How to become a guest student at the University of Stuttgart The

How to become a guest student at the University of Stuttgart
The “Studium Generale” ( offers, to anyone who is interested, a
broad selection of seminars and lectures appropriate for a larger audience; for example,
guest students, students studying outside their subject area, or university staff.
On the one hand, the courses belong to the regular curricula offered by the ten faculties of
the University of Stuttgart, especially including introductory lectures, seminars and tutorials,
and language courses offered by the language center (if there are open spots). On the other
hand, the Studium Generale also conceptualizes, organizes, and conducts their own lecture
series, seminars, and workshops.
No specific previous knowledge is needed to attend any of these courses. However, most of
them are held in German, and thus a basic knowledge of the language required.
You can find the up-to-date program (in German) here:
Guest students can choose courses adding up to 10 weekly lecture hours per semester
(which equals 5 two-hour courses) which they can attend for a full semester. Curricular
activities not listed in the Studium Generale’s program can be attended if the respective
lecturer agrees to the guest student’s request.
To attend the language courses at the language center, you can enroll separately.
In order to become a guest student, you will only have to fulfil two requirements:
1) Please hand in a completed and signed application to become a guest student
You can download the application here:
The link that says “Gasthörerantrag” will lead you to the application form
You can also send in your application via email to [email protected]
2) Please provide a copy of a document that proves you are excluded from having to
pay tuition fees.
The following documents are valid:
a) A copy of the confirmation that you are registered as an asylum seeker
(Bescheinigung über die Meldung als Asylsuchender (BÜMA))
b) A copy of your certificate of residence title for specific purposes
(Aufenthaltsgestattung) according to § 55 AsylVfG i.V.m. § 63 AsylVfG
c) A copy of your certificate of residence title due to international legal
reasons, humanitarian or political reasons (Aufenthaltstitels aus
völkerrechtlichen, humanitären oder politischen Gründen according to § 22 bis 26
des AufenthaltG)
d) A copy of the provisional passport for refugees, based on Article 28 of the
Geneva Convention on Refugees
e) A copy of the certificate on the temporary suspension of deportation
(vorübergehenden Aussetzung der Abschiebung (Duldung)) according to § 60a
Becoming a guest student makes you acquainted with the German academic landscape and
enables you to acquire basic knowledge in different academic and scientific fields. It helps
you to prepare for regular studies at the University of Stuttgart and to find the right subject of
study for you.
Please note that as a guest student you cannot collect credit points. Hence guest students
are not admitted to take exams or to receive a doctorate.
For further information regarding the course of studies as a guest student please contact the
Zentrum für Lehre und Weiterbildung | zlw
Studium Generale
Azenbergstr. 16
70174 Stuttgart
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 0711-685 820 35 oder 0711-685 820 36