PLATYPUS THEATER FROM MARCH 2016 TO JULY 2016 01 03 0203 st nd rd 04th 07th 08th 09th 10th 11th 14th 15th 16th 16th 17th 17th 04 27 10 05 1112 th th th th 06 THE TORTILLA CURTAIN BKA-Theater TOP CARD CAMILLA BKA-Theater SEE YOU LATER NAVIGATOR BKA-Theater SEE YOU LATER NAVIGATOR BKA-Theater BEN AND THE SMUGGLERS BKA-Theater BEN AND THE SMUGGLERS BKA-Theater TOP CARD CAMILLA BKA-Theater BETWEEN THE LINES BKA Theater TOP CARD CAMILLA FEZ Astrid-Lindgren-Bühne BETWEEN THE LINES BKA-Theater THE TORTILLA CURTAIN CURTAIN BKA Theater BETWEEN THE LINES ufaFabrik Großer Saal THE TORTILLA CURTAIN BKA-Theater THE TORTILLA CURTAIN + 7.30 p.m. ufaFabrik Theatersaal BETWEEN THE LINES BKA-Theater Wed ANGSTMÄN 11 a.m. BKA-Theater Tue 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Fri 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Tue 11 a.m. ANGSTMÄN BKA-Theater THE CLOWN WHO LOST HIS CIRCUS BKA-Theater TEENAGERS IN TROUBLE BKA-Theater TOP CARD CAMILLA BKA-Theater THE TORTILLA CURTAIN BKA-Theater SEE YOU LATER NAVIGATOR BKA-Theater BETWEEN THE LINES BKA-Theater BEN AND THE SMUGGLERS BKA-Theater THE CLOWN WHO LOST HIS CIRCUS BKA-Theater IN TROUBLE 02nd 11Thua.m. TEENAGERS Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt IN TROUBLE 06th 11Mona.m. TEENAGERS BKA-Theater KOOKY SHOW 08th 10Weda.m. THE Kulturforum Hellersdorf CLOWN WHO LOST HIS CIRCUS 27th 11Mona.m. THE BKA-Theater CARD CAMILLA 28th 11Tuea.m. TOP BKA-Theater YOU LATER NAVIGATOR 29th 11Weda.m. SEE BKA-Theater YOU LATER NAVIGATOR 30th 11Thua.m. SEE BKA-Theater TORTILLA CURTAIN CURTAIN 01st 11Fria.m. THE BKA-Theater AND THE SMUGGLERS 04th 11Mona.m. BEN BKA-Theater THE LINES 05th 11Tuea.m. BETWEEN BKA-Theater AND THE SMUGGLERS 05th 11Tuea.m. BEN HdJ Charlottenburg CARD CAMILLA 06th 11Weda.m. TOP BKA-Theater 07th 11Thua.m. ANGSTMÄN BKA-Theater CARD CAMILLA Fri 08th 11 a.m. TOP BKA-Theater TORTILLA CURTAIN 11th 11Mona.m. THE BKA-Theater 12th 11Tuea.m. ANGSTMÄN BKA-Theater CLOWN WHO LOST HIS CIRCUS Tue 12th 11 a.m. THE Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt THE LINES 13th 11Weda.m. BETWEEN BKA-Theater IN TROUBLE 13th 11Weda.m. TEENAGERS HdJ Charlottenburg THE LINES 14th 11Thua.m. BETWEEN BKA-Theater IN TROUBLE 15th 11Fria.m. TEENAGERS BKA-Theater OFFICE HOURS ADMISSION Phone: 030 The Tortilla Curtain Between The Lines The Clown Who Lost ... All Other Shows Monday: 12 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday - Friday: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Fax: 61 40 19 20 030 25 93 93 68 Internet: Visit us on Facebook Berlin Theater der Schulen Brandenburg 9,00 € 8,00 € 6,00 € 7,00 € 7,50 € 6,50 € 4,50 € 5,50 € 8,50 € 7,50 € 5,50 € 6,50 € E-Mail: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter @Platypus_Theater Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin - Senatskanzlei - Kulturelle Angelegenheiten. ©thomaskraft2015 07 18th 19th 20th 25th 26th 31st Tue 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Fri 11 a.m. Mon 11 a.m. Tue 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Fri 11 a.m. Mon 11 a.m. Tue 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Wed 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. Thu 11 a.m. BETWEEN THE LINES Talking books? Books with personalities? Three eighth grade English textbooks named Red, White and Blue, smuggle themselves into a suitcase belonging to Ms. Anna Neldner, an English teacher. Suddenly the bookpeople find themselves in the heart of the vibrant city of New York. Follow their journey through the USA as they learn how to live life away from a bookshelf. Watch as their curiosity takes them from a poetry slam in the Bronx to an audition in