Above their Weights? How Small States Prevailed in the Vodka and the Pesticides Cases”. In Cambridge Review of International Affairs Vol. 25; No. 3, 329-344. 19) Diana Panke (2012) “Small States in Multilateral Negotiations. What Have We Learned?” In Cambridge Review of International Affairs Vol. 25; No. 3, 387-398. 20) Tanja A. Börzel, Tobias Hofmann and Diana Panke (2012) „Opinions, Referrals, and Judgments. Analyzing Longitudinal Patterns of Non-Compliance“. In Journal of European Public Policy. Vol. 19, No. 4, 454-471. 21) Diana Panke (2012) „Explaining Differences in the Shaping Effectiveness. Why Some States are More Effective in Making Their Voices Heard in International Negotiations“. In Comparative European Politics. Vol. 10, No. 1, 111-132. 22) Diana Panke (2012) „Lobbying Institutional Key Players. How States Seek to Influence the European Commission, the Council Presidency, and the European Parliament“. In Journal of Common Market Studies. Vol. 50, No. 1, 129-150 23) Diana Panke (2011) „Aktivisten und Mitläufer. Die Einflussaktivitäten von Mitgliedsstaaten in Verhandlungen in der Europäischen Union”. In Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. Vol. 18; No. 2, 35-62. 4 24) Diana Panke (2011) “Small States in EU Negotiations. Political Dwarfs or PowerBrokers?” In Cooperation and Conflict. Vol. 40; No. 2, 123-143. 25) Diana Panke (2011): “Microstates in Negotiations Beyond the Nation-State: Malta, Cyprus and Luxembourg as Active and Successful Policy Shapers?” In International Negotiation Journal. Vol. 16, No. 2, 297-317. 26) Diana Panke (2010): “Small States in the European Union Structural Disadvantages in EU Policy-Making and Counter-strategies”. In Journal of European Public Policy. Vol. 17, No. 6, 801–819. 27) Diana Panke (2010): „Why Discourse Matters only Sometimes. Effective Arguing beyond the Nation-State“. In Review of International Studies. Vol. 36, No. 1, 145-168. 28) Tanja Boerzel, Tobias Hofmann, Diana Panke and Carina Sprungk (2010): “Obstinate and Inefficient: Why Member States Do Not Comply with European Law”. In Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 43, No. 11, 1363-1390. 29) Diana Panke (2010): „Why (Big) States Cannot Do What They Want. International Legalization at Work“. In International Politics. Vol. 47, No. 2, 186-209. 30) Diana Panke (2010): “Developing Good Instructions in No Time – An Impossibility? Comparing Domestic Coordination Practices for EU Policies of 19 Small States”. In West European Politics. Vol. 33, No. 4, 769-789. 31) Diana Panke (2009): “Social and Taxation Policies – Domaine Reservée Fields? Member States’ Non-Compliance with Sensitive European Secondary Law.” In Journal of European Integration. Vol. 31, No. 4, 489-509. 32) Nicole Bolleyer and Diana Panke (2009): „The Irish Greens and Europe. An Unhappy Marriage?“ In Irish Political Studies. Vol. 24, No. 4, 543-547. 33) Diana Panke (2007): „Verrechtlichung auf dem Prüfstand. Zur variablen Wirkung von Rechtsdiskursen und Gerichtsurteilen auf die Einhaltung europäischen Rechts.“ In Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. Vol. 4, 298-317. 34) Diana Panke (2007): „The European Court of Justice as an Agent of Europeanization. Inducing Compliance With EU law“. In Journal of European Public Policy. Vol. 14, No. 6, 847-866. 35) Diana Panke (2006): “More Arguing Than Bargaining? The Institutional Designs of the European Convention and Intergovernmental Conferences Compared”. In Journal of European Integration. Vol. 28, No. 4, 357-379. 36) Diana Panke (2006): The Differential Impact of Communicated Ideas. Bridging the Gap between Rationalism and Constructivism. In Hamburg Review of Social Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 3, 312-342. BOOK CHAPTERS 1) Tim Krieger, Bernhard Neumärker, Diana Panke (2016): „Introduction“, in Tim Krieger, Bernhard Neumärker, Diana Panke (eds): Europe’s Crisis. The ConflictTheoretical Perspective. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 11-23. 2) Diana Panke (forthcoming 2016): “Der Neue Regionalismus” in Simon Koschut (ed.) Regionen und Regionalismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Springer VS Verlag. 3) Diana Panke and Miguel Haubrich Seco (forthcoming 2016) “Supranational and EU governance”, in Jacob Torfing and Chris Ansell (eds): Handbook on Theories of Governance. Edward Elgar. 5 4) Diana Panke (2015): “Small states in EU decision-making. How can they be effective?” in Michael Keating and Harald Baldersheim (eds): Small States in the Modern World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 59-72. 5) Tanja Börzel and Diana Panke (2015): “Europäisierung” in Georg Wenzelburger and Reimut Zohlnhöfer (eds), Handbuch Policy-Forschung, VS-Springer-Verlag, 225-246. 6) Tanja Börzel and Diana Panke (2013): „Europeanization“, in Michele Cini und Nieves Pères-Solòrzano Borragàn (eds): European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 110-121. 