C ONNIE P ANZENBÖCK Playing age: 23-35 Height: 160 cm (5’3’’) THEATRE Eyes: green-brown Hair: brown I might as well live* Fenn Robben berühren Monty Python Tribute Evening* Dorothy Parker Becky, Miss Cade Verwandte various Dir. Dir. Dir. Dir. Sophia Hembeck John Colton Martina Maggale Andreas Müllauer Female News Host Dir. Sebastian Pichelhofer social worker Anna Dir. Ashley Johnson Dir. Christine Ayayi Mrs Hartl Core-Competence GmbH FILM apertus° AXIOM Beta Crowd Funding Pitch* Schichtwechsel That Happens * English language productions VOICEOVER E-learning adventure TRAINING Acting for Camera at RCS (Glasgow, UK); Meisner with Dunja Tot, Scene study with Silvia Schantl; Classical voice training with Christine Wagner; Acting, voice and movement at Schule des Theaters (Vienna, Austria). SKILLS German (native, Austria), English (fluent. RP, Austrian accent), Icelandic (basic), Mezzo soprano (rock, pop, opera), Guitar, Bass guitar, Juggling, White water kayaking (WW III-IV), drive stick shift. C ONNIE P ANZENBÖCK www.pnznbck.at [email protected]
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