Hollywood. When Blue gets into trouble with the police, Ms. Neldner comes to his aid THE TORTILLA CURTAIN TOP CARD CAMILLA a fantastical travel comedy through the USA recommended for grade 8 and 9 (from sixth year of learning English) or ages 12-16 and he reveals the books’ identities. A holiday for one turns into a holiday for four… Berliner Zeitung: „… das neue Stück BETWEEN THE LINES ist ideal für 8. und 9. Klassen. Autor Peter Scollin und sein Team haben ein witziges Werk geschaffen, das neben dem Umgang mit Büchern auch das Leben in den USA zum Thema hat. (3 von 3 Sternen)“ Sabine Thiele (teacher, Otto-NagelGymnasium): “We were so impressed and astonished how you could manage to turn books into life. A really great job!” Yorck Enke (student, Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium): ”... I really enjoyed listening to you and watching other funny things like the best walk in the universe …“ Malak (student, Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium): ”The story was really cool and I enjoyed it very much.“ illegal immigration - a microcosmic examination of poverty and wealth, recommended for Sekundarstufe II (Oberstufe) or ages 15 + Delaney Mossbacher and his wife Kyra are living out the modern American Dream. Delaney is a writer and Kyra sells real estate. When Delaney runs over an illegal Mexican immigrant, their peaceful lifestyle is suddenly disturbed. Delaney doesn’t report the car accident. Being injured, Cándido is unable to work. Having no food and no money, Cándido’s pregnant young wife América is forced to search for work in the cut-throat world of the illegal immigrants. The steadily growing illegal immigrant population is disturbing the community and plans are being made about how to keep them out. duration: 100 minutes based on the T.C. Boyle novel adapted by Peter Scollin directed by Anja Scollin performed by Andrea Pani Laura, Louise Watts, Kenneth George, Peter Scollin EXBERLINER: “... the actors do an extraordinary job of portraying the complex ideologies and emotions that go into the sometimes oversimplified immigration debate.” ZITTY: „Anja Scollins Inszenierung … verwässert die Geschichte nicht mit kitschiger Moral, sondern verlässt sich in Konrad Schallers effektivem Bühnenbild aus Kartonsteinen auf die darstellerische Kraft ihres Ensembles. Und Melissa Holroyd, Andrea Pani Laura, Kenneth Phillips und Christian Serritiello - selbst Migranten in unserem Land - lassen die Geschichte von Hoffnung und Fremdenphobie aus den fernen USA bei uns leben.“ DER TAGESSPIEGEL online: „Dabei gelingt es ihm [Peter Scollin] und seinen vier Darstellern im BKA Theater, Boyles zeitgenössische Version von Steinbecks „Früchte des Zorns“ mit einfachen Mitteln in ein kurzweiliges Kammerspiel zu verwandeln.“ a bilingual play about a very special collection recommended for grade 3 and 4 (from first year of learning English) or ages 6 -10 Finn and Lukas are obsessed with their “Power Race” trading cards.The young boys fight over the cards. Two of the most sought after cards are torn and Princess Camilla and Martia Assassina suddenly come to life. Princess Camilla desperately needs Finn’s help if she is going to escape from her rival Martia Assassina. Will Finn and Lukas be able to help Camilla find the three lucky charms that she needs in order to triumph over the dangerous Martia Assassina, or will Martia become the Queen of Toskland? duration: 80 minutes directed by Anja Scollin written by Peter Scollin and Kenneth George performed by Carrie Getman, Mareike Jaeger, Sebastian Weissbach, Ingo Beck THE CLOWN WHO LOST HIS CIRCUS Willing the clown wakes up one morning to find that his circus has gone