Heinz Osiewacz Publications 2006-2015 (last updated 09/2015) Bernhardt D, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2014) The role of mitochondria in fungal aging. Curr Opin Microbiol 22:1-7 Bernhardt D, Ller MM, Reichert AS, Osiewacz HD (2015) Simultaneous impairment of mitochondrial fission and fusion reduces mitophagy and shortens replicative lifespan. Scientific Reports 5:DOI:10.1038/srep07885 Blagosklonny MV, Campisi J, Sinclair DA, Bartke A, Blasco MA, Bonner WM, Bohr VA, Brosh RM, Brunet A, DePinho RA, Donehower LA, Finch CE, Finkel T, Gorospe M, Gudkov AV, Hall MN, Hekimi S, Helfand SL, Karlseder J, Kenyon C, Kroemer G, Longo V, Nussenzweig A, Osiewacz HD, Peeper DS, Rando TA, Rudolph KL, Sassone-Corsi P, Serrano M, Sharpless NE, Skulachev VP, Tilly JL, Tower J, Verdin E, Vijg J (2010) Impact papers on aging in 2009. Aging-US 2:111-121 Brust D, Daum B, Breunig C, Hamann A, Kühlbrandt W, Osiewacz HD (2010) Cyclophilin D links programmed cell death and organismal aging in Podospora anserina. Aging Cell 9:761-775 Brust D, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2010) Deletion of PaAif2 and PaAmid2, two genes encoding mitochondrial AIF-like oxidoreductases of Podospora anserina, leads to increased stress tolerance and lifespan extension. Curr Genet 56:225-235 Chatterjee D, Kudlinzki D, Linhard V, Saxena K, Schieborr U, Gande SL, Wurm JP, Wohnert J, Abele R, Rogov VV, Dötsch V, Osiewacz HD, Sreeramulu S, Schwalbe H (2015) Structure and biophysical characterization of the s-adenosylmethionine-dependent o-methyltransferase PaMTH1, a putative enzyme accumulating during senescence of podospora anserina. J Biol Chem 290:16415-16430 Chimi MA, Dröse S, Wittig I, Heide H, Steger M, Werner A, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD, Brandt U (2013) Age-related changes in the mitochondrial proteome of the fungus Podospora anserina analyzed by 2D-DIGE and LC-MS/MS. J Proteomics 91:358-374 Daum B, Walter A, Horst A, Osiewacz HD, Kühlbrandt W (2013) Age-dependent dissociation of ATP synthase dimers and loss of inner-membrane cristae in mitochondria. P Natl Acad Sci USA 110:15301-15306 Davies KM, Strauss M, Daum B, Kief JH, Osiewacz HD, Rycovska A, Zickermann V, Kühlbrandt W (2011) Macromolecular organization of ATP synthase and complex I in whole mitochondria. P Natl Acad Sci USA 108:14121-14126 Figge MT, Osiewacz HD, Reichert AS (2013) Quality control of mitochondria during aging: Is there a good and a bad side of mitochondrial dynamics? Bioessays 35:314-322 Figge MT, Reichert AS, Meyer-Hermann M, Osiewacz HD (2012) Deceleration of fusion-fission cycles improves mitochondrial quality control during aging. PLOS Comput Biol 8:e1002576 Fischer F, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2012) Mitochondrial quality control: an integrated network of pathways. Trends Biochem Sci 37:284-292 Fischer F, Weil A, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2013) Human CLPP reverts the longevity phenotype of a fungal ClpP deletion strain. Nat Commun 4:Article number: 1397 Gispert S, Parganlija D, Klinkenberg M, Dröse S, Wittig I, Mittelbronn M, Grzmil P, Koob S, Hamann A, Walter M, Buchel F, Adler T, de Angelis MH, Busch DH, Zell A, Reichert AS, Brandt U, Osiewacz HD, Jendrach M, Auburger G (2013) Loss of mitochondrial peptidase Clpp leads to infertility, hearing loss plus growth retardation via accumulation of CLPX, mtDNA and inflammatory factors. Hum Mol Genet 22:4871-4887 Gredilla R, Grief J, Osiewacz HD (2006) Mitochondrial free radical generation and lifespan control in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina. Exp Gerontol 41:439-447 Grimm C, Bohl L, Osiewacz HD (2015) Overexpression of Pa_1_10620 encoding a mitochondrial Podospora anserina protein with homology to superoxide dismutases and ribosomal proteins leads to lifespan extension. Curr Genet 61:73-86 Grimm C, Osiewacz HD (2015) Manganese rescues adverse effects on lifespan and development in Podospora anserina challenged by excess hydrogen