Workshop: Loyalitäten und IlloyalitätenAktuelle Forschungen zur Donaumonarchie Workshop: Loyalties and Disloyalties – Current Research on the Danube Monarchy Marburg, 19 January 2016 Venue: Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association, Vortragssaal, Gisonenweg 5-7, 35037 Marburg PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Monday, 18. January 2016 17.00-18.30 Registration at Hotel (tba) 18.30 Conference Dinner at Restaurant in Marburg Tuesday, 19. January 2016 09.00–9.15 Welcome: Heidi Hein-Kircher/Eszter Gantner Panel I. Communication of Loyalty and Disloyalty Chair: Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann (Hamburg) 09.15-10.00 Input Pieter M. Judson (Florence): Loyalties or Identities or ‘something else?’ A Situational Approach to Crisis in the Habsburg Monarchy 10.00-10.15 Discussion 10.15-10.35 Katarína Chmelinová (Bratislava): Arm of Court -Loyalties and Disloyalties in Baroque Visual Communication in Central Slovakia Mining Area 10.35-10.55 Hugo Lane (New York): The Ukrainian University Question: A Reconsideration of Nation-building Politics in an Imperial Context 10.55-11.15 Elisabeth Haid (Wien): „Tiroler des Ostens“ oder „russophile Verräter“: Darstellungen von Loyalität und Illoyalität der galizischen Ruthenen während des Ersten Weltkriegs 11.15-11.30 Discussion 11.30–11.45 Coffee Break Panel II. Multiple Loyalties? Multiple Disloyalties? Chair: Heidi Hein-Kircher (Marburg) 11.45–12.30 Input Peter Haslinger (Marburg-Gießen): Loyalty and Security: Habsburg and Post-Habsburg Spaces 12.30–12.45 Discussion 12.45-13.05 Iris Nachum (Tel Aviv/Jerusalem): Heinrich Rauchberg und die Loyalitätsfrage der „deutschen“ Juden in den böhmischen Ländern 13.05-13.25 Francesco Frizzera (Trento): Shaping identities. The civilian population of Trentino during the WWI 13.25-13.45 Piotr Kisiel (Florence): Understanding the “German City of Biala” thought identity and loyalty 13.45-14.00 Discussion 14.00–14.30 Lunch Panel III. Loyalty and Professional Identity Chair: Eszter Gantner (Marburg) 14.30-15.15 Input Mark Cornwall (Southampton): Accusations of Disloyalty and Anti-Dynasticism in the Habsburg Monarchy in the Twentieth Century 15.15-15.30 Discussion 15.30-15.50 Maria Papathanassiou (Athen): Loyalität und Identität: Wandernde Gesellen zwischen Habsburgerreich und Deutschtum um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts 15.50-16.10 Madalina Valeria Veres (Budapest): Competing Loyalties: Military Engineers and Astronomers in the Service of the Habsburg Monarchy (1740-1790) 16.10-16.30 Teodora Daniela Sechel (Graz): Loyalties and Disloyalties of the Transylvanian Physici (1770s-1830s) 16.30-17.30 Closing Roundtable discussion and Summary Admission to the conference is free of charge. Please register until 15 January 2016 via e-mail : [email protected]
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