From source to mouth: the sediment budget of the river Rhine Roy Frings1, Nicole Gehres2, Gudrun Hillebrand2, Stefan Vollmer2, Holger Schüttrumpf1 of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 2Department of Groundwater, Geology and River Morphology, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany Objective The objective of this research project is to establish a sediment budget for the entire Rhine catchment, starting at the source in Switzerland and extending to the mouth in the Netherlands (Fig. 1, 2). This implies quantification of the downstream fluxes of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders through the river Rhine and identification and quantification of their sources and sinks. Itributary Onet dredging Isediment feeding Ofloodplains/ groyne fields Iupstream Oabrasion ∆S (Bed level change) Fig. 3. The sediment budget approach, representing the balance between the sediment amounts entering the study area (I, Mt/a), leaving the study area (O, Mt/a) and being stored in the study area (ΔS, Mt/a). ∆z = total bed level change (m), ∆zt = tectonic bed level change (m), ∆t = time (a), W = river width (m), L = river length (m), ρs = mineral density (Mt/m3), p = porosity (-) (Frings et al, in prep). Study Area The Rhine has a drainage basin of 197,000 km2, covering 5 geological zones (Fig. 2). Its length is 1230 km and its discharge regime partly snow-melt and partly rain dominated. The mean discharge at the German-Dutch border is 2300 m3/s. For most of its length, the Rhine is heavily engineered (Fig. 1): banks are protected with groynes, shipping routes are constantly being dredged and embankments prevent flooding of the densely populated areas near the river. e f Fig. 1. The Rhine river from source to mouth: (a,b) Alps, (c) Upper Rhine Graben, (d) Rhenish Massif, (e,f) Delta. (Photo courtesy: H Krapf, Cinedoku Vorarlberg, BfG, F Geller-Grimm, Rijkswaterstaat, M Minderhoud). Fig. 2. Topography and geology of the Rhine basin (Frings et al, in prep, modified from CHR, 1976). Major tectonic units: 1. Alps with Molasse, 2. Upper Rhine Graben, 3. Rhenish Massif, 4. Lower Rhine Embayment, 5. North Sea Basin. Contact information [email protected] [email protected] Methods During the project duration (2012-2015) existing data on sediment fluxes, sources and sinks will be reanalysed, whereas essential, but hitherto missing data on the sediment input from tributaries and the exchange of channel sediment with floodplains and groyne fields will be gathered. We focus on the time period 1991-2010. Preliminary Results Up to now, a sediment budget analysis has been carried out for the German Lower Rhine, a 225 km long reach of the Rhine (area 4 in Fig. 2), focusing on gravel and sand. Echosoundings indicate an average bed degradation of 3 mm/a between 1991 and 2010 (Fig. 5a). This bed degradation represents a major term of the sediment budget (Fig. 4). Sediment sources are: the sediment supply from upstream (Fig. 5b) and the artificial feeding of sediment (mostly gravel) by river managers to reduce bed degradation (Fig 5c). Sediment inputs by tributaries and bank erosion are assumed negligible. Sediment sinks include net dredging activities (Fig. 5d), abrasion and the sediment output to the downstream area (Fig. 5b). Although no data on floodplain deposition exist, a significant deposition of sand on the floodplains and in the groyne fields has to be assumed in order to close the budget (Fig. 4). Invitation International cooperation is a prerequisite for success in this project. If you are interested in cooperating with us, please feel welcome to contact us. The sediment budget analysis shows that although the Rhine is a gravel bed river (Fig. 5e), sand is the dominant morphological agent, which implies a high morphological process rate. The budget also shows that the sediment exchange between the river bed, floodplains and groyne fields, which is usually neglected by river managers, is highly relevant. It may be clear that budget analyses provide new insights into the Rhine system. In future more insight into the sedimentary coupling of the several Rhine reaches, as well as a better understanding of the long-term (climate change) and short-term (floods) river development are expected. Sand & Gravel Budget 44% Sediment feeding 1 0 -1 -2 25% 0.4 1.3 Mt/a (100% ) Floodplains/ Groyne fields Downstream 41% 54% Fig. 4. Sediment budget for gravel and sand for the studied part of the Rhine (the German Lower Rhine) for the Period 1991-2010. 100% equals 1.30 Mt/a. Source: Frings et al. (2012). Project Funding The Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, Germany Sand (bed-load) 650 700 750 800 850 700 750 800 850 75 c 50 25 0 650 50 d x 103 m3/hm Dumping 25 0 Dredging 650 750 700 32 e 8 2 50 1% 4% 850 Gravel 0 0.5 Net dredging Abrasion Sand (suspended) 0.2 Upstream supply Bed degrad. 800 750 700 0.6 -25 31% 650 0.8 b Sediment load (Mt/a) Ibank erosion Sediment feeding (kt/hm) For sound river management, information is needed on (1) the size of the sediments that are moving, (2) the sources and sinks of these sediments, (3) the mechanism and magnitude of the sediment transport. This information can only be obtained through sediment transport measurements in combination with a sediment budget analysis (Fig. 3). ∆z − ∆zt ∆S = WLρ s (1 − p) ∆t 2 a 30 650 800 850 1992-2010 sand gravel d Odownstream Onet .dredging − O floodplains / groynefields − Oabrasion = ∆S Dredging/Dumping c Iupstream + Itributary + Ibank.erosion + I se dim ent . feeding − Odownstream − Discussion & Conclusions The causes for the bed degradation in the study area are a.o. the river training works from the past, an insufficient sediment supply from upstream and subsurface sediments consisting of fine Tertiary sand (Fig. 5f). The erosion of sand leads to bed coarsening (Fig. 5e) or armouring, which is likely to reduce erosion rates in future. Mean bed grain size (mm) b Background The Rhine (Fig. 1) is the most important waterway in Europe. It is subject to severe erosion and sedimentation, causing problems for e.g. navigation, flood safety and ecology. Elevation (m a.s.l.) a Bed level change (cm/a) 1Institute 1981-1983 750 700 River bed 800 850 f Quaternary 10 -10 Tertiary 800 750 650 700 850 Distance downstream along Rhine axis (km) Fig. 5. Downstream variation in bed level change (a), sediment transport (b), artificial sediment supply (c), dumping and dredging (d), bed grain size (e) and geology (f) (after: Frings et al 2012).
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