peroxide. Exp Gerontol 63:8-17 Groebe K, Krause F, Kunstmann B, Unterluggauer H, Relfschneider NH, Scheckhuber CQ, Sastri C, Stegmann W, Wozny W, Schwall GP, Poznanovic S, Dencher NA, Jansen-Durr P, Osiewacz HD, Schrattenholz A (2007) Differential proteomic profiling of mitochondria from Podospora anserina, rat and human reveals distinct patterns of age-related oxidative changes. Exp Gerontol 42:887-898 Hamann A, Brust D, Osiewacz HD (2007) Deletion of putative apoptosis factors leads to lifespan extension in the fungal ageing model Podospora anserina. Mol Microbiol 65:948-958 Hamann A, Brust D, Osiewacz HD (2008) Apoptosis pathways in fungal growth, development and ageing. Trends Microbiol 16:276-283 Hunzinger C, Wozny W, Schwall GP, Poznanovic S, Stegmann W, Zengerling H, Schoepf R, Groebe K, Cahill MA, Osiewacz HD, Jagemann N, Bloch M, Dencher NA, Krause F, Schrattenholz A (2006) Comparative profiling of the mammalian mitochondrial proteome: Multiple aconitase-2 isoforms including N-formylkynurenine modifications as part of a protein biomarker signature for reactive oxidative species. J Proteome Res 5:625-633 Knuppertz L, Hamann A, Pampaloni F, Stelzer EHK, Osiewacz HD (2014) Identification of autophagy as a longevity-assurance mechanism in the aging model Podospora anserina. Autophagy 10:822-834 Kowald A, Hamann A, Zintel S, Ullrich S, Klipp E, Osiewacz HD (2012) A systems biological analysis links ROS metabolism to mitochondrial protein quality control. Mech Ageing Dev 133:331-337 Krause F, Scheckhuber CQ, Werner A, Rexroth S, Reifschneider NH, Dencher NA, Osiewacz HD (2006) OXPHOS Supercomplexes. Ann NY Acad Sci 1067:106-115 Kunstmann B, Osiewacz HD (2008) Over-expression of an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase leads to an extended lifespan of Podospora anserina without impairments in vital functions. Aging Cell 7:651-662 Kunstmann B, Osiewacz HD (2009) The S-adenosylmethionine dependent O-methyltransferase PaMTH1: a longevity assurance factor protecting Podospora anserina against oxidative stress. AgingUS 1:328-334 Luce K, Osiewacz HD (2009) Increasing organismal healthspan by enhancing mitochondrial protein quality control. Nat Cell Biol 11:852-858 Luce K, Osiewacz HD (2012) Increasing organismal healthspan by enhancing mitochondrial protein quality control. Nat Cell Biol 14:220 Luce K, Weil AC, Osiewacz HD (2010) Mitochondrial protein quality control systems in aging and disease Protein Metabolism and Homeostasis in Aging. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp 108-125 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol 694) Ludovico P, Osiewacz HD, Costa V, Burhans WC (2012) Cellular models of aging. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2012:616128 Müller-Ohldach M, Brust D, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2011) Overexpression of PaParp encoding the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase of Podospora anserina affects organismal aging. Mech Ageing Dev 132:33-42 Nowrousian M, Stajich JE, Chu M, Engh I, Espagne E, Halliday K, Kamerewerd J, Kempken F, Knab B, Kuo HC, Osiewacz HD, Pöggeler S, Read ND, Seiler S, Smith KM, Zickler D, Kück U, Freitag M (2010) De novo assembly of a 40 Mb eukaryotic genome from short sequence reads: Sordaria macrospora, a Model Organism for Fungal Morphogenesis. PLoS Genet 6:e1000891 Osiewacz HD (2011) Mitochondrial quality control in aging and lifespan control of the fungal aging model Podospora anserina. Biochem Soc T 39:1488-1492 Osiewacz HD (2011) Regulation of the mitochondrial transition pore: impact on mammalian aging. Aging-US 3:10-11 Osiewacz HD, Bernhardt D (2013) Mitochondrial quality control: Impact on aging and life span - A mini-review. Gerontology 59:413-420 Osiewacz HD, Hamann A, Zintel S (2013) Assessing organismal aging in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. Methods Mol Biol 965:439-462 Osiewacz HD, Scheckhuber CQ (2006) Impact of ROS on ageing of two fungal model