29 April 2012, 2014 Hanna Vorholt Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, 24 Cataloguing and Describing Medieval Manuscripts Select Bibliography Terminology Brown, M. P., Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms (London, 1994) [http://www.bl.uk/catalogues/illuminatedmanuscripts/glossary.asp] Gacek, A., The Arabic Manuscript Tradition: a Glossary of Technical Terms and Bibliography, Handbuch der Orientalistik I, v. 58 (Leiden and Boston, 2001) Jakobi-Mirwald, C., Buchmalerei: Ihre Terminologie in der Kunstgeschichte (Berlin 1997) Maniaci, M., Terminologia del Libro Manoscritto (Rome, 1997) Muzerelle, D., Vocabulaire Codicologique: Répertoire Méthodique des Termes Français Relatifs aux Manuscrits (Paris, 1985) [http://vocabulaire.irht.cnrs.fr/vocab.htm] Ostos, P., Pardo, M. L., Rodríguez, E., Vocabulario de Codicologia. Versión Española Revisada y Aumentada del 'Vocabulaire Codicologique' de Denis Muzerelle (Madrid, 1997) Guides for Cataloguing and Describing Medieval Manuscripts Clemens, R. and Graham, T., Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Ithaca and London, 2007), esp. pp. 129-133 ('Manuscript Description') Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Unterausschuß für Handschriftenkatalogisierung (ed.), 5 Richtlinien Handschriftenkatalogisierung (Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 1992 ); available online at http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/hs/kataloge/HSKRICH.htm Jemolo, V. and Morelli, M., Guida a una Descrizione Uniforme dei Manoscritti e a loro Censimento (Rome, 1990) Löffler, K. and Milde, W., Einführung in die Handschriftenkunde (Stuttgart, 1997) Ker, N. R., Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1969), pp. v-xiv [see also Introductions to other manuscript catalogues] Mazal, O., The Keeper of Manuscripts. With a Chapter on Restoring the Text (Turnhout, 1992), esp. pp. 7-48 ('Cataloguing Manuscripts') Schneider, K., Paläographie und Handschriftenkunde für Germanisten. Eine Einführung (Tübingen, 1999), pp. 101-212 Possible Models Alexander, J.J.G. and De La Mare, A.C., The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J. R. Abbey (London, 1969) [esp. for decoration] Ker, N. R., Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries (Oxford, 1969-2002) [esp. for physical description and contents] Kidd, P., Medieval Manuscripts from the Collection of T. R. Buchanan in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Oxford, 2001) [esp. for physical description and provenance] Panayotova, S., Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge: A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges, 6th to 16th Centuries (in progress), including Part 1 (2 vols.): The Low Countries, the Frankish Kingdoms and Germany (in press) [esp. for decoration] Randall, L.M.C., Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, 1988-) [esp. for decoration] Sharpe, R., Titulus. Identifying Medieval Latin Texts. An Evidence-Based Approach (Turnhout, 2003) [recommendations concerning the recording of the contents] Codicology, Collation, Compilations Bischoff, F., 'Methoden der Lagenbeschreibung', Scriptorium 46 (1992), pp. 3-27 1 29 April 2012, 2014 Hanna Vorholt Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, 24 Derolez, A., Codicologie des manuscripts en écriture humanistique sur parchemin, 2 vols. (Turnhout, 1984) Derolez, A., 'Codicologie ou archéologie du livre?', Scriptorium 27 (1973), pp. 47-52 Gumbert, J.P., 'L'unité codicologique ou: á quoi bon les cahiers?', Gazette du livre médiéval 14 (1989), pp. 4-8 Gumbert, J.P., 'One Book with Many Texts: the Latin Tradition', R. Jansen-Sieben, H. van Dijk (eds), Codices miscellanearum: Brussels Van Hulthem Colloquium 1999 (Brussels, 1999), pp. 27-36 (see also other articles in this volume) Hanna III, R., 'Booklets in Medieval Manuscripts: Further Considerations', id., Pursuing History. Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts (Stanford 1996), pp. 21-34 Ker, N.R., Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford, 1957), p. xxii [for recording quire structures] Kwakkel, E., 'Towards a Terminology for the Analysis of Composite Manuscripts', Gazette du Livre Médiéval 41 (2002), pp. 12-19 Lemaire, J., Introduction a la Codicologie (Louvain-La-Neuve, 1989) Lowden, J., The making of the Bibles moralisées (University Park, 2000) [example for prose description and discussion of collation] Minnis, A. J., 'Late-Medieval Discussions of "Compilatio" and the Rôle of the "compilator'", Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 101/3 (1979), pp. 385-421 Munk Olsen, B., 'L'élément codicologique', P. Hoffmann (ed.), Recherches de codicologie comparée. La composition du codex au Moyen Âge et en Occident (Paris 1998), pp. 105-129 Parkes, M. B., 'The Influence of the Concepts of "Ordinatio" and "Compilatio" on the Development of the Book', J.J.G. Alexander, M.T. Gibson (eds), Medieval Learning and Literature. Essays presented to Richard William Hunt (Oxford 1976), pp. 115-141 Robinson, P. R., 'The "Booklet": A Self-Contained unit in composite manuscripts', A. Gruys., J. P. Gumbert (eds): Codicologica 3 (Leiden 1980), pp. 46-69 General Reference Derolez, A., Les catalogues de bibliothèques, Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental, 31 (Turnhout, 1979) [on characteristics of medieval library catalogues] Nickson, M.A.E., The British Library: Guide to the Catalogues and Indexes of the Department of Manuscripts, 3rd rev. ed. (London, 1998) [a survey of the catalogues of the British Library] Norris, D. M., A History of Cataloguing and Cataloguing Methods, 1100-1850 (London, 1939). Taylor, A., Book Catalogues: Their Varieties and Uses (Chicago, 1957, 2nd ed. rev. by W. P. Barlow, Winchester 1986) Paper and Watermarks Needham, P., 'Res Papirae: Sizes and Formats of the Late Medieval Book', P. Rück (ed.), Rationalisierung Der Buchherstellung Im Mittelalter Und in Der Frühen Neuzeit: Ergebnisse Eines Buchgeschichtlichen Seminars, Wolfenbüttel 12.-14. November 1990 (Marburg, 1994), pp. 123-45 Needham, P. 'Concepts of Paper Study', Daniel W. Mosser et al. (eds): Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks (London, 2000), pp. 1-36 Stevenson, A.H., 'Watermarks are Twins', Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951-52), pp. 57-91 Tschudin, P.F., Grundzüge der Papiergeschichte (Stuttgart, 2002) Zerdoun Bat-Yehouda, M., Les Papiers Filigranés Médiévaux. Essai de Méthodologie descriptive (Turnhout, 1989) Online Resources http://warburg.sas.ac.uk (> Electronic Resources > Links > Word > Manuscripts) 2
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