7) Diana Panke (2012): “Advantages and Problems of Process-Tracing Methodology. The Example of Explaining Delayed Europeanization”, in Theofanis Exadaktylos and Claudio M. Radaelli (ed.), Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 125-140. 8) Tanja A. Börzel and Diana Panke (2011): „Europäisierung“, in Dieter Nohlen und Florian Grotz (eds), Kleines Lexikon der Politik, München: C.H.Beck, 160-162. 9) Diana Panke (2011): „Verrechtlichung auf dem Prüfstand. Zur variablen Wirkung von Rechtsdiskursen und Gerichtsurteilen auf die Einhaltung europäischen Rechts.“, in Sebastian Enskat and Mariana Karbowski (ed.) Reader zur EU Forschung der Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 225-254. 10) Tanja Börzel and Diana Panke (2010): Europeanization, in Michele Cini and Nieves Pères-Solòrzano Borragàn (eds): European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 405-417. 11) Nicole Bolleyer and Diana Panke (2010): „The Irish Greens and Europe. An Unhappy Marriage?“, in Hayward, Katy and Mary Murphy (ed.), The Europeanisation of the Irish Party System, London: Routledge, 127-142. 12) Tanja A. Börzel and Diana Panke (2010): Europäisierung, in Dieter Nohlen and RainerOlaf Schultze (eds), Lexikon der Politik, München: C.H.Beck, 230-232. 13) Diana Panke (2009): The European Court of Justice as an Instance of High Legalisation: What Have We Learned on the Prospects to Foster Compliance with EU Law?, in Carl Baudenbacher (ed.): Dispute Resolution, Stuttgart: German Law Publishers, 83-94. 14) Diana Panke and Tanja Börzel (2008): Policy-Forschung and Europäisierung, in Frank Janning and Katrin Toens (ed.): Die Zukunft der Policy-Forschung, Wiesbaden: VSVerlag, 138-156. 15) Tanja Börzel and Diana Panke (2007): Europäisierung – ein politikwissenschaftliches Laboratorium, in Reiner Marcowitz (ed.): Nationale Identität and transnationale Einflüsse. Amerikanisierung, Europäisierung and Globalisierung in Frankreich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. München: Oldenbourg-Verlag, 53-71. 16) Tanja A. Börzel and Diana Panke (2007): Europäisierung, in ‘Lexikon der Politik, Dieter Nohlen (ed.) C.H.Beck: München, 130-132. 17) Diana Panke and Thomas Risse (2006): “Classical Liberalism in IR” in “International Relations Theory”, Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 89-108. 18) Tanja A. Börzel and Diana Panke (2006): Network Governance. Effective and Legitimate?, in ‘Theories of Democratic Network Governance’, Jacob Torfing and Eva Sørensen (ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 153-166. 6 INVITED PRESENTATIONS (SELECTION), OUTREACH Talk (2015) Centre for Security Research (CeSeR), University of Edinburgh “Small States in International Security Negotiations” Talk (2015) Free University of Berlin “Overlapping Regionalism. Patterns and Explanations” Talk (2015) Volkshochschule Zürich “Ungeliebtes Vorbild: Deutschlands Rolle in der EU” Talk (2014) Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen “Regional Actors in International Organizations: Towards a Regionalization of International Negotiations?” Talk (2014) Institut für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg e.V. “Die Demokratisierung der EU? Neue Institutionenordnung nach den Wahlen“ Talk (2014) FRIAS, University Freiburg “Is small beautiful in international negotiations? Can small states punch above their weight or do they trade votes for aid?” Talk (2014) Brussels “Small States in the EU – Learning & Best Practices” Talk (2014) University at St. Petersburg: “The European Union in International Negotiations: How Active and How Influential Is It in Comparison to Other Regional Organizations and to Big States?” Talk (2014) University of Oslo at the Democracy conference “Small States” Talk (2013) University of Aberdeen, UK: “The Prospects of Scotland as a Small State in the EU” Talk (2012) University of Mannheim, Germany: “The EU @ UN” Talk (2012) Free University of Berlin, Germany at Jean Monnet Conference Talk (2011) Centre for Small States Studies, University of Iceland: “Small States in International Relations” Talk (2011) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland: “Small States in the United Nations. Activity and Influence” Talk (2011) Center for Regulation and Governance, University College Dublin, Ireland: “No Vote, no Voice? The Influence of Consultative Institutions Within the European Union” Talk (2010) University of Exeter, UK: “Research design and qualitative methods in Europeanization Studies” Talk (2010) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (Workshop): “Negotiation Success of Big and Small States in the European Union” Talk (2010) Freie Universität Berlin: „Aktivisten und Mitläufer. Die Einflussaktivitäten von Mitgliedsstaaten in Verhandlungen in der Europäischen Union” Talk (2009) Queens University Belfast, UK: Negotiation Activities of Small States in the European Union Talk (2009) Dublin City University, Ireland: Structural Disadvantages and Counterbalancing Strategies. How Smaller States Influence EU Policies. Talk (2008) University of St. Gallen, Switzerland: The European Court of