systems: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Podospora anserina. Free Radical Res 40:1350-1358 Philipp O, Hamann A, Servos J, Werner A, Koch I, Osiewacz HD (2013) A genome-wide longitudinal transcriptome analysis of the aging model Podospora anserine. PLOS ONE 8:e83109 Plohnke N, Hamann A, Poetsch A, Osiewacz HD, Rogner M, Rexroth S (2014) Proteomic analysis of mitochondria from senescent Podospora anserina casts new light on ROS dependent aging mechanisms. Exp Gerontol 56:13-25 Rexroth S, Poetsch A, Rogner M, Hamann A, Werner A, Osiewacz HD, Schafer ER, Seelert H, Dencher NA (2012) Reactive oxygen species target specific tryptophan site in the mitochondrial ATP synthase. BBA-Gen Subjects 1817:381-387 Scheckhuber CQ, Erjavec N, Tinazli A, Hamann A, Nyström T, Osiewacz HD (2007) Reducing mitochondrial fission results in increased life span and fitness of two fungal ageing models. Nat Cell Biol 9:99-U129 Scheckhuber CQ, Grief J, Boilan E, Luce K, Debacq-Chainiaux F, Rittmeyer C, Gredilla R, Kolbesen BO, Toussaint O, Osiewacz HD (2009) Age-related cellular copper dynamics in the fungal ageing model podospora anserina and in ageing human fibroblasts. PLoS ONE 4:14 Scheckhuber CQ, Hamann A, Brust D, Osiewacz HD (2012) Cellular homeostasis in fungi: impact on the aging process Aging Research in Yeast, pp 233-250 (Subcellular Biochemistry vol 57) Scheckhuber CQ, Houthoofd K, Weil AC, Werner A, De Vreese A, Vanfleteren JR, Osiewacz HD (2011) Alternative oxidase dependent respiration leads to an increased mitochondrial content in two long-lived mutants of the ageing model podospora anserina. PLoS ONE 6:9 Scheckhuber CQ, Mitterbauer R, Osiewacz HD (2009) Molecular basis of and interference into degenerative processes in fungi: potential relevance for improving biotechnological performance of microorganisms. Appl Microbiol Biot 85:27-35 Scheckhuber CQ, Osiewacz HD (2008) Podospora anserina: a model organism to study mechanisms of healthy ageing. Mol Genet Genomics 280:365-374 Scheckhuber CQ, Wanger RA, Mignat CA, Osiewacz HD (2011) Unopposed mitochondrial fission leads to severe lifespan shortening. Cell Cycle 10:3105-3110 Servos J, Hamann A, Grimm C, Osiewacz HD (2012) A differential genome-wide transcriptome analysis: impact of cellular copper on complex biological processes like aging and development. PLOS ONE 7:e49292 Soerensen M, Gredilla R, Muller-Ohldach M, Werner A, Bohr VA, Osiewacz HD, Stevnsner T (2009) A potential impact of DNA repair on ageing and lifespan in the ageing model organism Podospora anserina: Decrease in mitochondrial DNA repair activity during ageing. Mech Ageing Dev 130:487-496 Strobel I, Breitenbach J, Scheckhuber CQ, Osiewacz HD, Sandmann G (2009) Carotenoids and carotenogenic genes in Podospora anserina: engineering of the carotenoid composition extends the life span of the mycelium. Curr Genet 55:175-184 Strobel I, Osiewacz HD (2013) Poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase is a substrate recognized by two metacaspases of Podospora anserina. Eukaryot Cell 12:900-912 Szklarczyk R, Nooteboom M, Osiewacz HD (2014) Control of mitochondrial integrity in ageing and disease. Philos Trans R Soc B-Biol Sci 369:Article No.: UNSP 20130439 Weil A, Luce K, Drose S, Wittig I, Brandt U, Osiewacz HD (2011) Unmasking a temperaturedependent effect of the P. anserina i-AAA protease on aging and development. Cell Cycle 10:42804290 Wiemer M, Osiewacz H (2014) The proteasome activity reporter GFP-Cl1 is degraded by autophagy in the aging model Podospora anserina. F1000Res 3:230 Zintel S, Bernhardt D, Rogowska-Wrzesinska A, Osiewacz HD (2011) PaCATB, a secreted catalase protecting Podospora anserina against exogenous oxidative stress. Aging-US 3:768-781 Zintel S, Schwitalla D, Luce K, Hamann A, Osiewacz HD (2010) Increasing mitochondrial superoxide dismutase abundance leads to impairments in protein quality control and ROS scavenging systems and to lifespan shortening. Exp Gerontol 45:525-532
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