Julian Aichholzer Julian Aichholzer – Publications Publications

Julian Aichholzer – Publications
(last updated November 11, 2015)
Work in progress:
Aichholzer, J. (submitted). Controlling acquiescence bias in measurement invariance tests.
Aichholzer, J., & Zandonella, M. (submitted). Psychological Bases of Support for Radical Right Parties:
Evidence from Austria.
Journal Articles:
Danner, D., Aichholzer, J., & Rammstedt, B. (2015). Acquiescence in personality questionnaires:
Relevance, domain specificity, and stability. Journal of Research in Personality, 57, 119-130.
Aichholzer, J. (2014). Random Intercept EFA of Personality Scales. Journal of Research in Personality,
53, 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2014.07.001
Zeglovits, E., & Aichholzer, J. (2014). Are People More Inclined to Vote at 16 than at 18? Evidence for
the First-Time Voting Boost Among 16- to 25-Year-Olds in Austria. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion
& Parties, 24, 351-361. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17457289.2013.872652
Aichholzer, J., Kritzinger, S., Wagner, M., & Zeglovits, E. (2014). How has radical right support
transformed established political conflicts? The case of Austria. West European Politics, 37, 113-137.
Aichholzer, J., & Willmann, J. (2014). Forecasting Austrian national elections: The Grand Coalition
model. International Journal of Forecasting, 30, 55-64.
Aichholzer, J. (2013). Intra-individual variation of extreme response style in mixed-mode panel studies.
Social Science Research, 42, 957-970. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.01.002
Book Sections:
Aichholzer, J., Kritzinger, S., Jenny, M., Müller, W. C., Schönbach, K., & Vonbun, R. (2014). Die
Ausgangslage. In S. Kritzinger, W. C. Müller & K. Schönbach (Eds.), Die Nationalratswahl 2013. Wie
Parteien, Medien und Wählerschaft zusammenwirken (pp. 9-38). Vienna: Böhlau.
Aichholzer, J., Johann, D., & Zeglovits, E. (2014). Wahlbeteiligung. In S. Kritzinger, W. C. Müller & K.
Schönbach (Eds.), Die Nationalratswahl 2013. Wie Parteien, Medien und Wählerschaft
zusammenwirken (pp. 177-190). Vienna: Böhlau.
Conference Papers:
Aichholzer, J. (2015). Controlling acquiescence bias in measurement invariance tests. Paper prepared
for European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA), Zurich, July 2015.
Wagner, M., Aichholzer, J. (2013). Disentangling the dynamic relationships between party
performance, issue proximity and party attachment. Paper prepared for presentation at EPOP Annual
Conference, Lancaster, September 2013.
Aichholzer, J. (2013). Scale Evaluation with Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling and
Simultaneous Adjustment for Acquiescence Bias. Draft prepared for 5th Conference of the European
Survey Research Association (ESRA), Ljubljana, July 2013.
Wagner, M., Aichholzer, J. (2013). Perceptions of party competence and issue proximity over time.
Paper prepared for presentation at the European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual
Conference, Barcelona, 20-21 June 2013.
Aichholzer, J., Willmann, J. (2012). Cling together, swing together: the Social Partnership model. An
economic voting model for Austrian national elections. Paper prepared for presentation at Tag der
Politikwissenschaft, University of Graz, 30 November 2012.
Aichholzer, J. (2012). Intra-individual Variation of Survey Response Styles in Mixed-Mode Panel
Studies: A Latent Transition Analysis of a Five-Wave Electoral Study. Paper prepared for presentation
at the European Political Science Association (EPSA) General Conference, Berlin, 21-23 June 2012.
Aichholzer, J. (2012). Detecting Intra-Individual Response Style Variation in Mixed-Mode Panel
Surveys. Paper prepared for presentation at the QMSS Seminar ‘Overtime Analysis in Comparative
Research’, University of Vienna, 19-21 April 2012.
Aichholzer, J., Kritzinger, S., Wagner, M., & Zeglovits, E. (2011). How are they different? Comparing
supporters of the radical right and mainstream parties in Austria. Paper prepared for presentation at
Tag der Politikwissenschaft, University of Salzburg, 2 December 2011.
Aichholzer, J., Johann, D., Kritzinger, S., & Glantschnigg, C. (2011). Religion und Wahlverhalten in
Österreich. [Religion and voting behavior in Austria.] Paper prepared for presentation at Tag der
Politikwissenschaft, University of Salzburg, 2 December 2011.
Kritzinger, S., Thomas, K., Glantschnigg, C., Aichholzer, J., Glinitzer, K., Johann, D., Wagner, M., &
Zeglovits, E. (2013). AUTNES Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Post-Election Survey 2014 –
Documentation. Vienna: University of Vienna.
Kritzinger, S., Johann, D., Aichholzer, J., Glinitzer, K., Glantschnigg, C., Thomas, K., Wagner, M., &
Zeglovits, E. (2013). AUTNES Rolling Cross-Section Panel Study 2014 – Documentation. Vienna:
University of Vienna.
Kritzinger, S., Zeglovits, E., Aichholzer, J., Glantschnigg, C., Glinitzer, K., Johann, D., Thomas, K., &
Wagner, M. (2013). AUTNES Pre- and Post-Election Survey 2014 – Documentation. Vienna: University
of Vienna.
Kritzinger, S., Johann, D., Glantschnigg, C., Aichholzer, J. Glinitzer, K., Thomas, K., Wagner, M., &
Zeglovits, E. (2013). AUTNES TV Debate Panel Survey 2014 – Documentation. Vienna: University of
Kritzinger, S., Aichholzer, J., Johann, D., Wagner, M., Willman, J., & Zeglovits, E. (2013). AUTNES Post
Post Election Survey 2009 – Documentation. Vienna: University of Vienna.
Zucha, V., Aichholzer, J., Gruber, K., Edlmayr, C. (2010). Wohnqualität und soziale Gerechtigkeit in
Wien. Ein Vergleich von Wohnqualität und Bewohnerstrukturen zwischen 1995 und 2008. SORA im
Auftrag von: MA 50 – Referat Wohnbauforschung.
Aichholzer, J. & Wagner, M. (2015). „Status quo“ bei Issue-Positionen zu Wirtschaft und Zuwanderung:
Ein Split-Ballot-Experiment. Presentation prepared for Election Study Meeting (AUTNES-GLES-Selects),
Mannheim, 19-20 March 2015.
Aichholzer, J. (2012). Intra-individual Variation of Survey Response Styles in Mixed-Mode Panel
Studies. Presentation prepared for Election Study Meeting (AUTNES-GLES-Selects), University of Vienna,
8-9 Nov 2012.
Doctoral Thesis:
Aichholzer, J. (2015). Nature and Impact of Response Style Behavior in Surveys. University of Vienna:
Doctoral Thesis.
Master Thesis:
Aichholzer, J. (2009). Determinanten der Wahlbeteiligung bei Europaparlamentswahlen. Eine
Individualdaten-Analyse der Wahlen zum Europaparlament in Österreich im Jahr 2004. [Determinants
of turnout in European Parliament elections. An individual data analysis of the European Parliament
elections in Austria 2004]. University of Vienna: Master Thesis.