Justice as an Instance of High Legalisation: What Have We Learned on the Prospects to Foster Compliance with EU Law? 7 Talk (2008) University of Exeter, UK: (Non-) Compliance Dynamics in the European Union: Restoring the Power of Law Beyond the Nation State Talk (2007) Beijing University, China: Compliance and Legalisation. The case of the European Union. INTERVIEWS 2008-2015 • • on the Schengen Agreement, European Economic and Social Committee, the Lisbon Treaty, the Irish referendum, and on small states in the EU, EU elections, EU crisis, UN affairs, debt crisis in Greece in Sunday's Business Post, RadioPopulare, Le nouvel Observateur, France 24,, unitedirelander, Youthmedia for Europe, Südwestrundfunk (SWR), Altinget., CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION (selection) 2015: ISA, BISA, DVPW 2014: ISA, ECPR 2013: ISA, EUSA, APSA 2012: CES, ISA, ECPR, IPSA, DVPW, (APSA) 2011: ISA, EUSA, EPSA, ASPA, DVPW 2010: ISA, APSA, ECPR, PSAI 2009: APSA, ECPR General Conference, EUSA, PSAI 2008: APSA, BISA, PSAI, ECPR (joint sessions of workshops & EU conference) 2007: EUSA, APSA, LSA, DVPW, ECPR (joint sessions), PSAI, ISA 2006: DVPW, ECPR (joint sessions), LSA 2005: EUSA, APSA, ECPR, DVPW 2004: ECPR (joint sessions) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (selection) From October 2015 onwards: Head of Department, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Since July 2012: Member of the board of directors of the Political Science Department, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg September 2011 – June 2012: Coordinator MA International Relations & Coordinator MSc International Relations (UCD) January 2010 – June 2012: Member of the UCD Academic Council Committee on Internationalisation (ACCI), representative of the College of Human Sciences September 2010 – August 2011: Graduate Studies Director, UCD, School of Politics and International Relations September 2010 – August 2011: Member of the executive of the School of Politics and International Relations, UCD, SPIRe (UCD) 8 August 2009 – September 2012: Coordinator MA Politics (European Politics) September 2009 – August 2011: Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, UCD, College of Human Sciences Since March 2008: Scientific Advisory Board Member: Dublin European Institute March 2008 – August 2009: Editor of the DIE Working Paper Series, (UCD) September 2007 – September 2010: UCD School of Politics Erasmus Coordinator SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY: REVIEWS Acta Politica, Ashgate, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cambridge Review of International Studies, Comparative European Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Cooperation and Conflict, ECPR Press, Environmental Politics, European Integration Online Papers (EIoP), European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, French Politics, International Interactions, International Negotiation, International Politics, International Relations, International Studies Review, International Studies Quarterly, International Theory, Irish Political Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of European Integration, Journal of Public Policy, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Law and Courts, Law & Policy, McGraw-Hill Publishers, Millenium Public Administration, Oxford University Press, Palgrave Publishers, Politics and Policy, Political Research Quarterly, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Public Administration, Regional and Federal Studies, Regulation & Governance, Review of International Studies, Scandinavian Political Studies, Social Policy & Administration, Swiss Political Science Review, West European Politics, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY Reviews for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), European Research Council (ERC), Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung, Icelandic Research Fund, Volkswagenstiftung, BadenWürttemberg Stiftung and Acquin Since August 2011: Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of International Relations Research October 2008-October 2010: Executive Board Member of the Irish Political Studies Association (PSAI) April 2009-October 2010: Member of the annual book prize committee, PSAI January 2009 – September 2010: representative of UCD at the ECPR June 2005- July 2007: ECPR Graduate Representative, Free University of Berlin 9 MEMBERSHIP American Political Science Association, European Union Studies Association, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Sektion Internationale Beziehungen, Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration, Arbeitskreis Soziologie der Internationalen Beziehungen, Sektion Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Arbeitskreis Demokratieforschung, ECPR Standing Group on Law & Politics, ECPR Standing Group on Regulation and Governance, Dublin European Institute Freiburg, 23 March 2016 Diana Panke 10
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