without him. His friend Lester the Jester has a solution to the problem. “Forget the old circus” he says, “we can make a new circus here with the audience.” Together with the audience a new circus is built: The children take over the roles of the missing circus performers. Zitty: „In Sachen Glaubwürdigkeit bekommt das zweisprachige Platypus Theater für diese Produktion hundert Punkte. Die Kinder in der Vorstellung gehen mit wie beim Kasperle-Theater. „Pass auf“ und „Nein, mach das nicht“ schreien sie. Vielleicht gefällt es ihnen, “Get into the bath!” Ben’s mother insists. The overseas visitors are arriving soon. Ben reluctantly obeys but no sooner has the twelve year old closed the bathroom door than his vivid imagination starts working. His weekly bath turns into a fantastic, larger-than-life, actionpacked adventure involving himself, two smugglers and a young girl called Lisa. duration: 55 minutes written and performed by Peter Scollin directed by Michael Wansbrough TEENAGERS IN TROUBLE It’s 1957 - Biggy and her parents have just migrated from Berlin to Centerville, USA. When Biggy bumps into Dave on the way to her first day at an American school, it’s both embarrassing and electrifying. Dave’s friend Tom wants to help solve Dave’s financial problems by breaking into the coke machine at school. But Tom hadn’t expected that Dave was not only in love with Biggy, but also with the coke machine ... VENUES BKA Theater, Mehringdamm 34, Berlin-Kreuzberg, U6 und U7 Mehringdamm (Ausgang Yorckstraße), Bus M19, 140, 248 echo: „Der gebürtige Australier [Peter Scollin] versteht es, Kinder trotz der fremden Sprache zum Mitmachen zu motivieren ... Für alle Akteure gibt es viel Applaus ... Und am Ende haben alle Kinder dazu gelernt: Englisch verstehen und sprechen ist gar nicht so schwer.“ a bilingual bathroom comedy with an environmental message recommended for grade 5 and 6 (from third year of learning English) or ages 8 - 11 duration: 60 minutes written by Peter Scollin directed by Kenneth George performed by Amy Nye, Anja Scollin, Jörg Schönborn/Codrin Serbanescu and Kenneth George türlich geht alles gut aus ... Es gibt viel Applaus und später jede Menge Briefe für die Scollins.“ Spielart: „Ein sehr empfehlenswertes, kurzweiliges Stück ...“ Der Tagesspiegel: „Was bedeutet noch mal „lifeboat“, was „stowaway“, und heißt „Dutch“ nicht Holländisch statt Deutsch? ... Die Schüler johlen sind die dumm, die Schmuggler! ...Naa bilingual adaptation of the award winning play (deutscher Hörspielpreis), recommended for grade 5 (from third year of learning English) or ages 8 - 11 Jennifer is home alone. Rules are made to be broken! Messer, Schere, Gabel, Licht… great for a while but then a funny feeling creeps up on her. ANGSTMÄN has lost his way and landed in Jennifer’s cupboard on planet Earth. Jennifer doesn’t know what to make of this overanxious creature. Then the doorbell rings. She expects the Pizza Service but it’s Pöbelmän. He has one foot in the door and the torture is about to begin! But with her cheeky behaviour, Jennifer – no, we won’t tell you that yet … SEE YOU LATER NAVIGATOR dass es keine pädagogische Botschaft gibt, die sagt, dass Kartensammeln blöd ist. Viel wichtiger sind hier die Themen Freundschaft und Mut. Ganz nebenbei wechseln die jungen Darsteller zwischen Deutsch und Englisch und erklären englische Begriffe. Turbulent und spannend, realistisch und lehrreich.“ blz (Berliner Lehrerzeitung): „Spannende Verwicklungen, wilde Bühnenkämpfe und ganz viele einfache Vokabeln und verständliche englische Sätze – und natürlich ein happy ending.