Vortrag Dr. Daniela De Simone

Rheinische Institut für Orient- und
Friedrich-Wilhelms- Asienwissenschaften
Universität Bonn
Abteilung für Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte WS 2015/16
Dr. Daniela De Simone
(Affiliated Fellow of the International Institute for Asian Studies
(IIAS), Leiden):
Beyond Stupas and Pillars: The Urban Revolution of the Mauryas
Mo., 09.11.2015
Beginn: 18:15
Abteilung für Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte,
Adenauerallee 10, ÜR (EG)
Dr. Daniela De Simone obtained her PhD in South Asian Studies from L’Orientale, University of Naples in
2012. Her thesis focused on the archaeology of Pataliputra, capital of the Mauryan Empire. Dr. De Simone
worked at the Ashokan site of Gotihawa as a member of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Nepal, and
was a consultant for the “Historic Districts for All” initiative of UNESCO New Delhi. She is currently engaged in a re-assessment of Mauryan material culture.
Details can be found at: http://www.iias.nl/profile/daniela-de-simone
Dr. De Simone’s presentation will analyse the archaeological evidence emerged at Mauryan urban sites
across the Ganga Valley.