Curriculum Vitae Caroline Schlaufer

Curriculum Vitae Caroline Schlaufer University of Bern, Center of Competence for Public Management Schanzeneckstrasse 1, P.B. 8573 CH‐3001 Bern
+41 (0)31 631 30 52 [email protected] Current positions: Since 1/2013 Center of Competence for Public Management, University of Bern: Research Assistant and PhD Candidate in the framework of the research project The Role of Evaluation Results in Direct Democratic Campaigns financed by the Swiss Na‐
tional Science Foundation Since 10/2011 Center for Continuing Education, University of Bern: Researcher, continuing edu‐
cation program in evaluation Education: 2005 M.A. in History, University College of London 2003 License in International Relations, University of Geneva Further training: 2011‐2013 Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation, University of Bern 06/2014 Swiss Summer School in Democracy Studies, Lucerne 07/2013 Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, Course Case Study Methods Work experience: 11/2006‐09/2011 Programme Officer, Intercooperation – Swiss Foundation for Development and Cooperation, Bern 07‐10/2006 Research Assistant, Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), Genf 11/2005‐07/2006 Trainee, IPC GmbH, Frankfurt, working as: Credit Manager, ProCredit Bank Mol‐
dova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova and Loan Officer, ProCredit Bank Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia 10/2003‐08/2004 Responsible for fundraising and international contact, NGO Kovcheg, Odessa, Ukraine 02/2002‐10/2003 Guide, visitors’ service, United Nations Office to Geneva Experience as lecturer: 2015 Guest lecture Evaluation Use, Lecture Policy Evaluation, Master of Public Man‐
agement, University of Bern 2014‐2015 Teaching of the class Evaluation of continuing education, in the framework of the training programme Managing continuing education at universities 2013 Teaching of the class Evaluation, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North‐
western Switzerland FHNW, B.Sc. in Applied Psychology 2007‐2013 Teaching of an annual seminar in Rural and Microfinance, Bern University of Ap‐
plied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science, B.Sc. in Interna‐
tional Agriculture Publications: Papers in peer reviewed journals: Schlaufer, Caroline (2015). Global Evidence in Local Debates: the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Swiss Direct‐democratic Debates on School Policy. Policy & Politics (accepted, forthcoming). Other publications in scientific journals: Stucki, Iris and Schlaufer, Caroline (2014): Rezension zu: Jan Hense / Stefan Rädiker / Wolfgang Böttcher / Thomas Widmer (Hrsg.), Forschung über Evaluation. Bedingungen, Prozesse, Wirkungen, Waxmann, Münster 2013. LeGes ‐ Gesetzgebung & Evaluation, 25(1), S. 149‐152. Conference papers: Schlaufer, Caroline (2015): Does a Reference to Evaluations Contribute to Discourse Quality? The Case of Swiss Direct‐Democratic Campaigns on School Policy: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at the International Conference on Public Policy, Milano. Schlaufer, Caroline (2015): The Direct‐Democratic Challenge to Evidence‐Based Policy Making: Question‐
ing the Governmental PISA Narrative in Swiss School Policy Votes. Paper presented at the ICPP Confer‐
ence, Milano. Stucki, Iris and Schlaufer, Caroline (2013). Tracing the Evidence: The Use of Evaluation Results in Direct‐
Democratic Campaigns. Paper presented at the International Conference on Public Policy, Grenoble. Schlaufer, Caroline (2012). Die Rolle von Evaluationsergebnissen in Kampagnen der direkten Demokratie. Paper presented at the Forschungskolloquium für den Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs „Forschung über Evaluation“ der Gesellschaft für Evaluation, DeGeval, Berlin. Conducted evaluations: 2012‐2013 External evaluation of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Entrepreneurship of the University of Bern 2009‐2010 Impact Assessment Agricultural Finance (Moldova, Kosovo and Albania), Europe‐
an Fund for Southeast Europe, EFSE 2009 Interim evaluation of the project “Unterstützung der Mikrofinanzdienstleistung‐
en in ländlichen Regionen“, Tajikistan, Gesellschaft für technische Zusam‐
menarbeit, GTZ 2008 Evaluation of savings and credit approaches (Peru, Südafrika, Indien), NGO Fastenopfer 2007 Ex‐post‐evaluation of the project „Export‐ und Investitionsförderung“, Kyrgyz‐
stan, Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ 2007 Internal Review of the „Swiss Ukrainian Forest Development Project FORZA“, Swiss Development Agency SDC / Intercooperation Other mandates: Since 2015 Since 05/2012 Member of the editorial board of LeGes Independent expert international project commission, Swiss Solidarity