“ a participation show recommended for grade 3 and 4 (from first year of learning English) or ages 6 - 10 NWZ Neue Württembergische Zeitung: „Englischsprachiges Theater – au Backe, wie das wohl werden würde? ... und „The Clown Who Lost His Circus“, der Clown der seinen Zirkus verloren hatte, kam richtig gut an.“ BEN AND THE SMUGGLERS ANGSTMÄN duration: 95 minutes written by Peter Scollin directed by Anja Scollin performed by Liz Erber, Florian Korty, Judith Shoemaker, Lee Stripe duration: 65 minutes written by Hartmut el Kurdi directed by Anja Scollin performed by Laura Wilkinson, Bridge Markland and Heike Ulbrich Zitty: „ ...die wunderbar witzige Sprachspielerei hat das Zeug zum Dauerbrenner!“ Neues Deutschland: „Die absurde Situation, die lustigen Dialoge und die Spielfreude der drei Darsteller verhindern jegliche Zeigefingermoral. [….] alle drei schaffen spielend den Spagat zwischen knalligem Comicspaß und Hintergründigem.“ Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: „Mit seinem erfrischenden Stück macht das Berliner Theater Platypus auf erfrischende Weise Mut.“ a race through London recommended for grade 6 and 7 (from fourth year of learning English) or ages 10 - 13 Maddy and Tom are trying to win a 20.000 pound prize in a game in which they have to navigate their way around the busy city of London. Their efforts to go from one famous London landmark to the next and to solve puzzles as quickly as possible along the way are being thwarted. There is a major obstacle that no one knows about except Doctor Quant. It’s an artificial intelligence microchip and it’s having a huge effect on the game. Will Rebecca Ryan, the supervisor of the game, and the two contestants find out about Dr. Quant’s evil plan in time? duration: 80 minutes written by Peter Scollin directed by Anja Scollin performed by: Louise Watts, Mumta Mala Ghedia, Kenneth George Peter Scollin ZITTY: „... die rasante Jagd durch London überzeugt in ihrer Mischung aus Fernsehquiz-Imitat und Theaterstück. Der Plot nimmt immer wieder originelle Wendungen und schon bald ertappt sich der Zuschauer dabei, wie er, in seinem Halbwissen kramend, selbst eifrig miträtselt, Regisseurin Anja Scollin arbeitete gemeinsam mit ihren Schauspielern die gegensätzlichen Hauptcharaktere, nämlich Streberin und Luftikus, liebevoll aus.“ a comedy recommended for grades 6 – 9 (from fourth year of learning English) or ages 11 - 15 duration: 60 minutes the play is published by Cornelsen, “Kisses and Cokes”, Bestellnr.: 68102 (level 1) written by Lindy Annis music: Carolyn del Rosario directed by Detlef Wintzen performed by Anja and Peter Scollin ZITTY: „Teenagers in Trouble ist eine sehr glaubhafte, nie anbiedernde Produktion.“ Der Tagesspiegel: „Das einstündige Stück ... wird nie langweilig. Viel Bewegung und wunderbares Mienenspiel halten die jugendlichen Zuschauer bei der Stange ...“ ufafabrik, Viktoriastr. 10-18, 12105 Berlin, U-6, direkt am U-Bahnhof Ullsteinstr., Bus 170/246 (Friedrich-Karl-Str. und Attilaplatz) FEZ an der Wuhlheide, Straße zum FEZ 2, Berlin-Oberschöneweide, S3 Wuhlheide, TRAM 27, 63 oder 67 GMH Gropiusstadt, kleiner Saal, Bat-Yam-Platz 1, Berlin-Neukölln, U7 Lipschitzallee, Bus 373 HdJ Charlottenburg, Zillestr. 54, Berlin-Charlottenburg, U7 Bismarckstr., U2 Deutsche Oper, Bus 309 Kulturforum Hellersdorf, Carola-Neher-Str. 1, 12619 Berlin-Hellersdorf, U5 oder Bus 197 Neue Grottkauer Str., Bus 195 Hellersdorfer Eck Platypus Theater (office) Markgrafenstraße 87, 10969 Berlin Phone: 030 61401920, Fax: 030 25939368 [email protected] Despite our attention to precision, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed times and dates. ©Fotos: Jörg Metzner, Penny Watts and private
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